HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA; Series PA-14 Aluminium Single Hung WindowMAR 28 2001 12:01 FR BINNINGS PAN AMERICAN305 681 0454 TO 15614897406 P.02i12 KI 1�tETR�i3At�E &IETROPOLITAN DADE (3OUNTY, FLORIOA METRO -DADS FLAGLER BUILDING PRODUCT CONTROL NO-TICE OF ACCEPTANCE Dinning s Pan American 2805 N.IJ:"I85 St, Miami FL 33163 BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE METR0•DADE FLAGLER BUILDING 140 wE'ST FLAGLER STREET, SUITE 1603 MIANII, FLORIDA 33130-1563 (305) 375-2901 FAX 1305) 375-2906 PRODUCT CONTROL DIVISION (305) 375.2902 FAX (305) 372.6339 Your application for Product Approlial of - Series PW -14 A lu gzjjzrV'ndo v under Chapter S of the Metropolitan Dade County Code governing the use cif lltcrnatc Ivlatcria(s and ` Types of Construction, and completely described in the plans, specifications and calculations as submitted b}•: Applica�rl, a1o�r; avillr brufyirr b No. -p A-14DC-pl, Streets 1 rkru & of S. has been recommended for acceptance by the Building Code Compliance office to be used in County, Florida under the specific conditions set forth on apes 2 et. se , Dade on page 3, p q and the Standard Conditions This approval shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Office of Code Compliance reserves the right to secure this product or material at anytime from a jobsite or manufacturer`s !ant for quality control testing. If this product or material fails to perform in. the approved mariner, t�`1c Code Compliance Office may revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material immediately. The applicant shall re-evaluate this product or material should any antmendments 1:o the South Florida Building Code be enacted affeetingthis.product or material. The Building Code Comp.'iance Office reserves the the right to revoke this approval, if it is determined by the Buildin, Code Conlpiiancc off -Ice that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the South Florida Building Code. The expense Of such testing will be incurred by the ma;iufacturer. AAcceptnncc No,:97-1027.09 (Rcyises No.: 96-022 EXPires:07/09101 ' it:iul Rod iguez Product Control Supervisor THIS IS THE COVERSHEET, SCE ADDITIONAL PAGES FOR SPECIFIC AND GENERAL CONVITIONS BUILDING CODE COI TINI11TEE This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the Metropolitan Dade Ccur,ty Building Code Compliance Department and approved by the Building Rode Committee to be used in Dad County, Florida under the conditions set Forth above NI e BE Ir;1AI. Approvcd:07/09/93 LIT e s anner, Din!ctor Building Code Compliance Dept. Metropolitan Dade County Internet mail address: post master®buildln9codenMin e.com Homepage: httP:/1www -If- - ___ 03-28-01 12 : 42 PFCFT VFn FROM: RRR RRI 0454 P • 02 MAR 28 2001 12:02 FR BINNINGS PAN AMERICAN305 681 0454 TO 15614897406 P.03/12 Binninas Pan American ACCEPTANCE No.: 97-1027.09 APPROVED JUL 0 9 1998 EXPIRES JUL 0 9 2001 NOTICE OF ACCEPTA�VCt• SPECT IC CONDIT[ONS I. SCOPE 1.1 This renews and revises the Notice of Acceptance No. 96-0220.01, which was issued on July 18, 1996. This approves an altuninum single hung window, as described in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, designed to comply wi[h the South Florida Building Code (SFBC), 1991 1-dition for Miami -Dade County, for the locations where the pressure requirements, as determined by SFBC Chapter 23, do not exceed the Design Pressure Rating values indicated in the approved dtaMngs. 2• PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 2.1 The Series PA-14 Aluminum Single Hung Window and.its co.-nponents shall be constructed in Strict compliance with the following documents: DraNaing No PA-14])C-01, Sheets 1 through 8 of 8, dated 10/22197, revised on 6*/16/98, signed and sealed by Wrn. M. 1Yfeycrs, P.E., bearing the Miami - Dade County Product Control approval stamp with the Notice of �cceptancc number and approval date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Division. These documents shall hereinafter be referred to as the approved drawings. 