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FDEP Permit
leb Bush Governor 140V 2 2 2000 Department of Environmental Protection Southeast District P.O. Box 15425 David B. Struhs West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Secretary Certified -Return Receipt Requested %W-0(0h'hA4-1S99.97%j1 Harbour Ridge Property Owner's Association c/o Mr. Dave Bailey 12600 Harbour Ridge Blvd. Palm City, FL 34990 Dear Mr. Bailey: Enclosed is Individual Environmental Resource Permit No. 56-0141946-007 issued pursuant to Part IV of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Title 62, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). Appeal rights for you as the permittee and for any affected third party are described in the text of the permit along with conditions which must be met when permitted activities are undertaken. Please review this document carefully to ensure compliance with both the general and specific conditions contained herein. As the permittee, you are responsible for compliance with these conditions. Please ensure all construction personnel associated with your activity review and understand the approved drawings and conditions. Failure to comply with this permit may result in liability for damages and restoration, and the imposition of civil penalties up to $10,000.00 per violation per day pursuant to Sections 403.141 and 403.161, F.S. In addition please ensure the construction commencement notice and all other reporting conditions are forwarded to the appropriate office as indicated in the specific conditions. If you have any questions about this document, please contact me at 561/681-6634. Sincerely, Jayne E. Bergstrom Environmental Specialist III Submerged Lands & Environmental Resources Program "More Protection, Less Process" Printed on recycled paper. Jeb Bush Governor Department of Environmental Protection Southeast District P.O. Box 15425 David B. Struhs West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Secretary CONSOLIDATED ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE PERMIT AND SOVEREIGN SUBMERGED LANDS AUTHORIZATION PERMITTEE/AUTHORIZED ENTITY: Harbour Ridge Property Owner's Association c/o Mr. Dave Bailey 12600 Harbour Ridge Blvd. Palm City, FL 34990 Permit/Authorization No.: 56-0141946-007 Date of Issue: NOV 2 2 20M Expiration Date of Construction Phase: NOV .2 '1 2005 County: St. Lucie County Project: Marina Reconfiguration and Lease Modification This permit is issued under the authority of Part IV of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Title 62, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). The activity is not exempt from the requirement to obtain an Environmental Resource Permit. Pursuant to Operating Agreements executed between the Department and the water management districts, as referenced in Chapter 62-113, F.A.C., the Department is responsible for reviewing and taking final agency action on this activity. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: The purpose of the project is to modify the configuration of existing private, multi -slip docking facilities in order to accommodate larger vessels and to modify an existing submerged land lease. Marina Dock 1 The project is to do the following: a) remove and construct a new wave arrestor along the northernmost access dock; b) install 13 wooden mooring"piles within the eastern portion of the marina; c) remove a wave arrestor on the western perimeter of the marina; d) remove 8 concrete pilings and install 10 wooden mooring pilings within the western portion of the marina; e) remove four 3-ft. by 10-ft. finger piers on the southwestern access dock; f) remove a 3-ft by 25-ft. finger pier from the southwestern access dock; and g) extend an existing finger pier on the southwestern access dock from 3-ft. by 25-ft. to 3-ft. by 44-ft. These modifications will result in a decrease of over water surface area of 63 square feet and an increase in lease area of 5,788.09 square feet. Marina Dock 2 The purpose of the project is to do the following: a) remove and construct a new wave arrestor along the northernmost access dock; b) install 9 wooden mooring piles within the eastern portion of the marina; c) extend 4 existing finger piers on the southern access dock from 3-ft. by 19-ft. to 3-ft. by 25-ft; d) install 9 wooden mooring piles within the western portion of the marina; and e) construct a handicapped accessible 6-ft. by 36-ft. ramp with a 6-ft. by 20-ft. floating terminal platform onto the "More Protection, Less Process" Printed an recycled paper. ig Permittee: Harbour Ridge Property Owner's Association File No.: 56-0141946-007 Page 2 existing central access dock. The modifications will result in an increase of over water surface area of 390 square feet and an increase in lease area of 4,452 square feet. Marina Dock 3 The purpose of the project is to do the following: a) remove and construct 2 new wave arrestors; b) install 20 wooden mooring piles within the marina; c) remove the southernmost existing 6-ft. by 175-ft. access dock; and d) remove four 3-ft. by 25-ft. finger piers from the northernmost access dock and replace them by constructing four 3-ft. by 25-ft. finger piers. These modifications will result in a reduction of over water surface area of 990 square feet and a decrease in lease area of 10,818.4 square feet. ACTIVITY LOCATION: The project is located within the North Fork St. Lucie Aquatic Preserve, Class III Waters, Outstanding Florida Waters, within the Harbour Ridge residential development at 12600 Harbour Ridge Blvd., in Palm City, St. Lucie County (Section(s) 25 and 26, Township 37 South, Range 40 East), Latitude 27°14'03"N, Longitude 80°18'32"W. This permit also constitutes a finding of consistency with Florida's Coastal Zone Management Program, as required by Section 307 of the Coastal Management Act. This permit also constitutes certification of compliance with water quality standards under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1341. This activity also requires a proprietary authorization, as the activity is located on sovereign submerged lands owned by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, pursuant to Article X, Section 11 of the Florida Constitution, and Sections 253.002 and 253.77, F.S. The activity is not exempt from the need to obtain a proprietary authorization. The Department has the responsibility to review and take final action on this request for proprietary authorization in accordance with Section 18-21.0051, and the Operating Agreements executed between the Department and the water management districts, as referenced in Chapter 62-113, F.A.C. In addition to the above, this proprietary authorization has been reviewed in accordance with Chapter 253 and Chapter 258, F.S., Chapter 18-20, Chapter 18-21, Section 62-343.075, F.A.C., and the policies of the Board of Trustees. As staff to the Board of Trustees, the Department has reviewed the activity described above, and has determined that the activity requires a lease modification (Lease #560707729) for the use of those lands, pursuant to Chapter 253.77, F.S. The Department intends to issue the lease modification subject to the recommended fees and conditions in the Recommended Proprietary Action. The final documents required to execute the lease modification have been sent to the Division of State Lands. The Department intends to issue the lease modification upon satisfactory execution of those documents. You may not begin construction of this activity on state-owned, sovereign submerged lands until the lease modification has been executed to the satisfaction of the Department. This permit constitutes a determination, pursuant to Section 380.0651(3)(e), F.S., that the facility is located so that it will not adversely impact Outstanding Florida Waters or Class II Waters, and will not contribute to boat traffic in a manner that will adversely impact the manatee. .. , Permittee: Harbour Ridge Property Owner's Association File No.: 56-0141946-007 Page 3 Federal authorization for the proposed project is reviewed by DEP pursuant to an agreement between the Department and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). The agreement is outlined in a document titled Coordination Agreement Between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection State. Programmatic General Permit, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbor Act of 1899 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Your project has been reviewed for compliance with a State Programmatic General Permit (SPGP). As shown on the attached drawings, the proposed project is not consistent with the SPGP program. A copy of your. application has been sent to the Corps who may require a separate permit. Failure to obtain their authorization prior. to construction could subject you to enforcement action. For further information, contact the Corps directly. You are hereby advised that authorizations also may be required by other federal, state, and local entities. This authorization does not relieve you from the requirements to obtain all other required permits and authorizations. The above named permittee is hereby authorized to construct the work shown on the application and approved drawing(s), plans, and other documents attached hereto or on file with the Department and made a part hereof. This permit and authorization -to use sovereign submerged lands is subject to the limits, conditions, and locations of work shown in the attached drawings, and is also subject to the attached 19 General Conditions, and 20 Specific Conditions, which are a binding part of this permit and authorization. You are advised to read and understand these drawings and conditions prior to commencing the authorized activities, and to ensure the work is conducted in conformance with all the terms, conditions, and drawings. If you are utilizing a contractor, the contractor also should read and understand these drawings and conditions prior to commencing the authorized activities. Failure to comply with all drawings and conditions shall constitute grounds for revocation of the permit and appropriate enforcement action. Operation of the facility is not authorized except when determined to be in conformance with all applicable rules and with the general and specific conditions of this permit/certification/authorization, as specifically described below. GENERAL CONDITIONS: (1) - All activities authorized by this permit shall be implemented as set forth in the plans, specifications and performance criteria as approved by this permit. Any deviation from the permitted activity and the conditions for undertaking that activity shall constitute a violation of this permit and Part IV, Chapter 373, F.S. (2) This permit or a copy thereof, complete with all conditions, attachments, exhibits, and modifications shall be kept at the work site of the permitted activity. The complete permit shall be available for review at the work site upon request by the Department staff. The permittee shall require the contractor to review the complete permit prior to commencement of the activity authorized by this permit. :T (3) Activities approved by this permit shall be conducted in a manner which does not cause violations of state water quality standards. The permittee shall implement best management practices for erosion and pollution control to prevent violation of state water quality standards. Temporary erosion control shall be implemented prior to and during construction, and permanent control measures shall be completed within 7 days of any construction activity. Turbidity barriers shall be installed and maintained ., . Permittee: Harbour Ridge Property Owner's Association File No.: 56-0141946-007 Page 4 at all locations where the possibility of transferring suspended solids into the receiving waterbody exists due to the permitted work. Turbidity barriers shall remain in place at all locations until construction is completed and soils are stabilized and vegetation has been established. All practices shall be in accordance with the guidelines and specifications described in Chapter 6 of the Florida Land Development Manual; A Guide to Sound Land and Water Management (Department of Environmental Regulation, 1988), unless a project -specific erosion and sediment control plan is approved as part of the permit. Thereafter the permittee shall be responsible for the removal of the barriers. The permittee shall correct any erosion or shoaling that causes adverse impacts to the water resources. (4) The permittee shall notify the Department of the anticipated construction start date within 30 days of the date that this permit is issued. At least 48 hours prior to commencement of activity authorized by, this permit, the permittee shall submit to the Department an "Environmental Resource Permit Construction Commencement" notice (Form No. 62-343.900(3), F.A.C.) indicating the actual start date and the expected completion date. (5) When the duration of construction will exceed one year, the permittee shall submit construction status reports to the Department on an annual basis utilizing an "Annual Status Report Form" (Form No. 62-343.900(4), F.A.C.). Status Report Forms shall be submitted the following June of each year. (6) Within 30 days after completion of construction of the permitted activity, the permittee shall submit a written statement of completion and certification by a registered professional engineer or other appropriate individual as authorized by law, utilizing the supplied "Environmental Resource Permit As -Built Certification by a Registered Professional" (Form No. 62-343.900(5), F.A.C.). The statement of completion and certification shall be based on on -site observation of construction or review of as -built drawings for the purpose of determining if the work was completed in compliance with permitted plans and specifications. This submittal shall serve to notify the Department that the system is ready for inspection. Additionally, if deviation from the approved drawings are discovered during the certification process, the certification must be accompanied by a copy of the approved permit drawings .with deviations noted. Both the original and revised specifications must be clearly shown. The plans must be clearly labeled as "as -built" or "record" drawing. All surveyed