HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT# I I ISSUE DAf8 PLANNING & DRVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Ii *ion SMCONTRACTORAGRDEMENT Preferred AlC & Mechanical, Ino have agreed to be {Compaoy'Nameltndivldual Name) the Ma6harilwi t l-IVAC Sub -contractor for Renar guilders, LLG Mpe of mdel / = j a 1�<� -� "' '` w Contractor) For the project located at It is understood that, if'there is any ohazzge.af status regarding our participatlonwith the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of &, Ucie County will be adviged pursuant to the Piling ofa Change of.Sub-contractor not -lee. 7Y CON1t4..CT0RS[GNATUR (QugMr) SU]E-CON.TRXCrORSAGNATLT"(Quoiffer) CLonn A Davis 11 P , ,; , NAME . CBG 1261228 ea•arrcx GE;;27'EFlCATiaN xaun�sEzt State oftorida,Countyor Maftln The foregoing Instrument VMS arguedbefore metftfs, ' dayof who IsperaonallyImdsrn ,Lorhas prI-10Wa �. as IdenUitcatlon, � , Siguatam oENotaryPubile Pr1ni Name of Notary Pubve Revised 1111612M orhpY pu'e RHONDA$ ROWE Commission # GG 104656 Expires May 19, 2021 N�9TFOF F�O�\QQ Bonded Thru Budget Notary Services Donatd Wayne Q'Eiryon �'ttAd'T NAME _ COTIM.Y CEiYE'IPtQUONN[ MEA State U171a M,Countyof PinnseaOh TbeforegoingtnsG'amt�ttYassfgneii5efiremethis �3ayof who Is personally Itnmyn �Lar has produced a as identwCatlon. Signature oENa �'ry o Print Flame oSNotaryFubQe - }q�aa UA` Notary public- State of Florida o Commission # FF 926942 My Comm. Expires Jan 31.2020 oFr' Bondadltuou4hNationalPddtaryAssn, �.ruu•• PERMIT# I I ISSUE DA19 Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTORAGRE2WNT Cardinal Roofing & 1ding, CO, Inc have agreed to be (Company Namelladividual Name) the Roofing sub.contractor for Rendr Builders, LLG Of Tad I ._boa_ V 600 - For the project 1-orated at— bAlIc�- Tx- --- ——r—LL kelojeot fteetWAddreis orKoperty Tax 10 4) ctc� It is understood that. itthera is any chqnge Qf Sa,'Ws Ohg OutPatdc!0011 With the 60VO mentioned project thO EW Wifig Nd Ob dd RO,916601A )DINA81"O12 0 V 9 t. Luolb Nunty A be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Subqontractor notice. GlOnn A Davis 11 FfflNT -NAM COOTYCIMMCATIONNUMER 8fqte6fNodd11,CPUatY(Vf st.pde The foregoing IM(rumeat was dFad W-row me" day of I who Ispemnany ktwwaZor 56speodutwa �j�J drAMF Pc AN �5 Print Nom ofWatary Public RHONDASROWE Commission #GV04656 Revised 11/16120116 . . . I I I . . . . . Brad H49an PEWT NAW- VON state of NW14COURV of. $t L4010 The fA&m1"1w(rwMt1M signed kore me thig + Y— as I de wMemilon, ............. ffAHP A� RHONOAG ROWE Commission # GG 104050 M PERMrr# ( I ISSUE DAZE PLANNING & DEVELO.PAIEN ` SERVICES Building & Code Compliance *I)Msion BOLDING P URMIT sUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Comfort Control Services (company Name/IndividualNsme) have agreed to be the Electrical .Sub -Contra&,,, for Renar Builders, LLC (Type of Trade) Q3 10 WS , 066 -4 (Primary Contractor) For the project locaterJ at q 760 '1 r,� (Project Street Address or —property -Tax Ill #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project; the Building and Code Regulation Division of St, Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTORSiGN TURL(QaaUtier) Glenn A Davis II PRINT NAME SU&CONTRACT0RSIGNATUR6 (Qneiftier) Wayne Zimmerman PRINT NAME CBC 1*1228 A COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of Martin State ofFiorida,Counlyof St.Lucle The foregoing InArnment was signed before me this ZS'doy of TFq foregoing tnshumuttwaa signed before me this day of , ) 20`?by C ic_ ny-\ 24Z y�d�C'd1'I who is personally known _or has produced a who is personally knau_)� or hpm4' a as Identification, f. STAMP Signatareof Notary Public Print Name of No rnry Public ,v vuoy RHONDA S ROWE Commission # GG 10A656 Revised i 1116f2016 r Expires May 19'.2021 �9fFoce�o� BorAed'(htuBudOoFtlofitiN�KAb �1rs'en Notary Public State of Florida Kimla J Simone fe My Commission FF 9613M 400 Q,,0: Expires 05/1812020 PERMIT 4 ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVI,ES Building & Code Compliance Divisio BUILDING PERNMIT SUB-CON'TRACTOR AGREEMENT Aqua Dimensions Plumbing Services, Inc. (Company Naine/Individual Name) the Plumbing (T} -ieof Trade) have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Renar Builillers, LLC (Primary Contra •t-or) For the project located at Morningside @ Palm Breezes Z) (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation w th the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St, Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. A61C"TORSIGNATU E' (Qualifier) '.'C-T)R MGM FURL (Qualifier) Glenn A Davis 11 nt)� 1) e uJ ( (.I PRIN-FINANIE PRINT NAME CBC 1261228 CFC057526 COLIN'l Y CERTEVICATION NU1ITIF1 'COUNTY CERTIFICATIM, r FIJ—NIBFR State of Florida, County of St. Lucie state or Florida, County or 'Flic foregoing instrument was signed before me this (13%, of 'I'll" foregoing instrument was 'Z2 ;igued before me this 'Ydav or C— 20_ v 24,46, by who is known or personally has Produced a Mio is personally known �rr has produced it as ids lineation. asiden(i Minn. IL LISA LESTER STAMPNOTARY �Sigmature of Nota - ry Public� Notar. PS �S!j, gture of Pu lie a TE OF: FLORIDA Conim#1313127647 E I Expires Flht Name of N.v..�, Public 7/24/202-1 Print Name of Notary Public 51311-108 kelON Wpno QA;J pv';,:'Oq '014 I E)E) # UOIGSILUtuo) R.vkcd 11,16/2016 71moI RVONOHN