HomeMy WebLinkAboutRight-N-Zone Summary561-465-7732 p.3 Jan 23 01 05:5Gp WRNDR GRHN 4. SIN RtNW21393 RIGHT-N ZONE SUMMARY Units- U.S. customary (I-P) For: APPLIANCE SERVICES By: APPLIANCE SERVICE3 .Job 0: Zone: Jan 23, 2001 ONE COOLING LOAD - 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS at 3PM Peak load at 3PM Inside: 75 OF Outside: 90 OF TD: 15 OF RH: 50 % Moisture: 61 gr/lb Mult. 1.0 Ins.wb 63 OF Seasible Latent 2. SOLAR RADIATION THROUGH GLASS 17327 - 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Sensible 15703 - Walls: 2489 - - Glass: 3295 - - Doors: 1959 - - Partitions: 0 - - Floors: 0 - - RoofiXeilings: 5068 - - Retum Air Ceiling: 2892 - - 4. INTERNAL HEAT GAIN Sensible Latent 1178.8 4540 Occupants: 4920 4540 - - Lights: 6868 0 - - Motors: 0 0 - - Appliances & Other: 0 0 - - 5. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 65 1077 2725 6. SUBTOTAL: Spawload 45894 7265 7. SUPPLY DUCT 2295 - 8. SUBTOTAL: Bldg comp's and supply duct 4 B 18 9 - Actual cfm: 3525 at SupplyTD: 20 - c_9,.. VENTILATION: Make-up air ctm: 490 S085 20462 10. RETURN AIR LOAD: Lighting & roof (net) 6369 - 11. RiTURNDUCT 1377 - 13. TOTAL LOADS ON EQUIPMENT 64020 27727 HEATING LOAD 13. DESIGN CONDITIONS Mult: 1.0 Inside: 70 OF Outside: 42 OF TD: 28 OF 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES 2 5 B 6 2.- " Walls: 6042 - Glass: 6150 - Doors: 3657 - Partitions: 0 - Floors: 4899 - RoofsX.eilings: 2557 - ^ Retam Air Roof 2557 15. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 218 6701 • 16. SUBTOTAL: Building oomponents 32562 17. SUPPLY DUCT: 2327 18. VENTILATION: Make-up air cfm: 490 15092. 19. HUMiMIFICATION 8561 20. RETURN DUCT 977 21. TOTAL HEATING LOAD ON EQUIPMENT 59520 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 - w Certified by ACCA to meat all requirements of Manual Form N 13 Jan 23 01 05:56p. WRNDR GRHN 561-465-7732 p.2 -t 1. S/N RNW21393-, RIGHT-N SHORT FORM Jan 23, 2001 Units:U.S. customary (I-P) Job #: • Htg C1Q For. APPLIANCE SERVICES Outside db 42 90 Insido db 70 75 FT. PIERCE, EL DesignTD 28 15 Daily Range - 20 Inside Humid. - 50 ' By. APPLIANCE SERVICES Moist. Difi - 61 Inside wb - 63 FT. PIERCE, F1 Outside RH . .99 Outside svb - 18 " HEATING EQUIPMENT COOLING EQUIPMENT Make n/ a Make n/ a Model 11/ a Model n/ a Type n/ a Type n/ a Efficiency / HSPF 0.0 COP / EER / SEER 0.0 • Heatingiaput 0.0 MBtuY+ Sensible Cooling 0.0 MBtu11 Heating Output 0.0 MBtuh Latent Cooling 0.0 MBtuh Humidifier 0.0 gpd Total Cooling 0.0 MBtsh Leaving Au Temp 0.0 OF Leaving Air Temp 0.0 OF Actual Heating Fan 0 Cfrs Actual Cooling Fan 0 Cf*n Equipment Location ZONE System Type n/ a Fan Motor Heat Type n / a tan & Motor Combined, Efficiency 0.0 % Static pressure Across Fan 0.0 in H2O NAME Area ftz Cleat Loss Sensible Gain Latent Gain. Htg Cfm Cig Cfm Time BREAK ROOM 128 7344 3977 5661 205 205 3PM CORR106 75 1977 1062 188 112 112 3PM HALL 162 1759 1707 407 147 147 3FM OFELCE 102 209 4655 3.1.46 1495 215 215 3PM •OFFICE 106 255 5317 5466 3106 327 327 3PM OFFICES 11C 316 4958 6102 1980 392 392 32M SHOWROOM 101 1047 28042 35158 111434 1-980 19110 3PM TOILET 103. 50 2377 1452 2228 56 56 30-1 TOILET104 88 3091 1850 2228 91 91 3PM CPIr� 2331 595,20 54020 27727 3525 3525 3PM Manual N: 4th Edition Rigbt-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N r y c. SIN RNW213 9 3 RIGHT-N ZONE SUAH4ARY Units: U.S. customary (I-P) Jan 23, 2001 For: APPLIANCE SERVICES By: APPLIANCE SERVICES Job #: Zone: TOILET10 4 COOLING LOAD - 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS at 3PM Peak load at 3PM Inside: 75 OF Outside: 90 OF TD: 15 OF RH: 50 "/o ' Moisture: 61 gr/ lb Mult: 1.0 Ins.wb 63 OF ' Sensible Latent 2. SOLAR RADIATION THROUGH GLASS 0 - 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Sensible 385 - Walls: 90 - - Glass: 0 - - Doors: 0 - - Partitions: 0 - - Floors: 0 - - Roofs/Ceilings: 195 - - Return Air Ceiling: 100 - - 4. INTERNAL HEAT GAIN Sensible Latent 382 140 Occupants: 210 140 - - Lights: 172 0 - - Motors: 0 0 - - Appliances & Other: 0 0 - - 5. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 0 0 0 6. SUBTOTAL: Space load 767 140 7. SUPPLY DUCT 38 - 8. SUBTOTAL: Bldg comp's and supply duct 806 - Actual cfm: 37 at Supply TD: 20 - - 9. VENTILATION: Make=up air cfm: 50 825 2088 10. RETURN AIR LOAD: Lighting & roof (net) 197 - 11. RETURN DUCT 23 - 12. TOTAL LOADS ON EQUIPMENT 1850 2228 HEATING LOAD 13. DESIGN CONDITIONS Mult: 1.0 Inside: 70 OF Outside: 42 OF TD: 28 OF 14. TRANSIVIISSION LOSSES 672 Walls: 303 - Glass: 0 - Doors: 0 - '� Partitions: 0 - Floors: 17 2 - - RoofsJCeilings: 99 - • Return Air Roof 99 - 15. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 4 122 16. SUBTOTAL: Building components 794 17. SUPPLY DUCT: 79 18. VENTILATION: Make-up air cfm: 50 1540 19. HUMIDIFICATION 653 20. RETURN DUCT - 24 21. TOTAL BEATING LOAD ON EQUIPMENT 3091 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N �•/N RNW21393 RIGHT-NCOMMERCIAL /INDUS'iRIAL LOAD CALCULATION Jan 23, 2001 For. APPLIANCE SERVICES Zone: TOILET104 Page: 1 Job #: City: Fort Pierce, FL, US By. APPLIANCE SERVICES LWH: 7.6 x 11.6 x 9.0 Units: U.S. customary (I-P) . ' 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS - COOLING ( 3PM August ) DryBlb RH Moisture Range Wet Bib Outdoor Conditions => 90 59 15 78 Indoor Conditions -> 75 50 63 TOD Correction > 0. Difference 15 61 [ Mult = 1.0 ] - 2. GLAZING SOLAR BEAT GAIN (Lat = 27.00 ° N , Const Wt = M ) Type Dir Shad Tilt %ovr Area Sfact Shgf Shad Sens n/a 0 0 0.0 0 0.00 0 0.0 0 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Type Dir GrArea NtArea Uval Grp CLTD Shad Clr Sens VV),LL 1 N 68 68 0.159 D 8.3 N L 90 FLOR 1 - 8 8 0.810 0.0 - - 0 ROOF 1 - 88 88 0.040 RC-2 55.5 - D 195 RARF 1 - 88 88 0.040 RC-2 51.7 - - 182 RACL 1 - 88 88 0.300 3.8 - - 100 4. INTERNAL HEAT GAIN Sens Latent People 1 x Per person: sensible 210 latent 140 210 140 0 x Per person: sensible 300 latent 300 0 0 Lights Incandescents in RA Ceiling 0 x 3.4 x 60% 0 Fluorescents in RA Ceiling 70 x 4.1 x 60% 172 Incandescents other 0 x 3: 4 x 100% 0 Fluorescents other 0 x 4.1 x 1000/0 0 Motors Nmbr Power Gain Load Fact Usage 1 1 0.