3. LIMITATIONS 3.1 This approval applies to single unit applications only, as shown in approved drawings. 4. INSTALLATION 4.1 The aluminum single hung window and its components shall be installed in strict compliance «ith the approved drawings. 4.2 Hurricane protection systerr. (shutters): the installation of this unit «•ill require a hurricane protection system. 5. LABELING 5-1 Each unit shall bear a perrmant:nt label %tiith the manufacturers name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami -bade County Product Control Approved". 6, BUILDING PERiNIIT REQUIREI,1ENTS 6.1 Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 6.1.1 This Notice ofAcceptaace 6.1.2 Duplicate copies of the approved drawings, as identified in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, clearly marked to show the components selected fcr the proposed installation. 6.1.3 Any other documents required by the Building Official or the �South Florida Building Code 6.1.4 (SFBC) in order to properly evaluate the installation of this system. Man 1 Pcrez, P.E. Product C o Examiner Product Control Division Al •7_7A_[lt lrl nrJ Want T 17al anlly rJ [1C GRt MA --a P_R:{ NHR 28 2001 12:02 FIR BINNINGS PAN AMERICAN305 661 0454 TO 15614897406 P.04%12 Binninbs Parr American ACCEPTANCE No.: 97-1027.09 APPROVED JUL 6 9 1998 FYPIF;£S JUL p 9 2001 NQ ICE OF ACCEPTANCE: ETAIYDAl2D CNDITI(?tiT 1. Renewal of this Acceptance (approval) shall be considered aRer n renewal application has bccn Mad and tf c original Sub:rlitted dceurTicntat;on, includ;ng test supporting data, eng:nccrino documents, arc no older that tight (6) years, 2• Any and aft approved pro1113ets shall be followingstaternent: 'N1i.a permanently labeled with the r.}anufacturer's name, city,-j;ajc, and chc of this Acceptance_ mi-Dade CountyProduei Control Approved••, or as sptcilically stated in the specific conditions a. Renewals OfAcceptancc will not be considered if: a) Thcre has bccn a change in the South Flor;da Building Code: affecting the cvaluarion of thi the product is not in compliance with the code changes; s product and b) The product is no longs-r the same product (identical) as the one originally approved; c) If the Acceptance holder has not complied with all the requirements of th;s acceptance, including the correct installation of the product: g d) The engineer who origiaally prepared, signed and sealed the require1 documentation no longerpracticine the engineering profession• iaitiatty subrritrcd is d. Any revision or chanac in tf:c materials• use;, and/or rns:ruFetu,-e of (hc product or proc$- be cause for termination of this Aeceptancc, unless prior % icten approva' has been requested (tttrou0 h the al'y filing of revision appli=at;c'n lYirh appropriarc fcc) and granted by liii.: errce. 5. Any of the f0llO\v''n1>r shall Zlso be 3grounds for removal grthis Accepaanu;; ) Unsatisfactory performance of this product or proecss. b) Phiss;a of t}l;s Acceptance as an endorsement of any product, for s�lc• advcr ising or any other purpose. 6. The Notice ofAcceptancc number preceded by the words Nliami-Dade Coun� c`cpirution date may be displayed in advertising literature, ifany portion ofThe, No� ce of Acceptaance iby rile displayed, then it shall be don:; in its cnr;rety. " 7. A copy oFthis Accc cane: as ,v p ell as approved drawings and otltcr doeume.irs, ie pnovidcd to the user by the mililufaeturer �yhere it appls, shall be or its distributors and strap be available for inspection nt the job site ar all time. The engineer need not reseal the copies. S. Failure to comply with an Acceptance. Y section of this AccepWnee shall be eausc for terra;nation and renrova► of 9- This Notice of Acceptance consists of pages 1, 2 and this last page 3. I • Manucl cre7, F.i:. Product 'trot Exatnirtcr ' Prods rlfrol Division END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE - I -3- R?.