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All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLlCATIDN TD B€ ACCEPTED Date: � � � I� Planning and fievelopmentServices Building and Corte Regulation Division 2300 Virginip Avenue, Fort Pierce fL 3�982 Phone: {772} 452-1553 Fax: �772) 462-1578 PERMIT TYPE: Re -Roof Metai PROP05ED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Permit Number: Building Permit Application Commercial Residential K Address: 54Q1 5tateiy DakS St PropertyTax ID #: 34Q4-710-0015-D00-7 Lot Na. 10 Site Plan Name: Block No. - Project Name: Gray Re -Roof DETAILED DESCRIPTIQN DF WORK: Re -Roof Meta Underlayment - TU Plus j CONSTRUCTION INFQRMATION: Additional work to be performed under this permit —check all that apply: _Mechanical _Gas Tank _Gas Piping � Shutters E#ectric � Plumbing _Sprinklers Total Sq. Ft vfConstruction: 64�I3 Cost a1 C❑nstruction: $ 45 50❑ Generator 5q. Ft. of First Floor: Windaws�Doors x Roof 6�� 2 Pitch Utilities: _ 5ewer � Septic Bui#ding Height: 20' OWNER�L�55EE: CDNTRACT�R: Name Kath n G ra Name: Robert Qono�an Address: � t i t C❑rnpany: Total Home Roofiing city: Fort Pierce State: FL Zip Code; 34g81 Fax: Phone Na. 77 -2 -568 Address: 597 HaVI'rty Court, Suite 40 City: Rockledge State: F Zip Cade: 32955 Fax: Phone No 3�1-�52-9223 E-Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page � if different from the Owner listed above] E-Mail �iil'IStaG thrOQfln�.CQm State or County License GCC133Q489 �� vp�UC u� �urinuucu�n ,s , maw or more, a ntcuxueu watice or commencement is required. If value of HVAC is $7,50D or more, a RECClROED Notice of Commencement is required. •na ❑ 3131 d W D� 3id� �3A13a3a 31'd� M31A3b M3111321 M31113�1 M31113�] M31/13�1 M31A3� 2i31Nf1Q� 3AOb9N'dW 3117�f11'd3S NDIl'd13�3A SN'dld �IQSIIt213df75 JNINDZ 1NQad SM31113i1 ����� �__ i�+iLReFua .g', •flN uoissivauao� �. ��g}g.�N�i1 � ��b�� oN uolssluauao� -,�,y+�� $����d%d _ 1J °� £98�£fi 9J # htOl �� ,.. �rc=�� .,'tend I,ae;off }o aan;eu�i5} lE j .,�Id� � - �S&������i��� : qpa �ae�aN;o aan�eu ] .� _ ... paanpoad paanpoad ual�ea�l�uap�;o ad1�1 uoi�eayi;uap�;o adl�� uor}eal;l�uapl paanpoad �p � u�nou}I Alleuos.+ad uoi�eal;i�uapl paanpoad aQ � unnou� �Ll�euosaad -�.uauaaae;s �ui�eua uvsaad;a auaeN ��uau�a�e}s �ui�eua uosaad;o auaeN u�nouaQ�agoa uL'lloLia❑ �aagoa �q Q� Oz Xa� j ;v I�ep siy� Ag �flz ;o I�ep slyl aua aao;aq pa�palmou�ae sem �.uauana;sul �ul� ayl aw aao}aq pa9palmvu�ae sem �uauana;sui �uio av; ayl i❑ AiNf1D� �O Jl1Nf10� tlQli�Dld �D 31tl1S 11011r101� �O 31�d1S aap�oy asuaal��ao a o� }a aan;eu�ls aaump aa} aua�y se ao�ae.