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 2 1 0.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 3 1 0.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 Appl. Nmbr Type Sens Latent Usage 1 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 2 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 3 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 4 1 0 0 .1.00 0 0 �- 5 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 Other 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 . • 5. INFILTRATION Sens Latent 0 cfm > x db Temp Diff 15.0 x 1.1 0 > x Moist. Diff 61.4 x 0.68 0 6. SUBTOTAL COOLING LOAD FOR SPACE 767 140 7. SUPPLY DUCT HEAT GAIN Gain factor 0.05 x Line 6 Sensible Gain 38 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N Job #: Page: 2 8. COOLING FAN SIZING Sum of Duct Gain (7 ), Line (6) & Drawthm Fan = 806 (L S Sens ) / (1.1 x Supply TD ) = cfm Est Cooling c fm = ( 8 0 6) / (1.1 x 20.0 ) = 37 Actual Cooling Fan > = 37 9. VENTILATION 50 cfm > x db Temp Diff 15.0 x 1.1 825 > x Moist. Diff 61.4 x 0.68 2088 10. RETURN AIR LOAD FROM LIGHTING AND ROOF Incandescent Lights 0 Watts x 3.4 x 40% 0 Fluorescent Lights 70 x 4.1 x, 40% 115 RA Roof Load from Line 3 (+) 182 RA Ceiling Load Credit from Line 3 (-) 100 ' 11. RETURN DUCT HEAT GAIN Gain factor 0.03 x Line 6 Sensible Gain 23 12. TOTAL COOLING LOADS ON EQUIPMENT (Btuh) 1850 2228 SPACE HEATING LOAD CALCULATION 13. HEATING DESIGN TEMPERATURE Heating TD = (Inside DB - Outside DB) _ ( 70 - 4 2) = 28 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES Type Expos GrArea NetArea Uval HTD Loss MALL 1 N 68 68 0.159 28.0 303 FLOR 1 - 8 8 0.810 28.0 172 ROOF 1 - 88 88 0.040 28.0 99 15. INFILTRATION Loss 4 cfm x db Temp Diff 28.0 x 1.1 122 16. SUBTOTAL HEATING LOAD FOR SPACE 794 17. SUPPLY DUCT HEAT LOSS Loss factor 0.10' x Line 16 Loss 79 18. VENTILATION 50 cfm x db Temp Diff 28.0 x 1.1 1540 .� 19. HUMIDIFICATION Inside RH desired 40.0 (Max = 32.0 for 1 pane ) # of Glazing panes 0.0 (Max = 52.0 for 2 pane ) . 54 cfm x 3.20 g/100cfm/d = 1.7 gpd 653 20. RETURN DUCT BEAT LOSS Loss factor 0.03 x Line 16 Loss 24 21. TOTAL HEATING LOAD ON EQUPMENT (Btuh) 3091 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N �- SIN RNW21393 RIGHT-N ZONE SUMMARY Units: U.S. customary (I—P) Jan 23, 2001 For: APPLIANCE SERVICES By: APPLIANCE SERVICES . Job #: Zone: TOILET 103 COOLING LOAD + 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS at 3PM Peak load at 3PM Inside: 75 OF Outside:. 90 ' ° F TD: 15 OF RH: 5.0 % Moisture: 61 gr/lb Mult: 1.0 Ins.wb 63 OF Sensible Latent 2. SOLAR RADIATION THROUGH GLASS 0 - 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Sensible 168 - Walls: 0 - - Glass: 0 - - Doors: 0 - - Partitions: 0 - - ' Floors: 0 - - Roofs/Ceilings: _ ill - - Retum Air Ceiling: 57 - - 4. INTERNAL HEAT GAIN Sensible Latent 308 140 Occupants: 210 140 - - Lights: 98 0 - - Motors: 0 0 - - Appliances & Other: 0 0 - - 5. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 0 0 0 6. SUBTOTAL: Space load 476 140 7. SUPPLY DUCT 24 - 8. SUBTOTAL: Bldg comp's and supply duct 500 - Actual cfm: 23 at Supply TD: 20 - - 9. VENTIIAATION: Make—up air cfm: 50 825 2088 10. RETURN AIR LOAD: Lighting & roof (net) 112 - 11. RETURN DUCT 14 - 12. TOTAL LOADS ON EQUIPMENT 1452 2228 HEATING LOAD 13. DESIGN CONDITIONS Mult: 1.0 Inside: 70 OF Outside: 42 OF TD: 28 OF 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES 112 Walls: 0 - Glass: 0 - Doors: 0 - ,� Partitions: 0 - Floors: 0 - Roofs/Ceilings: 56 - Return Air RooE 56 - 15. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm:, 2 70 16. SUBTOTAL: Building components 182 17. SUPPLY DUCT: 18 _ 18. VENTILATION: Make—up air cfm: 50 1540 19. HUNIIDIFICATION 632 20. RETURN DUCT 5 _ 21. TOTAL HEATING LOAD ON EQUIPMENT 2377 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N 1 � SIN RNW213 9 3 RIGHT-N COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL LOAD CALCULATION Jan 23, 2001 For: APPLIANCE SERVICES Zone: TOILET 103 Page: 1 Job #: City: Fort Pierce, FL, US • By- APPLIANCE SERVICES LWH: 7.6 x 6.6 x 9.0 Units: U.S. customary (I-P) .1. DESIGN CONDITIONS - COOLING ( 3 PM August ) Dry Bib RH Moisture Range Wet Bib Outdoor Conditions > 90 59 15 78 Indoor Conditions > 75 50 63 s n TOD Correction > 0 Difference 15 61 2. GLAZING SOLAR HEAT GAIN ( Lat = 27.00 ° N , Const Wt Type Dir Shad Tilt %ovr Area Sfact Shgf Shad n/a 0 0 0.0 0 0.00 0 0.0 [ Malt = 1.0 ] = M ) Sens 0 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Type Du GrArea NtArea Uval Grp CLTD Shad Clr Sens FLOR 1 - 0 0 0.810 0.0 - - 0 ROOF 1 - 50 50 0.040 RC-2 55.5 - D ill RARF 1 - 50 50 0.040 RC-2 51.7 - - 103 RACL 1 - 50 50 0.300 3.8 - - 57 4. INTERNAL HEAT GAIN Sens Latent People 1 x Per person: sensible 210 latent 140 210 140 0 x Per person: sensible 300 latent 300 0 0 Lights Incandescents in RA Ceiling 0 x 3.4 x 60% 0 Fluorescents in RA Ceiling 40 x 4.1 x 60% 98 Incandescents other 0 x 3.4 x 100% 0 Fluorescents other 0 x 4.1 x 100% 0 Motors Nmbr Power Gain Load Fact Usage 1 1 0.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 2 1 0.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 3 1 0.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 Appl. Nmbr Type Sens Latent Usage 1 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 2 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 3 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 4 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 5 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 Other 1 0 0 1.00 0 •0 5. INFILTRATION Sens Latent 0 cfm > x db Temp Diff 15.0 x 1.1 0 > x Moist. Diff 61.4 x 0.68 0 6. SUBTOTAL COOLING LOAD FOR SPACE 7. SUPPLY DUCT HEAT GAIN Gain factor 0.05 x Line 6 Sensible Gain Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N 476 140 24 fob #: Page: 2 s' 8. COOLING FAN SIZING Sum of Duct Gain (7 ), Line (6) & Drawthru Fan = 500 (L 8 Sens ) / ( 1.1 x Supply TD ) = cfm Est Cooling cfm = ( 500) / ( 1.1 x 20.0 ) = 23 Actual Cooling Fan > = 23 9. VENTILATION 50 cfm > x db Temp Diff 15.0 x 1.1 825 > x Moist. Diff 61.4 x 0.68 2088 10. RETURN AIR LOAD FROM LIGHTING AND ROOF Incandescent Lights 0 Watts x 3.4 x 