HomeMy WebLinkAboutmullionsPloriAn i'iuilding Code Online F6>luia BCIS Home .log In User pegistration Hot Topics SUUmi[ Surcharge Stats & iac[s ! Publications ��,. Contact Us BCIS Site Map i Links '.. Search 1 ��° USER: vubucn�vroval 4 Protl itt Pporoval Meru > ApplicaUop Detail FL # FL17472-R4 Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved *Approved by DBPR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission If necessary. Comments Archived ❑ Product Manufacturer Eastern Architectural Systems Address/Phone/Email 16341 Domestic Ave. Ft. Myers, FL 33912 (B00)432-2204 Ext 4305 jflesher@eastern meta I. co m Authorized Signatare James Flesher jfl esher@ea sternmetal. com Technical Representative Timothy J. Hoard Address/Phone/Email 10030 Bavaria Road Fort Myers, FL 33913 (B00)432-2204 Ext 43i4 th o a rd @ ea ste r n m e to I. co m Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Windows Subcategory Mullions Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency Keystone Certifcations, Inc, Validated By Keystone Certifications, [nc. Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) AAMA 450 2010 TAS201 1994 TA5202 1994 TA5203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Cer[tfled By lilyu:r/wn�w'.Ooridabailding.org/pr;pr app_All.aspxTpnram�rGF.VXQwIDgICUGgvjQiztiAvC°/2UOIoUJS%31yz1'Xc1'zpIRIH(icgAgpeSHGw%td%idl II2q/2020251:5"/ PMI pindna HnaainF coati oom;r Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A Date Submitted 10/01/2019 Date Validated 10/02/2019 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 10/09/2019 eontaee us: - The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer f I ht 200]-2033 State of Florida � � Pr vary Statement �� A s Ib'I'[ Sta ement �� Refund Statement Under Flpritla law, email addresses are public recortls. [f you do not want your a -mall adtlress released In response [o a public -records request, tlo not send electronic mail Io this entity. insteatl, contact the offce by phone or by traditional mall, i( you have any questions, Please contact 0E0.48].3395. *Pursuant to Section 955.275(1), Floritla Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensetl untler Chapter 455, F.S, must provide the Department with an email adtlress If [hey have one. The emails provitletl may be usetl for ofhclal communication with the licensee. However email atltlresses are public recortl. if you tlo not wish Co supply a personal adtlress, please provide the Department with an email adtlress which can be made available to the pubiic. To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please cliclS,jiELE-. Product Approval Accepts: .. � Kt�A �.�. hlryr.//wrrw.Horidnhuildiny.orblpdpr_app_dtl.ospx7pnrnm�rGP,VYfjwlDgrCUGgvJQiz6Av(:%2601o1f1-i % 2fyzY\c\'zplAllilcgtvlpeSHGw%3d%3d� I/24/2020 2:51:57 PAA] 000��n,emrue; Structural Performance oocNn: FRM 61-02 Rev No: � aaua 1 �� 1 ������ Certification �..