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PA FL5259-R29
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APPlication Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Add ress/Phone/Emai I Authorized 5ignaEure Technical Representative Address/Phone/Ernall Quality Assurance Representative AddresslPhvne/Email Category Subcategory Compi]ance Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name wh❑ developed the Evaluation Report Florida license Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By FL5259-R29 Revision 2617 Approved PDLYGLA55 u5A 1111 W. Newport Center Drive Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 (954J233-1330 Ext242 ma f pert@polyg lass.com Maury Alpert ma I pert@polyglass.com TECH REP 1111 West Newport Center Drive Deer�Feld beach, FL 3344z {8fifi}802-8417 uspolygiasstech n ical@ polygiass.cvm QA REP 1111 West Newport Center Drive DeerFeld Beach, FL 33442 {888}410-i375 uspolyglasstechn ical @ polyglass.Cam Roafirag llnderlayments Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Robert Nieminen PE-591fi6 iJL LI_C lo/211zazz 7ahn W, Knezevich, PE Validation Checklist - Hardcvpy Received Certificate of Independence I�L5259 R24 COI_,_�019 OZ_ CDC nIIF_hj1NEN.,,g„di Referenced Standard and Year (af Standard] Standard Year ASTM ❑1970 2D15 ASTM D22fi 2004 ASTA9 D4748 z011 ASTM D6163 20p8 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified sy Sections from the Cade Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Gate Pending FBCApproval Date Approved Summary of Products ASTM ❑6569 20D9 FM 41i74 2flI1 FRSA/TRI April 2p12 2012 L1L 1897 2612 Method 1 option D ZDI15/2D19 10/16/2019 16/26/2D19 12/10/2D19 FL #F Modei'r Number ar Name Description 5259.1 Polyglass Rovf Roofing underiayments I Underlayments Limits of Use Installation Instructions _ Apprv�ed far use in HVHZ: No FL5259 R2 i 2D1 �D FINAL ER POL1'��.j�55 UNUERLAYMEN�S_F_ L5259- Appro�ed for use outside HVHZ: Yes �9,pdf Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Robert Nieminen PE-59165 Design Pressure: +N/A/-622.5 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: 1.) The design pressure in this Eiraluatian Reports application relates to one particular FL5254 RZS AE_��Y9 1fl FINAL ER PQLYGLAS$ �1NlaERLAY,�'IENTS F 2 - underiayment system {over concrete deck) R29.p� fnr use under foam -on file systems (where Created by Independent Third Party: Yes the tlnderlayment forms part of the load - path). Refer to ER Section 5.6.1 far other systems, other deck types and associated maximum design pressures, 2.) Refer to ER Section 5 for other limits of use. sack siext Conta rt Us :: Z601 Blair Stone Road. Tallahasse ��zga phone: 95U-487-1824 The State of Florida is an ARI E!"O employer. rl - ❑E f Iv :: pliY�cy Statement :: Accessibility Statement ;; Refund Statemen[ Under Florida Saw, email addresses are puhlie rewrds. If you dv not want your a -mail address released in response m a pu6hc-records request, dv not send eleetrvnic mall to Yhis entity, Fnstead, rnntatt the nFHce by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850-487.1395. 'Pursuant to Section 455.Z75[ 1J, Florida Statutes, effe[ti�e Otto her I, 2022, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, ES. must provide the !)epartmerrt with an email address if they have one. The emalls provided may be used fi7r official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. ]f you tlo not wish to supply a persona] address, please provide the Department with an email atldress which can 6e made avallable to the public Ta determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please dick here . Product Apprn�ai Accepts: d:�7: ®� Credit Cafd $c�f� N��[� � etc. Certifirrate of Autharizatia� #t32955 353 Christian Street, lJnit #13 Oxford, CT Q647$ t2133} 262-9245 �NGiNEER !"VALUATE TEST CDkSESULT CERTIFY �� �>N FtFRi']F iPolyglass USA, Inc. Evaluation Report P12D5D.D2.D9-R�5 1111 West Newport Center Drive FL5259-R29 Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Date of Issuance: D2/�4/�DD9 {954j �33-123D Revision 25: 1D/14/�D19 SGOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 51G�0-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida, The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Cvde and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. The products described herein have been eva#uated for compliance with the 6tr, Edition (2D17j Florida Building Cade sections noted herein. DfsCRIPrION: Palyglass Roof Underlayments LABELINfi: i.abeltng shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. CQIVTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named prvduct�s} changes, the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes, or provisions of the Cade that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement tv notify Robert Nieminen, P.E. Qf any changes to the product{s}, the Ruality Assurance yr the production facility location{5}. NEMO�etc. requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded l,y the words "NEMOjetc. Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION; fJpon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user }ay the manufacturer pr its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building official, This Evaluation Report consists of pages Z through 7.6 Prepared by� �.,,tys:r:nry„" q��-fie .•�a4ry»£ �F r��'•'- RohertJ.M. Nieminen, F.E. %s-�-wK?'� ��` ,,,. Florida Registration IVo. 59166 FforidQ MCA AIVEI983 ��'?�'�y'1"��`'`� Tnefacsimileseala � ppearing was authorized !]y Rohert Nieminen, P.E. on 1p�19�2019. This does not serve as an elerironically signed document. CERTIFICATION OF I NBEPENi]ENCE: 1. NEMti�etc. does not have, nor dues it intend tv acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2. NEMQ jets, is not owned, operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieminen, P,E. does not have nor wil[ acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other erttity involved in the approval process of the product. 5. This is a building code evaluation. Neither NEMO�etc. nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, yr previous versions thereof, isjwas used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically forthat purpose. OZaI9 NEM4 ETC, CLC N�n�o ! etco Product Category: Roofing Sub -Category: Underlayment Compliance Statement: Hoof Underlayments, as produced t3y Poiygiass USA, Inc., have demonstrated compliance with the following sections Of the 6`h Edition {2a17j Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with the fa3lvwing Standards. Compliance is subject to tf�e Installation Requirements and Limitations � Conditions Df Use set forth herein. Z. STAN RARI)5: Section Pro a Standard Year 1544.3.1 Wind Uplift FM 4474 2Q11 1544.3.1 Wind Uplift {JL1897 2412 1547.2.3 / 1507.1.1 Physical Properties ASTM D226 2409 1547.2.4 / 151]7.1.1, 1547.2.9.2 Physical Properties ASTM ❑1974 2415 1507.3.3 Physical Properties FR5A/TRI April 2412 2412 1547.11.2 Physical Properties ASTM ❑6163 2448 15fl7.11,7 Physical Properties ASTM Dfi164 2411 15Q7.11.2 Physical Properties A5TM Dfi2Z2 2411 1507.11.2 Physical Properties ASTM D6549 2409 TAS 11Q Accelerated Weathering ASTM D4798 2411 REFERENCES: Enti Examination Reference Date Enti Examir anon Reference Date ERD jTST 6049} Wind Uplift 11757A8.41-1 D8J13J2001 ERD {TST 6049} Tensile adhesion P40394.44.15 D4J43(2415 ERD fTST 6D49] Wind Uplift 11776.06.92 41J16/ZD03 ERD (TST 6049j TA5 103 P44364.1Q.14-R1 OSJ18/20L5 ERD jTST 6D49] Wind Uplift P1740.01.07 41f04J2407 ERD {TST 6449} Wind Uplift PLYG-SC8905.05.16-1 1J5117/2016 ERD [TST 6D49) A7M ❑1970 P5114.44.D7-1 04/11/20D7 ERD{TST 6449} ASTM D1970 PLYG-SC10130.46.16-1 fl6J27J2016 ERD [TST 6049] Wind Uplrk P9260.43.08 03J21J2Q08 ERD {TST 6449} Tensile adhesion PLYG-SC1D130.46.ib-2 46J27JZ416 ERD {TST 6444] Wind Uplift P34540.11.D9-R1 11J30J�069 ERD (TST 6049] FAS 1D3 PLYG-SC1p13U.05.16-3 06/27J2Q16 ERD {TST 6449] Tensile Adhesion P11430.11A9-1 11J34J2449 ERD [T5T6049] ASTM 01974JD4798 PLYG-SC8484.07.16 07J16J2016 ERD (TST 6449} Wind Uplift P11p30.11.p9-2 11J34J2449 ERD [T57 6D49} Wind Upliff PLYG-$C1d425.10.16 IOJ12J2416 ERD (TST 6049} ASTM 84977 P11030.11A9-3 11j30J2009 ERD [TST 6D49} TAS 1D3 PLYG-SC1304D.12.16 12J27J2D16 ERD {rST 6049} ASTM D1970 P33360.46.14 46125J2010 ERD [TST 6449} 30J90 physicals PLYG-SC11900.03.17 43J14J2017 ERD [r5T 6049} TAS 143 P33370.43.11 43J02J,2011 ERD [TST 6449} TA5143 PLYG-SC12115.08.17 08J08J2417 ERD (TST 6n4g} Tensile Adhesion fl3337D.p4.11 04/26/2D11 ERO {TST 6D�9} TAS 1p3 PLYG-SCi3035-08.17 Ypj3t/2017 ERD [TST 6049} ASTM 0197D P373Q0.14.11 14J19J2411 FM {TST 1867] Wind Uplift 30fl4091 01J12J2004 ERD [TST 6049} TAS 1D3 P4D394A8.1Z-1 48/06JZ032 ICC-ES [EVL 2395} 16C CompEianre ESR-1697 D4JD1J2419 ERD [T$T 6049] Tensile Adhesion P44394.08.12-2 08J07J2012 M-❑ (CER 1592} HVHZ Camp€lance NOA 17-U614.22 471as1aD17 ERD [TST 6444] Tensile Adhesion C41424.09.12 3 09J11J2412 MTI {TST 2508} ASTM D4798 J7C24H7A 0410IJ2D48 ERD {T8T 6444] Wind Uplift P39680-03.13 03104J2D13 NEMfl [TST 6p49} ASTM D1974 4-PLYG-I8-004.03.18 43J29J2U18 ERD {TST 6D49] ASTM D1974 P45370.44.13 44J26J2413 NEMQ [TST 6449} Wind Uplift 4L-PLYG-18-003.41.19 Ol/11J2014 ERD {TST 6049} IArnd Uplift P1738_Q2.fl7-R2 04JZ9J2p13 NEMQ {TST 6449} ASTM D6163 a6-PLYG-18-402.01.19-A 41JZ4J2419 ERD (TST fi049} Wind Uplift 11757.64.41-1-R1 44J30/2013 NEMQ [TST 6449} ASTM D622Z 45-PLYG-18-002.p5.19-C OSJZOJ2D19 ERD{TST 6D49} ASTM D6164 P37540.43.13-3A 05J06J2013 NEM❑ (TSTfi049} TAS 103 45-PLYG-18-004.10.19-G 10/48J2019 ERD [TST 6449y fiSTM Dfi509 P37594.43.13-1-R1 06/26/2013 MEMO [TST E049] TAS 143 45-PLYG-18-004_1U.19-I 