40% 0 Fluorescent Lights 40 x 4.1 x 40% 66 RA Roof Load from Line 3 (+) 103 RA Ceiling Load Credit from Line 3 (-) 57 11. RETURN DUCT HEAT GAIN Gain factor 0.03 x Line 6 Sensible Gain 14 12. TOTAL COOLING LOADS ON EQUIPMENT (Btuh) 1452 2228 SPACE HEATING LOAD CALCULATION 13. HEATING DESIGN TEMPERATURE Heating TD = (Inside DB - Outside DB) _ ( 70 - 4 2) = 28 [ Mutt = 1.0 ] - 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES Type Expos GrArea NetArea Uval HTD Loss FLOR 1 - 0 0 0.810 28.0 0 ROOF 1 - 50 50 0.040 28.0 56 15. INFILTRATION Loss 2 cfm x db Temp Diff 28.0 x 1.1 70 16. SUBTOTAL HEATING LOAD FOR SPACE 182 17. SUPPLY DUCT HEAT LOSS Loss factor 0.10 x Line 16 Loss 18 18. VENTILATION 50 cfm x db Temp Diff 28.0. x 1.1 1540 19. HUNMIFICATION Inside RH desired 4 0.0 (Max = 3 2 .0 for 1 pane ) # of Glazing panes 0.0 (Max = 52.0 for 2 pane ) • 52 cfm x 3.20 g/100cfm/d = 1.7 gpd 632 20. RETURN DUCT HEAT LOSS Loss factor 0.03 x Line 16 Loss 5 21. TOTAL HEATING LOAD ON EQUPMENT (Btuh) 2377 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N T SIN RNW21393 .RIGHT-N ZONE SUMMARY Units: U.S. customary (I-P) Jan 23, 2001 For: APPLIANCE SERVICES By: APPLIANCE SERVICES R Job #: Zone: SHOWROOM 101 COOLING LOAD 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS at 3PM Peak load at 3PM Inside: 75 OF Outside: 90 OF TD: 15 OF RH: 50 % Moisture: 61 gr/lb Mult: 1.0 Ins.wb 63 OF Sensible Latent . 2. SOLAR RADIATION THROUGH GLASS 6090 - 3. TRANSNUSSION GAINS Sensible 8925 - Walls: 862 - - Glass: 3195 - - Doors: 1287 - - Partitions: 0 - - Floors: 0 - - Roofs/Ceilings: 2324 - - Return Air Ceiling: 1256 - - 4. INTERNAL BEAT GAIN Sensible Latent 5076 2500 Occupants: 2500 2500 - - Lights: 2576 0 - - Motors: 0 0 - - Appliances & Other. 0 0 . - - 5. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 40 660 1670 6. SUBTOTAL: Space load 20750 4170 7. SUPPLY DUCT 1038 - 8. SUBTOTAL: Bldg comp's and supply duct 21788 - Actual cfm: 990 at Supply TD: 20 - - 9. VENTILATION: Make-up air cfm: 150 2475 6264 10. RETURN AIR LOAD: Lighting & roof (net) 2 618 - 11. RETURN DUCT 623 - 12. TOTAL LOADS ON EQUIPMENT 27503 10434 HEATING LOAD 13. DESIGN CONDITIONS Mult: 1.0 Inside: 70 OF Outside: 42 OF TD: 28 OF 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES 14666 Walls: 1714 - Glass: 5964 - Doors: 2402 - Partitions: 0 - Floors: 2241 - Roofs/Ceilings: 1173 - ' Return Air Roof 1173 - 15. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 127 3915 16. SUBTOTAL: Building components 18582 17. SUPPLY DUCT: 929 - 18. VENTILATION: Make—up air cfm: 150 4620 19. HUMIDIFICATION 3353 20. RETURN DUCT 557 21. TOTAL HEATING LOAD ON EQUIPMENT 28042 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 • Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N A In •p W N i.+ �� • W N �-+ 0 S !:�4 IF ry NF F r F'F N F F A O O 00 ii H 0 0 0 0 O' £n' �4 nz(IQ UQ o W In W h W F-' 000000 000 O WN 0000(n O0 NHN0 OA 000000 000'� C W to o � Z NNN�N►-��Nrr�`.0 wN ooocn 000000 coo Q00000 6006000 coon N N rA cn (n 0 �l 0 vi O O O O O O 000 o o m o c o r N ?�, (n (� O O O O O O O co �y� W ��O C) L0-�OO����N��H . 0000 rtlj Nzzzrrr G rzW m zt��,�. z 000 NWWI--`h-'F-'�� kA SA iA kD N Ln O O w 01 N �p �A Al 9A l0 N U1 H 9A N W 0) N N w m " 9N . rQ kD m W ul OOOOF,N000000 woocoNt-NNNcncncl O9A- AP- HOO CnUt(xi 000 O O O O O O w w w 0 0 0 O O d d U N N Cn cn F- H N H P H F✓ 4A ♦' U1 O Ut Cn N W W Ut (n L" r O(n (n0000 WUl o) 0D F���F�zzzzm caa C) d I r r r I H N N H F, w 1\) P W iA OD W H" o" w R CnCnN NCnwm-4wNw, m --j A O w m m -.1 -1 (n W m y A Q c o o 000'Y v v v 0 0008 000$ HLI cn J l0 0.6 o td W m N d co W U7 u w W p p p N J (nL" 0 w CONNa , OD N N O O �y 0 � a O co NSA W w a rn n (►a pv F,pp coop' F, cn II 0) wH WCDtd �p (n En w P N-] l0y N000 II O u VJ, z w w �rtdno NITJ 101, � o :4 � 0 O Nxo (t w t1i W CD F-' 0 En r _ ` r" H t?LiH M F wcl w y� Cyy a Om 20 pyi O N w H N O O F, Job #: S. INFILTRATION 40 cfm > x db Tamp Diff 15.0 x 1.1 > x Moist. Diff 61.4 x 0.68 6. SUBTOTAL COOLING LOAD FOR SPACE 7. SUPPLY DUCT BEAT GAIN Gain factor ; 0.05 x Line 6 Sensible Gain 8. COOLING FAN SIZING Sum of Duct Gain (7 ), Line (6) & Drawthru Fan _ - (L S Seas ) / ( 1.1 x Supply TD ' ) = cfin Est Cooling cfra _ ( 21788) / (1.1 x 20.0 ) = 990 = 990 Actual Cooling Fan > 9. VENTILATION 15.0 x 150 cfm > x db Temp Diff 1.1 > x Moist. Diff 61.4 x 0.68 10. RETURN AIR LOAD FROM LIGHTING AND ROOF Incandescent Lights 0 Watts x 3.4 x 40% Fluorescent Lights 10 4 7 x 4.1 x 40% RA Roof Load from Line 3 (+) RA Ceiling Load Credit from Line 3 (-) 11. RETURN DUCT HEAT GAIN Gain factor 0.03 x Line 6 Sensible Gain 12. TOTAL COOLING LOADS ON EQUIPMENT (Btuh) Page: 2 Sens Latent 660 1670 20750 4170 1038 21788 2475 6264 0 1717 2157 1256 21503 10434 . SPACE HEATING LOAD CALCULATION 13. HEATING DESIGN TEMPERATURE Heating TD = (Inside DB - Outside DB) _ ( 70 - 42) = 28. Mult = 1.0 ] - 14: TRANSMISSION LOSSES Type Expos GrArea NetArea Uval HTD Loss 1750 GLAZ 1 s 125 125 0.500 28.0 2282 GLAZ 1 E 163 163 0.500 28.0 28.0 1932 GLAZ 1 N 138 138 0.500 28.0 574 WALL 1 s 306 129 0.159 GALL 1 N 306 142 0.159 28.0 •632 508 GALL 1 E 277 114 0.159 28.0 1602 DOOR 1 s 52 26 52 26 1.100 1.100 28.0 28.0 801 DOOR 1 N 1 - 99 99 0.810 28.0 2241 FLOR ROOF 1 - 1047 1047 0.040 28.0 1173 Loss 15. INFILTRATION 127 cfm x db Temp Diff 2 8.0 x 1.1 3 915 18582 16. SUBTOTAL HEATING LOAD FOR SPACE Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N Iob #: Page: 3 17. SUPPLY DUCT HEAT LOSS Loss factor 0.05 x Line 16 Loss 929 18. VENTILATION 150 cfm x db Temp Diff 28.0 x 1.1 4620 19. HUIVIIDMCATION Inside RH desired 40.0 (Max = 32.0 for 1 pane ) . # of Glazing panes 2.0 ,(Max = 52.0 for 2 pane ) 277 cfm x 3.20 g/100cfm/d = 8.9 gpd 3353 20. RETURN DUCT HEAT LOSS Loss factor 0.03 x Line 16 Loss 557 21. TOTAL HEATING LOAD ON EQUPMENT (Btah) 28042 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N t. SIN RNW21393 RIGHT-N ZONE SUMMARY Units: U.S. customary (I—P) Jan 23, 2001 For: APPLIANCE SERVICES By- APPLIANCE SERVICES Job #: Zone: OFFICES 110 COOLING LOAD 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS at 3PM Peak load at 6PM Inside: 75 OF Outside: 90 OF TD: 15 OF RH: 50 % Moisture: 61 gr/lb Mult: 1.0 Ins.wb 63 OF Sensible Latent 2. SOLAR RADIATION THROUGH GLASS 445 - 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Sensible 1596 - Walls: 416 - - Glass: 100 - - Doors: 0 - - Partitions: 0 - - Floors: 0 - - Roofs/Ceilings: 702 - - Return Air Ceiling: 379 - - 4. INTERNAL HEAT GAIN Sensible Latent 1267 310 Occupants: 490 310 - - Lights: 777 0 - - Motors: 0 0 - - Appliances & Other. 