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Letter; Riprap Breakwater Completion
w _ DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS _ STUART REGULATORY OFFICE P.O. BOX 2391 STUART, FLORIDADA 34995 F.egulatory Division E. South Permits Branch 198302025 (IP-TA) Modification Harbour Ridge Property 12600 Northwest Harbour Palm City, FL 34990 Dear Gentlemen: Owner's Association, Inc. Ridge Boulevar(l' Reference is made to your joint permit application received April 10, 2000, in which you asked to modify Department of the Army Permit Number 198302025 issued on November 6, 1985, reissued on ll..April, 1996, and due to expirz__=:.1.1..April 2001. By letter dated 20 October 2000, submitted by Croach Engineering, you also requested a five-year permit extension for completing the riprap breakwater. The original permit authorized the construction of two multi- family docks with a total of 117 boat slips. Subsequent modifications and permit reissuance authorized minor revisions to docks 1, 2, and 3 including 118 boat sli,.p.s and the installation of 5,190 linear feet of riprap breakwat,er". This modification includes further revision of docks 1, 2 and 3 resulting iri a net reduction of 10 boat slips and an additional five years to complete the riprap breakwater. The purpose of the dock revisions is to increase mooring space for larger vessels up to 60 feet in length. The time extension is needed due to the severity of erosion and limited funds available. The impacts of.the proposed work.on navigation and the environment have been evaluated and found to be insignificant. No additional impacts to resources, water quality, submerged aquatic vegetation, or manatees will result from this modification. The permit is hereby modified in accordance with your request and will expire on 11 April 2006. You should attach this letter and the enclosed revised project plans to the permit. All conditions of the previous permits and permit modifications, including the attached manatee precautions remain in effect. Thank you for your cooperation with our permit program. If you have questions please contact Ms. Tori Agramonte at the WM letterhead address, by telephone at 561-781-8085, or fax at 561-781-8106. BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY: �. Jame G . M. av Colonel, U.S. Army District Engineer Enclosure Copy Furnished: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., 2400 SE. Federal Highway, Stuart, Florida 34994 Creech Engineers, Inc., 707 E. Park Ave., Tallahassee, FL 32301 . .......... .. ......... .. ..... . .... .. ... 'v k .......... ...... ... ........... 1C. CC x .5 "a Wmf!N;1wr.1. z 4 r 4. P. 0Z z A, m C .. .. Zv, ti -K E :SN. • IY Ap t DOW— lw r. 0�. ox. E A. lE- r, ..:,�000 �,-Uj. 77 K y� 7 x N. e.NO. 1 DOCK icy,. DOC'' EL J:ft 3 0 CLM 1.N. P— d- t: 0. Q.. V. V) 0 M2(I 4 us � d MAR1300R RIDGE` fl. % E4; o U ADJACENT PROPERTY. In — WNERS O FRANK PO' MA E c 9040 BELVEDERE ROAD �2 up a WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33411 R 11-i A J. H. WAYNE & MA' HUIZENGA 1200 S. ANDREWS AVENUE FLOOR 6 FORT -LAUDERDALE iv 0 FL -.33301 0 T :-NOM 07AL:-WATER-FRoNTA__ GE-1jF,,----HAkBo0• 1 0-5 k" -R'.".RIDGE 0� .10,037-If'-. 