�. ,4uthorization Report Required By: pR0 61-03 CAR &Product ID Number: 622 - 103.0 Issue Date: 1/16/2015 Revision Date: 2/16/2018 Expiration Date: 7/18/2021 Company Code: 622 This Certification Authorization Report (CAR) is issued by Keystone Certifications, Inc. (KCI) after full validation review, and is based on a standardized evaluation of the product conducted by an independent accredited laboratory in accordance with the specified referenced standard. Actual fenestration product performance may vary based on many factors, including installation, condition of the walVroof substrate and the age of the product and installation components. This report indicates the product is eligible for the application of Keystone Certification Program certification labels. Licensee stipulates in affixing certification labels to products, that those products are representative of the specimen evaluated and documented for certification authorization. Only products bearing such a certification label shall be considered certified. The information in this report can be verified at www.keystonecerts.com. Licensee Information: Product Information: Eastern Architectural Systems Model: 1 "x4" Aluminum Mullion HA//T/X 16341 Domestic Avenue Operator Type: Mull Fort Myers FL 33912 Config: No Reinforcement Max Width: See Table Max Height: See Table Referenced Standard: Product Rating: AAMA 450-10 & PA/TAS 201/202/203 See Appendix 1 Load Tables and Impact Ratings Qualifying Test Information: Test Report No: Test Report Expiration: CTLA-3010W-8A/9A 7/18/2021 Authorized Signature: Keystone Certifications, Inc. 2018.02.1 6 145 Limekiln Rd. Suite 100E New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070 11:10:21-05'00' Phone:717-932-8500 Fax: 717-932-8501 W W W.KEYSTON ECERTS.COM KEvsTorvE, "ri'� i � •.�" •' �. , Eastern Architectural Systems 10030 Bavaria Road Fort Myers, FL 33913 Load Tables for the: 1"x4" Aluminum Mullion, Horiz/Vert/T/X DESIGN PRESSURE LIMITS FOR MULLION: 1" x 4" -ONE-WAY MULLIONS SPAN 'L' TRIBUTARY WIDTH 'W' (IN.) (IN.) 18 24 30 36 42 48 53.125 54 60 24 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 36 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 48 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 60 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 72 200.0 200.0 200.0 181.5 161.6 147.9 139.7 138.6 132.6 84 200.0 169.9 130.4 111.2 98.0 88.6 82.5 81.7 76.7 96 140.1 106.3 86.3 73.2 64.1 57.4 53.1 52.6 48.8 108 98.1 74.2 60.1 60.8 44.3 39.5 36.3 36.9 33.1 DESIGN PRESSURE LIMITS FOR MULLION: 1" x 4" -TWO-WAY MULLIONS SPAN'L' TRIBUTARY WIDTH'W' (IN.) (IN.) 18 24 30 36 42 48 53.126 54 60 24 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 36 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 198.5 48 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 186.1 168.1 166.4 148.8 60 200.0 200.0 200.0 198.6 170.1 148.8 134.E 132.3 119.1 72 200.0 200.0 196.E 163.8 140.4 122.9 111.0 109.2 98.3 84 200.0 154.7 123.8 103.2 88.4 77.4 69.9 68.8 61.9 96 138.2 103.7 82.9 69.1 69.2 61.8 46.8 46.1 41.6 108 97.1 72.8 68.2 48.6 41.6 36.4 32.9 32.4 29.1 Impact Ratings ASTM E1996 -Wind Zone 4, Missile Levei D PA/TAS 201/203 -Large Missile and Sinall Missile compliant Keystone Certifications, Inc. 145 Limekiln Rd, Suite 1008 New Cumberland, PA 17070 Phone: 717.932.8500 www. keystonecerts.com j'x A Perfert Solution ht Cvely Dropl Certlf late of Authorliatlod; 295"78 i��f�r.