0 0 - - 5. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 0 0 0 6. SUBTOTAL: Space load 3308 310 7. SUPPLY DUCT 165 - 8. SUBTOTAL: Bldg comp's and supply duct 3474 - Actual cfm: 158 at Supply TD: 20 - - 9. VENTILATION: Make—up air cfm: 40 660 1670 10. RETURN AIR LOAD: Lighting & roof (net) 790 - 11. RETURN DUCT 99 - 12. TOTAL LOADS ON EQUIPMENT 5023 1980 HEATING LOAD 13. DESIGN CONDITIONS Mult: 1.0 Inside: 70 OF Outside: 42 OF TD: 28 OF 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES 2278 Walls: 862 - Glass: 186 - Doors: 0 - Partitions: 0 - Floors: 522 - Roofs/Ceilings: 354 - Return Air Roof 354 - 15. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 14 438 16. SUBTOTAL: Building components 2 716 17. SUPPLY DUCT: 272 _ 18. VENTILATION: Make—up air cfm: 40 1232 19. HUNMI[FICATION 656 20. RETURN DUCT 81 - 21. TOTAL HEATING LOAD ON EQUIPMENT 4958 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N �SIN RNW213 93 RIGHT-N COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL LOAD CALCULATION Jan 23, 2001 For: APPLIANCE SERVICES Zone: OFFICES 110 Page: 1 Job #: City: Fort Pierced FL, US By. APPLIANCE SERVICES LWH: 18.6 x 17.0 x 9.0 Units: U.S. customary (I-P ) ,1. DESIGN CONDITIONS - COOLING ( 6PM August ) Dry Bib RH Moisture Range Wet Bib Outdoor Conditions > 90 5 9 15 78 Indoor Conditions > 75 50 63 TOD Correction > 0 Difference 2. GLAZING SOLAR HEAT GAIN Type Dir Shad Tilt GLAZ 1 s N 90 15 61 [ Mult = 1.0 ] - ( Lat = 27.00 ° N , Const Wt = M ) "/oovr Area Sfact Shgf Shad Sens 0.0 13 0.88 38 1.0 445 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Type Dir GrArea NtArea Uval Grp CLTD Shad Clr Sens GLAZ 1 s 13 13 0.500 15.0 N - 100 GiALL 1 s 207 194 0.159 D 13.5 N L 416 FLOR 1 - 23 23 0.810 0.0 - - 0 ROOF 1 - 316 316 0.040 RC-2 55.5 - D 702 RARF 1 - 316 316 0.040 RC-2 51.5 - - 651 RACL 1 - 316 316 0.300 4.0 - - 379 4. INTERNAL HEAT GAIN Sens Latent People 2 x Per person: sensible 245 latent 155 490 310 0 x Per person: sensible 300 latent 300 0 0 Lights Incandescents in RA Ceiling 0 x 3.4 x 60% 0 " Fluorescents in RA Ceiling 316 x 4.1 x 60% 777 Incandescents other 0 x 3.4 x 100% 0 Fluorescents other 0 x 4.1 x 100% 0 Motors Nmbr Power Gain Load Fact Usage 1 1 0.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 2 1 0.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 3 1 0.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 Appl. Nmbr Type Sens Latent Usage 1 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 2 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 3 1 0 .0 1.00 0 0 4 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 5 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 Other 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 5. INFILTRATION Sens Latent 0 cfm > x db Temp Diff 15.0 x 1.1 0 > x Moist. Diff 61.4 x 0.68 0 6. SUBTOTAL COOLING LOAD FOR SPACE Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N 3308 310 Job #: Page: 2 7. SUPPLY DUCT BEAT GAIN Gain factor 0.05 x Line 6 Sensible Gain 165 8. COOLING FAN SIZING Sum of Duct Gain (7 ), Line (6) & Drawthru Fan = 3474 (L 8 Sens ) / (1.1 x Supply TD ) = cfm Est Cooling cfm = ( 3474) / (1.1 x 20.0 ) = 158 Actual Cooling Fan > = 158 9. ` VENTILATION 40 cfm > x db Temp Diff 15.0 x 1.1 660 > x Moist. Diff 61.4 x 0.68 1670 10. RETURN AIR LOAD FROM LIGHTING AND ROOF Incandescent Lights 0 Watts x 3.4 x 40% 0 Fluorescent Lights 316 x 4.1 x 40% 518 RA Roof Load from Line 3 (+) 651 RA Ceiling Load Credit from Line 3 (-) 379 11. RETURN DUCT HEAT GAIN Gain factor 0.03 x Line 6 Sensible. Gain 99 12. TOTAL COOLING LOADS ON EQUIPMENT (Btuh) 5023 1980 SPACE HEATING LOAD CALCULATION 13. HEATING DESIGN TEMPERATURE Heating TD = (Inside DB - Outside DB) 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES Type Expos GrArea NetArea Uval GLAZ 1 s 13 13 0.500 WALL 1 s 207 194 0.159 FLOR 1 - 23 23 0.810 ROOF 1 - 316 316 0.040 _ ( 70 - 42) = 28 [ Mult = 1.0 ] - HTD Loss 28.0 186 28.0 862 28.0 522 28.0 354 15. INFILTRATION 'Loss 14 cfm x db Temp Diff 28.0 x 1.1 438 16. SUBTOTAL HEATING LOAD FOR SPACE 2 716 17. SUPPLY DUCT HEAT LOSS Loss factor 0.10 x Line 16 Loss 272 18. VENTHAATION 40 cfm x db Temp Diff 28.0 x 1.1 .1232 19. HUMIDIFICATION Inside RH desired 40.0 (Max = 32.0 for 1 pane ) # of Glazing panes 2.0 (Max = 52.0 for 2 pane ) 54 cfm x 3.20 g/100cfm/d = 1.7 gpd 656 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N Job #: Page: 3 20. RETURN DUCT HEAT LOSS Loss factor 0.03 x Line 16 Loss 81 21. TOTAL HEATING LOAD ON EQUPMENT (Btuh) 4958 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N SIN RNW21393 RIGHT-N ZONE SUMMARY Units: U.S. customary (I—P) Jan 23, 2001 For. APPLIANCE SERVICES By: APPLIANCE SERVICES . Job#: Zone: OFFICE 108 COOLING LOAD 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS at 3PM Peak load at 6PM Inside: 75 OF Outside: 90 OF TD: 15 OF RH: 50 % Moisture: 61 gr/lb Mult: 1.0 Ins.wb 63 OF Sensible Latent 2. SOLAR RADIATION THROUGH GLASS 0 - 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Sensible 1369 - Walls: 328 - - Glass: 0 - - Doors: 168 - - Partitions: 0 - - Floors: 0 - - Roofs/Ceilings: 566 - - Return Air Ceiling: 306 - - 4. INTERNAL HEAT GAIN Sensible Latent 1377 600 Occupants: 750 600 - - Lights: 627 0 - - Motors: 0 0 - - Appliances & Other. 0 0 - - 5. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 0 0 0 6. SUBTOTAL: Space load 2746 600 7.' SUPPLY DUCT 137 - 8. SUBTOTAL: Bldg comp's and supply duct 2883 - Actual cfm: 132 at Supply TD: 20 - - 9. VENTILATION: Make—up air cfm: 60 990 2506 10. RETURN AIR LOAD: Lighting & roof (net) 638 - 11. RETURNDUCT 82 - 12. TOTAL LOADS ON EQUIPMENT 4593 3106 HEATING LOAD 13. DESIGN CONDITIONS Mult: 1.0 Inside: 70 OF Outside: 42 OF TD: 28 OF 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES 1952 Walls: 681 - Glass: 01 - Doors: 314 - _ Partitions: 0 - Floors: 386 - Roofs/Ceilings: 286 ' Return Air Roof 286 - 15. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 11 353 16. SUBTOTAL: Building components 2305 17. SUPPLY DUCT: 230 18. VENTILATION: Make—up air cfm: 60 1848 19. HUMIDIFICATION 865 20. RETURN DUCT 69 21. TOTAL -HEATING LOAD ON EQUIPMENT 5 317 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N 5 i SIN RNW21393 RIGHT-N CONDIERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL LOAD CALCULATION Jan 23, 2001 For: APPLIANCE SERVICES Zone: OFFICE 108 Page: 1 Job #: City: Fort Pierce, FL, US By: APPLIANCE SERVICES LWH: 17.0 x 15.0 x 9.0 Units: U.S. customary (I-P ) 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS - COOLING ( 6PM August ) Dry Blb RH Moisture Range Wet Blb Outdoor Conditions > 90 59 15 78 Indoor Conditions > 75 50 63 TOD Correction > 0 Difference 2. GLAZING SOLAR HEAT GAIN Type Dir Shad Tilt n/a 0 0 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Type Dir GrArea WALL 1 S 153 DOOR 2 s 0 FLOR 1 - 17 - ROOF 1 - 255 RARF 1 - 255 RACL 1 - 255 15 61 [ Mult = 1.0 ] - ( Lat = 27.00 ° N , Const Wt = M ) %ovr Area Sfact Shgf Shad Sens 0.0 0 0.00 0 0.0 0 NtArea Uval Grp CLTD Shad Clr Sens 153 0.159 D 13.5 N L 328 0 0.560 15.0 - - 168 17 0.810 0.0 - - 0 255 0.040 RC-2 55.5 - D 566 255 0.040 RC-2 51.5 - - 525 255 0.300 4.0 - - 306 4. INTERNAL HEAT GAIN People 3 x Per person: .0 x Per person: Lights Incandescents in RA Ceiling Fluorescents in RA Ceiling Incandescents other Fluorescents other Motors Nmbr Power 1 1 0.00 2 1 0.00 3 1 0.00 Appl. Nmbr Type 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 Other 1 Sens Latent sensible 250 latent 200 750 600 sensible 300 latent 300 0 0 0 x 3.4 x 60% 0 255 x 4.1 x 60% 627 0 x 3.4 x 100% 0 0 x 4.1 x 100% 0 Gain Load Fact Usage 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 Sens Latent Usage 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 1.00 0 0 0 0 1.00 0 0 5. INFILTRATION 0 cfm > . x db Temp Diff > x Moist. Diff 6. SUBTOTAL COOLING LOAD FOR SPACE 15.0 x 1.1 61.4 x 0.68 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N Sens Latent 0 0 2746 600 job #: Page: 2 7. SUPPLY DUCT HEAT GAIN Gain factor 0.05 x Line 6 Sensible Gain 137 8. COOLING FAN SIZING Sum of Duct Gain (7 ), Line (6) & Drawthru Fan = 2883 (L 8 Sens ) / (1.1 x Supply TD ) = cfm Est Cooling cfm = ( 2 8 8 3) / (1.1 x 20.0 ) = 131 Actual Cooling Fan > = 132 ' 9. VENTILATION 60 cfm > x db Temp Diff 15.0 x 1.1 990 > x Moist Diff 61.4 x 0.68 2506 10. RETURN AIR LOAD FROM LIGHTING AND ROOF Incandescent Lights 0 Watts x 3.4 x 40% 0 Fluorescent Lights 255 x 4.1 x 40% 418 RA Roof Load from Line 3 (+) 525 RA Ceiling Load Credit from Line 3 (-) 306 11. RETURN DUCT HEAT GAIN Gain factor 0.03 x Line 6 Sensible Gain 82 12. TOTAL COOLING LOADS ON EQUIPMENT (Btuh) 4593 3106 SPACE HEATING LOAD CALCULATION 13. HEATING DESIGN TEMPERATURE Heating TD = (Inside DB - Outside DB) _ ( 70 - 4 2) = 28 [ Mult = 1.0 ] - 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES Type Expos GrArea NetArea Uval HTD Loss WALL 1 S 153 153 0.159 28.0 681 DOOR 2 S 0 0 0.560 28.0 314 FLOR 1 - 17 17 0.810 28.0 386 ROOF 1 - 255 255 0.040 28.0 286 15. INFILTRATION Loss 11 cfm x db Temp Diff 28.0 x 1.1 353 16. SUBTOTAL HEATING LOAD FOR SPACE 2305 17. SUPPLY DUCT HEAT LOSS Loss factor 0.10 x Line 16 Loss 230 18. VENTILATION 60 cfm x db Temp Diff 28.0 x 1.1 1848 19. HUMIDIFICATION Inside RH desired 40.0 (Max = 32.0 for 1 pane ) # of Glazing panes 0.0 (Max = 52.0 for 2 pane ) 71 cfm x 3.20 g/100cfm/d = 2.3 gpd 865 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N Job #: .i 20. RETURN DUCT HEAT LOSS Loss factor 0.03 x Line 16 Loss Page: 3 69 21. TOTAL HEATING LOAD ON EQUPMENT (Btuh) 5317 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N SIN RNW21393 r Units: U. S.. customary (I—P) For: APPLIANCE SERVICES By: APPLIANCE SERVICES Job #: RIGHT-N ZONE SUMMARY COOLING LOAD Jan 23, 2001 Zone: OFFICE 102 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS at 3PM Peak load at 6PM Inside: 75 OF Outside: 90 OF TD: 15 OF RH: 50 % Moisture: 61 gr/lb Mult: 1.0 Ins.wb 63 OF Sensible Latent 2. SOLAR RADIATION THROUGH GLASS 0 - 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Sensible 983 - Walls: 261 - - Glass: 0 - - Doors: 168 - - Partitions: 0 - - Floors: 0 - - Roofs/Ceilings: 360 - - Return Air Ceiling: 194 - - 4. INTERNAL HEAT GAIN Sensible Latent 649 200 Occupants: 250 00 - - Lights: 399 0 - - Motors: 0 0 - - Appliances & Other: 0 0 - - 5. INFILTRATION: , Outside air cfm: 11 182 459 6. SUBTOTAL: Space load 1813 659 7. SUPPLY DUCT 91 - 8. SUBTOTAL: Bldg comp's and supply duct 1904 - Actual cfm: 87 at SupplyTD: 20 - - 9. VENTILATION: Make—up air cfm: 20 330 835 10. RETURN AIR LOAD: Lighting & roof (net) 405 - 11. RETURN DUCT 54 - 12. TOTAL LOADS ON EQUIPMENT 2693 1495 HEATING LOAD 13. DESIGN CONDITIONS Mult: 1.0 Inside: 70 OF Outside: 42 OF TD: " 28 OF 14. TRANSIVIISSION LOSSES 2057 Walls: 881 - Glass: 0 - Doors: 314 - Partitions: 0 - Floors: 499 - Roo£s/Ceilings: 181 - Return Air Roof 181 - 15. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 31 967 16. SUBTOTAL: Building components 3024 17. SUPPLY DUCT: 302 18. VENTILATION: Make—up air cfm: 20 616 19. HUMIDIFICATION 622 20. RETURN DUCT 91 21. TOTAL HEATING LOAD ON EQUIPMENT 4655 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N SIN RNW21393 RIGHT -N COMIKERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL LOAD CALCULATION For: APPLIANCE SERVICES Zone: OFFICE 102 Job #: City: Fort Pierce; FL, US By. APPLIANCE SERVICES • LWH: 18.0 x 11.6 x 9.0 Units: U.S. customary (I-P) -1. DESIGN CONDITIONS - COOLING ( 6 PM August ) Jan 23, 2001 Dry Bib RH Moisture Range Wet Blb Outdoor Conditions > 90 59 15 78 Indoor Conditions > 75 50 63 TOD Correction Difference 2. GLAZING SOLAR HEAT GAIN Type Dir Shad Tilt n/a 0 0 0 15 61 ( Lat = 27.00 ° N , Const Wt "/oovr Area Sfact Shgf Shad 0.0 0 -0.00 0 .0.0 Page: . 1 [ Mult = 1.0 ] - = M ) Sens 0 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Type Dir GrArea NtArea Uval Grp CLTD Shad Clr Sens WALL 1 N 198 198 0.159 D 8.3 N L 261 DOOR 2 s 20 20 0.560 15.0 - - 168 FLOR 1 - 22 22 0.810 0.0 - - 0 ROOF 1 - 162 162 0.040 RC-2 55.5 - D 360 RARF 1 - 162 162 0.040 RC-2 51.5 - - 334 RACL 1 - 162 162 0.300 4.0 - - 194 4. INTERNAL HEAT GAIN Sens -Latent People 1 x Per person: sensible 250 latent 200 250 200 0 x Per person: sensible 300 latent 300 0 0 Lights .. Incandescents in RA Ceiling 0 x 3.4 x 60% 0 Fluorescents in RA Ceiling 162 x 4.1 x 60% 399 Incandescents other 0 x 3.4 x 100% 0 Fluorescents other 0 x 4.1 x 100% 0 Motors Nmbr Power Gain Load Fact Usage 1 1 0.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 2 1 0.00 0 1.00 1.0.0 0 3 1 0.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 Appl. Nmbr Type Sens Latent Usage 1 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 2 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 3 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 4 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 5 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 ._Other 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 5. INFILTRATION 'Sens Latent 11 cfm > x db Temp Diff 15.0 x 1.1 182 > x Moist. Diff 61.4 x 0.68 459 6. SUBTOTAL COOLING LOAD FOR SPACE 1813 659 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N Job #: Page: 2 r 7. SUPPLY DUCT BEAT GAIN Gain factor 0.05 x Line 6 Sensible Gain 91 8. COOLING FAN SIZING Sum of Duct Gain (7 ), Line (6) & Drawthru Fan = 1904 (L 8 Sens ) / ( 1.1 x Supply TD ) = cfm Est Cooling cfm = ( 1904) / (1.1 x 20.0 ) = 87 Actual Cooling Fan > = 87 ` 9. VENTILATION 2 0 cfm > x db Temp Diff 15.0 x 1.1 330 > x MoisL Diff 61.4 x 0.68 835 10. RETURN AIR LOAD FROM LIGHTING AND ROOF Incandescent Lights 0 Watts x 3.4 x 40% 0 Fluorescent Lights 162 x 4.1 x 40% 266 RA Roof Load from Line 3 M 334 RA Ceiling Load Credit from Line 3 (-) 194 11. RETURN DUCT BEAT GAIN Gain factor 0.03 x Line 6 Sensible Gain 54 12. TOTAL COOLING LOADS ON EQUIPMENT (Btuh) 2 693 1495 SPACE HEATING LOAD CALCULATION 13. HEATING DESIGN TEMPERATURE Heating TD = (Inside DB - Outside DB) _ ( 70 - 4 2) = 28 [ Mult = 1.0 ] - 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES Type Expos GrArea NetArea Uval HTD Loss 6ULLL 1 N 198 198 0.159 28.0 881 DOOR 2 s 20 20 0.560 28.0 314 FLOR 1 - 22 22 0.810 28.0 499 ROOF 1 - 162 162 0.040 28.0 181 15. INFILTRATION Loss 31 c fm x db Temp Diff 28.0 x 1.1 967 16. SUBTOTAL HEATING LOAD FOR SPACE 3024 17. SUPPLY DUCT HEAT LOSS Loss factor 0.10 x Line 16 Loss 302 18. VENTILATION 20 cfm x db Temp Diff 28.0 x 1.1 616 19. HU1 ]DMCATION Inside RH desired 40.0 (Max = 32.0 for 1 pane ) # of Glazing panes 0.0 (Max = 5 2• . 0 for 2 pane ) 51 cfm x 3.20 g/100cfm/d = 1.6 gpd 622 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N Job #: 20. RETURN DUCT HEAT LOSS T — 4"+— !1 !1 Q v T ;na I A T ncc 21. TOTAL HEATING LOAD ON EQUPIVIENT (Btah) Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N Page: 3 •91 4655 SIN RNW21393 RIGHT-N ZONE SUMMARY Units: U.S. customary (I—P) Jan 23, 2001 For: APPLIANCE SERVICES By: APPLIANCE SERVICES Job #: Zone: CORR10 6 COOLING LOAD 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS at 3 PM Peak load at 6 PM Inside: 75 OF Outside: 90 OF TD: 15 OF RH: 50 % Moisture: 61 gr/lb Mutt: 1.0 Ins.wb 63 OF Sensible Latent 2. SOLAR RADIATION THROUGH GLASS 0 - 3. TRANSMLSSIONGAINS Sensible 606 - Walls: 186 - - Glass: 0 - - Doors: 168 - - Partitions: 0 - - Floors: 0 - - Roofs/Ceilings: 167 - - Return Air Ceiling: 86 - - 4. INTERNAL HEATGAIN Sensible Latent 148 0 Occupants: 0 0 - - Lights: 148 0 - - Motors: 0 0 - - Appliances & Other: 0 0 - - 5. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 5 74 188 6. SUBTOTAL: Space load 828 188 7. SUPPLY DUCT 41 - 8. SUBTOTAL: Bldg comp's and supply duct 870 - Actual cfm: 45 at Supply'ID: 20 - - 9. VENTILATION: Make—up air cfm: 0 0 0 10. RETURN AIR LOAD: Lighting & roof (net) 168 - 11. RETURN DUCT 25 - 12. TOTAL LOADS ON EQUIPMENT 1062 188 HEATING LOAD 13. DESIGN CONDITIONS Mult: 1.0 Inside: 70 OF Outside: 42 OF TD: 28 OF 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES 1469 Walls: 534 - Glass: 0 - Doors: 314 - Partitions: 0 - Floors: 454 - Roofs/Ceilings: 84 - Return Air Roof 84 - 15. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 7 208 16. SUBTOTAL: Building components 1677 17. SUPPLY DUCT: 168 19. VENTILATION: Make—up air cfrn: 0 0 19. HUMIDIFICATION 82 20. RETURN DUCT 50 21. TOTAL HEATING LOAD ON EQUIPMENT 1977 Manual N- 4th Edition Right-N. Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N r SIN RNW21393 RIGHT-N COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL LOAD CALCULATION Jan 23, 2001 For. APPLIANCE SERVICES Zone: CORR10 6 Page: 1 Job #: City: Fort Pierce, FL, US . By. APPLIANCE SERVICES LWH: 5.0 x 15.0 x 9.0 Units: U.S. customary (I-P) 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS - COOLING ( 6PM August ) Dry Bib RH Moisture Range Wet Bib Outdoor Conditions > 90 59 15 78 Indoor Conditions > 75 50 63 TOD Correction > 0 Difference 15 61 [ Mult = 1.0 ] - 2. GLAZING SOLAR BEAT GAIN ( Lat = 27.00 ° N , Const Wt = M ) Type Dir Shad Tilt %ovr Area Sfact Shgf Shad Sens n/a 0 0 0.0 0 0.00 0 0.0 0 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Type Dir GrArea NtArea Uval Grp CLTD Shad Clr Sens WALL 1 s 5 5 0.159 D 13.5 N L 11 WALL 1 W 135 115 0.159 D 9.6 N L 176 DOOR 2 W 20 20 0.560 15.0 - - 168 FLOR 1 - 20 20 0.810 0.0 - - 0 ROOF 1 - 75 75 0.040 RC-2 55.5 - D 167 RARF 1 - 75 75 0.040 RC-2 51.7 - - 155: RACL 1 ' - 75 75 0.300 3.8 - - 861 4. INTERNAL BEAT GAIN Sens, Latent People 0 x Per person: sensible 300 latent 300 0 0 .. ' 0 x Per person: sensible 300 latent 300 0: 0 Lights Incandescents in RA Ceiling 0 x 3.4 x 60% 0 Fluorescents in RA Ceiling 60 x 4.1 x 60% 148 Incandescents other 0 x 3.4 x 100% 0 Fluorescents other 0. x 4.1 x 100% 0 Motors Nmbr Power Gain Load Fact Usage 1 1 0.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 2 1 0.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 3 1 0.