3: m ):Z" E U 0 0 % oir PALM -W.�-,,qUADRANGLE FLORIDA '•(PHO TQREV1S0:- 970 cn LOCATION MAP 0 IU Iftley Hom E CL and Associ HARBOUR RIDGE ,3 E ates, Inc. 6 1.- Engineering, Planning, and Environmental Consultants Uj 0., �_ 'o CST. LUCIE -COUNTY, FL 0 0 '400 S'E' Federal Highway, Suite 320, Stua,L 0 @ 2000 KIMLEY—HORN AND ASSOC. INC. 34994 CL 0, (561)286-2190 ATE: 1 n4F;Q;tAnnr% SCALE: NO. IFIGURE: FAX (561)286-0138 D I , ta �00 1`1=Z000, . . MLW DEPTHS FROM NE FACE OF DOCK TO EDGE Of CHANNEL VARY FROM 7.9' TO 8.9'. MLW CHANNEL EXISTING LEASE AREA — 25,857.4 SQ. FT.f g ,; DEPTH IS 8.8' PER SURVEY BY GCY INC. DATED PROPOSED LEASE AREA = 16.141 SQ. FT.t a C 5/11/99 REV. 8/4/99 REALLOCATED LEASE AREA = 9,716.4 SQ. FT+ o INSTALL (4) SX25' FINGER PIERS 44.44' O.C. ` DAYBEACON APPROXIMATE CHA;MIEL J2¢ b�?9• REPLACE & CONSTRUCT \ '�� ` JF- E. NEW WAVE ARRESTOR NO e?i INSTALL (20) 12"0 \ S%' y TIMBER PIUNGS (TYP.) .S MODUFED U y ��• ', ��. \� �.F.A AREA �i DA�•.OH o= .wto �r \ REMOVE 0 oh'o LATERAL a \ \ \ PIER (1) ti ' r \ ?/ CONSTRUCT �\ \lS ` ^ �i9+� - Tw) NEW WAVE ARRESTOR o \ \ \ St \ �1SED LEASE \E-A LIMITS a \ \ \ \ REMOVE (4)3'X20' W \ \ \ FINGER PIERS AND MOOR CICONCRETE um -Za \\ " y ° \ \\�\; P ,yp4i� EXISTING DOCK . 7« \ \ d `- ; \ \ \ 1. THERE WILL BE NO DREDGING OR FILLING. 0 0 W W \ 2. THERE WILL BE NO FUEUNG FACIUTIES. 0 0 �. • \ W �' \ �h a, \ 3. TOTAL SUPS: 8 EA, ` 20.72'x60' 4. REVISED TOTAL OVER WATER SURFACE AREA DOCK NO. 3: 2,938 `s.f.t 5. MEAN . HIGH WATER (MHW) SURVEY FOR THIS PROJECT PREPARED IN 1981 D.N.R. on �\ W y CODE FOR THIS SURVEY IS NUMBER 246 AND THE MAP NUMBER IS 209. I n ws \ W W 6. 9,716.4 9.f. OF SUBMERGED LAND RELEASED BY EUMINATIO14.OF LATERAL PIER AND FINGER PIERS. AND RELOCATEI TO DOCK NO'S. 1 & 2 (SEE FIG. 5 & 6) 0 3 N 52 W32- \ y } ��► s . , 3 APPROX. MHW LINE 8 9 EXISTING SEAGRASS HABITAyT SPl1 T MODERATE DENSITY, PATCF,? • DI i U °° PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS 'G V L C ° 19mley-Hom HARBOUR 10, " o c2m and Associates Inc. .3.. � .. ' DOCK NO.�f. E Engineerin , Planning,and Environmental Consult ■.t.. , :.�!}"� g ax•..5 2400 S.E. Federal High way, Suite 320, Stuart FL 34994 sn `o © 2000 KIMLU—HORN AND ASSOC. INC. DATE: SCALE: JPROJ. NO. FIGURE: a (561)286-2190 FAX (561)286-0138 MAR 00 1 "= Do' 046984.000 11 nr ar sn aavAna -a� N WROII DLYATIOI ®ADDITIONAL LEASE AREA (8,020.09 sf) RELEASED FROM DOCK NO.3 o a + EXISTING SEAGRASS HABITAT SPARSE TO + MODERATE DENSITY, PATCHY DISTRIBUTION ACREAGE TABULATION EXISTING LEASE AREA a 49,619.91 SO. FT.* 'fi PROPOSED LEASE AREA = 57.640 SQ. FTt ADDITIONAL LEASE AREA - 8,020.09 SQ. FT.* Y NORTH 'OR S79a o� a �o REPLACE AND CONSTRUCT W' NEW WAVE ARRESTOR w E)WNG DOCKS r O f INSTALL (13) _0% p 1Y/ TIMBER o z/' IJ n PILINGS (7YP.) o� Y "W ,09 10 �.A 5 �% _;• = . N 79 a $ 2730 SO FL acr MODWIED IFAK AREA Oy r - W h O w y r o MLW DEPTHS FROM NE FACE OF DAY BEACON Aa 7Ap DAY BEACON 7 � I 2120 SG. FT. - l MODIFIED INSTALL (B) o THELEASE AREA jr sr L E a%..o',,,,, UC�E RI VjER I ar p ' • so Vp Via'» •tIZ4 EMMNG DOCKS 7 3 REMOVE (4) FINGER PIERS • AND ASSOCIATED PILINGS (14)' m 1v REMOVE PILING o AND NjAVE ARRESTOR of DOCK TO EDGE OF CHANNEL VARY FROM 9.1' TO 11.1'. MLW o CHANNEL DEPTH IS 10.6' PER CO .s SURVEY BY GCY INC. DATED o� r W1� Fr. 5/11 /99 REV. 8/4/99 z S IFASIE AREJ1 N °' OVER WATER SURFACE AREA (O.W.S.A.) y w'o EXISTING 7,643 s.f. s o e REMOVED 120 s.f. x ti 9 q .". = ADDITIONAL 189 S.f. _ _ Ira H `s TOTAL 7,712 s.f. �� P m; ° � N 46*03'13E ; 18.42' e + m c 5 MEAN HIGH WATER LINE + + + ° o PER SURVEY BY .MOCK, RODS ' AND ASSOGAIES. DRAWING NO. t w A-1173A. DAIEO OCT. 1905 N 73'42'27" Oxv } JAI � i' /Zf.ls�• w 'am 3 -ate h tea % 1 ay REMOVE E70ST. FINGER PIER�+REAC�i (3) CON CONST. 44 x6' ACCESS PIER vy PILINGS AND INSTALL-(4) REMOVE (4) CONC. Irg TDABER PILINGS AND P N� pr-) INSTALL (6) , RELOCTE x25'. WO 71MBER PILINGS (TYP.) ;IN ,p , •' • , , , 46.03'13 % W - 19.61, �tJ OW48W W �; •, , °° t PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS gm y m I imley-Hom HARBOUR RIDGE CIM and knoaates Inc. I o E Engineering, Planning. and Environmental Consultants DOCK NO. •I 2400 S.E. Federal Highway, Suite 320, Stuart FL 34994 No © 20M KIMLEY--HORN AND ASSOC. INC. DATE: SCALE: PROD. NO. F1GUP° a o (561)286-2190 FAX(561)286-0138 MAR 00 1"=60, oaNO. o 4 - MLW DEPTHS FROM NE FACE OF DOCK TO EDGE OF CHANNEL VARY FROM 8.7' TO 9.5'. MLW CHANNEL z DEPTH IS 9.4' PER SURVEY 8Y GCY INC. DATED - 5/11 a /99 REV. 8/4/99 0 CA a OVER WATER SURFACE AREA (OWSA) EXISTING: 6,255 0-0 ADDITIONAL: 390 = o TOTAL' 6,645 ADDITIONAL OWSA AS PROPOSED = RELEASED FROM ELIMINATION OF STRUCTURE FROM DOCK NO. 3 N 00W00' E 308.00' moal 13 O = c� INSTALL (9) c 'a n 12'0 TIMBER 'd' PILINGS (TYP.) u ; � c o D0S1W0 DOCK a a o 3 tw a VA1a REVAUN . LW V O C Q W DOCK n&ADON . 4.72 O _ w 1r as W N 90 00'00' W ` _ 178.00' x 3026 S0. FT. MODIFIED LEASE AREA EXTEND 3'x19' E FINGER PIERS TO 2W (TYP.) r- PROP. 6'x36' RAMP a r PROP. 6'x20' A A .S a FLOATING DOCK ^ 0 0 0 av o� _o c� L M ® o N SECTION A -A om I `L u NTS cx w = o,; EXISTING to a a WOOD DOCK--"" MEAN HIGH WATER LINE PER SURVEY BY MOCK, R005 AND ES. ASSOCIATDRAYMNG NO. A-2133 a DATED 4-15-9.0 c ®E V � C V V � v 0 tw YBEACON 9 NORTH FORK OF THE ST. LUCIE RIVER b / i g8• REPLACE R CONSTRUCT Ah/ NEW WAVE ARRESTOR 3 M MOOIFIEO` 8 DOCY` INSTALL (9) 13 12'0 TIMBER PILJ = (TYP.) 8 r - o 124. - FT. MODIFIED PROP. 6'x2O' FLOATING DOCK WITH RAMP (SEE DETAIL) I A 558 SO. FT. MODIFIED LEASE AREA Z S 68'50'48' W 54.34' LEGEND 7 wonw 12MATM - Darxa, a uuD CU M701 W EMODIFIED LEASE Apia& (9',3 ,sf) RELEASED FROIIII g9CK NO .3 ACR A �' d�I�O• ^ I �''. ' EXISTING LEASE jR6 -.' 