�tt�:� F�l��tt��A�rt ��r has#ern Arahi#eGtitrai Sys#ems WVHZ Clipped Aluminum Tube Mullions fDt Fiarida Product,Apprav�l ��sa�L f�l�a. �� 6th Ecli#ion (2017) Plot•i�1a Btaildin� Cade Method; 1— A {certification) Gategot'y; Windows Sub—CaCegory: Mullions 89$ eastl7ania E3aach 131vd= Suite 33$ Dania Beach,.r-L330u4 954.9y9,8A78 f'FI 959.7A4;A738 FX con tact @ bui I d In�drop s. com Product, NVNi clipped Alufnlnum Tube Mullidns Material Aluminum fiop5-T5 & G063-T6 Rrepared for: F_astern Archi#eci ut`at Sys#etns 163�d Crumz~sYi� Atte= Ft Myers, F1.33912 1`t`��SrFltrrOyJ��,i i?repared by: ?��kQ`;,� ;�� • ��o`: t-i�civfes w, Nor�ro, P.F, � 7 :. Florida Professional 8rigineer If 73778 ~ '� - � "' contents; �f F •••.•.,'� G� �` �Evaluationtteport Papesl-A �`��S��NRI-�y-���`�� blg�le0y siagvd by Nmmus p, Nvram, P.�. I lermesflif l�rilrCFr�o� P: F. Neasvn Fain apprvvkxj ihls ilvcument Florldallo, 73'778 Dare: 26taA2.1116AI:Ra -05'0o' �� Date; 02/D8/1tt �,5 A Porfact Splution in E'ueey Drog! Report No; $6tiS "� Cerlirltate of AUthngXBtioui29578 Manufacturer: Eastern Arahitoctural ysfoms t>roductCate>;ury: Windpwg ProductSub•Categary: Mullions Compliance Methoth. Stale Product Approval Method 1a. Product Name: NVH2C13ppedAluminum7ube,PJluillpns Scope: Tht:; is a ProductEVa1u<rfion Repp(t Issued by tlerrnes F. Nar•ero, P.G. (FLlt 73178jf4r Eastern ArnlaltecluratSystems bised on Method is of the State of Florida Product ApproVil, Florida tieparCment'af Ousiness attd Professional RegUl,attan - Florida pUilding Cbmmisslan. LBnits,of Use: hlermes F. Noi�eru, P.E. does noChaye nor Will acquire financial intcrestin the calnpany rnanufacttirin6 or dfstriknRing the,product or In any other entity involved in Ute apprpval process of the prpductilanted herein. 7hls producttias baen evaluated for use In loratidns adhel Ing to the G'!'dGdition (2017) Florida 6ullding'Code, See Installation insuucions PA-0003, signed antlsr;aled by-1•lermes F. Norero, P.F: {r-k It 73778� far specific use parameters.. L this product ha4heen cyuhiated and Is In camplfanco with the 6'i' >iditlon �2D17J Florida Building Code, Includint; fhe "i Iigh Velocity Nurricaiie Tone" (NVNZ). 2. Product ancitare shall be as IisfCd anti $paced as shpWn on dekails, Anchor ombodment hrto substrate material shall �c beyond wail dressing ar stucco: 3, VJlten used in areas requifiitp; wind barrio debNs (zrotec4on lhfs praduct corYtplfes wNL Chapter 16 of the G°t Cklition (2017) Figrida eulldirig Code anddoes notrepuire a« imf>aat resistant cavorinD, Individual windpw units must pe unpack raked Wherc apphcahle, R. Sito conditions tftat devisite fram the clefatls of drawing PA-OBD3 requlro further enRiOooring analysis by a licen§ed engfiieer or registered archikett. S. Ali cpnfiguratiansshown in inskallakian7nstfuctioriS PA•ODOB-hauo been q"uall€led as required 6y S¢ctinn 170�,$df the 6"'edition (z01`7j Florida Building Cede, 6. 5eelnstallatioh Instructiahs PA•0003for slxo anti design pressure IhnifaCions. lierm�s F. Norero, P,G, Floi'(da Na. 7377FS Page 2 of t ���L���� �� Fl�r: ru�a�� pate: oz o�/1x �� A parfoct Solution Ut Gvery propl Re ort No: SSOS �� CeriiRratero6Aulbodxatlrzei 29S78 p- CertiElcationAt;ency: The manufacturer has domatsY'rated compliance of products llr acsardance Withalie Florida [3iliicting Cp51e fur manuPactttrtng under a Certification Agency through; Keystone Certifications, Inc. {F8C prganlzatinn N: CI:R7.523}, Referenced Code Sections: 1. 