HomeMy WebLinkAbout20-182 Homecrete Evans 11-11-20 Sh5Block beam with I"x as needed to fill hanger Strap Girder truss to wall using Sim son GT strap with (1) 5/8" dia. ATR embeded 12" min, in concrete and (22) 10d nails Into wood beam Har Simpso 1) 3/4" with >Impson I717 BI VCK4 I'— " I g MB did. ATR 3.T6/ o 'A wl nd f c T Ep xy e sine 24" 8'-8" 4'-411 fq L/-/JF — — O N L31 BI 12 < SLOPE cn C-2 24" Q) (n BI 0) O.H. °UEi LL III O - W cA LH M,q_ Z W z v~LLI 12 D- W BI SLOPE 6 ll_ Hang beams on columns using Simpson MBHA 3.56/11.88 w—Tt-Ti 3/4" did. ATR top and f ace with min. 7 embedment se in Simpson ET Epoxy Tie Adhe ive EM wilm 167 M 12 6 ISLOPE B2 1L O N N irw 191*0111im Al 1 11 1 1.1T;-_...:::j:'� 1. ��o Leo BI I ul IL 1� L60 I OR» ng �I�i9�lC�1� 6' Metal Sales Manuf turing Inc 5v M al Roofing Installed per FL 411 0.1 over 3 lb felt le,Qver p'I'Nood dttXched to trusses p sheeting attachment diagr on roof plan r I 1!4pv • �� • • Ceiling at 12'-0" Strap beams to columns using Simpson HETA 20 at each beam end \Strap Beam to walls using Simpson HUC 212-2 with (3) I/4" x 2" tapcons in each flange into concrete Strap Girder truss to wall using Simr)son GT strap with (1) 5/8" dia. ATR embeded 12" min, in concrete and (22) IOd nails into wood beam I-411 al, H. N 12 Q Strap Girder truss to wall using Simpson st rap wl dia.Al R embeded 12" min. in concrete and (22) 10d nails into wood beam 'q- I� BI L�fSI: Q 12 SLOPE.6 BI L-45 24" BI o.H. BI L-f5 BEAM SCHEDULE Mark Size and Description BI Two rows of beam block filled with concrete and 1 45 bar continuous in each row. Provide precast lintel filled with concrete and (1) #5 bar cont over openings B2 (2) 2" x 12" SYP #2 PT B3 (3) 2" x 12" SYP #2 PT B4 One row of beam block filled with concrete and 1 #5 bar continuous in each row. Provide precast lintel filled with concrete and (1) #5 bar cont over openings STRAPPING SCHEDULE HETA 20, ROOF SHEETING, ATTA :HI"IENT DETAIL I. Minimum Nall Size = 8d ring shank (min. 2" long) 2. Minimum Screw Size = 48 x 2" 3. Minimum Sheathing Thickness 19/32" CDX PI wood -4. Use nails or screws based on pressure for roof stated in permit info box on these plans for zone 3 Key Area Edge Field Fastener Pressure Zone 1 �" 8d ring shank 45 psf Zone 2 41, 8d ring shank psf Zone 3 '4" 8d ring shank 84 psf * * Zone 3 a #8 wood screw 112.5 psf o0 r— o � � N �00E a) 00 M N 0 L`7 � U c a) C� � M 't 4i N L� o W � 03 �� � r N W/ W o O W = " O z W 00 cal - (3 < Z < NNE O U , < < 1 t_ z00001 CA CA # 07 U m ~ W X Uto LL }, 1 L Q.� J-1--1 ROOF PL/4N L �� TYPICAL ROOF NOTES: Scale 1/�" = DATE DRAWN � �� 8-1i-20 ° — Overhangs shall be 2 —O unless otherwise noted on this sheet DRAWN BY: =3 — Roof pitch shall be �:12 unless otherwise noted on this sheet � A.E3.K.