HomeMy WebLinkAboutREROOF APPLICATION - 640 SENEGAL CTAl I APPUCA13 LE IfµFO MU ST BE COMPLETED f OR APPLI CATKIN TO B E ACCEPTED Rat.e; 12-1-2020 Pbnning and Devedapme.0 Services Perm it N umber _ Bui (ding Permit Application 130609 avid Cvhde RepafiWim lfu,sfori Co rn m e rba 1 2300 L ir0nfv AvEnue, For# Pkrc-e R 345V Rhone; (772 ) 462-1 a 5.3 fax: (772) 4E7-1579 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR; RE ROOF P ROPOSE D I M PROVE M E NT LDCATI ON: AderesS: 640 Seneg al CT PO R7 P I ERC E FL 34982 Prop" Tax ID #; 5410-5 -009D- -$ Site Plan Narne: Project Name,. DETAILED DESCRIRTION OF WORK' REMOVE SHENSLE AOOF INSTALL PEEL & STICK U N 1) E R LAYMENT 6048 INSTALL SHINGLES FL1 0674 Ruw EI eetrieal Meter -Second E Iectrica I Meter CONSTRUnON INFORIVI.ATION. Addi kiunj I work 10 Ibk- !P�!rfor med under this Iperml t - chef k a I I that apply-. R-esidential Lot No. 22 INQr* No- G _Mechani r,af — Gas Tank _ Gas Pi ping _ 5h utters — Windows/Moors _ Pon-d E learic _ Plumbing _ spri rokl-e rs _ Generator X Root [ P itch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: rQ47 Cost of Constructian: S 10-5M OWNER/LESSEE Sq, ft, of First Floor: 2,047 Utllltles; -!Sewer _Septic Pv il0i ng H e ight: 5 FT Narna Annette K161 Address_ 640 Eer�eg a1 CT - City: FORT PkE R CE State: Zip Code: 34982 Fax: Phone No... --- E-Mail; Pill Iri fee slmple Title Holder on next page I if ti fFerent f rorn Use Owner I istecl a l)ove M CONTRACTOR: Name: ROLANO WI LEY Corr)pany; SHORE L I N E ROOFING Address: $ 973 SW GLEN DALE STR EET CItV; PORT ST LUCIE _ _ _ Stag: FL -- zip Code- 34987 Fax: P hone No 772- 0-9565 E-Mail HORELINERCOFIN @YAHOO.CO 1 'state Or County License CCU' 1331170 If value Of ron!�trudion is 25DO ar more, a RECORDtD Notice -of Com mencemeFn is regufrd. if value of HAVC is $7,50D or more, a AECDRDE D Nutire of Coal mencement Is requi red. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN ! DESIGN E FR f ENGI N EER= -- Not Ali pl i LAW INFORMATION: e Name; Address- — Ca#fir: State; Zip, Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicable N-ame: Address; City: Zip; Rhone; MORTGAG E COMPANY: _ Not Ap pl i cab1 e Name - Address; City '. 5#-a# e= Zip; Phone: BONDING COMPANY, Not Ap PI i ca bI e Name: Address; Cittir zip! _. Pihone- OWN E CONTFIACTO R AF FI DVIT:App+lCati-on Is heeabtir Made to ofxtain a permit to do the work and installation as i nd IcaTpd I cerri f yr dtisr no work or i n5tailation has commenced prior to the Issuance of a permit. St. Lucie CoLwyLy Fnakes no representation ttiat Is gtantlN a permit will aurt"ri£e the rmit holder to build the subject struotufe which Is In conf1110 with any popliic-D�Ie Home Orwnets A ciadon rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or p ohibit such structufe_ Please Consult with, your Home Owners Association and review wour deed far anyr re,.�#rlcti-orr6 whIM mn iNpp y. in-consi-deation of the granting of then requested permit, I do here -by agree that I will., in all resp"ts, jxrfvrm the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida building Codes and St Lucie County Amendments. The foliprwir%j� buildi ng permit applications are emmpt from undergping a full coneurr-envy review- rfibm addition$, accessory structures} swimming pw3Qls, fences,, walls, sikns1 . screen roums and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWN ER, You F fal lure to ReCor-d a Notice of Commencement maV result In pawlrlo twice foe i rnprovi?m ents to you r property- A Not is e of Co in ine rrce ray ant rn us# be rermrde d in the pu blic record s of St, Lucie County a nd ;posted on t be tobsi to before t I'W fir,# ifl5pection- I f -you intend to obta i n fi nanc i ng, cons ult with lender or an attorneys before com menc i ng work in r r -ordiryg Yo u +f4p#ice of Corr) mencem ent, _ Signature of Owner} I e5se—e fUnkfactar Is Writ for Owner I STATE OF ELQRIDk--. ! COUNTY OF � 5wo to (cr affirm�egd) and sutKKritmd befor-e me of _daysp Peel-3 r Online N-otarization thisof 2020 ti�3' iName aF Person ma king stabament.} ! Personally Known OR Produced I der fKa6aa ' Type of I-dumification Pr UCed__., A. (Signature of fkot public- Stage of Fiorldo } Commission No. + 1 [ REWEWS -FRONT ZON I N G COLT NTER I REVIEW R ECEIVEI) COIN PLETE D Signature of Contractor�Lace nse Holder STATE OF FLORIDAC. - COUNTY OF Swwor to (or affirmed) a nd subscflhed before m e of Physical Prence flr ON ine N warl2atli)n thisday of 20 bw N ame of pef$on m2kk ing rwnallw Known " OR produced Id en j i6if�& TyptF of Identi-fic3don 3-- Produced__. - 15knature of N a Public- State of Florida I - • Eommi�sion No. � } � 3 .o r 5U:P ERVISO R I P IAN5 I VEG ETATION SEA TRH RTLIE I MANGROVE REVIEW REVIEW I REVIEW _ RI VIEW REVIEW