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 Appl. Nmbr Type Sens Latent Usage 1 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 2 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 ' 3 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 4 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 5 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 Other 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 5. INFILTRATION Sens Latent 5 cfm > x db Temp Diff 15.0 x 1.1 74 > x Moist. Diff 61.4 x 0.68 188 6. SUBTOTAL COOLING LOAD FOR SPACE 828 188 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N Job #: t Page: 2 7. SUPPLY DUCT HEAT GAIN Gain factor 10.05 x Line 6 Sensible Gain 41 8. COOLING FAN SIZING Sum of Duct Gam (7 ), Line (6) & Drawthru Fan = 870 (L 8 Sens ' ) / ( 1.1 .x Supply TD ) = cfm Est Cooling cfra = ( 870) / (1.1 x 20.0 ) = 40 Actual Cooling Fan > = 45 9. VENTILATION 0 cfm > x db Temp Diff 15.0 x 1.1 0 > x Moist. Diff 61.4 x 0.68 0 10. RETURN AIR LOAD FROM LIGHTING AND ROOF Incandescent Lights 0 Watts x 3.4 x 40% 0 Fluorescent. Lights 60 x 4.1 x 40% 98 RA Roof Load from Line 3 M 155 RA Ceiling Load Credit from Line 3 (-) 86 11. RETURN DUCT HEAT GAIN Gain factor 0.03 x Line 6 Sensible Gain 25 12. TOTAL COOLING LOADS ON EQUIPMENT (Btuh) 1062 188 SPACE HEATING LOAD CALCULATION 13. HEATING DESIGN TEMPERATURE Heating TD .= (Inside DB - Outside DB) _ ( 70 - 42) = 28 [ Mult = 1.0 ] - 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES Type Expos GrArea NetArea Uval HTD Loss TILL 1 s 5 5 0.159 28.0 22 MLL 1 W 135 115 0.159 28.0 512 DOOR 2 W 20 20 0.560 28.0 314 FLOR 1 - 20 20 0.810 28.0 454 ROOF 1 - 75 75 0.040 28.0 84 15. INFILTRATION Loss 7 cfm x db Temp Diff 28.0 x 1.1 208 16. SUBTOTAL HEATING LOAD FOR SPACE 1677 17. SUPPLY DUCT HEAT LOSS ' Loss factor 0.10 x Line 16 Loss 168 18. VENTILATION 0 cfm x db Temp Diff 28.0 x 1.1 0 19. HUMIDIFICATION Inside RH desired 4 0.0 (Max = 32.0 for 1 pane ) # of Glazing panes 0.0 (Max = 52.0 for 2 pane, ) 7 cfm x 3.20 g/100cfm/d = 0.2 gpd 82 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N Job #: 20. RETURN DUCT HEAT LOSS Loss factor 0.03 x Line 16 Loss Page: 3 50 21. TOTAL HEATING LOAD ON EQUPMENT (Btuh) 1977 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N SIN RNW21393 RIGHT-N ZONE SUIVEVIARY Units: U.S. customary (I-P) Jan 23, 2001 For: APPLIANCE SERVICES By: APPLIANCE SERVICES Job #: Zone: BREAK ROOM COOLING LOAD 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS at 3PM Peak load at 3PM Inside: 75 OF Outside: 90 OF TD: 15 OF - RH: 50 % Moisture: 61 gr / lb Mult: 1.0 Ins.wb 63 OF Sensible Latent 2. SOLAR RADIATION THROUGH GLASS 0 " 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Sensible 728 - Walls: 290 - - Glass: 0 Doors: 0 - Partitions: 0 - " Floors: 0 - " Roofs/Ceilings: 284 - Return Air Ceiling: 154 - " 4. INTERNAL BEAT GAIN Sensible Latent 825 650 Occupants: 510 650 - - Lights: 315 0 - - Motors: 0 0 - - Appliances & Other: 0 0 - - 5. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 0 0 0 6. SUBTOTAL: Space load 1553 650 7. SUPPLY DUCT 78 - 8. SUBTOTAL: Bldg comp's and supply duct 1630 - Actual cfm: 83 at Supply TD: 20 - - 9. VENTILATION: Make-up air cfm: 120 1980 5011 10. RETURN AIR LOAD: Lighting & roof (net) 320 - 11. RETURN DUCT 47 12. TOTAL LOADS ON EQUIPMENT 3977 5661 HEATING LOAD 13. DESIGN CONDITIONS Mult: 1.0 Inside: 70 OF Outside: 42 OF TD: 28 OF 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES 1705 Walls: 906 - Glass: 0 - Doors: 0 - Partitions: 0 - Floors: 513 - Roofs/Ceilings: 143 - Return Air Roof 143 - 15. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 6 177 16. SUBTOTAL: Building components 1882 17. SUPPLY DUCT: 188 18. VENTILATION: Make-up air cfm: 120 3696 19. HUMIDIFICATION 1521 20. RETURN DUCT 56 21. TOTAL HEATING LOAD ON EQUIPMENT 7344 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N • _Y . SIN RNW213 9 3 RIGHT-N COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL LOAD CALCULATION -Jan 23, 2001 For: APPLIANCE SERVICES Zone: BREAK ROOM Page: 1 Job #: City: Fort Pierce, FL, US By. APPLIANCE SERVICES _ LWH: 11.0 x 11.6 x 9.0 Units: U.S. customary (I-P) 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS - COOLING ( 3PM August ) Dry Bib RH Moisture Range Wet Bib Outdoor Conditions > 90 59 15 78 Indoor Conditions > 75. 50 63 TOD Correction > 0 Difference 15 61 [ Mult = 1.0 ] - 2. GLAZING SOLAR HEAT GAIN ( Lat = 27.00 ° N , Const Wt = M ) Type Dir Shad Tilt %ovr Area Sfact Shgf Shad Sens n/a 0 0 0.0 0 0.00 0 0.0 0 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Type Dir GrArea NtArea Uval Grp CLTD Shad Clr Sens WALL 1 N 99 99 0.159 D 8.3 N L 131 WALL 1 W 104 104 0.159 D 9.6 N L 159 FLOR 1 - 23 23 0.810 0.0 - - 0 ROOF 1 - 128 128 0.040 RC-2 55.5 - D 284 RARF 1 - 128 128 0.040 RC-2 51.5 - - 264 RACL 1 - 128 128 0.300 4.0 - - 154 4. INTERNAL BEAT GAIN Sens Latent People 2 x Per person: sensible 255 latent 325 510 6 50 • 0 x Per person: sensible 300 latent 300 0 0 Lights Incandescents in RA Ceiling 0 x 3.4 x 60% 0 Fluorescents in RA Ceiling 128 x 4.1 x 60% 315 Incandescents other 0 x 3.4 x 100% 0 Fluorescents other 0 x 4.1 x 100% 0 Motors Nmbr Power Gain Load Fact Usage 1 1 0.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 2 1 0.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 3 1 0.00 0 1.00 1.00 0 Appl. Nmbr Type Sens Latent Usage 1 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 2 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 3 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 4 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 5 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 Other 1 0 0 1.00 0 0 5. INFILTRATION Sens Latent 0 cfm > x db Temp Diff 15.0 x 1.1 0 > x Moist. Diff 61.4 x 0.68 0 6. SUBTOTAL COOLING LOAD FOR SPACE 1553 650 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N .' 