HomeMy WebLinkAboutveg permitg7coL E, NOTICE OF p VEGETATION REMOVAL 10 PERMIT THE APPLICANT SHALL KEEP THIS PERMIT POSTED ON -SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING LAND CLEARING. Permil 20200982 Fee: $85.00 Building Permits: 2009-0708 Date Issued: 11242020 Property Owner: Garcia, Adair Date Expires: Upon completion ofwork, or 11242021, whichever occurs first Contractor: TBD`Vee disclosure statement on page 4 of application form) Parcel ID#: 1309 411-0001-000 0 Project Location: 5555 Johnston Road, Fort Pierce FL Property Size: 5 42 acres ProYet DescriptionApplicant requests vegetation removal permit for construction of a new single family residence (Building Permit# 2009 0708). _ Field Notes. 1. HABITAT'. Upland Vacant Residential lot b. Wetlands: None observed by staff. Please note this"s not constitute a state or federal jurisdictional determination and all formal wetland delineations must be obtained from appropriate state anti/or federal agencies. 2. WILDLIFE None observetl. 8. SIGNIFICANT ARCHAEOLOGICAL OR HISTORIC FINDINGS None Identified. Perrot#2828UU98E sands zest One rollowirg: According to St Lucie county Land Development Regulations (chapter 6 00 04) this project qualifies for a Vegetation Removal Permit The following vegetation has been identified for removal. i. Three (8) oak trees measuring 24", 16" & 18" DBH 2. Nonnative underbrush Specific Pemtl Conditions: Areas outside of the development footprint shall be considered preservation/protection areas (Land Development Code Section 60005A 2). A conspicuous protective barrier shall be placed and maintained around the perimeter of protected areas) of vegetation to form a continuous boundary as specified In the General conditions of Issuance section. general Conditions or Isseareol The following minimum standards for vegetation protection shall be applied to areas of vegetation designated to be preserved At a minimum distance of either ten (10) feet from the edge of groups of protected vegetation or from the radius of the unkind from all protected trees, whichever Is greater, • Protective barriers or protective designations shall remain In place until removal is authorized by SLC ERo, or until Issuance of a certificate of occupancy; • In the event that any protective barriersare removed or altered and clearing activities are conducted within an area identified for preserve SLC ERo is authorized to direct that all land clearing and site alteration work at the site be stopped until the barriers are restored and any necessary corrective actions taken to repair or replant any vegetation removed or damaged as a result of these encroachments • The preserve areas and nee pof the aooa areas shall be maintained in their natural ware, so as not m altar mewd@rand oxygen content argofinesoil andimpair i) function; • ANational Pollutant Discharge Elimination or ore Plea Permit, wwden from misperm¢,may berequired for constiucoseactivities disturbing 1acreormore. Please visit wwwtor t772tate fl621668fsr moreinformaesor con grade changes Vega, or Lucie County any maytormwater be am within at]]2-0areas for more informa• tion No any excavation x changes or then activities es any sort may be made within me barricadedtareaareas; • If any epruned (t or depth of iequ are expected outside to se Dane preserve area or tlripline, me roots should firstbe depmnetl (m me tlepm be requiredexcavation)a protected etevermemcleanly; • If underground utilities must beau@tl maughapa@c@tlaotzone area , tunneling under the roots shall be required, If irrigation must be Insblletl, it shall be installed outside of me tlripline of all prese nce and protected • trees; • No till material, construction material, concrete paint, chemicals, or other foreign materials shall be stored deposited or disposed of within a vegetation preservation area; • No signs, permits, wires, or other attachments shall be affixed or attached to protected vegetation; • No equipment, including passenger vehicles, shall be tlriven, parked or stored or repaired within designated vegetation preservation areasPLEASE BE ALi THAT ANY WATNEVEGETATON DESTROIRED OR DAMAGED OUTSKE OF THE bell OF CIADIUMODUE TO DESTROYEDORDAMAGEW Post Ctearma Requirements: 1. Mitigation: Mitigation requirementcare to he met through Dnsite preservation. During a site visit an 101912020, ERD staff noted that sufficient trees are identified for preservation, to meet and exceed the mitigation requirement 2. landscaping: The landscape requirements of one native tee per 2,500 square feet of property, up to a maximum of 17 tees, must be met As this property Is 5 4 acres (acres X 43,560 =square feet of this property) 235,224 square feet, (square feebE 500 =tees), n tees (measuring 25" diameter at breast height (DBH) & 12 I1T), or a total of 425 DBH of tees are required. Please note that landscaping requirements are separate from, and In addition to Dee mitigation requirements. PLEASE rOre • TMSISMTARAUMRILT NTOPLACEFILLORORR6GPADE PWPg . PLEASE CORFACT A PROWIMIORAL SURVEYOR TO WM$NE IF YOUR PWPERef IS AFFECTED BY OR LIls WRR A FLOOWLAIR. • TMEAPPLIUNTSIALLRFID TUISUMfflOR M4MOµWEATALLT UWMRG LARDCLFAMRG. • TMEPROPERN OWRFRANDORAGER SUALLEARESPoRURE FOROWAIMRG ALL APPLICAXESTATEARWR FENRAL PW ITs �� ZfA4 �Be �naF,Fa.ra>kg.Gw�rs �Y.a,�cst