dimensions and elevations shall be certified by a registered surveyor. (7) The operation phase of this permit shall not become effective: until the permittee has complied with the requirements of condition (6) above, has submitted a "Request for Transfer of Environmental Resource Permit Construction Phase to Operation Phase" (Form No. 62-343.900(7), F.A.C.); the Department determines the system to be in compliance with the permitted plans and specifications; and the entity approved by the Department in accordance with Sections 9.0 and 10.0 of the Basis of Review for Environmental Resource Permit Applications Within the South Florida Water Management District - August 1995, accepts responsibility for operation and maintenance of the system. The permit shall not be transferred to such approved operation and maintenance entity until the operation phase of the permit becomes effective. Following inspection and approval of the permitted system by the Department, the permittee shall initiate transfer of the permit to the approved responsible operating entity if different from the permittee. Until the permit is transferred pursuant to Section 62-343.110(1)(d), F.A.C., the permittee shall be liable for compliance with the terms of the permit. (8) Each phase or independent portion of the permitted system must be completed in accordance with the permitted plans and permit conditions prior to the initiation of the permitted use of -, site infrastructure located within the area served by that portion or phase of the system. Each phase or independent portion of the system must be completed in accordance with the permitted plans and permit conditions prior to transfer of responsibility for operation and maintenance of the phase or portion of the system to a local government or other responsible entity. , Permittee: Harbour Ridge Property Owner's Association File No.: 56-0141946-007 Page 5 (9) For those systems that will be operated or maintained by an entity that will require an easement or deed restriction in order to enable that entity to operate or maintain the system in conformance with this permit, such easement or deed restriction must be recorded in the public records and submitted to the Department along with any other final operation and maintenance documents required by sections 9.0 and 10.0 of the Basis of Review for Environmental Resource Permit Applications Within the South Florida Water Management District - August 1995, prior to lot or unit sales or prior to the completion of the system, whichever occurs first. Other documents concerning the establishment and authority of the operating entity must be filed with the Secretary of State where appropriate. For those systems which are proposed to be maintained by the county or municipal entities, final operation and maintenance documents must be received by the Department when maintenance and operation of the system is accepted by the local government entity. Failure to submit the appropriate final documents will result in the permittee remaining liable for carrying out maintenance and operation of the permitted system and any other permit conditions. (10) Should any other regulatory agency require changes to the permitted system, the permittee shall notify the Department in writing of the changes prior to implementation so that a determination can be made whether a permit modification is required. (11) This permit does not eliminate the necessity to obtain any required federal, state, local and special district authorizations prior to the start of any activity approved by this permit . This permit does not convey to the permittee or create in the permittee any property right, or any interest in real property, nor does it authorize any entrance upon or activities on property which is not owned or controlled by the permittee, or convey any rights or privileges other than those specified in the permit and Chapter 40E-4 or Chapter 40E-40, F.A.C. (12) The permittee is hereby advised that Section 253.77, F.S. states that a person may not commence any excavation, construction, or other activity involving the use of sovereign or other lands of the state, the title to which is vested in the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund without obtaining the required lease, license, easement, or other form of consent authorizing the proposed use. Therefore, the permittee is responsible for obtaining any necessary authorizations from the Board of Trustees prior to commencing activity on sovereignty lands or other state-owned lands. (13) The permittee is advised that the rules of the South Florida Water Management District require the permittee to obtain a water use permit from the South Florida Water Management District prior to construction dewatering, unless the work qualifies for a general permit pursuant to subsection 40E-20.302(4), F.A.C., also known as the "No Notice" rule. (14) The permittee shall hold and save the Department harmless from any and all damages, claims, or liabilities which may arise by reason of the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, removal, abandonment or use of any system authorized by the permit. (15) Any delineation of the extent of a wetland or other surface water submitted as part of the permit application, including plans or other supporting documentation, shall not be considered binding unless a specific condition of this permit or a formal determination under section 373.421(2), F.S., provides otherwise. (16) The permittee shall notify the Department in writing within 30 days of any sale, conveyance, or other transfer of ownership or control of a permitted system or the real property on which the permitted system is located. All transfers of ownership or transfers of a permit are subject to the requirements of section 62-343.130, F.A.C. The permittee transferring the permit shall remain liable for corrective actions that may be required as a result of any violations prior to the sale, conveyance or other transfer of the system. Permittee: Harbour Ridge Property Owner's Association File No.: 56-0141946-007 Page 6 (17) Upon reasonable notice to the permittee, Department authorized staff with proper identification shall have permission to enter, inspect, sample and test the system to insure conformity with the plans and specifications approved by the permit. (18) If historical or archaeological artifacts are discovered at any time on the project site, the permittee shall immediately notify the appropriate Department office. (19) The permittee shall immediately notify the Department in writing of any previously submitted information that is later discovered to be inaccurate. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: (1) The terms, conditions, and provisions of the required lease modification shall be met. Construction of this activity shall not commence on sovereign submerged lands, title to which is held by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, until all required lease modification documents have been executed to the satisfaction of the Department. (2) The project drawings, sheets 1 through 13; the 4-page Manatee Exhibit; and DEP forms 62.343.900(3), (4), (5), and (7) are attached to and become part of this permit. (3) After selection of the contractor to perform the authorized activities and prior to the initiation of any work authorized by this permit, the permittee (or authorized agent) and the contractor shall attend a pre -construction conference with a representative of the Department. The permittee shall contact the Department in writing to schedule the conference Department of Environmental Protection, Southeast District Branch Office, Submerged Lands & Environmental Resources Program, Compliance/Enforcement Section, 1801 SE Hillmoor Drive, Ste. C 204, Port St. Lucie, FL 34952. (4) The work authorized by this permit shall not be conducted on any property, other than that owned by the permittee, without the prior written approval of that property owner. (5) All storage or stockpiling of tools or materials (i.e. lumber, pilings, etc.) shall be limited to uplands or within the impact areas authorized by this project. (6) All watercraft associated with the construction of the permitted structure shall only operate within waters of sufficient depth so as avoid damage to seagrass beds, preclude bottom scouring or prop dredging. (7) The permittee shall comply with the standard manatee protection construction conditions listed in the attachment, "Standard Manatee Construction Conditions, March 1996." (8) At least one person should be designated as a manatee observer when in -water work is being performed. That person should have experience in manatee observation, and be equipped with polarized sunglasses to aid in observation. The manatee observer should be on site during all in -water construction activities and will advise personnel to cease operation upon sighting a manatee within 50 feet. Movement of a work barge, other associated vessels, or any in -water work should not be performed at night, when the possibility of spotting manatees in negligible. (9) Prior to the initiation of any work authorized by this permit, floating turbidity screens with weighted skirts that extend to of the bottom shall be placed around the perimeter of the marina under Permittee: Harbour Ridge Property Owner's Association File No.: 56-0141946-007 Page 7 construction. The screens shall be maintained and shall remain in place for the duration of the project construction to ensure that turbidity levels outside the construction area do not degrade the ambient water quality of Outstanding Florida Waters. The permittee shall be responsible for ensuring that turbidity control devices are inspected daily and maintained in good working order so that there is no degradation of the ambient water quality of Outstanding Florida Waters outside of the turbidity screens. Turbidity shall be monitored as described in the monitoring portion of this permit. The following measure shall be taken by the permittee whenever turbidity levels within waters of the State surrounding the project site, exceed the ambient water quality levels of the Outstanding Florida Waters: a. Notify the DEP-Southeast District Branch Office ERP Compliance/Enforcement Section at 561/398-2806 within 24 hours of the time the violation is first detected. b. Immediately cease all work contributing to the water quality violation and do not continue any in or over water work until approval has been given by DEP staff. C. Modify the work procedures that were responsible for the violation and install more turbidity containment devices and repair any non-functioning turbidity containment devices. (10) Should any damage to the nearby seagrass beds as a result of the dock construction occur, the permittee shall contact the Department of Environmental Protection, Southeast District, Office ERP Compliance/Enforcement Section at 561/398-2806 within 24 hours of the time the violation is first detected and shall then request a meeting to discuss remediation by reestablishing the pre -construction elevations and replanting seagrass of the same species, size and density as that in the adjacent areas. (11) All mooring at the marina facility shall occur only within the boundaries of the submerged land lease. Preemption of additional state lands shall require a lease modification. (12) The permittee shall place a "Temporary Mooring Only" sign on the 6-ft. by 36-ft. ramp with a 6- ft. by 20-ft. floating terminal platform proposed for Marina Dock 2. The sign shall be maintained for the life of the facility. This structure shall only be used for the loading and offloading of passengers. (13) The permittee shall not allow any vessels exceeding a prop or keel draft of 5.5 feet to moor at the facility or leased area based on data that shows the existing water depths within the marinas to be —6 to —7 at MLW. Accommodation of any larger drafted vessel on a regular basis will require prior written authorization from the Department in the form of a modification of the permit. This is required to give the Department an opportunity to assess potential environmental impacts from changes in use of the facility that were not considered during the process of this permit. (14) The slips shall not be occupied by liveaboards. The term "liveaboard" is defined as a vessel docked at the facility and inhabited by a person or persons for any five (5) consecutive days or a total of ten (10) days within a thirty (30) day period. (15) The following activities are prohibited at the facilities: (a) boat maintenance or repair activities requiring removal of a vessel from the water or removal of any major portions of the vessel, including the engine, for purposes of routine repair or maintenance on site; (b) hull cleaning involving the scraping or Permittee: Harbour Ridge Property Owner's Association File No.: 56-0141946-007 Page 8 jet washing of fouling organisms; (c) hull painting; (d) any discharges or release of oils or greases associated with engine and hydraulic repairs; or (e) any discharges or release of metal based bottom paints associated with hull scraping, cleaning, and painting. The following activities are authorized at the facility: (a) removal of a vessel that is necessitated by emergency conditions which have resulted in or can result in the sinking of a vessel or (b) minor repairs and boat maintenance that will not cause or contribute to the release of water pollutants (these activities must be performed by the vessels owner or qualified marine mechanics). (16) There shall be no un-plumbed fish cleaning stations, boat repair facilities and fueling facilities on any structure that is over the water. (17) No overboard discharges of trash, human or animal waste, or fuel shall occur at the dock. (18) There shall be a portable pump -out facility on site at all times. The lessee and marina operations staff shall inform all slip occupants in writing of the availability and requirement to use the sewage pump - out facilities provided within the marina. (19) Copies of the St. Lucie County and Martin County Manatee Protection Zones" booklet (available free of charge from the Florida Inland Navigation District 561-627-3386) shall be distributed to each marina occupant and made available within the Dock Master Office. (20) "Permanent Manatee Signs" signs were installed prior to the facility opening and beginning operations. These signs shall be replaced in the event the signs fade or become damaged, and should be maintained for the life of the facility in a manner acceptable to the Department. RIGHTS OF AFFECTED PARTIES This permit intent to grant a lease modification sovereign submerged lands is (are) hereby granted. This action is final and effective on the date filed with the Clerk of the Department unless a sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is timely filed under sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes as provided below. If a sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is timely filed, this action automatically becomes only proposed agency action on the application, subject to the result of the administrative review process. Therefore, on the filing of a timely and sufficient petition, this action will not be final and effective until further order of the Department. The actual terms of the lease modification will be formally executed at a later date and shall include provisions for rents and such other provisions as normally are included in such leases. Because an administrative hearing may result in the reversal or substantial modification of this action, the applicant is advised not to commence construction or other activities until the deadlines noted below for filing a petition for an administrative hearing or request for an extension of time have expired and until the lease has been executed and delivered. Mediation is not available. A person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) under sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes. The petition must contain the information set forth below and must be filed (received by the clerk) in the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000. M . Permittee: Harbour Ridge Property Owner's Association File No.: 56-0141946-007 Page 9 Under rule 62-110.106(4) of the Florida Administrative Code, a person whose substantial interests are affected by the Department's action may also request an extension of time to file a petition for an administrative hearing. The Department may, for good cause shown, grant the request for an extension of time. Requests for extension of time must be filed with the Office of General Counsel of the Department at 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000, before the applicable deadline. A timely request for extension of time shall toll the running of the time period for filing a petition until the request is acted upon. If a request is filed late, the Department may still grant it upon a motion by the requesting party showing that the failure to file a request for an extension of time before the deadline was the result of excusable neglect. If a timely and sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is filed, other persons whose substantial interests will be affected by the outcome of the administrative process have the right to petition to intervene in the proceeding. Intervention will be permitted only at the discretion of the presiding officer upon the filing of a motion in compliance with rule 28-106.205 of the Florida Administrative Code. In accordance with rules 28-106.111(2) and 62-110.106(3)(a)(4), petitions for an administrative hearing by the applicant must be filed within 14 days of receipt of this written notice. Petitions filed by any persons other than the applicant, and other than those entitled to written notice under section 120.60(3) of the Florida Statutes must be filed within 14 days of publication of the notice or within 14 days of receipt of the written notice, whichever occurs first. Under section 120.60(3) of the Florida Statutes, however, any person who has asked the Department for notice of agency action may file a petition within 14 days of receipt of such notice, regardless of the date of publication. The petitioner shall mail a copy of the petition to the applicant at the address indicated above at the time of filing. The failure of any person to file a petition for an administrative hearing within the appropriate time period shall constitute a waiver of that person's right to request an administrative determination (hearing) under sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes. A petition that disputes the material facts on which the Department's action is based must contain the following information: (a) The name and address of each agency affected and each agency's file or identification number, if known; (b) The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner; the name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's representative, if any, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; and an explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests are or will be affected by the agency determination; (c) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the agency decision; (d) A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so indicate; (e) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, including the specific facts that the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action; (f) A statement of the specific rules or statutes that the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the agency's proposed action; and (g) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action that the petitioner wishes the agency to take with respect to the agency's proposed action. L� Permittee:• Harbour Ridge Property Owner's Association File No.: 56-0141946-007 Page 10 A petition that does not dispute the material facts on which the Department's action is based shall state that no such facts are in dispute and otherwise shall contain the same information as set forth above, as required by rule 28-106.301. Under sections 120.569(2)(c) and (d) of the Florida Statutes, a petition for administrative hearing must be dismissed by the agency if the petition does not substantially comply with the above requirements or is untimely filed. This permit constitutes an order of the Department. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 120.68(7)(a) of the Florida Statutes, which may require a remand for an administrative hearing, the applicant has the right to seek judicial review of the order under section 120.68 of the Florida Statutes, by the filing of a notice of appeal under rule 9.110 of the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure with the Clerk of the Department in the Office of General Counsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35, Tallahassee, Florida, 32399-3000; and by filing a copy of the notice of appeal accompanied by the applicable filing fees with the appropriate district court of appeal. The notice of appeal must be filed within 30 days from the date when the order is filed with the Clerk of the Department. Executed in West Palm Beach, Florida. MLM/mcm/tr/jb Copies furnished to: STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION M lissa L. Meeker e Dir o o District Mbnagement Southeast District DEP, Division of State Lands, Kim Dupree U. S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Lucie County