'Job #: Page: 2 7. SUPPLY DUCT HEAT GAIN Gain factor 0.05 x Line 6 Sensible Gain 78 8. COOLING FAN SIZING Sum of Duct Gain (7 ), Line (6) & Drawthru Fan = 1630 - (L 8 Sens ) / ( 1.1 x Supply TD ) = cfm Est Cooling cfm = ( 1630) / (1.1 x 20.0 ) = 74 Actual Cooling Fan > = 83 9. VENTILATION 120 cfm > x db Temp Diff 15.0 x 1.1 1980 > x Moist Diff 61.4 x 0.68 5 011 10. RETURN AIR LOAD FROM LIGHTING AND ROOF Incandescent Lights 0 Watts x 3.4 x 40% 0 Fluorescent Lights 128 x 4.1 x 40% 210 RA Roof Load from Line 3 N 264 RA Ceiling Load Credit from Line 3 (-) 154 11. RETURN DUCT BEAT GAIN Gain factor 0.03 x Line 6 Sensible Gain 47 12. TOTAL COOLING LOADS ON EQUIPMENT (Btuh) 3977 5661 SPACE HEATING LOAD CALCULATION 13. HEATING DESIGN TEMPERATURE Heating TD = (Inside DB - Outside DB) _ ( 70 - 4 2) = 28 [ Mult = 1.0 ] - 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES Type Expos GrArea NetArea Uval HTD Loss WALL 1 N 99 99 0.159 28.0 441 WALL 1 W 104 104 0.159 28.0 465 FLOR 1 - 23 23 0.810 28.0 513 ROOF 1 - 128 128 0.040 28.0 143 15. INFILTRATION Loss 6 c fm x . db Temp Diff 28.0 x 1.1 177 16. SUBTOTAL HEATING LOAD FOR SPACE 1882 17. SUPPLY DUCT HEAT LOSS Loss factor 0.10 x Line 16 Loss 18 8 18. VENTHATION 120 cfm x db Temp Diff 28.0 x 1.1 3696 19. HUMIDIFICATION Inside RH desired 40.0 (Max = 32.0 for 1 pane ) # of Glazing panes 0.0 (Max = 52.0 for 2 pane ) 126 cfm x 3.20 g/100cfm/d = 4.0 gpd 1521 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N eJob #: a. 20. RETURN DUCT HEAT LOSS Loss factor 0.03 x Line 16 Loss 21. TOTAL HEATING LOAD ON EQUPMENT (Btah) Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N Page: 3 56 7344 Jan 2G 01 09:OGa WHNDH GHHN bbl-4b0-//JC F.A SIN RM1393 RIGHT-N ZONE SUMMARY Units: U.S. customary (I-P) Jan 23, 2001 For. APPLIANCE SERVICES By. APPLIANCE SERVICES - Job #: Zone. HALL COOLING LOAD i. DESIGN CONDITIONS at 3PM Peak bad at OF 6PM Inside: 75 OF Outside: 90 OF TD: 15 OF RH: 50 % Moisture: 61 gr/lb Mull: 1.0 Inswb 63 Sensible Latent 2, SOLAR RADIATION THROUGH GLASS 0 " 3. TRANSMISSION GAINS Sensible 767 - Walls: 55 Glass: 0 _ Doors: 168 Partitions: 0 Floors: 0 - Roofs/Ceilings: 360 Return Air Ceiling: 185 - - 0 4. INTERNAL HEAT GAIN Sensible Latent 317 Occupants: 0 0 - - Lights. 317 0 - - Motors: 0 0 - - Appliances & Other. 0 0 - 5. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 10 161 407 6. SUBTOTAL: Space load 1245 407 7. SUPPLY DUCT 62 - 8. SUBTO rAL: Bldg comp's and supply duct 1307 - Actual cfm: 147 at SupplyTD: 20 - - 9. VENTILATION: Make-up air cfm: 0 0 0 10. RL"I'URN AIR LOAD: lighting & roof (net) 362 - 11. RETURN DUCT 37 12. TOTAL LOADS ON EQUIPMENT 1707 407 HEATING LOAD 13. DESIGN CONDITIONS Mutt: 1.0 ° Inside: 70 OF Outside: 42 OF TD: 28 F 14. TRANSMISSION LOSSES 950 Walls-. 160 - Glass: 0 Doors: 314 - Partitions: 0 Floors: 113 - Roofs/Ceilings: 181 - Return Air Roof 181 - 1.5. INFILTRATION: Outside air cfm: 15 45C 16. SUBTOTAL: Building components 1400 17. SUPPLY DUCT: 140 I& VENTILATION: Make-up air cfm: 0 0 19. HUMIDIFICATION 177 20. RETURN DUCT 42 . 21. TOTAL HEATING LOAD'ON EQUIPMENT 17 5 9 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-M Ver.3.0.04 Catif ed by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Fora N N iutoa tenwWjo sluamannbat tie Pau of VMV aq pm!poa b0'0-£-A N-I'Ard UOTMg qw '!`I pnww LOP SPZT Ravds Rod QvO'19N1' ooz) liv.LO im 19 LOP 0910 X 4'T9 jpQ ISM x < T9T T'T X 0'ST jTQd[ua.Lgp x < m30 OT lU-Wl sues xOLLVN.L'IId1,II 'S 0 0 00'T 0 0 T 'ate 0 0 001T O 0 T S ' 0 0 00'T 0 0 T ti 0 0 00'T 0 0 T E 0 0 00'T 0 0 T Z 0 0 0011 asesn 0 0 T I luawl Sins aCU.L GIs 'l�V 0 00'T 001T 0 0010 T £ 0 00'T 00'T 0 0010 T Z 0 00'T 00'T 0 00'0 T I aSssn pea peO7 U.MD lanaod igtnri saopw 0 %001 x T- P x 0 12glo sluao=onta 0 SA00I x P' E x 0 mqto qu2mpanul LYE %09 x TIP x 6ZT a»!Oao Va a[ slumwonta 0 %09 x b• E x 0 Supra va m slaao vwoul SWat'I 0 0 OO E Ill WE alq!saas mama' "ad x 0 0 0 00£ iul 00E alq!SOas :aostadtad x 0 atma lu2wI saes MY9,LV IH'IVNZ sim 'ti GOT - - 8'E OOE'0 Z9T Z9T - T 'iord SEE - - L'TS Z-011 0P0'0 M Z9T - T auva 09£ Q - S'SS Z-021 01,010 Z9T Z9T - T a0021 0 - - 010 OT8'0 S S - T 2i0'Za B9T - - O'ST 0949'0 0 0 M Z 2i000 0 Z N 916 (1 6ST'O 0 0 M T risen Sg Z N 9'6 a 651'0 9E 9£ M T rIrrd4 , saes AZ) pegS (I,L'T:) dJ pMa vaVirl warm J!Q gal SNIVJ NOISSMSNVN,L 'f 0 0'0 0 0010 0 0'0 0 0 E/u =!Q gal sws pzgS isils lags eov Io% Jul pots ( ys Im ISU03 `Me 00' LZ = is'I ) Nty9.LV3HH HV'IOS 9NIZV'I9 'Z I9 ST aaaatagrQ _ 0 <— aonaauoo QO.L E 9 09 S L <— saon!puoo ioopul 8L ST 69 06 <— S uo'Jsoopin0 qIS l2tA a8mrg almlow HE qlg Ajo ( >n$nv ' Wd9 ) 9NPI003 - SNOLU(moo Nom(l 'T (a-1) Axemogsno -s•n :sltull 0.6 x 9.0P X 0' 6 :HM'I saoll%das 210mvizacw en Aria Aaaiata Iioa :bD :0 qoT T :arced rI'1tLH :aaoZ S30IA2I3S g0I1KI'Iddfi 1041 TOOZ A£Z uet NOLLv'7Ia'Ivaavoi'IYIusfieIQiirmaummoo9-11,91m £6£Tzmwd is/S �ci A _coy._ roc WNH'J HQWHM e90160 TO 92 uer Jan 26 01 09:07a WANDA GAHN 561-465-7732 p.3 Job #: Page: 2 7. SUPPLY DUCT BEAT GAIN Gain factor 0.05 x Line 6 Sensible Gain b2 & COOLING FAN SIZING Sum ofDuct Grain (7 ), Line (6) & Draw d" Fan 1307 f (L 8 Sens ) ! ( 1.1 x Supply TD ) = cfta Est Cooling cfm = ( 1307) / (1.1 x 20.0 ) = 59 Actual Cooling Fan > = 147 9. VENTHATION 0 cfm > x db Temp Diff 15.0 x 1.1 0 > x Moist Diff 61.4 x 0.68 0 10. RETURN AIR LOAD FROM LIGHTING AND ROOF Incandescent Lights 0 Watts x 3.4 x 40% 0 Fluorescent Lights 129 x 4.1 x 40% 212 RA Roof Load from Line 3 (+) 335 RA Ceiling Load Credit from Line 3 (-) 185 11. RETURN DUCT BEAT CAIN Gain factor 0.03 x Line 6 Sensible Grain 37 12. TOTAL COOLING LOADS ON EQUIPMENT (Stuh) 1707 407 SPACE HEATING LOAD CALCULATION 13. HEATING DESIGN TEMPERATURE Heating TD = (Inside DB - Outside DB) _ { 70 - 42) = 28 [ Mult = 1.0 ] - 14. TRANSMiSS10N LOSSES Type Expos GrArea NetArea Uval HTD Loss VULLL 1 W 36 36 0.159 28.0 160 VMLL 1 W 0 0 0.159 28.0 0 DOOR 2 ... W ' 0 0 0.560 28.0 314 FLOR 1 - 5 5 0.810 26.0 113 ROOF 1 - 162 162 0.040 28.0 161 15. INFH.TRATION Loss 15 cfm x db Temp Diff 26.0 x 1.1 450 16. SUBTOTAI. HEATING LOAD FOR SPACE 1400 17. SUPPLY DUCT BEAT LOSS Loss factor 0.10 x Line 16 Loss 140 I& VENTILATION 0 cfm x db Temp Diff 28.0 x 1.1 0 19. HUMiaBrICATION Inside RH desired 40.0 (Max = 32.0 for 1 pane ) # of Glazing panes 0.0 (Max = 52.0 for 2 pane ) 15 cfm x 3.20 g/100cfm/d 0.5 gpd 177 Manual N: 4th Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual Form N Jan 26 01 09:07a WANDA GRHN 561-465-7732 p.4 _., i Job H: Page: 3 20. RVrURNT DUCT HEAT LOSS I.osswor 0.03 x Line 16Loss 92 21. TO►TALERATING LOAD ON RQUPIYIENT (Mub) Manual N. 4W Edition Right-N: Ver.3.0.04 Certified by ACCA to meet all regouemeats of Manual Foam N 1759