�}ua��aassa a urnp }o aan�eu�15 <i.1N3W3aN3WWD� 3U 3711UN a[lUA �NiUtID,3tl 321033$ A3N?JOlL17 Nt1 a❑ �I30N37 �If10JL H11AA 17f1$NDa `�NI7Nti'NI3 NIt1190 Dl [IN31NI f10JL 31 'N[311�3dSN1 iStll3 3H1 3tID33g 3115 8Df 3H1 NO U31SDd QNIP' U3O2ED73tl 39 15f1W 1N3W3�N3WW0� dD 3�IlON it 'A1�I3dD2id tlflDJl Di SiH3W3AO�1dW1 �Q3 3�IAA,1 �NIA►Q'd I`1RDA Nl i7flS3tl Aa'W iN3W37N3WW0� 3D 3JIiON V ©aD73a Oi 331f111►�3 2IflOJ4 :i13NMD Ul �NINa►o'M„ asn del}uaplsaa-uvu aay}vue o� sasn �tayssaaae pue suaooa uaaaas `s�a�ls `sllem `saaua;'s�vvd ;�iIELUIUfms'saanaana}s /�ayssaaae `suo3�ippe uaoaa :nna�naa luuaaanauaa Ian; a �uio�aapun u-roa;lduaaxa aae suo�}earldde �ivaaad 2ulplinq �ulmollo} ayl �s;uauapuauay /��uno� aran7 •fig pue sapo� �u�pline epiaold ay�'sueld panaadde ayl y;inn aauepaoaae u� laann ay} uaao;aad'saaadsaa ale uE `Ilim � }eye aaa�e �Lgaaay op � ';�uaaad pa}sanfJaa s�y�}o �ulaue�� ay};o ual�eaapisuoa ul •�tldde �teua yaiym suoraal.��saa I�ue ao} paap anol� ma�naa pue uvl;eiaossy saaump auao� ano�t y;im alnsuoa asea�d •aan�naas vans }igiyo�d ao �aia�saa Aeua fey; s}ueuanoa pue ao snnel/�q 'salna uol;e�ayssy saaunnp auaoH algealldde l�ue �{}im �ai�;uoa ui sl yaiy�n aan�ana�s }aafgns aye pllnq a} aaplay }�uaaa aye azlaoy;ne Minn lluaaad e Sul;uea� sl �ey� uoa;e�uasaadaa ou sa�eua it;unp� alar�d •�5 ��ivaaad e }o aauenssi ay; a� aviad paauauauaoa sey ual�ellp�sul ao �avnn ou �eya I�}I�aaa � •pa�eaipw se uol�epe�sul pue �aan� aye op o} �iuuaad a ufe�go o�apeua I�ga�ay s� uvileailddd :llAQlj��d aOJJd211NQ� �a3NMD :auoyd ;diz :auoyd :did :�;i� :�L�I� :ssaappd :ssaappd :auaeN :auapN a�gea�fddy �.o� :ANddWO� 9N1aND8 algeJ1ldd'd �oN �a3O7DH ��ili 3ldW[5 33d :auogd :did auoyd :diz :a�e�S :R�i� :a�e�.5 :�L��� :ssaappd :ssaappd :aiueN :au.�eN a�geai�ddy �oN �JIN'dd WD� 39'd91a0W a�gea��ddy �QN — :a�3NIJN3l�3N�IS3❑ �NQIl'dW�l��Ni M'dl N3i� NQllan�IlSN�� l'd1N3W3lddf15 Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser --AlI rights reserved. Property Identifitativn Site Address: 54U1 STATELY dAKS ST SeclTown/.Range: D4136S14UE ParcellD:34�4-71U-OplS-UQU-7 Jusisdietion_ Saint Lucie County Ownership Katltryn S Gray 540 ] Stately asks ST Fvrt Pierce, FL 349& t Legal �escriptiasti SO[JTHERIt' OAK ESTATES LpT IO (6.56 AC} Current Values JustlMarket Value: 534:�_0U0 AssessedValue: $343,[)U{} Exemptions: $5U,U0U Taxable Value: 5293,Oi70 Property taxes are subject to Change upon change of ownership. • Past tales are not a reliable gmjccteon af' future taxes. The sale of a property wil! prompt the rema�a[ of ail exemptions, assessment caps, and special classilications. Taxes for dais parcel SLC Tax Collectur's Otirrce Cl I7awnlaad TRT.�+I for this parcel: I]pwiiload PIJF _� Llse Type: Q1 U0 Account #: 132529 Map lD: 341045 Zoning: Planned IJn Tatai Areas FinishedliJnder Air (SP}: �,914 Gross Sketched Area(SF): 5,692 Land Size (acres): a.56 Land Size (5F}: 24,393.E Building design Wind Speed Oeeupancy Category I II lL[ 8c 1V Speed 140 16U 164 All information is believed to be correct at this time, but is subject to ctzartge and is provided without any wazranty_ � Copyright 202fl Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved.