HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding PlansHandrail PLAN VIEW %MOUNT BACK TO BACK scale: 3/16"=1'-0" SEE a-1EET 2 FOR SINGLE FACE & V PLAN VIEW Walkaround catwalk (20 1/2" wide) Rear access ladZ Panel tie -down location (typical top & bottom . stringers, each end) CHECK WITH MARKET MANAGER FOR STRINGER AND CATWALK LOCATION --Rear access , fndclw, n. _ C JNT COLUMN Ac FOUNDATION SCHE Column Ladder _ - „I! Height g nda Ion Drilled Foundation i rm Ire oundation Rungs - 3/4"0 rod, 12" c/o P U o er Width Stringers - 2 1/2"x 3/8" borstock, 16" in. to in. J — r (Ladder to meet OSHA standards) r -0" _ 4'-0" Ladder Standouts — - 13'-6„ 9'-011 2 1/2"x 3/8" barstock, length to maintain on H" minimum toe clearance, welded to column 0" 14'-0" 11'-0" 5' 6" pipe 58'-C 4'.-6" 15'-0" 12'-0" 6'-0" and ladder Column pipe- --_, 58 -1 "_ to 67'-6' 4; „ _ 6" r 6'-0" 12'-0" 6'-0" (see schedule) 67 -7" to 80'-O" 23 -0" 5 FLAG ,' FOUNDATION SC , ; 16'-6" 13'-0" 6'-6" at- on �'- ;ckhoed Foundation alum _ Tiameter L.pth Length Width See splice detail 12'-6" 8'-O" 6'-6" L 4'-0" 13'-6" 10'-0" 7,-0" 0 --- 20 4' 6 15'-0" 1l'-C" 6'-6" 54 1" 22'-O" 4'-6" 15'-6" 12'-0" 7'-0" 7 Column pipe 1 (see schedule) __ _ _... _ 13'-0" 7'-6" .,, a er er, s,te .eqd Grade --�_ I � I Hcdrail I Handrail a� v, y Wcxaround catwalk -- Walkaround Catwaltt (2C 1/2" wide) (20 i/2" wide _ • _ _ .____ t �� Rer access ladder Rear access ladder .._ _ Rer catwalk WS I __. Tui angle leg down otwalkaround connection I I ar `M; a - Sign face-J Front catwalk PLAN VIEW ' k `11 a11 }nr 4 h i s go FULL FLAG BACK TO BACK; scale: 3/16"=1'-0" k' SEE SHEET 2 FOR SINGLE FACE & V PLAN VIEW-2. x ' # n 36'-0" sign face "w I € �g 11 3'-0" - _0 frame-- from " "` frame frame L 5"x 3"x 1/ 4"� Rail stop (see detalf) ' ' hangrai! ai: Panel tie -down location �t s:, rR�BBBBBBBTli x /4K-- _ (typical top & bottom ,U I stringer stringers, each end) u -1- - - -1 - - I -- CHECK WITH MARKET MANAGER Rear access 3/4'� rod c I I Rear catwalk FOR STRINGER ANO CATWALK ° odder n o crossbracing LOCATION A Rear access 3 o ° o�, -°°I a°I ladder 1" I r �I Handrail Handrail o Na u_ See column \\-24"O x .500" pipe connection detail 0 .f Column Ladder j ( Rungs - 3/4"0 rod, 12 c/cT Stringers - 2 1/2"x 3/8" barstock, 16" in. to* to (Ladder to meet OSHA standards) Ladder Standouts 2 1/2"x 3/8" barstock, length to maintain an 8' minimum toe clearance welded to column pipe and ladder Column pipe �� A (see schedule) a See splice detl 1" min �L pipes I Column pipe 1" splice plate d I I d W x L 8 0 45' 1 /4 sr L- W = width a' weld L = length of weld —1" splice plate t = wall thickness Column pipe of lower pipe W=t+5/16 i = 4 x t �—diameter—� Concrete foundationAiwu %II—V VISIONConcrete foundation k -dConcrete foundation —No. 5rebar, 16" c/c da I s - x �'J�Oi3-fl/ g __ . , _ (both sides)1 UST BE KEPT ON JOB r n`� ^a v° Alternate - 4x4-W4xW4 °I c ,. F=�'o t91C ,„ 'yIltBE}I'IA,DE, I welded wire fabric ° F, + au both sides o L 3"x 3"x 1/4" x 3'-0' l °o b Q i xo 0s welded to .,_e � u I (welded to P4 req'd Ppaly spaced �rol Pe ). r I 4 req'd equally spaced b L ° `,. -p<.»a _ ° - --- I Foundation length bearing � I 200 psf/ft.) Foundation �__-� width Undisturbed soil (Undisturbed soil g ALTEI\HATE �IDE VIEW (minimum bearing minimum bearin Foundation _ pressure is 200 psf/ft.) pressure is 200 psf/ft.) Foundatione diameter "D � - "`•!RATIONdiameter CENT(. _'.MOUNT FULL FLAG IGN FAC ELEVATION 51GN FA(-F ELF\/,TION ' NOTES .21 awl 1. Design wind pressure is 64 psf... 2. - This drawing represents Quantum standards' there shall be no substituting member sizes or thickness. 3.-Check with sign location market for stringers ` and catwalk location. 4. Pipe shall conform to ASTM A252 grade 2. (U.N.O.) 5. Structural steel shall conform to ASTM A-36. 6. Welding shall be in accordance with AWS standards. s , 7. - Bolts & nuts shall be A325 (UNLESS NOTED) and be zinc or cadmium plated. SIGN DESCRIPTION CENTERMOUNT O C� ❑OFFSET SINGLE FACE PARTIAL FLAG FOOTING TYPE ❑ ❑ AUGERED BACKHOED O BACK TO BACK FULL FLAG V OVERALL HEIGHT 8. - Concrete shall attain a 28 day compressive strength of Vc = 3000 p.s,i. 9-Concrete reinforcing steel shall conform to ASTM A615 grade 60. 10. Welded wire fabric shall conform to ASTM A185. 11,-Concrete cure time to set sign superstructure without panels is 24 hours. 12. Steel shall be primed & pointed. 13, Structural steal shall be fabricated and erected according to the latest AISC specifications and standard practices. 14,- The contractor shall verify all dimensions and conditions in the field and notify the engineer of any discrepancies. THIS IS AN ORIGMK UNPUBLSHED DRAWING, IT IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED, COPIED OR EXHIBITED IN ANY FASHION WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF QUANTUM STRUCTURE • DESIGN. 6 ANTU M UCTURE do DESIGN a. A DIVISION OF ELLER MEDIA 10'-6" x 36'-0" MONOPOLE SIGN STRUCTURE 64 PSF CENTERMOUNT PARTIAL FLAG FULL FLAG BACK TO BACK SINGLE FACE STANDARD 16' V TO 80'-0" TO TOP JOB NO. / + LOCATIC' DRAWING NUMBER 10636-64S sheet 1 _1 4 -3W7 a c 0 10-0 C frormne 0 ame 10 —0 3`0" Front catwalk Sign face Handrail i I W10x22 (below) Walkaround catwalk � [_W6x9 (above) 6"0 x .375" pipe (20 1/2" wide) Rear access ladder---- --3rafl�e' t -- ------- - - en [a, Support grating on---� underside of shuttle CCtWGlKS -Rear catwalk catwalk Turn angle leg down--,,- Wax 1 Rear access ladder at walkaround connection and at rear catwalk i Sign face— 1 Walkaround catwalk 1 (20 1/2" wide) Front catwalk pipe Handrail PLAN VIE CENTERMOUNT I G FT scale: 3/16'=I'-0" Handrail Walkaroun catwalk— (20 1 /2" 'ide) Rear accEs ladder Support g1ting on--,--, underside f shuttle catwalk Turn cnghleg down at walkarand connection and at rer catwalk Wolkaround catwalk (20 1/2" Me) Turn angle leg down— ot walkarond connection Handrail 0 face 3`0" frame 3'-0" Front catwalk I I Sign face H,, W8X 13 11-9 1 1 1 Sign face---J mmmo� Front catwalk PLAN VIEW ' " - FULL FLAG I G FT. V scale. - 3/16"-1'-0" Rear catwalk— j'-B 1/2" along 24"0 pipe when column pipe is at the wide end of the V. o 10x22 (below) w6x9 (above) - 0 —24"0 x .500" pipe Rear catwalk Rear access ladder Walkaround catwalk P:3 (20 1/2" wide) Handrail 'i NOTE: FULL FLAG W1 BE AT . V. (20 1/2" wide) Handrail u. R ANTUM UCTURE & DESIGN A 10'-6" x 36'-0" MONOPOLE SIGN STRUCTURE 64 PSF CENTERMOUNT PARTIAL FLAG FULL FLAG BACK TO BACK SINGLE FACE STANDARD 16' V TO 80'-0" TO TOP JOB NO.. LOCATION DRAWING NUMBER 10636-64S Im Will sheet 2 of 4 L 5% 3"x 1/4" hangrail (LLV) C5x9 safety cable support '- (typical at end frames) (2) 1/2"0 A325 bolts Handrail (L 2% 2% 1/4") O v No /2" � I 3/4"0 rod cat-c Rear catwalk N _\� L 4% 3"x 1/4" L.L.V. crossbracing _ 3 psf. expanded metal )grating CHECK WITH MARKET o MANAGER FOR STRINGER AND CATWALK LOCATION N 0 o See detail D in O N ` —(2) 1/2"0 A325 bolts N See stringer L 3"x 3"x 1/4" mounting detail continuous lateral brace io 0 a I Sign face m x9 safety cable support a (typical at end frames) Handrail (L 2"x 2% 1/4") c w -20 1/2 'a ` - ear catwalk a Apron -16"0 x .375' pipe a oc (1.5622 metal deck) a- o Na Front catwalk a L 4"x 3"x 1/4" (L.L.V.) 3 psf. ex anded metal grating P 9 9 Fr. L 4"x 3"x 1/4" 0 4" W6x9 (1/4" gusset plate between bolts) i — (2) 1 /2" 0 A325 bolts gage ® 2 1/4 3 sides / 4 l , 1 26 QL P Pe S 4'-1 1/4" 18" max. 12"� catwalk varies (see note 3 on sheet 1) DETAIL.. CENTEI` r g FULL FLAG DETAIL SIMILAR (SEE MOUNTING DETAIL ON SHEET 4) r 1/2" plate, 4"x 25"- (welded to W10 and plate) W10x19 (8) 5/8"0 A325 bolts gage ® 2 1/4„ c4 -1s"0 pipe::::„: ------- 1/4 typ 4 W10x19 ` '-DAME MOUNTING DETAIL TFRMOUNT 51NGLE FACE` Catwalk not shown \� 1 /4-7 1/2" plate, 6' x 4" L 5"x 3"x 1/4"— hangrail (LLV) i 1 f (2) 1/2"0 A325 bolts O � I� N a ' 20 1/2"_ 3/4"0 rod catwalk s crossbracing m cc O � W6x9 M M P u o c See detail D---JI, c w 1 (a I N � / See stringer mounting detail ro —05x9 safety able support (typical at er frames) —Rear catwalk I L 4"x 3"x 1/4(LL.V.) N 3 psf. expande metal grating i Sign foes CHECK WH MARKET MANAGER�OR STRINGER `a AND CATULK LOCATION I M � L 3"x 3" 1/4" continuou lateral brace �a as I w Sign face --(2) 1/2",A325 bolts m o c m 20 1/2 rear catwalk, ; "-05x9 sof�y cable support (typical a end frames) L 16"0 x .375' pipe C a ^' C5x9 safe, cable support a ^ (typical at:nd frames)pron ' o (1.5822 metal deck) A a 1/4 aides a c a Na Front catwalk - _ — a L 4"x 3"x 1/4" (L. L.V.) 3 psf. expanded metal grating L 4"x 3°x /4" @ 4 (1/4" gusse plate between bolts) W6x9 r (2) 1/2"0 A25 bolts pipe gage ® 2 4' S mmetrcel about Y ' 4' -1 1/4" 18 max. 1 the centerline catwalk varies �� e E3c ;tea a (see note 3 ,on sheet 1 1/2" plate, 4"x 23 1, (welded to W8x10's) W8x13 (8) 1/2"0 A325 bolts gage ® 2 1/4" FRAME DETAIL "-NITERMOUNT BACK TO BACK scale: 1/2"=l'-0" _ FULL FLAG DETAIL SIMILAR (SEE MOUNTING DETAIL ON SHEET 4)` 4" Catwalk not shown 16"0 pipe W8x13 I=KAME MOUNTING DETAIL CENTff BACK TO BACK L 5"x 3"x 1/4"- hangrail (LLV) (2) 1/2"0 A325 bolts C5x9 safety cable support o m typical at end frames) I � a Naj 23 1/2" 20 1/2" catwalk f 3/4"0 rod or crossbracing s N 1 0 m b o See detail D C / t u0 i0 See stringer mounting detail- � c continuous Iaterel bra" U I o " ° Sign face (2) 1/2"0 A325 bolts t. uo C5x9 safety cable support M x 00 (typical at end frames) 5 v, W1Ox22 Apron oc (1.5B22 metal deck) 0 �a Front catwalk t w i 3 psf. expanded metal grating 1 .. er f—II W6x9 e 4'-1 1/4" 18" max. I- L catwalk vanes (see note 3 on sheet 1 x s�. 1 11 1/2 Frame A )'pipe 7r; 3'-4 1/2 Frame B 4'-9 1/2" Frame C I Symmetrical about''4, 6'-2 1/2" Frame D the centerline FRAME DETAIL CENTERMr-lI Ir rr ll V „ J scale: FULL FLAG DETAIL SIMILAR (SEE MOUNTING DETAIL ON SHEET 4) L 3 I tD "� —Rear catwalk L 4% 3"x 1/4" (LLV.) N 3 psf. expanded metal grating —Sign face CHECK WITH MARKET o 0 MANAGER FOR STRINGER AND CATWALK LOCATION o ! I C5x9 safety cable support (typical at end frames) — — i x n 3 sides 4 ,: x w- 0 L 4°x 3"x 1/4" ® 4 (1/4" gusset plate between bolts} W6x9 W/R, X /r- T rvn. NTUM ."QUCTURE & DESIGN 5�: Z A DIVISION OF ELLER MEDIA 10'-6" x 36'-0" MONOPOLE SIGN STRUCTURE 64 PSF CENTERMOUNT r PARTIAL FLAG FULL FLAG BACK TO BACK SINGLE FACE STANDARD 16' V TO 80'-0" TO TOP JOB NO. LOCATION DRAWING NUMBER 10636-64S sheet 3 of 4 WIN 32" — 14 3/8" 11 7/8" —3/4" plate, 32"x 32" —3/4"o A325 bolts 1,--30"0 column pipe (62 (typ) gusset plates fit (typ) SECTION A -A 23 3/4" FA CENTERMOUNT -COLUMN CONNECTION scale: 3/4"=11 —0" L 2"x 2"x 1/4" W21x62 (typ) 16"0 pipe Al 3/4" plale. 32"x 32" 3/4"0 A325 bolts 1/2" gusset plates 1 0% fit (typ) 30"0 colomn pipe 1/4 v L 2% 2% 1/4" post 42" long) o.c. max.) L 2"x 2"x 1/4"—\rl/4 1/2"0 A325 bolt-,,j Catwalk 36" — 3" 1 6" 9" 12" (2) 1" plates, 36"x 36" 1 1/4"0 A325 bolts 0 O1/2" gusset plates, 6"x 5" (typ) �--1/2" gusset plate, 4"x 5" 'o to clear 24`0 pipe —3/4" plate, 36"x 30" (typ) O ty /_1_/_27' 00 5ECTI 0_�! 24" 3/4" plate, 36"x 30" (typ) 24"0 pipe 1/4 typ 1/4" cop plate—P 1/2" plate, 4"x 2'—l"-- (welded to W8 and plate) W!OX19 (8) 5/8"0 A325 bolts Catwalk not shown gage @ 2 1/4" plate, 6"x 4" 10 welded to plate & pipe) 103 24"0 pipe it.Co -Wloxlg FRAME MOUNTING DETAIL FULL ff I A(3 911N(1�111F F,8--CE typ 1 4 '"i� 1/2" gu`.­3et piates, 6"x 5" Oyp) 10 FB 41 11- I il (2) 1 plates, 36 36" 1 1/4"0 A325 lb,•its 1/2" gusset plot,,,, typ 1 4 10"X fit (typ) 3/8 colurT pipe f U LL FLAG ' 7(—Tl(1t\I MIFT4111 scale: W Learn 1/2" plate, 12"x 4" 1/2'0 A325 bolts, goge 0 2 1/4" w6X9 DETAIL D 1'2"0 J—bolt (ech side of catwalk) -Cit,alk �t L CATWALK MOUNTING DEVIL. Ming Sign pan 21" 2 FRAME MOUNTING DETAIL FULL FLAG BACK TO BACK stole,_ 3/4"=1'-0" J—bolt 11" 3% 1/4" stringer SIGN PANEL TIE -DOWN DET\IL I L 5% 3"x 1/4" stringer (long leg horizontal) W beam L 6"x 3 1/2% 5/16" clip 0 4" (long leg horizontal) (centered on W beam) (2) 1/2"0 A325 bolts­:--� gage 0 2 1/4" at ends L 4"x 3% 1/4" (LLV) _L Yx Yx 1/4" (welded to underside) 1/2"0 A325 bolts 3 ps f expanded metal gr T, Rl'i" CAT\n/`! ffT I i I 'F111 1/2* plate, 16"x 2- 4' 8 8 (8 /2"0 A325 bl!t;V,� gage 0 2 1/4" W10x2 wloo2 typ 3/8" stiffner plate, 1 4 2 1/2"x fit (both sides) (8) 1/2"0 A325 bolts,-- 2gage 02 3/4" r 3 yp --3/8" stiff -1 �4' ner plate, 4 2 1/2% fit (both sides W I Ox22 '�­ ---24"0 pipe A �q RV fKAME MOUNTING DETAInI F I scale: 3/4"=1'-0" Safety cal (see deto DRAWING NUMBER,10636-64S sheet 4 of 4