Planning Division Department of Community Affairs Carol Knox, FFWCC, Bureau of Protected Species Mr. Mike Kiefer Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2400 SE Federal Hwy., Suite.320 Stuart, FL 34994 Permittee: Harbour Ridge Property Owner's Association File No.: 56-0141946-007 Page 11 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned duly designated deputy clerk hereby certifies that this permit and authorization to use sovereign submerged lands, including all copies, were mailed before the close of business on NOV 9 2 2W , to the above listed persons. FILING AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT FILED, on this date, under 120.52(7) of the Florida Statutes, with the designated Department Clerk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Clerk Date Prepared by Jayne E. Bergstrom, ES III. 21 pages attached. r C -d E 2 I CL 14 OC E D 0 'a mo 0 -, Is- 0- Greenrdgc Pt q A' oR No.qt DOCK NO. 3 13 APPROX. CALE: 1"= 200�� K NO. 2 E ep DOCK NO. 1 F MECT 1ITS" ly Pe-idary s t oir 7� 2j ;.26 :H !AIRBOU'R RIDOE 2 A, 'A.1 E X7 PE ADJACENT PRO, OWNEft. FRAM POMA Proj.. 9040. BELVED'ERE "ROAD 'PALM BEACH, F,4 411 WEsf� 71 (1).H. WAYNE & MARTHA J. -HUIZENGA V A 1200 S. ANDREWS AVENUE- FLOOR 6 ON P, NOTE: TP74,., WATER 6F, HARBOUR RIDGE N% E _:j; La PALM C! 7 ,QUADRANGLE. FLORIDA,..(PH'6T0RE'VISED 1970y, LOCATION MAP CD CIMPI I(imley-Hom HARBOUR RIDGE and Associates, Inc. E Engineering, Planning, and Environmental Consultants ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL 2400 S.E Federal I-hgh way, Suite 320, Stuart FL 34994 2000 IOWLEY-HORN AND ASSOC. INC. DATE: SCALE JPROJ. NO. FIGURE: (561)286-2190 FAX (561)286-01381 MAR 00 1-=2000- 1 046984000 1 1 TOP OF SLT E3EVATION -Q� N U BOTTOM F1EVAlION-000000 DAY BEACON tfi��• W W EXISTING SEAGRASS HABITAT SPARSE TO .'°" 14 W W MODERATE DENSITY, PATCHY DISTRIBUTION ° c \ a owl b1�/ 10, m Q / c DAY BEACON wm E NORTH FORK cY OF S TH E T 7g '19" E ?' LUCIE RIVE 0o R �t a� 1 U 3 (V D(ISTING DOCKS W O m O C Z / ■ Tm c— O 0 v o . C i m o av iAs U 0 0 av o E Y +. O =1 0,0 MLW DEATHS-FROW.-AS FACE OF DOC�CUEDG 0E_:CHANNEL W V Yi Fobm i' TO TI 1':. I LW ° A N DE u IS 1 .6 `PER' m �i A o 60 �7= 1. 9 'vj1 2 y N )� I a m.n NOV 2 2 2000 y TCP 4Z.Zj42 eQIZA AI. 47 3 iEIOSTM DOCKS 0' zs. ar -ay- ■ _,-Zagsi _-� .Ja � -ay, I a7a _ _Qa, 'd - aa• _1; _,� _ _� �� , _�73 �u '&05 ids 493 Dates• N 46'03'13" E 18.42' W yC C MEAN HIGH o PER SURVEY BY MOCK R006 AND ASSOCIATES, DRAMING Na t A-1173A, DATED OCT. 1985 N 70 gp'2r aL C S 46*03'13" W / M 19.61, I V. 8648*09' W 7.47' °° t �� mo EXISTING CONDITIONS ° mCD fGmley Hom ❑�❑ HARBOUR RIDGE �I\ Io 2 E and Associates, Inc. DOCK NO. 1 (S3 Engineering, Planning, and Environmental Consultants u, 0.1 2400 S.E. Federal Highway, Suite 320, Stuart FL 34994 ° 0€ © 2000 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOC. INC. (561)286-2190 FAX (561)286-0138 DATE: MAR 00 SCALE: 1- 60' JPROJ. NO. 046984000 RGURE: T SLT MP BOTMU �v�na DAY BEACON 9 4� 8?�• ADDITIONAL LEASE AREA (5,788.09 sf) A0• "�• RELEASED FROM DOCK NO.3 0- • aW W EXISTING SEAGRASS HABITAT SPARSE TO ^/ a MODERATE DENSITY, PATCHY DISTRIBUTION a 10"9 A& 0-0ACREAGE TABULATION t E EXISTING LEASE AREA = 49,619.91 SQ. FT.f� u 0 PROPOSEIYQi - SEV,pW = -ft, 0 5 1i� �,� DAY BEACON 7 3 ADDITIONAL LEASE AREA = 5,788.09 SO. FT.f wE N s pR7•H FORK INSTALL (a) n ° K OF 12•0 TIMBER . 0 HE PILINGS (t>P) o s 79.19. E 3 ter• _UCIE RIVE 2- 0 R a —W °.. 3 ua + 1 m o E10S1?IG DOCKS N1 WSTALL: (13) 0 12'� RMBER h b c 2 PIUNGr(tY y w ",pC,WA • N c.ym - ���� ®� 47s • • •0 0 EMS11NO DOCKS '13 C Q , _ • REMOVE •(4) RNGER.PIE_NS.�y �• .0 v id - ' , AND ASSQC►A�`'\!aD `—'`PIUf7G W AND`~ARRESTOR to x 1820p' 41 d - 3, -o.w 0 E S lily"1WFJ1 � I 1� q ��N��� 1�•w-_4dS 3 -4,d h E c g + ` 0 x .: 0 MLW DEPTHS FROM NE FACE OF CL ° z DOCK TO EDGE OF CHANNEL o VARY FROM 9.1' TO 11.1'. MLW rr _ _ 11�, ;� ° o CHANNEL DEPTH IS 10.6' PER b ; �' ° SURVEY BY GCY INC. DATED o°= l '" 5/11/99 REV. 8/4/99 a+1 AFIN �RfMOv((�� cd L Nam+ -aae PILINGS "AND r `t 0b;WER SURFACE AREA (O.W.S.A.) C EXISTING 7,643 s.f. � PIUNGSf(TYp.)a REMOVED 120 s.f.RELOCA,I, �9 wsxAr�•(e) h5• ADDITIONAL 57 s.f. >t9 bB• =041MBE11 = o+ 3 TOTAL 7;5$:i- be• `�• PMlNGS.(Tdlp.) wt° N 46'03'13 E 9 `o 18.42' 9 {` 0i s:S 4B '13' W �i o u MEAN HIGH WATER LINEPER W y W W S^ v° AND � TES,, DRBY RAAWI�a N 73'b V ZZr C.9 .A-1173A, DATED OCT. 1985 I -' ., o. 1 . } id 7 � o w C� PROPOSED AV u 0- h 0 a EMPI IGmley-Horn �a _ E ` 0 and Associates, Inc. ' , Bv- o E Engineering, Planning, and Environmental Consultants 1 u, 0 .0 2400. S.E. Federal Highway, Suite 320, Stuart FL 34994 � �,�; �4 tu O1 ° © 2000 KIML.EY—HORN AND ASSOC. INC. DATE: N� f'7L�` �tY ��et�:v FSROJ. NO. FIGURE: a 0 (561)286-2190 FAX (561)286-0138 MAR a0� 1<"''--D%� 046984000 % O 'O C v O .U+ V y U C C O U ] y m 3 N L N 0 E 0 U W O h v An O r J Ca o. 0 3 c ol U_ W 07 O c v t v d c N � i a 2 c rn Iv hlr IE LLJ 0 0 M o IL MLW DEPTHS FROM NE FACE OF DOCK TO EDGE OF ' CHANNEL VARY FROM 8.7' TO 9.5'. MLW CHANNEL .� DEPTH IS 9.4' PER SURVEY BY GCY INC. DATED 5/11 /99 REV. 8/4/99 � N a o OV R: WADER SURFACE AREA (OWSA) a EXISTING: 6,255 3 ADDITIONAL: 390 ° TOTAL.• &.6 0 ADDITIONAL OWSA AS PROPOSED RELEASED FROM ELIMINATION OF o m STRUCTURE FROM DOCK NO. 3 w E 2 N 90'00'00' E 308.00' U 0 T am C 0a m 0 ntsiALL..i� ' 0 NI 12,'Er 711 » a ml PILINGS `iTSfP•) 3 EKOMMMG DOCK m� c 3 TOP OF WATER E1EVAtxw - 1.86 L % o 5--3-ee 0 14J0 P.M. c $ TOP OF DOCK ELEVATION - 4.79 12 Q m 0 3 Z I -.0 W 3S al ` IW _/ Af m ° 2W ase o _ c ai `0 U2 _ N 90'00'00' W `'_ 178.00' a, E _77.7 OW 3026ySQ. FT. MODIFED LEASE AREA PROP. 6'x36' RAMP A PROP. 6'x20' c a FLOATING DOCK Q 0 cv DAYBEACON 9 NORTH FORK OF 8o�s�2 , THE ST. LUCIE RIVER 9 0 � O' /'40j ?68939. DAYBEACON 7 a° REPtp�IE:�T Ory/ NEW,..yjfAVE y. 2 00 s 'A'a —a�� a 8 0 c E.� 0 = C to 0 Z m0 C,4 m SECTION A -A I a m NTS = o, EXISTING m WOOD D o MEAN HIGH WATER LINE PER SUR%SY BY MOCK. Roos AND ASSOCIATM DRAWM N0. A-2133 0 3 DATED -18-90 0 ° ID ;0 pl" o E Engineering, Planning, and Edvu tal Cons tan w 0 2400 S.E. Federal Highway, gait artfF 34M C 0 N DOCK 1 3 18 PILNG'5��(f17� 1="a\ 1 ti ppryy PROP" 'ic20i A` :OAR Wtf}i;R7fFAP.� \ N90T10' (SEE DETAIL) � � A S3. b� l 5b8s•+SQ.; ETA MODIFIED LEASE`AREW 3: S 6850'48' W 54.34' LEGEND Ex7f10Y MAXOY OF 1eA k11:A710N MODIFIED LEASE AREA (4,452 sf) 1'50'48' W ®RELEASED FROM DOCK NO. 3 5.43' ACREAGE TABULA716N EXISTING LEASE AREA = 42,285 SQ. FT.f PROPOSED LEASE AREA = 46 737 '°SQ:``FT.A ADDITIONAL LEASE AREA = 4,452`SQ. FT.t TIONS HARBOUR RIDGE DOCK NO. 2 ° © 2000 KIMLEY—HORN' D C, `t � DATE: SCALE: PROJ. N0. FIGURE: (561)286-2190 FAX (561)286 0138 MAR 00 1 "=60' 046984000 5 •N 7 Cl U N O O O a N 0 3 L U t 3 O C Gl U C O Gl N O a a U U N a co N t L O T C O U W C W C N N U N N O C Ol E N C C O N 0 C N r Q O W 0 v 1 0. r N S c U) MLW DEPTHS FROM NE FACE OF DOCK TO EDGE OF CHANNEL VARY FROM 7.9' TO 8.9'. MLW CHANNEL DEPTH IS 8.8' PER SURVEY BY GCY INC. DATED 5/11 /99 REV. 8/4/99 m. 00 `o 0 a0 C ¢ \ DAYBEACON 9—/ c \ \ \ APPROXIMATE EDGE 2 5903. \ OF CHANNEL U° \ T N s 3 = ELLEEVATM 4.Qf OA \ 8 w E tiF s�,ry� 2j4e• CFrO %AYBEACON 3s02�. h �� O T 0-5 a.- �m \ \ h r O U C O W 7w� > I T E _ \ W W y \\ \ \\ \\ �L°'A EXISTING DOCK 3.2 W y c a \\ W W Y \ \ \ ,y • 0 0 \ \ \ �k. •O \\ o jt W ► j yry t N � o elf M m o � am 0 0 3 N 52 30'32' Y l- ` VTOk C E6.00's t = APPROX. MHW LINE ' O EXISTING SEAGRASS HABITAT S t % �' W MODERATE DENSITY, PATCHY DISTRIBUTION .4 '• i i r } ; o a i NDITIONS 0 + O m_ h m Elm AM�-�Q� y HARBOUR RIDGE m" g Engineering, Planning, and a cans DOCK NO. 3 o 0 .1 2400 S.E. Federal Highway, S FL 34 4 C 2000 KIMLEY--HORN ANAC. INC. �*;' DATE: SCALE: PROJ. N0. FlGURE: O (561)286=2190 `` ' -FAX 061)28 38 MAR 00 1 =60 046984000 2 MLW DEPTHS FROM NE FACE OF DOCK TO EDGE OF ACREAGE TABULATION • CHANNEL VARY FROM 7.9' TO 8.9'. MLW CHANNEL EXISTING LEASE AREA = 25,857.4 SO. FT.f DEPTH IS 8.8' PER SURVEY BY GCY INC. DATED PROPOSED-LEASE..AREA=.1.5;039.jSf?. FT: 9' 5/11 /99 REV. 8/4/99 REALLOCATED LEASE AREA = 10,818.4 SQ. FT.t • o o INSTALL yZ'X25`: . 0 FlN H Q \ DAYBEACON 9-J APPROXIMATE EDGE t ` REP ACE,,& -:CONSTRUCT \ OF CHANNEL 32g))2s• ip ° NEW` WAVE_ARRESTORk TW OF � T N s 3 T B"ATM . 4.81 \ 'yFs�Ty�o E INSTALLA20 ;1�'�¢, ;•... vs TIMBER- PILINGS-(T,�,)._..,: s \� C�c /r Op %AYBEACON T F \ ' a; \ (w) Q4. °0 .\ REMOVE.. • • • W 'e0.s \ �" 3 \ \6+ LATERAiL a \ \ \ PIER'(t)f . \ A'o zaV �:�.cal!1s�ft�T L m \ \ s\ �42�� • �w) NEW WA "ARRESTOR v 2 \\ \\ \A\ \ ED LE LIMASE ITS '3`�?' • • • \ w W \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ REMOVE:--(4)3'X20' FlNGER,_PIERS.I��lD E � 'k \ ASSOdAj�� CRETE \ y y y \ \ \ \ \� ry°,°�h EXISTING DOCK a W y y \\ \ y NOTES: 0 ryk \ 1. THERE WILL BE NO DREDGING OR FILLING. o 2. THERE WILL BE NO FUELING FACILITIES. o a \ �' yyk� \ 3. TOTAL SLIPS 8 EA. 20 72'x6O' o W y �ti \ 4. RETIIS Q �TA ,,0V WkTKft�UF� ACE o� \\ a� \ 5. MEAN HIGH WATER (MHW) SNa 01 URVEY FOR �' THIS PROJECT PREPARED IN 1981 D.N.R. CODE FOR THIS SURVEY IS NUMBER 246 AND THE MAP NUMBER IS 209. 6. 9,716.4 s.f. OF SUBMERGED LA RELEASED BY ELIMINATION OF ATERAL PIER AND FINGER PIERS, A RELOCATED °c °� '-w �' TO DOCKNO'S.1 &2 S 1 5 & 6 fir;+ r �\ ° 3 N 52W32' 6. we E V APPROX. MHW:LINE ° 0 1 `; Q ; %;•,, �� t C r 1 EXISTING SEAGRASS HABITAT SPAR L t y MODERATE DENSITY, PATCHY DIS UTION ig - °° ; ° } " IFICATIONS O " v� ° m 46m , HARBOUR RIDGE ❑� `� - : ar�dAssoc iates;11 r o Engineering, Planning, alndEn �� S, DOCK NO. 3 1 2400. S.E. Federal Highwa,,,S• 2 itiL,' " 94 © 2000 10MLEY=HORN Dq` SCALE: JPROJ. N0. FIGURE: ;r 9 ° (561)286-2190 `' --•.;_-TAV(561)286-0138 ::: Z�MAR 00 1 "=60' 046984000 3 8'x8' STANDARD ALUMINUM 1-BEAM 7 W STANDARD ALUMINUM CHANNEL 2.80 �i • m r.; ° c mv 0 a� c cE 00 t = 3 °E cY m o G T ° o m- o- LXo 7 = a+- U 3 m U d 8'x8' STANDARD ALUMINUM I -BEAM SHOREGUARD 700 SHEET PILING DRIVEN BETWEEN PILES o ALUM. BOLT EVERY SHEET PILE - H c (TOP AND BOTTOM WALERS) t 0 0� y-. U � C O — w �+ m 8'x8' ALUMINUM I -BEAM WALER �► 00 U V O m W -0a «V c c a� - c = EXISTING CONCRETE PILES m N Oy a+ a m Ea Z2 02 c a cv o ° 2' MIN. PROFILE PROPOSED CONCRETE PILE TO MATCH EXISTING PILES EQUAL • EXISTING CONCRETE DOCK PILE 8' ALUMINUM CHANNEL LATERAL BRACE EXISTING CONCRETE DOCK PILE z- EXISTING BOTTOM ALUMINUM STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS Ax in? IX Un.4 IY in 4 8"x8" I BEAM 9.120 108.5 37.01 8" CHANNEL 3.62 33.85 1 1.40 ALL BULT5 TO BE 1- VIA. ALUMINUM SHOREGUARD 700 SHEET PILE r 8' STANDARD ALUMINUM CHANNEL 20' PLAN WAVE ARRESTOR DETAIL NTS o c ®0 I EXISTING ALUMINUM 0 - I ACCESS ooac FLOAT HELD IN PLACE .BY m `° CONNECTED WITH HINGE PER MANUFACTURER CONCR�TE:'PIfJNGS=FEFii I I MANUFACTURER.` QO m PROPOSED= 6'-k36'''-RAMP=W/R`AIUJNGS'' " I PROPOSEW,6'i 2WPFL0' ° 07 v� +� ) // U � . } t m t 1 c 3 O LTy c c Im m 1 r° C l c a 1 0 E E Engineering, PI pp v w O_ 20.S.E. FedrH wav e H ° � .o © 2000 KIMLE N (561)286-2190 a Ip l- L - CONC. PILINGS --I-- DOCK DETAIL NTS ,ETAILS HARBOUR RIDGE OCK NO. 3 MODIFICATIONS DATE: SCALE: PROJ. NO. FIGURE: 38 MAR 00 1 "=60' 1 046984000 1 9 5 d C N L Q W � N i a N S c O� N V U C O N a w ' V � C 'n U L 5 m ; 0 W F- H J 0 O L = 3 L m °E C Y O ai o 02 0 0 O N E O jy E c m o c m 3 O EXISTING ALUMINUM ACCESS DOCK 3' OR 6' WIDE PREFABRICATED ALUMINUM DECK VARIES PROPSED PIERS CONNECTED FLUSH WITH EXISTING PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS I 12" x 12" CONCRETE PILINGS (TYP.) J DOCK "1" — RELOCATION OF AN EXISTING FINGER PIER AND CONSTRUCTION OF 44'x6' ACCESS PIER DOCK "2" — 6' EXTENSION OF 4 FINGER PIERS DOCK "3' — RELOCATION AND 6' EXTENSION OF 4 ANGER PIERS PIER DETAIL NTS 3' OR 6' 3' OR 6' WIDE PREFABRICATED ALUMINUM DECK 4.81 DECK AND PILING CONNECTIONS PER 12" x 12' CONCRETE MANUFACTURER'S PILINGS (TYP.) SPECIFICATIONS 1.0' EXISTING BOTTOM 15' MIN. SUPPORT PILE DETAIL NTS NOTES: 1. MEAN HIGH WATER NUMBER 246 AND 2. MEAN LAW WATER WAS DETERMINED I 3 ALL EL EVA71ONS IS BENCHMARK 641/f t-1 H L a 0 o E Engineering, Planningan , dE>! 2" S.E. Federal Highway, S v © 2000 KIMLEY—HORN 9 o (561)286-2190 RVEY FOR .THI$''PROJECR. I'`PREPARED IN 1981 D.N.CODE FOR THIS SURVEY IS NUMBER IS 209. `'-- ' .' j�,W!A"TION pR AS PROVIDED BY D.E.P. THIS ELEVATION I GE _ C VERMCA4 DATUUMDE S(NGVDD) ON OF 22334 B� OOWL N GCY, INC. HARBOUR RIDGE NO. 3 MODIFICATIONS AR 00 I scA 1"-60' I P 046984000 I FIGURE: O STANDARD MANATEE CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS MARCH 1996 The permittee shall comply with the following manatee protection construction conditions: a. The permittee shall instruct all personnel associated with the project of the potential presence of manatees and the need to avoid collisions with manatees. All construction personnel are responsible for observing water -related activities for the presence of manatee(s). b. The permittee shall advise all construction personnel that there are civil and criminal penalties for harming, harassing, or killing manatees which are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, The Endangered Species Act of 1973, and the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act. C. Siltation barriers shall be made of material in which manatees cannot become entangled, are properly secured, and are regularly monitored to avoid manatee entrapment. Barriers must not block manatee entryto or.exist from essential habitat._. d. All vessels associated with the construction project shall operate at "no wake/idle" speeds at all times while in the construction area and while in water where the draft of the vessel provides less than a four -foot clearance from the bottom. All vessels - follow routes of deep water whenever possible. e. If manatee(s) are seen within 100 yards of the active daily construction/dredging operation or vessel movement, all appropriate precautions: shall be implemented to*-.-.. :.:.ensure protection of the manatee. These precautions all include the_operation of all =:r :-- - - moving equipment no closer than 50 feet of a manatee. '.Operation of any equipment closer.than 50 feet to :a manatee shall necessitate immediate shutdown of -that':: . ;: • . .. -,equipment.= Activities will:not resume until the manatees) has cJepaFted the'proiect area` of its -own volition. f. Any collision with and/or injury to a manatee shall be reported immediately to the Florida Marine Patrol at 1-800-DIALFMP (1-800-342-5367).. Collision and/or injury should also. be reported to the U.S. Fish "and Wildlife Service in Jacksonville (1-904-232-2580) north Florida or Vero Beach (1-407-562-3909) in south Florida. Temporary signs concerning manatees shall be posted Odor to and during all construction/dredging activities.All signs are to be removed by the.permittee upon completion of the project. A sign.measuring at least 3 ft. by 4 ft. which reads Caution: Manatee Area will be posted in a location prominently visible to water related construction crews. A second sign should be posted if vessels are associated -with the construction, and should be placed visible to the vessel operator. The second sign should be at least 81/2" by 11" which reads Caution: Manatee Habitat. • Idle speed is required if operating a vessel in the construction area. All equipment must be shutdown. _ if a manatee comes within 50 feet of operation. Any collision with and/or injury to a manatee shall be reported immediately to the Florida Marine Patrol at 1-800-DIAL FMP. (1-800-342-5367). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service should also.be contacted in . _ Jacksonville (1-904-232-2580) for north Florida or in Vero Beach (1-407-562-3909) for =.. south Florida. + _ r r- Y c~ �.,� A tl-f``f.�..�7 Z�. r t:�•._ �.a--^ .ham y�f. - z� TEMPORARY MANATEE SIGNS for standard manatee construction conditions Revised March 1999 The "Caution: Manatee Area" signs, (3 feet by.4 feet) are available through the companies listed below, and may also be available from other local suppliers throughout the state. Permit/lease holders, should contact sign companies directly to arrange for shipping and billing. These Caution signs are intended to remind work and boat crews of the presence of manatees while in -water work is being performed. They should be posted in a prominent location for maximum visibility by all water -related construction crews.. A second sign should be posted if vessels are associated with the construction, and should be placed visible to the vessel operator. An example is enclosed, and this example can be copied and used during construction activities. Ft. Fierce, Honda 34941 (561) 489-8772 - (800) 489-8758 (Florida only) fax (561) 489-8757 :Y� a 3 MANATEE HABITAT IDLE SPEED is required if operating a vessel in the construction area. - > j .... ...... An - Z1Z M Z *-* ....... ... . MOM% . . . . . . . ... . ........ . V., Kel A'4 Cl P, nM— fill, In X voer%'.4 Cwh t wnk A 4a. Form 1162-343.900(3), F.A.C. Form Title: Construction Commencement Notice Date: October 3. 1995 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE PERMIT Construction Commencement Notice PROJECT: PHASE: I hereby notify the Department of Environmental Protection that the construction of the surface water management system authorized by Environmental Resource Permit No. has commenced / is expected to commence on 199 , and will require a duration of approximately months weeks days to complete. It is understood that should the construction term extend beyond one year, I am obligated to submit the Annual Status Report for Surface Water Management System Construction. PLEASE NOTE: If the actual construction commencement date is not known, Department staff should be so notified in writing in order to satisfy permit conditions. Permittee or Authorized Agent Phone Title and Company Date Address s Form # 62-343.900(4). F.A.C. Form Title: Annual Status Report Date: October 3, 1995 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE PERMIT ANNUAL STATUS REPORT FORM Florida Department of Environmental Protection Permit No. County: Project Name: Phase: The following activity has occurred at the above referenced project during the past year, between June 1, 19_ and May 30, 19_. Permit Condition / % of Completion Date of anticipated Date of Activity Completion Completion (Use Additional Sheets As Necessary) Benchmark Description (one per major control structure): Print Name Phone Permittee's or Authorized Title and Company Date Agent's Signature This form shall be submitted to the above referenced Department Office during June of each year for activities whose duration of construction exceeds one year. Form „63-343.900(j). F.A.C. Form Titic: As -Built Certification by a Reeistered Professional Date: October 3. 199i ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE PERMIT AS -BUILT CERTIFICATION BY A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL Permit Num Project Name: I hereby certify that all components of this surface water management system have been built substantially in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and are ready for inspection. Any substantial deviations (noted below) from the approved plans and specifications will not prevent the system from functioning as designed when properly maintained and operated. These determinations are based upon on -site observation of the system conducted by me or by my designee under my direct supervision and/or my review of as -built plans certified by a registered professional or other appropriate individual as authorized by law. Name (please print) Signature of Professional _Company Name Florida Registration Number _Company Address Date ' City, State, Zip Code Telephone Number (Affix Seal) Substantial deviations from the approved plans and specifications: ,�i lote: attach two copies of as -built plans when there are substantial deviations) . Within 30 days of completion of the system, submit two copies of the form to: Form #62-343.900(7). F.A.C. Form Title: Request for Transfer to Operation Phase Date: October 3. 1995 REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PHASE TO OPERATION PHASE (To be completed and submitted by the operating entity) Florida Department of Environmental Protection It is requested that Department Permit No. authorizing the construction and operation of a surface water management system for the below mentioned project be transferred from the construction phase permittee to the operation phase operating entity. PROJECT: FROM: Name: Address: City: State: Zipcode: TO: Name: Address: State: Zipcode: The surface water management facilities are Nearby accepted for operation and maintenance in accordance with the engineers certification and as outlined in the restrictive covenants and articles of incorporation for the operating entity. Enclosed is a copy of the document transferrin'a title of the operating entity for the common areas on which the surface water management system is located. Note that if the operating entity has not been previously approved, the applicant should contact the Department staff prior to filing for a permit transfer. The undersigned hearby agrees that all terns and conditions of the permit and subsequent modifications, if any, have been reviewed, are understood and are hearby accepted. Any proposed modifications shall be applied for and obtained prior to such modification. Operating Entity ,,f Name q Telephone Title Enclosure: () Copy of recorded transfer of title surface water management system () Copy of plat(s) () Copy of recorded restrictive covenants, articles of incorporation, and certificate of incorporation