10/08J2019 ERR [TST 6049j Wind Uplift P41634.08.13 08J0612D13 NEMCt [T5T6049] TAS 103 45-PLYG-1$-004.7.U.19-L 10JD9JZD19 ;=RR{TST6049] ASTM D4601 P45944.09.13 09J04J2013 NEMR [TsrsD49] TAS 103 4j-PLYG-19-5SUDL-D1.A 14JIQJ2019 ERD [TST6049] Wind Uplift P1175L05.03-R1 11/26/2413 PRI [TST5878} Tensile Adhesion PR101111 04JD8J2442 ERD {TST6049] Wind Uplift P11781.11.43-R1 11/2fiJ2413 PRI [TST 5878J TAS 103 PUSA•018-42-01 47J14JZ043 ERD (TST 5049} 3DJ94 physicals P45270.45.14 OSJ12J2D14 PRI [TST S$78} TAS 143 PUSA-435-02-01 09J29J2006 ERD {T57 fi049} Tensile adhesion 6020.09.14-5 09J48J2014 PRI (TSTS$78} TA5 103 PUSA-455{12-0Z 12J14J2007 ERD (TST fi049} Tensile adhesion 6020.49.14-0 D9JD8J2D14 PRI [TST5878} ASTM D622i PUSA-Q61-02-02 01JZ8J2008 ERR [TST 6049} Tensile adhesion P46520.].O.i4 10J03J2014 PR3 {T$T5878} ASTM D6164 PUSA-088-0Z-01 07J29J2009 ERR {TST 6449) ASTM D1974JD4798 P43294.10.14 10/]7J2414 Polyglass USA PJLAffldavit Mule -Hide Crass Ltg 03JDIJZ048 NEIVID @TC, LAC. Evaluation Report P12p50.02.09-R25 Ce�tifrtOte of Autharirarian il324S5 6'�' ED{TID3J [2017) FBC NDN-HVHZ ESIALUA710N PL5�59-R29 Potyglass Roof Underlayments; [454} 233-l23p Revision 25: 10/14J2019 amino 7 of l F M�nnc� � etc. 1=rrtiri Examination n e Date Enti Examination Reference Date ERDjT5T6049j TA5103 PLYG-SC7550,03.15 03/Z4/2015 Palyglass USA MateriafsAfridanit PolystickCompaurrd OS/18JZ011 urf4uA9625j 4ualRyCantrfll ServiceConfirrnation 09/13f2t]18 4. Pl3ai]UCT DESCRIPTION: Product Specification Plantijs] Description 4.1 Elastvbase ASTM D6163 FL Fiberglass -reinforced, 5B5 modified bitumen base sheet 4.2 Elastol,ase P ASTM D5164 FL Polyester-reinfarced, 5B5 modified bitumen base sheet 4.3 Elastoflex G TU M-D 13-004 PA Polyester-reinfarced, modified laitumen the underlayment FRSA/TRI April 2Q12 composed of asand-surfaced SBS modified bitumen back- side and granule -surfaced APP modified bitumen tap -side 4.4 Elastoflex56 G ASTM Dfi164 FL Polyester -reinforced, 5BS modified bitumen cap sheet FRSA/TRI April 2012 4.5 Elastoflex 56 G FR ASTM D6164 FL Polyester -reinforced, 585 modified bitumen cap sheet FRSA/TRI April 2Q12 4.6 Mule -Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet ASTM D6222 FL Polyester-reinfarced, APP modified bitumen cap sheet FRSA�TRI April 2012 4.7 HydraGuard Dual Pra ASTM D1970 FL Nominal 6�-mi! thick dual -layer rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, fiberglass reinforced, with a polyester fabric surface 4.8 HydraGuard Tile Pra ASTM D197Q FL Nominal 6Q-mil thick dual -layer rubberized asphalt TAS 1Q3 waterproofing membrane, fiberglass reinforced, with a FRSA/TRI April 2Q12 polyester fabric surface 4.9 Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet ASTM D6222 FL Polyester -reinforced, APP modified bitumen cap sheet [FRj FRSA�TRI April 2012 4.10 Polyflex G ASTM ❑6222 FL Polyester -reinforced, APP modified bitumen cap sheet far FRSA/TRI April 2fl12 use as an alternate to !-feat Applied "Cap Sheet" in the "Two Ply System" from FRSA/TRI April 2p12 (04-12J beneath mechanically fastened ar adhered file roof systems 4.11 Polyflex G FR ASTEV] D6Z22 FL Polyester-reinfarced, APP modified bitumen Gap sheet far FRSA�TRI April 2012 use as an alternate to Heat Applied "Cap Sheet" in the "Two Ply 5ystein" from FRSA�TRI April 2QI2 [04-12] beneath mechanically fastened the roof systems 41z Polyflex SAP ASTM D6222 FL Polyester-reinfarced, APP modified bitumen cap sheet FRSA/TRI April ZOI2 4.13 Polyflex 5A P FR ASTM D5222 FL Polyester-reinfarced, APP modified bitumen cap sheet FRSA/TRI April 2Q12 4.14 Palyglass Base ASTM ❑6509 FL Fiberglass -reinforced, APP modified bitumen base sheet 4.15 Palyglass G2 Base Sheet ASTM D46Q1 AL Fiberglass -reinforced, asphaltic base sheet 4.16 Palystick lR-Xe ASTM ❑197Q FL, PA Nominal 6Q-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, glass fiber reinforced, with an aggregate surface 4.17 Polystick MT5 Pius TAS 103 FL, PA, i-X Nominal 6Q-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing FRSA/TRI April 2012 membrane, glass fiber reinforced, surfaced with palyolefinic film surface Ntn141Q �C" ITC' Evaluation Report P12060.02.D9-R25 Certificate afAuthnrirptivn N3Z455 6'" �DiTIQIV 12417} FI3C IUDN-HVHZ EVA),URTI�N Fl5255-R29 Palyglass Raof Underlayments; 1S54j 233-1Y3U Revision 25: 10/14/2D19 P�..o 'Z ..i 9 � 5 L j`+ y vrc� 6iazltitilo� �sz voEsl�ab 6Z}]-SSZSi� 5i11-60'LO'49QZYd �aday uoslen€en3 OSZiJ£E� (bSfi1 's�uaiuAef.�apuO fooN ssel�Afad NQl1VfE7Vn3 INAN-NON ]83 [Li02] NO1t1g3 xi4 55'�LEk uvl7nulay2nylo a1w�]!a� '�il'�J.d tiW3N saA oN aN aN ._.�. W _�._.... _.- _................