-9R-R1 1'7 aR RFC'FTVFn FROM:305 681 9454 2•04 TYP. b [0 0 m En 0 0 O 1 w 0 Ln In 0 A UI A O.S.Y. c I 1/4�LAN: X P.T. WOOD BUCK ]/16. Da.TAPcON 111C EMBED. LuN. NF/GYI' ILtT F/.12J) 1>nT ';:-f}12f1 OfE17]4 I a1'_V. JJ ul fa � LV -.A1<,lf !.IIAy JI 17J. pi yq 71 P"ltIF.O AS CUar71AS NTn TX M l'J F I• • !f ti 71 }7r. SIMN ILEAMA Brim= COOE -I .ItN {1 'Y1] � :r JIf> •: }iol iJSM CI NJ' f� t!h• f_:hl_ ;_Yt fJ l.t r•h. �. lu SJ lIq_ �! f) �,}J i) r,JHJi •._;iL O:VSOI CJ Q' 9t LV _ �_12 ;. a• ,. YJ •,1 SOIIV.K CIE COWL%.+ O:ISE b, 'tu,Im rg9'J-l-t1_2%.0i OD P.O. Box 630038 1851h28D5 an N.E..E. 1 =F—r—ApmodcanPA' Ulam , a 33183 (305)931-2350 Jle�u - T7 Pis r PA-14 SINGLE HUNG VERTICAL ASSEMBLY A•.r/ J. Pm 10 T 7 r oc-oT � r 1• � � 1 PARTA'O. ITCI i - FRAM B IN 13 In El Q m m HORIZONTAL SECTION BILL OF MA _ I;\TRUSlO.\' OUA,17%TI' hTIA1BER h1r,1lBER AL4TERl.4L 2 14•51 14-51-1 60b] 7-S RF..4l.-IRA C , AS RF1yD 14.49 •14-49.1 G063 T•S IS-33 14-99-1 601-)7•5 USED It COVIJ\,'C710N 11-ITI I ITEM 1:3 14.5013 t41"LO\ 2 14.5015 Ihl"LO., 2 03-2010 o 2 14-S0D3 la s00' STEEL fs \ I' PPFIS�IS PILOT POINT r� h f n-019•I OG31 1:} LO\ d3 K ):4' PTFI5�1S'D" ALtI11. OI*Il0\AI_ lCd V 6E S IAJ STI7UTLD U ll-I I IT E115 A3 W , VARIES k 41 •n I-1-200b N1•LO\ m 111)rt fbll•Lll,%fT AAG\'/.�'ti m 717l1T1/ 1'EAT 1'1111) fi)--Lss f OT rlTvnr F%.L'tD .S•Lvr /7[4)/E ANIiA'1\'C g Is 1/s ,. 23 1a 3/3 u 112 14 S15 _ 2U a'b 15 11s 21 Is 414 32 n..1:8L t3 tl=iG 17 I!$ if %16 '3 23 2_2 221C , 2_ I>' 2) 1'IG 30 1.14.3 2G 4.8 244.'Y 264I 2S 2S ''-S 7I1G ±� Z 32 36 2A 12 32 12 3S •I/S 3148 2q i3 27 39 77 9:16 31 M 9 fG 3) 1 .• D 131 41) )G 764E )7 33 )3 9116 37 A 44 4S 4D 11 Itl 44 lit 404rs 44 4--b 41 43 )7 41 37 9. 16 41 41 9'14 as n 50 1 46 V2 461•9 47 4/ 43 W16 47 tYlt•:.: A: %: tJC`lT r-1 51 Ird - 41 ST 4A 3.'E 47 47 47 4'IG SI _ L•TN i14T (l3il 4,t i L [•r 1!¢ 47 1/i 47 1111G sJ I B ta D7/1 i�SP U vNi. Nll'.: m 'tHv+c� II! t7.AI., C•.Ii CL'1)LL;tt 0111CC r;cnurA wi97• M�7 na 1 0 /d7sT a Ac ° i.-msn as .p. I..ercw....msp 1Rf1n 9S 1)� I 1 American P.O. Box G30038 z805 N.E. tESih 51re.1 HlamPA l, /Tondo 33163 'D ". ITt�---••-•—••... .Iw"I nt-f1JJCMt3LY N I f 1 0 W W m to A ro m Will Flcsd 40" T-S Alm_ -.•..cnan Dduflt r„8utt Joining �- � 6' Ytnt Sill Veut 6061 T-3 Alum. Butt Joining Jambs - "65 T-S Alum. Butt loining Cornar -. Steel iJUxl' h P Pi/PP FR.4,1IE CWAITTRL'CTlUT- PorJh'cdre Head "craw Cnnrtrrralmr J)ertlfJ, 501 606? T-SAIum. Bull loining Jambs 16064 T-S Alun1. Butt Joinbl Comer OHST-SAlun• Bull joining Stem k 10 s 1-Phphpp 2 )7"E.1T)lER-STRlPPLCC Intlnfirr � ilavilriun 2 Lu[rtion vtioolp ile VeN Jm11b Fla vinyl sill 1 Flap %t1 I M coin- Ital U usl Plug hletting Rail 15 1/2" O.a WX 52 t/d" BUCK 0v. ... -_ -:A71T •.:°'- _ .._ _. - _ _ '!,,:.. M• J) Mns'uoum spacia., for ba a From the Canal is G- 2)ALsiilnunlspiciag kv faJlenerl O.C. is I6 I:Z• 3) Quantities at alKYe rcprescnt minimum numb, orfsnenen. Add'Hienal Fasteners is aceepl.,L1, _ 4)vliv6oseuidt4sonds>6ldass-hci�ltsoaehamsb•xr 6 Ty;,.: are far raltcuer onal)sis. Che.-k with ntwara,•tllrer t 6x assilabiiryorprednct. 93' FRAME O.S.U. 89- grC{ dnl v Rarr9 !: caalr u-u nc Ja CP7E +'L44H ildl.. IaD{i Q.E rr_. Qs•40 ,,� l'i-O h'. CM C->jWjgy GJiYs Ac[ PJAxJ ei97- fd» Aa D O.C. PAI. /t7fS Binnin9 P.o. ' Pan eo,r 630038 2805 11.E. 5851h Slrert Amsficart u'oml, Flortdn 33163 (305)931-2350 VARIES4PA-14 P.w aM u �f P -u SINGLE HUNG CONSTRUCTION ` P rwaq 7 7 1 .17 03 'Comparative /4nalys€s(Posifive LoJiJs) ------ ' - --- --- --- . "tT°Glc 1.► SInTIc !luny lgndon Potltl.e_Des1En Lads -'' ' '- ' "' .. - - don Ct+mpnryive Anal) -sit tcith,,I,'An:;,Glass - � � � -� � .� 1Wmfou'rsiJ�dt tnJ ssin,tou }s;J(,u m dvro Udv.. IKon-Structural Tat Rspoq: ATLK05 N.01-93 � Slruclmal T;ztR� o- i - -- - � �. !rrfor crrnpuaiise anar. os (-} iwisl nu:vfi;tv.n lgndoa zD RhI TL)'I,O_9 - f°rar iW.4%0r F'oJ L t.000 ]5.000 36,000 ]0.000 7±,000 39-13 69.33 J0.000 JJ.000 i93J G9J3 67 t 3 G7.37 G7.13 G9J3 69.13 67,,3 47' .17 03 'Comparative /4nalys€s(Posifive LoJiJs) ------ ' - --- --- --- . "tT°Glc 1.