�C.C.U. �>- B1 L1�o : — Truss shopdrawings to be provided b manufacturer > CHECKED BY: g p � E�w — Any changes to this plan shall be submitted to the architect for approval In writing prior to starting construction. MODEL: ALL TRUSS TO TRUSS CONNECTIONS BY � SERENITY — TRUSS tIANUFACTURER � GARAGE — Architect to review Truss Shop Drawings Prior RIGHT o N i to construction for layout and uplift verification Q 0 ° B1 — Contractor to provide for Form Board Survey and to provide Q SHEET �, p y p � B1 Form Board Survey to Truss Company prior to truss construction L�fS BI — Contractor to provide the Architect with truss shop drawings Including W ALL truss cut sheets showing ALL truss reactions prior to START of q. er to design trusses for g p � A o Il r f ad ng r gravity and metal OF FOUNDATION WORK for strapp and footin�gg size verification. JOB NUMBER: or up I TRUSS DEFLECTION SHALL NOT EXCEED O.S" ON ANY TRUSS. � 20-182 TRUSS LENGTH NOT TO EXCEED 35' BI I-22" x S- 'tic Access) wit light 12 W SIMPSON HETA 20 hurricane anchor at each truss supporting Max. 1810 lbs. uplift. Strap sh have (9) IOd x I I/2" nails. HETA 20 STRAPPING SCHEDULE HTS 20 Simpson HTS 20 hurricane anchor at each truss (24" o.c.) supporting Max. I-f50 lbs. uplift w/ (20) IOd nails HTS 20 Use nails or screws based on pressure for roof stated in permit info box on these plans for zone 3 Additional Precast Lintel #5 bars Lintel Bar Clear "A "B" :•: Length Length Span Bars Bars M -..� .. �:: • N CLEAR 2'-10" 2'-8" I'-6" 2,U3 none r------ CLEAR 3'-6" 3'-4" 2'-2" 2,u3 none 8F8-OB/IT SF8-IB/IT SF8-IB/2T Additional 2,u3 none #5 bars CLEA One Flow of "Hj' ;. Block Above 5'-�{" 5'-2" 4'-O" 2,#i3 none Precast Lintel M' none �'•l. v none Additional i i CLEAR4 ----� #5 bars '� ----�' 7' none SFI6-IB/IT 8FI6-IB/2T NOTES: I. min. coverage of steel=l.5" 2. min. bearing required a ea. end=8" ALL reinforcing steel Is grade 60. 3. standard for reinf. steel=ASTM A6IS TYPICAL LINTEL SECTION ( PRECAST CONCRETE ) LI>\ITEL SCHEDULE Mark Window or Door Unit Width Lintel Size Cast -Crete Specification Rows of "H" Block Above " " Bottom Steel Size Top Steel Size Max. Gravity Load (PLF) Max. Uplift Load (PLF) Max. Lateral Load (PLF) L22 2'-2" 3'-6" 8F8-OBAT I #5 3069 1569 1024 2' 2'-S" 4' -0" -OBAT 2561 1363 -163L31 L45 4'-5" 5'-10" SFS-OBAT 1 #5 1105 909 339 L50 5'-0" 6'-6" 8F8-OB/IT 1 #5 1238 835 -121 L60 6'_8" -l'-6" 8F8-OB/IT 1 #5 1011 i2-1 534 L80 8'-0" 9'-4" SFS-IB/2T 1 45 2 #5 i52 591 512 L90 9'-0" 10'-6" 8F8-IB/2T I 1 #5 2 #5 643 530 401 L90B 9'-0" 10'-6" 8FI(.-IB/2T ONE 1 #5 2 #5 1533 1183 401 1_100 10'-0" ll'-4" 8F8-IB/2T I #5 2 #5 582 494 1 452 LIOOB 10'-O" II'-4" 8FI6-8/2T ONE I #5 2 #5 1366 1028 452 L120 12'-0" 13'-4" 8F8-IB/2T I #5 2 #5 4-11 428 324 L120B 12'-0" 13'-4" 8FI6-IB/2T ONE I #5 2 #5 10i5 7110 324 L140 14'-O" 15'-4" 8FI6-8/2T ONE I #5 2 #5 1250 609 259 L160 16'-0" 17'-4" 8FS-IB/2T 1 45 1 2 #5 300 1 192 194 LI60B I6'-0" 17'-4" 8FI6-IB/2T ONE 1 #5 1 2 #5 950 1 500 194 - ALL LINTELS SHALL BE MADE BY CAST-CRETE. - LINTELS SHALL BE FILLED SOLID WITH 3000 PSI CONCRETE - REFER TO CAST-CRETE CATALOG FOR ALL INFORMATION REGARDING LINTEL CONSTRUCTION, HANDLING INFORMATION, AND SAFE LOAD REQ. REQUIREMENTS - LINTELS OVER 14'-O" LONG ARE TO BE PRESTRESSED. - CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL LINTEL SIZES BASED ON FINAL MASONRY OPENING SIZES AND ADJUST LINTELS ACCORDINGLY PRIOR TO ORDERING ANY/ALL LINTELS � v � r �I 4 Lm