_ ....l saA r pK-df �{a!asAl°d A Sap aH (i•5'SaaSl �A saA sah � a�d'dsxal�led ' sap saA vN (T's-S aagj sah saA saA d VS xaid�[vd � Sap saA oN eN sap, sap � �€� � xa�,t1°d sap sap oN {i'S'S aa5] sap saA saA j � xa€}Alpd saA saA vN ' (i-S�5 aa5l saA sap sap � _ {ddl7aa�15 deb ddh'-tl5 aPfk-a�nw sa p sa A o N [T'S"5 aril sap saA _ laa sap deb ddtl-NS aP!H-alnV� saA saA sah {y'S'S aas} saA saA sap eld ai?1 A�aen�eippH sap saA aN aht sap oad len© pfen�ja�pRW sa h sa A ° N oN saA _.... __._ __ _ � ........ I� .. 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Job >?;ep �ui�oddns y;[M pau€qu�oa un{�en{ena s�y� uo paseq {enoaddE aa; ssoi�{psunT �ulne� I�I�a�{�nt1 ay; o; apEur aq Rein }sanbaJ a 'pa�.s�i tau 31 -sauawn�op IEnOJdde �g� uly�rnn {�a�uaJa�aJ R�IE�I�pads s{ �npaJc� aq� aJaynn aanaa }ooJ paJedaJd 1Lue y�Inn pass aq Aeua s;uau�l+el.€apun �aad sse��l�lad �r•5 -�npoad s{y� }o s�ul�ea aa� Jo} J�oaa2.1I❑ s{erJa�e{� �u1}oo}� panoJddy;ua.un� a� Ja}aJ :�odaq uol�enlen3 s;y� }o Jed tau s{ uo€�ea�isse» aJI� �'� '�H�y ay; u{ asn JOB;C+U si �aoda}� uo+aenlen� SIy�, �•5 -asodJnd;eye aq; dllEas}I�ads pautE;aa ssa{un a�uEpin� ��{sap J{7 i3ui�{tuaad Jo; pasn sEnnJs� `}oaaay� suols�an snolnaJd Ja '�oda� uol;en�enq sry; [�alynn uv ;aafr�ad ![UE Job pJaaa� �U Jau�rsa❑ aye `AEhi1 /life ur'aJE -q•d'uausutalr� �sago}� agu -S�a�DW3N Jay�Ia� -ua��en�ena apn� �utp�inq 8 sI szyl �', :5iJ4i111111UNi'� '� aae�Jns �Ii3z €lJd1f i)•31jt152�� afJge; Ja�.saR�vd a y;1M `paa�v�.u{aJ Jaga� ssel� `aueJqu�aur �p� ,y�. $IS�QpJdJ��eM �leydsE pa21J8ggnJ 7��IiI� {Ilil-pg IEuluJO{lj yd 'lj s�L��❑ WjSbr 5R{�. �]�'��1�51[�t?� �aE�.i{15 J2jnUEJ� e y;{nn'paaao}u{aJ aa�.sa�LlodJJaq�-sse�� `aueJqu�au� ZioZ llJdd ia�.1tl58� �ui�oaJdJa�eM �{eydse pazuaggnJ �al4� E{uJ-pET �euru�n� ?(1 EOI S'dl d I1.1 �Ial�sRlod ��flZ IiJd� ii}1Jt15bi� aae}Jns alage; Ja�.sal�lod Zw f� ��� a y}]Ail aua~JquJauJ ��� 5�1 :dui;ooJdJa�enn }leydse paziJaggnJ �n�y; IIu,1-pg 1eu:uaa� � `'dd '�� 41�'Cfl fN151'/ xeW �� ��{;s�Llo�} aa>�Jns 1_uI� aua�RdoJdAlod e y;Inn `paaaa�.uEaJ ssel�Jaq{; `aueJquaaua �ui�ovJdJa}enn �g'S uo€�aa� aasj }EeydsepazaJaggru.la�tel-Ienp�a{q�{lua-�5{eu{tua� 'dd `AN `"t� {lL.fiZQ Wl�d x-f1W �a97sRltid uv�#dl.��saq (s};ue�d uoi;ea�r�ad� �npo,�d :Ndl.l.dl31�s3(7 L7i•!CI[ltid ��� � C3U�i3;� �''iI C5Z'ir 6Z'�+ 8�'b IVEM� � e$+�. TABLE 1: ROOF CUVER QPTIDNS Underlaymeni Asphalt shingles Nail -On Tile Foam -On Tle Metal Wood Shakes $c Shingles Slate Palystick MTS Plus Yes Yes Na Yes Yes Yes Polystick MV-x Yes No Na Yes Yes Yes Palystick TU Max No Yes Yes {see 5.5.1} Yes Na No Polystick TU P No Yes Yes {see 5.5.1j Na Nv Nv Polystick 1lJ Plus. � Yes Yes Yes {See 5.5.1} Yes Yes Yes 5.5.1 "Foam -On Tile" is limited to Use of the following Apprlaved fife adhesives j undertayrnent combinations. 5.fi TABLE 1A: ALLDWABLETILE ADHESIVE I UfiDERLAYMENT CDMBINATIONSt Florida Product Adhesive Approval Underlayments DAP Faam Touch `n Seal 5tormBond Roof Trle Adhesive FL14SD6 PolystickTU Max ar Polystick TU Plus ❑qw 7ileBand'"' FL2Z5Z5 HydraGuard Tile Pro, Polyflex 5A P, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P yr Polystick TU Plus Elastvflex G TU, Elastoflex 55 G, HydraGuard Tile Prv, Mule -Hide 5A-APP ICP Adhesives Pglyseta AH-16V FL6332 Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR], Polyflex G, Polyflex 5A P, Polyflex 5A P FR, P°lystick TU Max, Polystick TU P qr Palystick TU Plus Elastaflex 56 G, HydraGuard The Pra, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule- ICP Adhesives Polyset° RTA-1 FL6276 Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet (FR], Polyflex G, Polyflex 5R P, Polyflex 5A P FR, Polystick TU Max, Palystick TU P yr Polystick TU Plus Allowable Substrates: TABLE �: SUBSTRATE OPTIQNS FQR ADHERED UNDERLAYMENTS Underlayment Application Substrates {designed to meet wind loads far project] Type Primer Material{s] HydraGuard Dual Pro, beckf {Optional) ASTM C)41 plyVh1Qvd, D58, Southern Yellow Pine or Huber "ZIP HydraGuard Tile Pro, sheathing Engineered Woods System" Panels Polystick {all variationsJ, ASTM D41 structural concrete {Optional}ASTM D41 ASTM C1284Type it Class i polyisvcyanurate, ASTM Mule -Hide SA-APP Ca p self- Sheet, Mule -Hide SA -API' adhering Insulation or WB-3000 C1289 Type V polyisocyanurate-composite. DensDeck Cap Sheet {FR], Polyflex Prime ar SECURDCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board Base N,tA ASTM D276fe1t, Elastohase, Elastvbase P arMule-Hide 5A P or Polyflex SA P FR Sheet Nail Base Deck ASTM D41 structural Concrete Elastoflex G TU, Elastaflex hat asphalt Insulation {Optiona!] ASTM D41 DensDeck Prirne or SECURDCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board gaSe iVa'A ASTM D225fe1t, Elastohase, Elastvbase P, Mule -Hide Nail 56 G or Elastoflex 55 G FR Sheet Base or Poiyglass G2 ease Deck ASTM D41 structural concrete Polyflex G or Polyflex G FR torch- Insulation {Optional] A5TM D41 ❑ensl7eck Rrirne arSECllROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board SdSe NIA E;lastabase, Elastol3ase P, Mule -Hide Nail Base, Polygfass applied Sheet G2 Base yr Polyglass Base i Refer to Tile Manufacturer's or Adhesive Manufacturer`s Florida ProductAppr°va!fnr Overturning Moment Resistance Performpnce. NEM#7 ETC, LLC. C¢r`ifrcote of Au thorizotiort #32435 tip EDITION [Zgi7] FBC NQN-HVHZ EVALUA7'IQN I'olyglass Roo[ Underlayments; [954} Z33-1230 Evaluation Report P12060,62.09-R25 FL5259-R29 Revision 25: 1f3�14�2019 Pann C..f 9F N�nno � etc. 5.6.1 Wind Resistance far LJnderiayment Systems in Foam -On Tile Aoplieatiyns: The €allowing wind uplift limitations apply to underlayment systems that are not prescriptively addressed in FRSA/TRE Aprii 2012 [04-I2} and'are used in foam -on or mortar -set the applications_ Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing far wind load resistance Faased vn allowable wind loads and reflects the ultimate passing pressure divided by 2 {the 2 to 1 margin of safety per F8C 15Q4.9 has already been applied]. Refer to FRSA/TRi Aprii 2012 {U4-12j, Appendix A, Table lA ❑r FBC 1609 for determination of design wind loads. #1 Maximum pesi n Pressure = -52.5 psf; ❑eck: APA rated, 7J7.6 CAT, 0.418 in., Exposure 1, Q56 sheathing to meet pro]eci requirements to satisfaction of Authority having Jurisdiction. Joints: Min. 4-inch wide strips of Elastoflex 5A-V over all OSR joints Base Ply: Polystick MTS Plus, self -adhered. Underfayment: Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet {FR], Palyflex 5A P, Pvlyflex 5A P FR, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P ar PolystickTtJ Plus, self -adhered. #2 Maximum ❑esi n Pressure = -90 sf: Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood to meet projectrequirernentstosatisfactianvfAuthorityHavingJurisdiction. Primer: None Base Ply: {Optional} Polystick MT5 Pfus, self -adhered. Underiayment: Mule -Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet {FR}, Pviyflex SA P, Paiyflex 5A P FR, PolystiekTU Max, Pv{ystick TU P ar PolystickTU Plus, self -adhered. #3 Maximum I]esi n pressure =-97.5 sf: Deck: Mln. I5J32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Primer: PG100 or ASTM D41 Base Ply: {Qptlonaf] Polystick MT5 Alus, self -adhered. Underiayment: Mule -Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet {FR], Polyflex 5A P, Pvlyflex SA P FR, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P ar Polystick 7U Plus, self -adhered and t3aCk-nailed within the selvedge -edge side laps using 12 ga. x 1�a" ring shank Waifs through 32 ga., 1-5/8" diameter tin caps spaced 12-inch a.c. #4 Maximum oesi n Pressure=-10S sf: Deck: Min. 15J32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Havinglurisdiction. Primer: WB-3000 Base Piy: {optional] Polystick MT5 Pius, self -adhered. Underfayment: Mule -Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet {FR}, Polyflex SA P, Polyfiex SA P FR, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P ar PoiystickTU Plus, self -adhered and back -nailed within the selvedge -edge side laps using I2 ga. x lY::" ring shank nails through 32 ga., 1-SJ$" diameter tin Caps spaced 12-inch o.c. #5 Maximum Desi n Pressure=-135 sf: neck: Mln. z5/32-inch plywood to meat project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Primer: (flptianal} PGTDO yr ASTM D41 Base Ply: {optional] Polystick MTS Plus, self -adhered. faints: Min. flinch wide strips of Elastoflex 5A-V over all plywood joints. Under€ayment: Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet {FR], Polyflex SA P, Pafyflex 5A A FR, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered, #6 Maximum i7esi n Pressure =-315 sf: Deck: Structural Concrete to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority HavingJurisdiCtion. Primer: PG100 or ASTM D41 Base Ply: {Uptivnal] Polystick MTS Plus, self -adhered. Underfayment: HydraGuard Tife Pro, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet {FR], Pofyflex SA P, Polyflex 5R P FR, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered. #7 Maximum Des�n Pressure = �225 psf: Deck_ Structural concrete tv meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Primer: PG100 or ASTM D41 Underfayment: Elastoflex G 7U or Elastoflex 56 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or PaEyflex G, torch -applied. AIE:RJlC1 ETC, LLC. Evaluation Report P12060A2.09-R25 Cernfrrvre o}Aurhorizutrnn g32455 Sr" E€}lTiaN {2017] FeC M1#aN-HVi-i2 EVRLt1ATlahf FL5259-R29 Palyglass Rpof Gnderlayments; (954j 233-I230 Revision 25: 10/14/2019 Dano F of 1 F NEnno � e#c. #S Maximum Design Pressure = -30A psf*: Deck: Min. 15/32-inch OSS to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdi[tion. Base Sheet: Elastobase or Mule -Hide Nail Base [poly -film top surface] Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1.25-inch long x 1-inch head diameter round metal cap nails Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at