► SInTIc !luny lgndon Potltl.e_Des1En Lads -'' ' '- ' "' .. - - don Ct+mpnryive Anal) -sit tcith,,I,'An:;,Glass - � � � -� � .� 1Wmfou'rsiJ�dt tnJ ssin,tou }s;J(,u m dvro Udv.. IKon-Structural Tat Rspoq: ATLK05 N.01-93 � Slruclmal T;ztR� o- i - -- - � �. !rrfor crrnpuaiise anar. os (-} iwisl nu:vfi;tv.n lgndoa zD RhI TL)'I,O_9 - f°rar iW.4%0r F'oJ L t.000 ]5.000 36,000 ]0.000 7±,000 39-13 69.33 J0.000 JJ.000 i93J G9J3 67 t 3 G7.37 G7.13 G9J3 69.13 67,,3 47' flel-h 49,000 19.6±S T32.OAOs s3.W01is7,Go05 Zt CO.,-62.000 6-t.D00 63.0 72-000 73.187 i9.33 i73? 6933 697? 69.33 693F ,9.33 69.33 69.3J 69.31 G9.?3 69.33 6933 69.31 6933 G9J3 6933 0.33 69J1 G9.3J 61.33 69,)3 G7JJ 69.17 62J7 49.3,7 6933 69.33 6933 a 69J_ ,7J3 4937 74.625 59,33 80•pp0 6933 8J,000 G9.11 td.000 67.35 90.000 to 6933 Oi 9J3 9.33 69.33 6933 69J1 6931 6933 G9,31 47.3J 69,3) G7.33 Gg 69.31 4971 G7.3] 423] 67.33 67.13 69.3J G73 i 69-13 L913 69,33 69.33 G9?J 6933 6933 69.?3 69.33 473J G9,3) 49 �3 693? G9J? 67,3, G9J3 G9.7: 69.J? 69.3? ,9.73 67.)3 62J7 G7.3J RJ �' h,?3 69.35 G7.31 G9.i3 69.?) 69?J 69.33 69.37 6933 G7JJ 6933 G7.3? 69.1E G933 G9,3J 6933 C. 67.31 G7.3J G9FJ (9.3) 69.? 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G7.33 G').33 67.3E L9.A y6,9S 6i.70 63J d G3.19 42,G1 GL.J) 17.1d 39,2G S4.TJ :G,39 SS 53.06 Z c) 72 Z -?J G7.?J G7.3) G9,)7 G9J? L9 3: r.9 Ji G9 i? 693.1 G9_l: L7Ji W IJ 6JAS 62.9] 5990 3717 SJ - G7.?) L7,17 G793 iyn - 4, tO. J.t 'Con7parafi�•c Au;lh•sis(Kcgati]'c Loads) � - � � ' yaLle 111 Ibb14 S6 ' :I< 11,mg 1:Lidow NCU.,li se I)c$1. Iwds IiueJ on Co°gvai ive Analysis c*idi J/IL' Auncal r! Glass D ;Now--Stmcmnl Tcst-Rz or1:ATLr0514.01-9d- Sirunuoal Test Rlj,"II ITL016029 .. m 70 137 drh ,.r pp ��•in/ln v 11 7 T - 0 X00 •S,DOU -120.00 28.000 -I10.00 J0.000 -I20.00 11, 00 0 -I LD.DD ]6.000 -I20.00 ]7.575 -120.00 J0,600 - ILO-� 44.000 , •I_0.00 JJ.OW •11rt.0U 49.f.15 S],000 t e g.(inches) 55.500 57.000 60.000 41.000 64JJ00 - D Z Gd.000 77,000 75.187 7G,G13 80.000 VJO ).00 •120.00 •12n.U0 -IL 0.00 -ILO.UQ •ILU.OD •I20.N -I±0.00 •ILU.00 -I LO.DO •ILO.Op -120.OU •I20.00 -ILp.00 -120.00 •12p.UU •12D.U0 •IJ0.00 -ILp.OIJ -1±0,00 -ILU.rtp -I20-M _ , I_U.00 -120.00 7 -I_U.00 •I20.00 -ILOAO - , 1_D.00 -120.00 -I10.00 BJ,000 88.nU0 70.000 A/.-�J.17 71 ct:r;-r;sc 17:111 U W .120.00-ILO.OD •I1U.00 _ILO.DO 747tt rt4t!iJ =•ti:Y}; �Y UI 1.00 Lap - n I_U.UO -ILo.nn -I'_rr,g0 _ , I_pAp -120.OU .ILpaa -I±O.UO •I20.00 -NU.00 •I1n.U0 1-'D-DO _I1n,00 -1'-120.OD - 1-p.00 -ILo.rlo -ILU.00 •r2o.oD -I10.0U .roan -110,09 -Q0.00 •12D.00 -1±0.00 •120.pp aLn130 - ILO.OD 4_711Co •I±0.00 -120.po -I LO,D9 •I20.00 •120.40 •J'_O.pO •I]O.OD -l03.07 •I20.0D •]l4.07 -1IJ,41 -IOG.7b -93.74 -77,87 •7073 •T7,57 -It9� -T7,47 -71.?S -B J.TI -L I.74 a' '.OD -ILu.op -Im.00 .ILo.rto -ILn.po •r2o.no •lzo.00 -ILo.op -ILo.00 -n9.79 •7±.77 -10.1.a9 .9G.Ir a3.7J -s2.r_ r x'n ` ta •I20.00 -ILO,OU -129.00 -LO.W •I20.00 -1)n.00 -130.00 •12156 - , I_p.00 -1 LU,p0 •ILV.UU •I±U.00 •ILp.pn -120.0q -r_o.no •I1U.00 -ILn.00 •I1p.00 .12 1_VAO •I±0,00 -12D.U0 -ILU.00 -ILn.W -1 ID.9t -b S.92 -9473 •Ys.97 TG.LJ •T?sG G�a •72.91 -74.1? 7s. , rJnt c:=r,4..ct cl:rc A S7 -GY.I_ S00 -I20.00 -1] 0.00 -ILO.On •I20,09 -I±D.OD -1±p,pp -I±U,VO q±p.pD •LO,00 .120.00 -J 22DO •I10.UD •120.00 -120,00 • c 119,8. . 113.43 c_ -l07,.' -FIG.S9 _ i ID_.4G -!0 _>7 •70,73 -T1.77 -90,pb •d 1.8G A7c2::r.cr ry QZfQ �1 •G7,A7 .T0.1d -l� 7 •4?,JL AD •I20.00 -120.00 -I20.On -130.00 -120.07 •I20.00 -I2U,00 .120.00 •120 /81 •I1U.00 - 119.J7 -12p.04 ,- 7J -129.OG •I ISM •I10.01 -104.90 •Ip1.17 •97.G9 41.31 -30.93 •70Jp •62.70 -77J7 •7U.G1 •72.b2 -L{-93 •57,G6 _G±. 29 -37.76 -S1.7J -� -33.22 O .09 -I±U,nO -I2U.00 -ILU.UU •12t1.00 •I20110 - 117.56 •1IS.47 -1I2 23 -IQ4.SG •Il_ -IQO t9 •110.63 -97._t -1U6.32 7.32 7 •77._d -r)0.46 -7G.47 -71,)I -99.10-7S,p3 -?G,57 -G 1,73 •SS.SG -S1J2 -J 7.72 -17,p1 •SO,IJ -J G_SO -J1,A7 .00 .1Ln 7 -IJ7.91 -113.OD -I13,J9 -IId.SD •1127J -IIS.41 •)OA,lO •IIp23 •1UF.