HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA; Royal Sovereign Asphalt Shingle 3-TabFR BRADCO SUPPLY
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03/30/01 FRI 17:12 FAX 5614042464
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Cathy Denti
1( 001
5614642464 CertainTeed Page 002
CT 20 Shingles
Cartal"Yeed Corporation
Roofing Products Crroup
750 E. Swedc-9ford Road
P.O. Box 860
Valley Forge, PA. 19482
phone; (800) 23S-8990
FAX: (610) $41-7940
Product Discriptlon
Basic Use: A shingle of 3-tab strip
construction that combine e
durability with flexibility and
good looks. Available in "3ngl1:ah"
dimensions • 12" x 36".
CT 20 sh,iroes are: available in
the following calors Black, Cedar
Brown, Cinnamon Frost, Dove
Gray, Pam -it Gray, Gray Frost,
Moire Black, Nickel Gray,
Oakwood, Slate Gray, Star White,
Timber Blend and Weathered
Wood, CT 20 is available in
CcstainTeed5 Middle Atlantic and
Northeast Sales !legions. Color
availability can vary by region.
Limitations: Use an roofs with slopes
greater than 2" per foot. Low slope
applications (2" to 4" per foot)
require additional underlaymenL,
In areas where icing along the:
eaves can cause a backup of
water, apply CertainTeed
WinterCTuardTm Waterproofing
Shingle Underlayrnmt, or its
equivalent, according to applica-
tion tnstructiom provided with
the prod%aot and on the shingle
On slopes greater than 21" per
foot, apply a 1" diameter spot of
asphalt roofing ocmunt (ASTM D
4586, Type II) under each shingle
tab corner acr.:arding to appitca-
tion instrucuona pmvirlerl on the
shingle package.
Compositina and Materials: CT 20 shingles are
composed of a fiber glass mat hasse
Ceramic -coated mineral granules are
tightly embedded in specially rained,
water-rc,-ietant asphalt. Thiti is a 3-tab
strip shingle.
Technical Data
40calde Siahilardsr
ASTM D 3018, Type I
ASTM D 3462
ASM D 1922 Tc:sir Strength: Min, 1740g
ASTM E 108 Fire Resistance: Clasm A
ASTM D 3IS1, Type I Wind Resislanm..
UL 790 Fire Resistance: Class A
LIT,. 997 Wind Resistance
BOCA & S3CCI Building Codcs '
Miamt-bade Product Control Acceptance
Ontario BMOC Auth. 97-12-221
Weights aed Sizes:
Weight/Square (approx,): 200 lba,
Dimensions (overall): 12" x 36" (English)
Shingles/Square: 80
Weather Exposure: 5"
Detailed inmtaUcttioa instructions
including diagrams are supplied on each
bundle. of CT 20 shinglev, ur srdparate
application sheets may be. obtained from
Ccrtainl`eed, The following to a general
summary of installation methods. NOTE:
Refer to application instructions supplied
with the shingles for further iaformatioa
and application procedures.
Root Deck Requirements: Apply shingles to
minimum 3/8" thick plywood, minimum
7/ 16" thick man -veneer, or minimum 1"
thick (nominal) wood lock-. The plywood
or non -veneer decks mast comply with
the specifications of APA-The. Engineered
Wood Association,
Val ilaliah. Provisions for ventilation
should me:e:t or cacced current HUD
Standards. To ensure adequate ven-
tilation, use a combination of con-
tinuous ridge ventilation (using a
product such as Ridge FiltdWato
or midge Filter ShingiaVenta ly,
manufactured by Air Vent Inc., a
CertainTeed aubxaidtary) and
balmnced soffit venting.
Valees: Valley liner must br applied
before shingles. The Closed -Cut
valley application method is recom.
mended, using CertainTeed
WinterGuard Waterproofing Shingle
Underlayment, or its equivalent, tc
line the valley prior to being fully
coursed by the shingles.
Utdarloymanl: At standard alopre (h"
per foot or greater) a single: layer of
Roofers Select" High -Performance
shingle underlayrnent Car product
meeting ASTM D 4860, 1),pe I) is
recommended. For UT, fire rating,
ttndex*ymeat may be required.
Corrosion -resistant drip edge is rec-
ommended atrri should be placed
over the underlaymcat at the rake
and beneath the ttnderlaymeat at
the eaves.
On low .slopes (2" to 4" per root),
apply CertainTeed Winterouard
Waterproofing Siiirtc Uaderlayment
or its equlvalent, or two layers of 36"
wide felt stiirtgla underlayment
(Roofers' Selc:r..i High-Peformancm
Underlaymimt or product meeting
ASTM D 4669) lapped 19", cues
entire dock according to the applica.,
tion Instructions provided with the
Product. When WinterGuard is
applied to the rake area, the drip
edge may be iaBtalled under ar over
WlnterGuard. At the cave, when
WinterGuard does not overlap
03/30/01 FRI 17 ;13 FAX 5614642464 Oathy�Denti I1002
92/27/01 11:48:37 -> 5614642464 CertainTeed Page 883
CT 20 Shingles
the gutter or fascia, the drip
edge must bc: installed under
VAriterGuard. When WinterGuard
overlaps the fascia or gutter, the
drip edge or other metal must be
installed over It
Fatsteria0: Four na &, are required
per shingle. They are to be located
5/8" above the top of each cutout
and 1" and 12" froth each side of
tj,.e shingle. Naile must be of suffl-
( i. t length to penetrate into the
deck 3/4" or through the thickness
of the decking, whichever 0 Iess-
Nails are to be 11 or 12 gauge,
corm9iou-resistant roofing nails
with 3/8" heads.
ApphWing- The recommended appli-
cation method is the 91x-course, 6"
Stepped -Off Diagonal Method
found on cash bundle of shinglcs.
These shingles may also be applied
using the 5' Stepped -Off piagonal
Method, or the 6" Offset, Single -
Column Vertical -Racking Method,
instructions for which may be
obtained from CertatnTeed. These
shingles may be uwd for new con-
striction or for reroofing over old
Flashes: Use corrosion- resistant '
metal flashing.
Hilts and ilidnas: For capping hips
and ridges use CT,20 shingles.
Double oottrsing will accent the
rooflines and improve overall
Availability and Cost
AvailaWly: For the names of local
dlstributom and dealers, please
write Architectural Support, P.O.
Box $60, Valley Forgo, PA
19482; or call (800) 233-8990.
Cad: Contact local distributor or
dealer for curren.l. price information.
CT 20 shingles carry a limited
transferable wasrmrity to the
consumer against manufacturing
defects for 20 years. In addition.
CT 20 sjwo carries 3-year
SureStart" protection. For
specific warranty details and lim-
itations, refer to the warranty
itself (available from the local
supplier or applicator or by
writing toCertainTeed
CT 20 shingles do not require
maintenance when installed
according to manufacturer's
application instructions.
However, to protect the Invest-
ment, any roof should be
routinely inspected at least once
a year. Oldtir roofs should be
looked at more frequently.
Toch 141A Servlaes
Complete technical support and
eumistAnce is available through
Architectural Support personnel,
Territory Managers and the fully
staffed and equipped Research
and Dvwclopment f7cility in Blue
Bell, PA.
Filing Systems
Sweetsd Arr..hitectural Catalog
07310 / CER
Sweet SourceG Electronic Catalog
For additional information and littMture
contact Archltectural Support,
P.O. Box $60, Valley Forge, PA 19482;
(800) 233-swo.
aloo t8000OeA-tn7t..irvrr:v�tb,,.
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