the 3-inch wide side laps anti 6-inch o.c. at two [2] equally spaced staggered center rows. Base Ply: (Optional} Polystick MT5 Plus, self -adhered. Underlayment: Mule -Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet [FR], Polyflex 5A P, Polyflex 5A P FR, PolystickTU Max, Polystick TU P or PolystickTU P[us, self -adhered. #9 Maximum Design Pressure = -37.5 psi*: Deck: Min. 15/32-in[h plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase ar Mule -Hide fVail Base [poly -film top surface} Fasteners: 11 ga, x 1,25-inch long x 1-Inch head diameter round metal cap nails Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at the 3-inch wide side laps and 6-inch ❑.c. at two {2] equally spaced staggered center rows. Base Ply: [optional] Polystick MTS Plus, self -adhered. Underlayment: Mule -Hide 5A-APR Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet {FR], Polyflex 5A P, Polyflex SA P FR, Polystick TU Max, Polystick llJ P or PolystickTU Pius, self -adhered. #14 Maximum Design Pressure=-37.5 psf*: Deck: Min. 19/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: fine (1} or two (2j layers ASTM D226, Type II felt Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1.25-inch long x 1-inch head diameter round metal Cap nails Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at the 3-inch wide side laps and 12-inch o.c. at two [2} equally spaced staggered [enter rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex G TU ar Elastoflex 56 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt. #11 Maximum Desi n Pressure = -45 sf*: Deck: Min. 19/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: One {lj layer ASTM D226, Type Il felt Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1.25-inch x 3/8-inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails at 1-5/8-in[h diameter tin caps Spacing: flinch ❑.c. at the 2-inch wide side laps and 4-inch ❑.c. at two {2] equally spaced staggered [enter rpws. ease Ply: {Optional; for use with self -adhering underlayment only] Po[ystick MT5 Plus, self -adhered. Underlayment: Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet [FR), Polyflex 5A P, Polyflex 5A P FR, PolystickTU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered ar Elastoflex G TU, applied in full mopping of hot asphaEt- #12 Maximum Desien Pressure=-45 psf*: Deck: Min. 19]32-inch pEywaad to meet project requirementstasatisfa[tion afAuthority Havinglurisdittion. Base Sheet: Two [2] layers ASTM D226, Type II felt Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1.25-inch long x 3/S-inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails at 1-5J8-inch diameter tin caps Spacing: 9-inch a.c. at the 2-in[h wide side laps and 9-lnch a.c. attwo {2} equally spaced staggered center rows. Base Ply: (Optional; for use with self -adhering underlayment oniyy Polystick MT5 Plus, self -adhered. Underlayment: Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule-FEide SA-APP Cap Sheet [FRj, Polyflex SA P, Polyflex SA P FR, PolystickTU Max, Polystick TU P or PolystickTU Plus, self -adhered or EEastaflex G TU ar Eiastof[ex 56 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt. #13 Maximum Desi n Pressure = -45 sf: Deck: Min. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority NavingJurisdiction. base Sheet: Elastobase [sanded tap surface far hot -asphalt ortorch-applied cap orpoly-film surface for torch -applied cap] Fasteners. Simplex MA7D( {ap Fasteners 5pactng: 9-Erich o.c. at the 2-inch wide side laps and 18-inch o.c. at two [2} equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex G TU or Elastoflex 56 G, applied in full mapping of hat asphalt or Polyflex G, torch -applied. #14 Maximum Desien Pressure=-45A psf: Deck: APA rated, 7J15 CAT, 0.418 in., Exposure 1, O56 sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase or Mule -Hide Nail Base [poly -film top surface] Fasteners: 12 ga. annular ring shank Waifs with 1-5]8" diameter tin caps Spacing: 6-inch o.c. atthe 3-Erich wide side laps and 6-in[h a.c. at four {4] equally spaced staggered center rows. Base Ply: (Optional} Polystick MTS Plus, self -adhered. Underlayment: Mule -Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet (FR], Polyflex 5A P, Polyflex 5A P FR, PolystickTU Max, Polystick TLJ P or PolystickTU Plus, self -adhered. NEMfl ETC, I.I.C. Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-R25 Certiflrate ofAuthanznYianJf32455 5T" EoiflCll+i [2fl17] FBC NOiV-t3VH2 EVALUA7iOIV FL5259-R29 Polyglass Roof L3nder3ayments; [954j 233-123© Revision 25: 1�jt4�2019 Pn�o 7..f 9F. N�nno � etc. #7.5 IVlaxirt2um Design Pressure = -�15.Q psf: Deck: APA rated, 7/16 CAT, p,418 in., Exposure 1, d5i3 sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastohase [sand top surface} Fasteners: 12 ga. annular ring shank Waifs with 1-S/8" diameter tin caps Spacing: b-inch v.c. at the 3-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. at four {4} equally spaced staggered center rows. tJnderlayment: E[astoflex G TU or Elastoflex Sfi G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt. #1fi Maximum ❑esi n Pressure = -45,Q sf: Deck: APA rated, 7J16 CAT, p.41$ in., Exposure 1, 058 sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastohase ar Polyglass Base Fasteners: 12 ga. annular ring shank nails with 1-5J8" diameter tin caps Spacing: 5-inth o.c. at the 3-inch wide side laps and 6-inth o.c. at four [4j equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Polyflex G, torch-appiied. #17 Maximum i7esi n Pressure = -52.5 sf: Deck: Min.15J32-inchplywvvdtomeetprojectrequirementstosatisfactivnofAuthorityHavingJurisdiction. ease Sheet: Elastohase {sanded top surface for hat -asphalt ortorch-applied cap vrpoly-film surFate for torch -applied cap} Fasteners: Simplex MA)C)( Cap Fasteners Spacing: 9-inch a.c. at the 2-inch wide side laps and 12-inch o.c, at two {2}equally spayed staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex G TU or Elastoflex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G, torch -applied. i#18 Maximum oesi n Pressure=-52.5 sf: Deck: Min. 15J3Z-inch plywood to meet project requirements tv satisfaction of Authority HavingJurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastohase or Mule -Hide Nail base [poly -film top surface} Fasteners' Simplex prigina! Cap Nails Spacing: 6-inch ❑.c. at the 3-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. atfour j4j equally spaced staggered center rows. Base Ply: jflptional} Polystick MT5 Plus, self -adhered. Underlayment: Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Muie-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet [FRj, Polyflex 5A P, Polyflex SA P FR, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or PolystivkTU Plus, self -adhered. #19 Maximum Qesi n Pressure = -52.5 sf: ❑eck: Min. 15J32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction afAuthority fiavingJurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastohase {sanded top surface for hot -asphalt ortorch-applied cap or poly -film surface for torch -applied cap} Fasteners: Simplex Original Cap Nails Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at the 3-inch wide side laps and b-inch o.c. atfaur {4j equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex G TU or Elastoflex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G, torch -applied. #2D M ximum i n Pressure = -6a sf: Deck: Min. 19J32-inch plywood to meet project requirements tv satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastohase {sanded tap surface for hat -asphalt ortorch-applied cap ar poly -film surface fortorch-applied cap) Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1.25-inch longx 3/8-inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails at 1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps Spacing: 8-inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 8-inch v.c. at three [3j equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex G TU or Elastoflex 55 G, applied in full mapping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G, torch -applied. #21 Maximum ©esi�n Pressure=-fi0 psf: Beck: Min, 19J32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastohase {sanded top surface far hot -asphalt ortorch-applied rap ar poly -film surface far torch -applied capj Fasteners: OMG #12 Standard Roofgrip with OfVIG FEat Battvm Metal Plates Spacing: 12-inth v.c, at the 4-inch wide side laps and 12-inch ❑.e. attwo {2} equally spaced staggered center rows_ Underlayment: Elastoflex G TU or Elastoflex 56 G, applied in full mapping of hot asphalt or Pviy#lex G, torch -applied. NEM1AS? ��' i'I"�' Evaluatifln Report P12060.Q2.p9-R25 Certr�cute of Authorrrntian �32455 G'�" E�1714isf {Z017j Fi3C NQN-HVH2 EVRCUATioN �IS259-R29 Polyglass Rvof EJnd�rlayments; [9S4] 233-123� Revision 25: J0/14J2pt9 Ann Si nF 9 G �I��o g eta. #22 Maximum ❑esi n Pressure = -fiQ.D sf: Deck: APA rated, 7116 CAT, �.418 in., Exposure 1, OSB sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction, Base Sheet: Elastobase arMule-Hide Nail Base (poly -film top surface] Fasteners: Simplex MA][3C Cap Fasteners Spacing: 8-inch o.c. at the 3anch wide side laps and 8-inch o.c. at three {3] equally spaced staggered center rows. Primer: PG100 orASTM D41 primer applied to stress plates. Base Ply: (Optional] Polystick MTS Pius, self -adhered. Underlayment: Muie-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet (FfiJ, Polyflex SA P, Polyflex SA P FR, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered_ #�3 Maximum Desi n Pressure = -6U 0 psf: Deck: APA rated, 7/16 CAT, 0.418 in., Exposure 1, DSB sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Haying Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase {sand tap surface} Fasteners: Simplex MA?Cx Cap Fasteners Spac€ng: S-inch o.c. atthe 3-inch wide side laps and 8-inch o.c. at three {3J equally spaced staggered center rows, Underlayment: Elastoflex G TU ar Elastoflex 56 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt. #24 Maximum Desi nPressure =-i6U fl psf; ❑eck: APA rated, 7/16 CAT, D.418 in., Exposure 1, DSB sheathing tv meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Haying Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase or Polyglass Base Fasteners: Simplex MAx)C Cap Fasteners Spacing: 8-inch o.c. at the 3-inch wide side laps and 8-inch o.