HomeMy WebLinkAboutReroof Permit application - 6402 Fort pierce BlvdAll APPLICABLE INFO MU$T BE COMPLETED FOR APPLII; ATI:014 TO BE, ACCEPTED Date; 12-3-2020 Permit N urribe r: ' Building Permit Application Plan ino and Development Services .R0itdfR9 and Code flWu jon DWSiOn commercial 51 I rill I 2_ 06 Virorin Avenue, Fort Piert-e Ft 34902 Phone: (772) 462-155� Fax; (772) 46j2-1578 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR, F4EF00F . PRD POSED I M P RCYVEM E NT LOCATION= Address; 6402 Fort P+erce BLVD FT PIERCE Pr.Dperty Tax r() W Site Plan~ N a m-8; Proirect Na rn e: 1301- 7-ODO I • -7 LD ETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: REMOVE SHINGLE ROOF Lot No. 1 Block No, 70 INSTALL HI TEM1PERATDRE PEEL & STI K FL15048 INSTALL 5 V CRIMP METAL FL17022. INSTALL MODIFIED -FLAT ROOF FL1654 rie-w Electrical Meter Sretnind E Iect ica I Meter__— LCONSTRU ON I NFORM ATION: A-d-d Itional work to be performed and e r thGs pe rm it — 6etk all that a pl�Iy' mechanG-wl Gas Tank — Gas PI PI-ng E Iectrie — Pilurn ding Total Sq. Ft of corpstructipn: 3,426 Cost of GorEStru -jbn: 5 165.50 — Sprinklers _siwitears J Wi rid ow5/DobrS — Pa nd Genera#or X Ro& 5}12 _ Pitch Sq. Ft. of Fist Floor, 3,426 U#iLities: 5ewiar — Selptlf. Building Height: 8 FT -- OWNERAESSEE: CONTRACTOR' Na rr,e'Cecile R EiulloCiC N a m ; ROLAND WI LEY Add ress; 3650 Wh ite gay Dairy RD compa r1y: HO R E LI PEE ROOFING City: FORT P I EAC �.1973 9V� G LEIxIDALE STREET 3494 Fa , -- Citw: PORT T LUCIE state: FL Zip �od4.: -- i Phone No. _ zip Code: 34967 _ FA x: Phone No 772-200.9565 FIII in fee slrrrpl Title Holder On next page { if d iffe rlritCGC E_Ma;I SHOR ELI N ER O� F1 NG P YAHOO -CO - frarrr the pwntr listed abawe) State or Cavrity ucenw 1 0 f<value a construction Is 2WO or more, a RECORDED NOtice oI curnenencement is requ ired. IF ,sloe 43f HAVC if. $7,sm or MOVer 3 RECORaE D Notate of Com mencement i% r"ui red. S PMMENTAL CONST RUCTION LIEN LAW INF0RMATION, file MORTGAGE COMPANY' Nit Appllcabfe N a rive- N0— . Address_- Add ress' Cilv.: State;State: —. Zrp= P hone_ i p; _ Phone: — BONDING Applicable BONDING COMPANY; Not APplica bfe EEE M PIAA PLE TITLE HOLDER: � Not — Name: Name: r _ Addrev�- �tld ress: Zi p • _ _ Pli on e- dip; PhorY2 _ O N ER/ CONTRACTOR AF F I DVIT: Application is herokn made to abtalrn a permit to do die work and install.Mlon as i nd icated_ I certify that no wDrk or in-&tall.ation has commenced prior to the issuance of a p*rm rt'. 5t. Lucie Count�r ma kes no representation that as grantiN a perm it wgl authorize the perm it holder to build the subject ash uct such which is irY Conflict with aq applicable Fiume Ownes ftwdatroA rubes, bylaws or and covenants that rri &� restrict or p strWotu re_ Please consult w t your Home Owners AssOoiafian and review your deed for any re5#rictiuns which may applyr. In consideration of the granting of kh 15 requested permit I. do hereby agree that I will, in of I respects, perFoTm Uhe work In ar_cordanoe oAth the KffQved plan}, the Florida R61Iding Codes nod St. Lucie aunty Amendments_ The following bull -di ng permit applications are exempt From uncle rgo ng a fu II corleurrency review: room iaddlti-Ond, acce=ry structur-eL, s;uimming pools, fence` walls, sign }, screen roDm5 and accessory uses to arkather non-residential use WARN MG TO OWNE if: Y61if failt.rre to Record a Notke of Cornm*noerrrent may resu It in paving twine for irnprov.e m-enti to Your property. A Notice of Comrr enceme nit mu st be record ed i n t he pull ii~ re-CffCIS Of St. Lucie Coufity a FYd postisd on th a j-Obsitia before t he fi rst ifi spe ti �r�. I f you i r�#i n to taYrti fi anci rig. consu It vo[th le rider or an attornbefore commencing yvark or rem Fn our motive of com Icy emea T1 eilt. 5igriature STATE OF FLORID COUNTY OF— as A e-ni For Owner SwqP6 to Joe off lrmed) arkd Sub6cribed before me of Physical Presence or_ Online N-o[ariwatlon this day of - 2-020 by Name of perwn maki r 9 nt, R RersonaLlyr Known _- OR Produced I d8#5fn Typ-e of I dentification r 1 ProdgxO (Signature of N Fublic• 5me of Florida ] Cornrmfslon Na. AEVIE'N5 rRONT ZONING COUNTER FLEYI EIV DATE RECEIVIED COMPLETEI) M£ V Signature STATE OF FLORID cotm V OF Swo i to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of Physical Presence or oLnlinok N O%rization this dary of 2-1320 bw Name of per5" maki rigs ent. 4- P*m.�3riaLly Known Type of Edentificasion OR prodix=d Id Prod uCed J (Signature of pWry Public- 5tata of F Inrida • F CC� �r vmmrl issiN0• ` i SUPS KV 1! rOPL PLANS VEGETATION $EA TURTLE R EVI EWREVIEW REVI EW I REVI EW MANGROVE REV I EVE