1709.8ofthe8l'8ditlon.(2017J F(1C Referenced Pala: product Testing perfortneci-by: Certified Test6ig Laborakorles (�xC OI'gaiiiatlon N:'fSTlra77j Report ti: CTLA 3010btr•4 Report Date; p7/18/1i1 Report tl: CTLA 3010W-AA Repork pate: Q7/18/lh Report N; CTLA3010W-S. Report pate; Q7/18J1q Ctepart M: CTLA 3p10W-5A Report pate: p7/z8/1A Report ry: L'fLA 3p10W-6 Report Date: 07/18/1s Report ifr CfLA 3010W-SA Report pata:4%(18/1A Reportli:4TI,A3p10W-7 RepnrtDate:p7f'1$/.14 Reportil:GTLA3010W-7A RepprtDale:07/18/14 Report & ECLA 3p10W-$ ReporL poke: p7f18/14 Report 1!: GfI.A3010W-8A Report pake:07/1S/1r} Repprtfii:CTLA3030W-9 RcpdttDatet07%18/14 ReparUl: GTLA 3010W-9A $eport Datc: p7/1x/1A: TAS Reports Signed and Sealed by: ftantesh Patel, pE 2p224 ). CertlflcatlnnA�cnty.. Keystone CprtlRcations, R7c, (FBCGfganf�atirin lt: GCR3523) HermeSf, Norero, P.C. Lloi'Ida Na. 73778 page 3 of 4. il��.,�a:a � �t.�t Ft.i74�a �� A Perfect Sglution in Every Drapl , Date, u2�APp.t3 =�; RaportNa:5505 t� {,ertl4rate oP luathm�izati9n`-29578 Installation; 1. Approved anchor types and substrates are as follows; A. Foi twn by {2X) wood frame substrate, use If1p Wood Screw type wgorl flame anchors of sufficient length to Achieve minimum enitieditieitt of 1,50"rinto wond framing. B, hor concrete ar masgnry suhsq'ate Where one by (SX), nonstructural, wood bucking Is enrpiayed, Use 1JG" diameter tT1N`Tapcon type cmrcrele sprees anthers of sufficleirt IBngth to acfileva minimum emhedrrient of 1.z5" mta cnncrata or masoney: C. Tar concrekea• masnitry substrate:whnre wootl bucking is NOT employed, use 3/4° diameter ITvy Tapcan type concrete screw anchors of suffip(ent length to achteVe n7lninium entberlmant of 9.75" inin,cancl'et0 nr inasnnry; D. For metal stud snhstrote; use 1%A" tirade S self-drlll(ng sef6w typo meiral fr ome anchors of sufficlenk length to achieve a mitlJmmt threethteads pogeuadon beyond metal structure. Refer tolnstnllation Instructions (PR-0003) foFaiichor Igcatlgns,deslgn lead tables, and further details of the installation i equ(rements; Design f ressiite; See drawing PA-0003 fur mullion das8tg pressure tables, mullion profiles, anr3 installation details.. Hermes F. Narcra, P:F. florlda No; 73778 Page 4 aP'4 � ,� i— T (s__p �V" J_ 5— K r ..rf A �9-..-._ 2_ µ o C H 9 ������z a � "s ���E4���s a� C � �Ua � '� �xi�ry. z ? s d� � �i3�w Ys o 5 i ., r? � �,_ i 9 .� k ��� �� a\\ &\( § s�®#` /����./� � d . § ( �) � � / \ ( ^ # ;#! � }� � � � {j. ) r ) f� �� k� q f�^�� \})\ � , ) !\ ., ƒ t .. �[ )- 2 /% ��ƒ�� \�\\ } ®; . .�. .2 /!\���� .�%�^�k. l� � ):: � }�. �#%�/ ./! �� k:a : . ..%± �4 ƒ �;Iw� � a %: � ¢ 7 amp w w { �� 4� }E / E ` / � �� \ � �\ /� :k�, >y\/ k :« d»�/�E %td� � I & \ \\ j/ : $§� w�j . � \�� � � � l� � � �� \( � �� � }�2� &§ � ®} / A. _���\"�/ , .\{ y� ƒ %{ ±° �} y /{ . . y. �� ����[�^}\\ � \{ �� /, \\ \\ \ / � »`� ' � � (� \ l � 12)� / ( /��� &\ . 14� ���& §�} \ \� \ T y �\ &�i . �� � �\ �y% �\� �� �! }{ � \ )ƒ? { _ /) ~ \} �� ` �� ` \�\ \ .�.-\% �.\ a �Y ���...... � i,"54 HH� xp� 5 �.� �F ! �� �� � z � "�6 �8c1 'r- �w o� S�I a.� �3 0 �,i� ��Zo� i z P. _ �G �� i �� , Ca 3 -w LC' K �. 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