HomeMy WebLinkAboutReroof Permit application - 5020 Sunset BlvdAll AMICABLE INFO MUST B E CO M PLETED FOR APPOCATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date_ 12-1-202() Permit N umber, 'id Building Permit Application P�pnrung and Deveopme nt Seruirgs Bur)Eyinq and Cade ireguta[ron giviva" commercial Residential 2300 Virginia Ave4ue, Fort Price Ft 34982 Phgne: (172) 462-1553 Fax: (T72) 462-1578 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR; RE ROOF PROPOSED IMPIRQVEMENT LOCATION: Address_ 5020 Sunset BLVD Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Propertw Sfax le N: 3402-608-0254-000-4 Site Plain Name: Pr0je1Ct l`Q mL-: [p�CtAl LEE) DESCRIPTI0N OF w0RK: RE MOVE SH I NG LE F100F INSTALL PEEL & STICK U N 0 F-S LAYMENT FLI8048 NSTALL SHI NGL ES FL 1 R355 New Electrical Meter SeDorrd :EI ectri-cal Meter COS STRIJCTIQN INFORMATION: LUk No. 24 Additlonai vudrk to bye performed under tFk15 Permit--llheck all that apply: I &e&artIca I _ Ca s Ta nk _ Gigs Pl-ping _ Shvtm rs Wl ndows f Doors Pond Electric Plumbing _ Spri n kle rs _ Genera#4r � Roof '� . :Pituh TotaI 5q_ Ft of Corv5tructiori; 3,331 5q_ Ft. of First Floor- 3,33 Cost of ConmrucUon_ � 12,300 tjtilltles= _ Sewer _ 5eptic. Bui (ding Height: 8 Fr OWN E R f L ESSEE; CONTRACTOR= ream KiIlium A Street Name; ROLAN aI LEY Ad dre 55: o Sunset BLVD Com-pa": SHORELINE ROOFING City: F()FIT P I ERCE _ State; Addrem 1973 SW GLENOAL E STREET POPIT ST LIME state; F� ZIP Code: 3495 rax= [ its' Phorke No. 772-4-0033 zip code; 9RFax E-Mail= _ Phone No 772-260•9565 FIII In fee Sim ple Tltie HoW e r o rn next page ( If d iffare nt E - Ma ii HOF4E LI N E ROOI= I NG YAHCX), C>M — from tFie CFwin-er I fisted move) State or [purky Lice rise E CG 1331170 ff watije of construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Not ice of Comrrn emE!nt is �eAuFred. if value of HAVC is $7, 5W or mare: a RE CORDED %tire of Co mmencement i � req ulred. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION U EN LAW INFORMATION-. DESIGNER/ENGINEER; _ Not Applicable Name; Address: City: State; Zip; Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE H OLD -ER, _ Not Applicable Name; Addr-ess: City: ZIP: Pkine- MORTGAGE COMPANY- _ N-ot Applicable Name: Address; City: 5#ia#e: Zip; Phone; BO N D III G C OMPANY= _Not Applicable Na me: _ Adidress; City=__.. . Zip: phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR ACTOR AFFIDVIT; Appl nation is hereby made to obta ir, a permit to do the work and i nstallation as indicated. I certlfV th.3t no wbrk or ioiral Ill im has oorri riv-noel prig to the issua noe cf a permit. SS. Lucie Count ma*c—s no reVesemation that is granting a permit will authorize thercr rm It holder to build the subfed Ltvuo urn which is in coict with a nor applicahile Horne Owners ,4ssoc,ati-orr rolcn, bxlaw� or a rtinants that m restrict or pr4ah ibit such structure. Ptease consult with pun Hpme owners ciation and r2wiew your deed anv restrictions which may a pphy_ I n consider aki-00 0f Uhe grantir►g of this requested permit I da hereby agree that I wHi, in all re5pects, perforrn the work in accordance with the approved plans, the FIor1¢�a 1 Iuihdi ng d-es and St. Lode County Amendments. The fall -owing bvilding permit apoIitati;ons ire emempt from undeirgaing a full conourreinq review: room additions, m:Ces5ory structUres, swimming pools, fences, wall s, signs, screen roams and accessory uses to ariorher riori-teiidentiol usi WARN ING TO OWN ER: You r fa ilure to Recorcl a Notice of Commencement may result in paving twice for amprow-em ants to *our prop-er ty_ A Notice Cif CQrnrnenre meat ma5l be recorded in the pu b4c re cord s of St. Luc le Coun ty a rid posted erw the j i Gg byre t he first in 5pecti o n. If you i nt end to obtain f aanc i ng, cons u I t w Ith lan der or an attoirriev before cQrr me ncin vXr rk -a r rec ordi n8 your Notice of Com mencem ent. r 1 � Signature of Owner/ Lessee{Cantr as Agent For Owner Tg'nature "Nd CC U STATE O t Rlar - f ._x.� .� COUNTY OF RIDA - II U1 a 9 S�to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of J°h sisal Presence or O nlane Nfltarizatlon this y of 020 ' P-)LyTy1 � A - �-' I �-.k I t Name -of person ma7=1 4 7 Personal lye Known ed I ❑ens aci Type of Identfficatlon } Produced Y 1� I {Signature of to N Public- State of F Iorida J G G33D Commission No.� (Sea rn 5w n to (or afflrmed).and suRwiWd before m4� of "+cal Presence or ON ine N marizatlan the dgyr of _.. _ 2020 by Name of person m aking statement PersanAlw Known J OR Rrbduced wentl lfionn Type of I dentificadi3n Ln Produced I 1 it �5%nature of NDta ublic- State of Flor.da r ti Comrni5sion No, u S 9 (seal REIFIE WS I CO LINTER I REVIIEW I � REVIEW I REVIEW I � REVIEW I � REVIEWLE P�NSEGETATiONEATURT DATE RECE IVE D DATE MANGROVE REVIEW