2, �- i Q. FT,* 'ROPOSED LEASEARE PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS''I,;"':' i-iB 8- C]Mn �and Associates Inc. HARBOUR R�df o a E Engineering, Planning, and Environmental Consultants DOCK NO, 2 0 2400 S.E. Federal Highway, Suite 320, Stuart FL 34994 ►- y ' © 2000 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOC. INC. DATE: SCALE: PROJ. NO. F= (561)286-2190 FAX (561)28&0138 MAR 00 1'=60' 046984.000 11 o EXISTING ALUMINUM Y OR 6' 1MDE PREFABRICATED e ACCESS DOCK ALUMINUM DECK IVARIESi t 1 Ir 1�,or -T —�L---- I r PROPSEO PIERS CONNECTED FLUSH = VNTH EXISTING PER MANUFACTURER'S o I SPECIFICATIONS E x 12" x 12' CONCRETE PILINGS (TYP.) 'a M ® DOCK '1' - RELOCATION OF AN EXISTING FINGER PIER � 1 AND CONSTRUCTION OF 44'x6' ACCESS PIER o . DOCK 027 - 6' EXTENSION OF 4 FINGER PIERS e" oDOCK "3" - RELOCATION AND 6' EXTENSION OF 4 FINGER PIERS PIER DETAIL c NTS s e o s 3' OR 6' 3' OR 6' WIDE PREFABRICATED g ALUMINUM DECK v w4.et DECK AND PILING — CONNECTIONS PER 12' x 12" CONCRETE MANUFACTURER'S _ PILINGS (TYP.) SPECIFICATIONS 'v 0.80 MHW Y -0.2 MLW 1.0' 3 _co APPROX. 7.0' O MLW A- EXISTING BOTTOM 0 s v 15' MIN. N W w� + SUPPORT PILE DETAIL a NT5 0 c NOTES C` 0 0 1. MEAN HIGH WATER (MHW) _SURVEY FOR MRS PROJECT PREPARED IN 1981 D,N.R. CODE FOR THIS NUMBER 246 AND 1F1E MAP NUMBER IS 209. �• 2. MEIN LOW WATER (1WL*j ELEVATION OF -0.20 FOR THIS SITE IS AS PROVIDED BY D.E.P. THIS 8 v WAS DETERMINED BY EXTENDING A PUBLISHED DATUM BASED ON 71DE STATION 8722334 NORFORK.�`S I r & ALL ELEVATIONS REFERENCED TO NATIONAL CEOOE71C VERTICAL DATUM (N=) OF 1929 BASEa _ $ BENCHMARK 641/642 ELEV. 15.61 FT. ;' 0] 3 0 ,• . . r c CAL DETAILS , o•S II i . ID 1Gmley-Hom ❑��aW Associates, Inc. HARBOUR RID- E E Engineering, Planning, aadEnvinnnmental Consultants DOCK NO. 3 MODIFICATIONS c a M S.E. Federal Highway, Suite 320, Stuart FZ N994 1- „ 8 Q 2000 KIMLEY--HORN AND ASSOC. INC: DATE: SCALE PROJ. NO. FIGURE a � ° (561)286-2190 FAX(561)286-0138 MAR 00 1"=60' 046984000 5 It 1 6' PIER WAVE ARRESTOR 1r WOOD PILE SHOREGJARD 300 SHEET PRJNG; EKQS7ING BOTTOM 5ja 51 ::FT_ �,�PROFILE H1111f1110:sHG' 4K.jjj11ilIII 4 TYP. 0 I 5/W GALV BOLT 1r WOOD PILE ��Irwr 1*0 GALV BOLT SHOREGUARD 300 SHEET PriJNG PLAN VIEW WAVE -ARRESTOR DETAIL HTS I E>(ISTING AWMINUM I ACCESS DOCK FLOAT HELD IN PLACE BY CONNECTED WITH HINGE PER MANUFACTURER CONCRETE PILINGS PER I I MANUFACTURER. I I I PROPOSED 6'x36' RAMP W/RAILINGS I I 3X PROPOSED 6'xZO' FLOAT 12'xir CONC. PEINGS Y' FLOATING DOCK DETAIL NTT TYPICAL DETAILS ' C]Mn Iimley-HomHARBOUR RID.E�� and Assoaates Inc. Engineering, Planning, and Environmental consultants DOCK NO, 3 MODIFICATIONS M S.F. Federal Highway, Suite 320, Stuart FL 34994 © 2000 IOMLEY--HORN AND ASWC. INC. DATE: SCALE: JPROJ. NO. IFIGUFC- ;61)286-2190 FAX (561)286-0138 MAR 00 1'=60' 046984000 6 tk HT R6�.