[9 -1 U9S0 •IU1.Gl -IOt.3J •107.33 -7S,1I 42.99 -90.14 -Y4.32 _31.90 -SJ,IG -S?.19 -1'I.GG -80.3J -7G.91 -7l.t5 -71.93 -G4 SG -GI,A .4I.SG -J 737 •Sd. r)G -S?.Ji _{i,7G .JS,G9 -I_sJT .JD.HY "'�'�� f!r7r 0'. A 7T •103.78 •IDc.02 - IOL.cJ -100.17 -71,75 •9J.12 -78,71 •71.7r1 •7J.G0 -56.74 •Y9.41 .30.61 •T7.21 -84AD -81.U? -79.E1 •74._I -73._8 •48.EJ -60.9i •J7.±4 -SS.S•) •33.19 -S I,IJ -JA_93 -J 1.90 -J3,7 /37f5 3 ^10.37 -37.IS -J0.09 -d 1.9G �'`/'�rN•P •79.51 •7S_78 -72 JG •7 .'r I -• •47_I] •47,79 -GS.SI -59.02 •J J.9! -SO.G2 •4G.SG -39,61 -?7,JS -3b.15 J7,H3 -]G.9t S,G{ L�/J/f6 n N I 2 GLAS57'3•I'E ?716'ANNEALED 1116•IEAIPERED 111E\FORCE\iEA7' HOVE SEEA.141) .04 PA IJDC•OJ LL "-s^�°a' "� °"c f°"'°' cis' Blnn ngs ` an TrApmedcan -1 a'IILG R0. 9°s 6Igh 2805 k.E_ ISSIh Slr..r NONE PA- H MIcml, r1orldo 35163 3 ]rIG'TEAIPERED STEEL 14DC-OS ""c (305)931-2350 -0 4 S DSB Ir8-TEMPERED 05,1'8-ANNEALED NOVL" PA•IJDC-06 PA-J4DC•07 • • • • -- cttAasci;ii -' „'"'"' ""' ^-+ rA t4 • ✓ 0 G 55lf]'J'_"ANNEALED NONE NO\E PA-14DC-0d +•--' M rJs ,, �b 77 PA-Z4 SINGLE HUNG COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS PA- IJ DC-Dd • .a ., A.u°/r°/98 IJ PJS M r.••s... ___ ",.•y •-,In L•1w-. r...e IIDC-DI A '• l [ ro 0 to Com arative Anal -sis(positive•Loads) Tnble2.lr[\-IaSinglrFlonI\lndo[vPostlinDeslynl_onrls -'- "---'---"-'--•-'• _-'-----•----•-- aurd as Canp Jratice Arulysit with 3A 6' Ten ue_d Mon-.-... --'--- .. ._. .. ... Ch SthctulalTs�t• Rcpon:A7Lb061J,0I.9S� �•--�-�"--- - �- - ' � v w [.iEihr anA nlndu.r hi ;Ats on tilrtl b3o.. cmgrali.<anar>•[' iwirh mvwfaZur StniattralTestReponATl6101.02.77R �-- - ....... _ ys+z+t•�il�ynfprodxs. \57dth •„ .. .. 3 anon I<nnn w ro 6 r� Comparative Allalysis(Negative Loads} rai�rzrs r,1-IJsingle Yung\Lindmr nrgalife Design In:[d1 Dascd on Qnnparatice Ana h•si1.1<i11t 3116- TmlpaTnr . Non -Si nlCttunf Tcst Rcpon: ATUOp14.01-99 15 Jnduw Stmetnra l Tut Rr11m t r\TL 0-101 \L1glh »non •,_n�� ...,.__ _____ - 11`fi 100 •lu,%;_ t�l ._- ..-_._ ...,.�, „r�.;�n•14!.VO-IC0.5! AG.lJ -72,14 11.._- •IOH.b6 •IOG.l4-103.55 -98.74 -9,L13 •9�•3S=10..LJ -m6, IIc-107.00-IQl.GI-101.6li-IN)_18 •96.82 -92.43 -91.01 -aM-f 1 -34.74 41-10 TAOLEr I ro 0 to Com arative Anal -sis(positive•Loads) Tnble2.lr[\-IaSinglrFlonI\lndo[vPostlinDeslynl_onrls -'- "---'---"-'--•-'• _-'-----•----•-- aurd as Canp Jratice Arulysit with 3A 6' Ten ue_d Mon-.-... --'--- .. ._. .. ... Ch SthctulalTs�t• Rcpon:A7Lb061J,0I.9S� �•--�-�"--- - �- - ' � v w [.iEihr anA nlndu.r hi ;Ats on tilrtl b3o.. cmgrali.<anar>•[' iwirh mvwfaZur StniattralTestReponATl6101.02.77R �-- - ....... _ ys+z+t•�il�ynfprodxs. \57dth •„ .. .. 3 anon I<nnn w ro 6 r� Comparative Allalysis(Negative Loads} rai�rzrs r,1-IJsingle Yung\Lindmr nrgalife Design In:[d1 Dascd on Qnnparatice Ana h•si1.1<i11t 3116- TmlpaTnr . Non -Si nlCttunf Tcst Rcpon: ATUOp14.01-99 15 Jnduw Stmetnra l Tut Rr11m t r\TL 0-101 \L1glh »non •,_n�� ...,.__ _____ - 11`fi 100 •lu,%;_ t�l ._- ..-_._ ...,.�, „r�.;�n•14!.VO-IC0.5! AG.lJ -72,14 11.._- •IOH.b6 •IOG.l4-103.55 -98.74 -9,L13 •9�•3S=10..LJ -m6, IIc-107.00-IQl.GI-101.6li-IN)_18 •96.82 -92.43 -91.01 -aM-f 1 -34.74 41-10 TAOLEr I cuss Tl'rE rilC\FORCEME-V7 SfF.DIL{Ltl\Gs-, Vie: A\!:FACED COVE ) 7/16' TEN PEREU NONE p,{.IJUC-OJ Jf 14-TEIIPERED STEEL PA-14DCIJJ J DS9 Ire TEhI TEREO COVE — PA-IJDC-04 T DSD 1rt' A1;\EJ,L ED ^O\E PA-I4DC-97 « SSO )!)L• A1!:EA LEO NO\E PA-IJDCAI PA-IJDC•gl T4ill t 63.10 I -/u.4V 1 -07.35 I-63.361 •06 R+M[0 H ,TA ObC CgMI •tC.1r v. r r 1) T 73.IS7 R^lc l;: AZ c a•/5n . n;i7 Tut w 0 -12o.00 sttsr. 1tfJa'. 99.1:�r ear[ o •120.00 .l20,OD •1_30.00 I •120.0D Aaln'rdE rr!,g7• 1027. 09 -120.00 -JR01•93.T3 to -73.11 -72.97 J77T ¢a -69.60 -6f.93 a GS U •GT.00 Lei/i6 v Inn n s g Pan P.O. Box 630038 )7.f. t S.331 American mio o (30 )1, 1-23o 33163 (SOS)931-2350 � PA-14 SINGLE HUNG COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS \ PA-14(L'-9] q 1 ' r 1 0 W 01 m Comparative AnaIYsis(Positive Loads) Tahle3A PA-14SInglc HungWridaw P011E1Wbeslgn Loatls Based oD COmpxralive Analysis )cillt 3.'16' Tempered and hieelin6 Rail Reinfurcemnd Non--StruclumlTesi Rep DA:ATbMl4.U1-98 SEn7ch)rnl Test Report ATL04010; 97R N A v Marlow 1Flndo)r Height(inches) 111dt11 24.000 25.000 28.000 J0.000 32.00D 36.OD0 J7.375 40.000 44.000 49.000 49.G25 52.000 55 S00 57,000 G0.000 62,000 64.000 68.00D ?2.000 73.197 18.125. 6935 6233 69.33 64 t3 673; 4233 6233 6233 G9.33 6933 G9.33 69.J3 G9.3? 6933 69.33 69.33 69.33 69.33 69.33 24.000 6933 69J3 69.53 6933 G9.?3 G9,33 l,9JS 69.13 6933 69.33 G2J? G9_T; G933 69.13 G233 25.500 6933 6233 69.33 69.33 69.33 69.33 G9.33 69.33 69.33 69.33 G9,J3 69.33 6233 G93J 6273 G9.33 W.33 69.?3 d9.33 G9.33 69_i3 6933 G933 G9.33 6933 28.000 69.33 0.33 69.33 69.33 69.33 69.33 69.33 6233 6233 G9.7S 69.33 6233 G9.3.T 69.33 G2.13 64.33 G?.3J 69.33 G9.J3 G233 30.ODO 6933 691.33 6233 6933 G9_73 69.3.1 69-1 723J b9.33 69,3J 69.33 6Q31 G23? lr?_l3 G273 G+J.t3 G9.J3 G9.13 G9.3J 6233 32.000 6933 69.33 G?.33 69.3J 6233 69.3J 6933 G9.J) G9.13 d7.53 49.J3 6235 G?. 33 G9.J3 G7.33 G9.3J G4,3? 6933 G233 G9.3.1 36.000 69.3.1 69.33 69.53 69-?3 (,9,3; G9..13 6933 G9.33 G9..11 G23J G2S3 G9.3? 69.13 G933 G9_ll 67.73 6933 6233 G23J fri.33 69.33 G21i 40.DOh r.9aT loll An,) .-�„ :.;33 Gv3_ Gil: 6ti.33 bA)s G9.3! 6235 G273 G9.J3 G233 6233 6233 69-13 69_;3 44.000 69.33 69,33 69.33 49.3.1 6935 6933 69.33 6933 69.33 69.33 69.33 69.33r 6933 69.33 6233 691.1 6933 67 3J 6933 JB.000 6233 G9.33 6233 673J 62.T3 G9.7] G9.3; G9 i; 6933 G9.3J G9.3J 69 t3 G9 7J 49?3 G9.33 6233 G93J G8.Oa G7.77 50.OQD 1fl.33 l,933 G933 69.3J G9_ll 69.33 69.33 G9.13 6933 69.1) 69.33 Gri.33 G9.33 G9.33 6233 G8.27 GG20 G9.13 G9.33.33G9JJ69.33G2S3GG933 G9.3J G9?3 G?.33 66.82 W25 G3b152,125 45.04 W.01 GJ.10 G1 i5 CA.32 G0.00 7d [9 r4 a Com �tative An s2s 1 e ativ rn P' Y. W g. a Loads) 0 Tnhk 36 PA-14 Single HongT17nd0rr Nrga11)7: Design Londs •.�7 BRscd an Cornpmtire Analysis ssith 3.76- Tanpered wish ).lotting Rail Keinfora7tnrt Xa Nwl--SintcturatTest Report: ATLbO514.01-98 Stmaural Tat Report ATL D401 03.91R O 3 W 0 Ln 01 O 41 A Ln 111ndow Windu%v Heigh E(inches) -is -000 1�7dth 24,000 2:0000 T000 32 00 2a000 37375 40.00D 44.000 49.000 49.625 152.000 55.500 57.000 6500 6LDD0 ,000 68.000 72.000 73.187 18.125 -1?O.PD -120.00 -I20.OQ -I?0.00 -120.g0 -I20.00 -120.00 -120.00 -120,00 -14DA0 .120.00 -120.00 -120AD -120.00 •I20.DO -1?0.00 -I20.OU 11 -1?0.00 -120.00 •120.OD 24.ON T000 -120.00 -1?0.00 •120.00 -120. 00 -120.00 -120.00 -120.00 -120.0D .120.00 -120.00 -120.00 -120.OD -120.00 -120.00 -120.D0 -120.D0 -120-00 -120.00 -120.D0 25.500 28.000 7120.00 -120.00 7120.00 -I20.00 720.00 -{20.00 7120.D0 -120.00 -120.00 •12D.00 -120.00 -1'_0.00 -120.00 -120.U0 -1 00.00 -120., -120.00 -120.00 -120.00 -120.00- -120.00 -120.00 -120.00 -120.00 -120.OD •120.00 -120.01) .120.DO SO.000 •1TO-0D -12R00 -120.00 -1 00.00 •120 on -12n 0n .12n nn ,2n010 -I,.00 -1 m.Cr -120.OD -;20.00 •120.00 -l2G_GO -120.00 -120.0 -120.00 -i?u.w -120.00 -E2G.6J -{20.00 •IiU.Uu -I20.00 -1-O.UO -I?O.OD •12D.00 •120.OD -120.0D -120. DD -120.00 -120.00 32.000 -120.00 -120.00 -120.OQ -I20.00 -120.OQ -120.OD -120.OU .120.DD -120.00 -120.D0 -120.00 -120.00 -120.00 -120.00 -120.00 -120.00 -12D.00 •120.0 -120.00 .120.00 -12.0036,ODO -10 -12D,00 .120.00 •10-120.00 2D.0 -120.00 -120.00 •120.00 -0.00 -120.00 -120,00 -120.00 •120.00 -120.00 -120.OD -120.06 -12D.110 -120.00 -120.00 •12.0040,000 -120.00 -2000 -1200 -1200 A2DOO -120.00 .120.00 -12D00 -120..00 -1300A0 -120.00 -120.011 -120.00 20DO -120.DO -120.00 . . . ... 1200-12000 -120.00 -120.00 •118.46 -120.00 -116.90 -120.00 -113A3 -120O -112.04 -120.00 -109.96, -1200-116.64 -106.1 -102.38 .11.4244.000 -101.34 . -?000-2000 0 -100020,00 ... -120.00 I?0.00 -1'O.OD -120. .-. 108.83 -104-38 -102.96 -IDD.03 -99.29 -967 -93.85-9.72 -898SL000 S0.OD0 -12RW - .... I?00 - 12000 2000 - 20.D0 . . . . . -. - -L609I.02 -38.2 -84.84 5L125 -I?O.OD -?OOD 2000 .. -2000 -119,17 •I13.76 -112.01 •108.82 -104.9. ... 