�.tFfF Untied States Department of the Interior FISH AM WILDLIFE SERVICE + South Florlda Ecological Services Office +..,, , •'`� 1339 20'd Street Vero Beach, Florida 32960 November 30, 2000 Tori Agramonte Army Corps of Engi rtuers Stuart Regulatory Office P.O.9ox 2391 Stuart, Florida 34995 Log No.: 4-1-00-I-686 Application No.: 198302025 (LP -TA) Dated: August 17, 2000 - Applicant: Barbour Ridge Property Owner's - Association County: St. Lucie Dear Ms. Agramonte: The Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has reviewed the Public Notice regarding the project referenced above. This letter represents the Service's view on the effects of the proposed action, in accordance with section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C., as amended, 1531 et seq.)(ESA) and the provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1958 (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.). PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) proposes to modify a permit for an existing marina. The modification includes a reduction iti total boat slips from 118 to 108 slips. The purpose of the project is to increase mooring space for larger boats up to 60 feet in length. The project is located in the North Fork St. Lucia River, section 26, Township 37S, Range 40E, St. Lucie County, Florida. THREATENED AND ENDANCrERED SPECIES BY letter dated October 16, 2000, the consultant for the applicaftt informed us that the existing facility is fully occupied seasonally and that reducing the number of boat slips to increase mooring space for larger boats will result in a reduction of boats at the facility. According to the Public Notice, the standard precautions for the protection of the West Indian manatee (Trieheehus manatus) will be incorporated as special conditions of the permit. Thus, the Corps has determined that the project "may affect, but is not likely to adversely effect" the manatee. Based on the Corps inclusiort of the standard manatee protection measures as special conditioDs of the Department of the Army permit issued for this project, the Service concurs with this • determination, There is no designated critical habitat for this species in the vicinity of the project. site, therefore, none shall be affected. This written concurrence letter fulfills the consultation requirements of section 7 of the ESA, and no further action is required. If modifications are made in the project, if additional information involving potential effects to listed species becomes available, if a new species is listed, or if designated critical habitat may be adversely affected by the project, reinitiation of consultation may be necessary. FISH AND WILDLIFE RESOURCES A.ceotding to your letter, the lagoon bottom at the site is unvegetated. Therefore, the Service does not object to the issuance of the Department of the Army permit for the proposed action. Thank you for your cooperation in the effort to protect fish and wildlife resources. If you have any questions regarding this project, please contact Chuck Sultztrm at (561) 562-3909, extension 241. Sincerely yours, CN James J. Slack Field Supervisor South Florida Ecological Services Office cc: Service, Ecological Services (attn: Joe Johnston) Solicitor, Atlanta CIA (atta: Delores Young) NMFS, Miami, FL FWC (BPSM), Tallahassee, FL EPA, Vilest Palm Beach, FL