76 .. -. -. -8-2 •35.35 -84.13 -8-1.0 TABLES G4LS.5T1"PE 81ENF0RCV1ENT SEE DRAWMG IP. 1 VI6-ANNEALED NONE PA-IaDC.-W z 711VIENIPERED RONE PA•14D(7-0) N16-TENIPERED STEEL PA-14DC-06 DSB Its TENIPERF.D SME PA-14DC-W Usa lry•A- ALED NONE I'A-14DC-01 6 Si03132'ANVEALEU NONE P.A•11DC•01 n�nre 1W Wc,- diln rid wirdawrheiJitson dwtstdmr are kv mep7mEse ar Weis Clds.n6.taefxne¢ 1c-,Jiwiy 0t pnwd WI;Wti 6S CG IKU" WC1 16- 'Dlm! RIATA bmoq:.; C93E t 1� L Er C UREJS COLE CWS.D:CE WILE ,.CCUMIM NL93- !D_Z1.09 /t l Jr r L�l7��G _ P.O. Box 630038 S1NManN 28l)5 N.E. 185th reel da M9Flo (S)33DJ-50 33163 CWIYI ___ $)1 Pr.-14 Lb1PA74t. eel a r...0 - - PA-14 SINGLE HUNG COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS P,s 10 )7 97 MNI M MM �,.�-ti -- Pr5 ��e/le/9a r,.n --_ PA-1IOC-O) w. A 71 Xl t9 0 trl rn t7 .4 tf O 3; W 0 Ln LT 1p 0 A Ln Comparative Analysis(Positive Loads) Table 4A 1PA-14 Single Hung'llindow Posidiv Design Loads \irudre-i&hs-luindW1,60t, clvrtsW_ hued on Comparative Analysis witL DS8 1/8•' 7aupaed - : rv<ror tmpalmncanihw (lat1: nilh nrnafa�we, Mon--StrucrtlrnlTntXepan:ATL8051101-98StruanralTestRtporIMTLNIG6I0UnitA fam,ule6k of �o3,a V. �••• 18.125 24.000 25.000 28.000 30.000 32.000 36.000 40.000 44.000 46.000 O,000 52.125 �+.uuu a�.uuu 18.u00 G933 6933 69.?3 69.33 69.33 6933 69-13 69.33 69.J3 G933 69.33 69.33 69.33 69.33 69.33 6933 69.33 69.33 69.J3 69.33 69.33 64.J7 69.33 69.33 69.13 69.33 69-33 691.3J 69.33 69.33 69.33 67.33 64.33 6233 6933 6913 30.000 32.000 6933 6931 6933 G9.13 G9.)3 G9.lJ 69.33 69.?3 69.33 69.33 G233 69.33 69.33 69.33 69.33 69.33 69.13 69.)3 1 69.33 69.3? 673) 79.13 693? 69.?3 36.0" 37.375 61.13 G931 69.33 69.33 69.33 G9.lJ 69.JJ G9.33 69.3.1 69.71 69.1? G9.J3 69.33 6933 69.3J G933 69.33 1 6931 1 69.7J 69.J7 69.37 69.1) 69.33 693} 40.000 64.33 69_.l3 G9.J3 691.33 69.33 69.33 69.33 69.33 6933 G933 G9.?3 69.33 44.000 G9.33 G9.J3 69.33 69.33 69.33 69.33 69.?3 69.33 G931 69.JJ 69.73 G9_il 4JV1111 693t 6933 69.31 G933 69.33 69.33 G9.13 6933 6933 69.33 G9.33 G733 d4.62% 69.33 69.33 69.3J G9.13 69.33 69.31 G9.I3 69_]3 6933 G9.73 69,J3 69.33 52.000 G9.}3 693) 69.31 69.3? 69.33 69.33 693} G9.3_'+ G9.1] 64.33 G9 33 69.33 53.500 69.3J, 69.33 61.3-1 69.33 69.33 69.13 69.3? G9.}3 G9.31 G933 69.3J fi7R3 57.000 b0.000 6' 000 61000 68.000 8.11 72.000 73.187 3-IS 69.J3 G9.13 G9.33 69.13 G933 6900 6900 69.33 6933 G9,33 69.33 6933 69.33 69.13 09,31 69.33 69.3J 69.J3 6933 b9.33 6933 G93? 693? 6933 G7.?3 G9,33 69.33 G7.33 67.33 6933 6Fss �snl G4.33 69.33 6933 69.33 69.33 69.33 6933 6933 G9.J3 69.3} 69. 33 69.33 69.33 69.33 6933 G9.33 69.3? 69,33 69.33 G9.33 69.}? 6931 64.33 69.33 69.?? 69.73 G937 69.33 6933 69.33 69,}3 69.33 69,33 69.]) 6931 G9.]l 6933 69,?J G8,0-1 67.37 69.33 G8.27 G6,30 6423 63.63 bL^: B:.:C 6:.5; Go_3= bu.Gu ! Comparative Ana lysis(Negative Loads) "Tub1e 48 PA-.14 Single Hung lliadow NegntAe Dcslgn Londs `:3nsed on Compar111iee Analysis wills DS9 IB" 7em�ered ' Non--StnldarRl Test Rglort: ATLCOSi4.01-98 Slruclnral7c3l Report MTLIJIGGIO Uni! A _. K)ndwr Nidrl, ,e non ,<nnn ,.,,.,,., __ ___ _ _ Whidox•Neight(incltes) SO.Q04 52.12: - ------ -"-. 0- -8827 -37,9 -82.31 1 -3124 1 -91.74 -78.20 -81.65 -76.29 -796 , -74.48 -7l.IO I-77 -70.01 -68.01 1 -73 .65. TAftLEp CLASS Tk-PE REEKPoRCE)IEVE SEE DRAIYI\C lr. 1.16-ANNEALED "_. 1'A IiDC-OJ - 1116•• TEnIPERED AO,:E PA-1.1DC413 3 1'16"7ELIPERED STEEL PA-1�UC1v. d DS9 VA-TE-NIPERED NOVF PA-I+DC-0T 3 US1- 1- A.VNPALED h0NE PA44C.C-o, 6 SSO PIP AN:EALEU NOSE PA-Ii DC:,, 7 72.000 73.187 "MA9 I3 [NIN= wlrR nr [C7ER Itfi_'LW`'•,'9u�iID'"A CGOE 141C1Su Ii�L 6T 11C:tr. Iru� or.Se� <0asrr: WX C(Gas:;ax 91FRE xcsar.LncE ro.47.145Z7.0 3720.00 -120.00 3-120.00 -120.00 J-t20.00 720.00 7-,16.64 -115,27 7 -106.71 •105.50 i -99.14 -84.00 -97.031 -83.09 72.90 -72.14 w�_+u •w.p� -0e.32 -61_43 -60A4 .58.66 -36.70 -56.15 /f•ys - -61.74 -60.73 -53.95 -57.87 -5G.89 -J5.1G -33.54 -53.02 -56.54 -53.68 -54.20 -53.35 -5258 -51.39 -50.26 -SOAO B nnin s g P.O. B 6100 Pan 2605 N.E_ 185th1h Slr..f rAmerican Waml. Florida 33153 (305)931-2350 01uR1 PA-14 SINGLE HUNG COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS b PJS !7 PA-IOC-07 A 77 m 0 M In v '9 O 3 W 0 UI to 0 A to A { 0 0 D r D roM • m AD nJ >E Comparative A_nalysi.S(P_ositive Loads) - _ -- TableSAPA-iASingleHungM -ti Poslthc_--- Coatis- - COmparat7YeAnalysis(PositiveLoads) Based an Comparative Analysis with DSB 1/E' Annmkd T bte 6A PA-14 Sin11t 11u 2 M.O.. Poslll.v Der;tn Le.dt Non--Slnxtutal Test Repon:ATIJ/OS 14.01-93 StmetumlTnt Repon 61TL111 GG 10 Unit6 Bunl on Comparmice Andysu wil6 SSB 7/.°"AnnrElnl \\7adom Non-S& -I Tat R-on: MTLN1- _9 \\Jdth F\•indOWIleighl(incheJ) SlructtmlT.siR i x _.. 24.000 25,000 28.000 30 non vnnn ep on hlTL1l16610 UnitC Comparative Ana lysis(Nega Live Loads) Table SB PA-14 Slople Hung F\Tndoa Negalis Design Loads BOstd On Cmnp Drntivc A nalys is svilll DSB M- AnavtW Non--Struauml Tea R.......- Arrenc.."... ., I15inJuty \\7dth 16.123 24.000 -F_'O.OD - 25.000 26.1100 JO.000 -120.00-120.00 -U0 DO -- 32A00 -120.00 -..'"'."•" J6.000 -120.00 •"""z's'n nu is tswra 1\-i0tion-Hd ht(inches) 37,3T5 40.000 44.000 Unit is 48.000 •19,625 22.OG0 55.500 37.000 60.000 62.000 24.000 -120.00 -120.00-120.00-120.00 -120.00 -120.00 -M.00-120-GO - 7 1_0.00 -120.00-120.U0-120.00 -120.GD-120.59 7117,74 33.86 -I'_0.00-120.00 -120.OU -120.00 .120.00 25,500 -120.00 -120.00-120.00-120.00 -120.00 _I20.00 -120.00-12D.00-120.OD -1 •109.90-106.28 -107,93 -100.61 -100.75 -97.76 -92.17 -39.35 19.000 JO.000 -120.00 -12D,[IO -I20.00-120.00-120.00 -E20.00-120.00-120.0U -120.00 -120.00 -120.00-120.00 •10B.80 -93.92 -95.6G -93.91 -90.GJ -81.53 -91_5 -82.14 -86.37 -77.73 -RJ.40 -75.07 32.000 -120.00 -120.D0-120.00-120.00 -120-DO -120.00 -12U.00 -111.23 -120.00 .1', 1.93 •IQD.73 -91.60 $5.38 -83.95 -78.?d •76.07 -72.OD •69,52 36.000 •120.00 -I20,00-179.67 -1 [2.90 -107.05 -9J.0 -112.83-IOd.22 -11`1 . -93.80 -91.60 -52.45 -85.29-8'_.d8 -74.97 -78,19 -72.69 -70.83 -67.01 •64.73 A-o7s• •72.SU -46.7.: •W.07 -G2 �G -0S.9J -59.90 t4Yhns KiElDav2Nwfihvht;tl.K On d<MS6.A..r iM ftY O.�. p.Y,l.lallw'Si1 CiRL'i: yldln�ter 11ev fora. li.ih>'ofp.�d 1. 7ABLEN Gl-ASS TI'PE RIE\FORCEMEAT SEE DR.4tY1\r; N's I Si 16-ANNEALED NOSE __TA_ 14 DGst 2 tl16-TEMPERED NONE PA-I{I1CJq J t/IA"TE6lPERED STEEL PA-I{DC•tw 4 DSD IlS-7EAlPERED NONE PA•IIDC�0 5 DSD Ila'ANNLALED NONE PA-IiDCdta 6 SSO?;?� ANNEALED NONE FA-IJDC-Uc \\lndmv \1SJth \1'7n6bwBe1' htQnchtsJ 21000 25.000 78.000 JOAOD ]3.1100 36.000 37375 16.125 6933 69.J3 693J 69.31 1 69,33 169.33 6933 L1.000 69.33 G9.33 69.33 69.35 1 69.33 169.33 69.33 25500 G9_3 69.33 6933 69.33 6933 09.33 6933 W00 6933 69.33 69.33 69.33 69.33 69.33 6933 30-OW 6933 6933 6933 6933 6933 69.33 b933 32.00D 69.31 69.33 6933 fA.33 6933 69.73 6933 J6.000 693? (A.33 G9.33 69.33 69.33 69.33 G9,?0 r G1 cs:1 A? G� _n :D tx+ Comparative Analysis(Negative Loads) Table 66 PA-I4 Slagle Hunj\57ndm� NE92th. Dtalgn Lob Baed on Cmsn.c,ri.. a�.h•_�...65�-.._ ...-:- L1 N011-54-lural Test Repon: 4Ti.9160-''9, � N StructurNl Tot Repon \ITLUI6610 Unit C -0 Width 18,125 :IndowHe(Inches 2-LDOO 25,00D 2&000 30.000 32.00D 34D00 37.375 -110.00-120.00-120.00 -12D.00-120.00-120.OD-120.00 24.000 2_f500 -120 -1]0.00 -120.0D -120,00 -120.00 -120.00 -Fco-o -120.00 -120A0 •120-00 -113,95 -106.33 -1o9.6G -101.36 2>L000 -1?0.00 -120.00 -1203X1 -117.80 -10939 -95.73 -92.13 ]0.000 -1�.00 -120.00 -118.IG -109,ae -10139 -E6.64 -8531 32A00 420.DO .120.00 -110.02 -101.56 .31 -L34 -79,44 3G.04IIO.OG -1U82G -94G9 -N.2G FT2.49 1 -71.54 -69.82 rvs T 3 m D W x:iKU AS COa9t'lth;, 9Llx THE N MN IOWA IULD715 CUM m ( Et _ _. O aUitAHS SWE WY7Lti:-CE rltE Acc,,Aha llaq%- fd7'z 09 0 /)Tt Q �'c..*�/-tom*-✓ � Innings P.O. 63 0'. Pan N.E.-- sans N.1851h851h Slreel rAmerican ►0m1, FI0 33163 (3-23 05)931 -2350 cswtr ___ I cow�AHE. Bs+e PA-14 SINGLE HUNG COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS r:? � rQ :......., t+..v.. w..� ..... I