�. at three {3] equally spaced staggered center rows. llnderlayment: Poiyflex G, torch -applied. #25 Maximum Desi nPressure = -fi7.5 sf: be[k: min. 15/3Z-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Haying Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Polyglass G2 8ase or Polyglass Base (requires use of torch -applied Underlayment] Fasteners: 12 ga. x 1.25-"tnch long x 3/8-fnoh head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails at 1-5/8-Inch diameter tin caps Spacing: $-inch o.c. at the 4-innh wide side laps and 8-inch o.c, at four {4J equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex G TU or Elastoflex 56 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or torch -applied or PQlyflex G, torch -applied, #25 Maximum Desil7n Pressure = -67.5 psf: Deck: AAA rated,l9/32 CAT, B.578 in., Exposure 7., OSB sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase or Mule -Hide Nail Base {poly -film top surface] Fasteners: T12UFA5T Versa -Fast Fasteners &Plates with two (2] screws per plate installed 18D° into the ho€es of the plate, parallel to the width direction of the sheet_ Spacing: 12-inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 12-inch v.e. at two [2J equally spaced staggered center rows. Primer: (Optional] PGI00 or ASTM D41 primer applied to stress plates. Base Ply; {Optional] Polystick mT5 Plus, se}f-adhered_ Underlayment: Muie-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet �FR], Polyflex 5A P, Pafyfiex 5A P FR, PolystickTU Max, Polystick TU P or PafystickTU Pius, self -adhered. #27 Maximum Desi n Pressure = -67.5 sf: Deck: APA rated, 19/32 CAT, 0.578 in., Exposure 1, OSB sheathing to meet prflject requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase {sand top surface} Fasteners: TRUFAST Versa -Fast Fasteners &Plates with two (2} screws per plate installed 1$p° into the holes of the plate, parallel to the width direction of the sheet. Spacing: 12-inch o.c. at the 4-ineh wide side laps and 12-inch o.c. at two {2} equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex G TU or Elastoflex 56 G, applied in full mopping of hat asphalt. NEMQ ErC, LLC. E�aluafton Report P12060.QZ09-R25 Cenrficate afAuthorimfivnlR32655 6r" Ei]l7lCIN (20i7] FSC NqN-}i11HZ EVALt1ATIQIV Polyglass Roof Underfayments; {954] 233-123� Fi.5259-R29 Revision 25: 1oJ14�2019 N�nity � eta. #28 Maximum besi�n.Pressure=-57.5 psf; Deck: APA rated, 19/32 CAT, p.578 in., Exposure 1, ❑5B sheathingto meet project requirements tasatisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet; E[astobase or Polyglass Base Fasteners: TRUFAST Versa -Fast Fasteners & P{aces with two {2} screws per plate installed 180° into the holes of the plate, parallel to the width direction of the sheet. Spacing; 12-inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 12-inCit o.c. at two {2j equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Poiyflex G, torch -applied. #29 Maximum Desi n Pressure = -75 sf: ❑eck: Min. 15�32-Inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Polyglass G2 Base or Polyglass base {requires use of torch -applied underlpymentJ Fasteners: Dekfast #14 with Dekfasf Hex plates, pMG #14 HD with OMG 3" Galvalume Steel Plates, OMG Roofgrip #14 with OMG Flat Bottom Plates {AccuTrac}, Trufast HD with Trufast 3-inch Insulation Plates or Simplex MAX;C Cap Fasteners Spacing: 1G-inch o.c. atthe 4-inch wide side laps and 10-inch o.c. at three [3J equally spared staggered Center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex G TU or Elastoflex 56 G, applied in full mapping of hot asphalt ortorCh-applied or Polyflex G, torch -applied_ #3p Maximum Design Pressure = -9� psf: Deck- Min. 15�32-inch plywood to meet project requirementstosatisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastvbase {sanded top surface for hot -asphalt ortorch-applied cap or poly -film surface for torch -applied capj Fasteners: Simplex MAXJ( Cap Fasteners Spacing: 6-inch o_c_ at the 2-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. attwv {2} equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex G TU or Elastoflex 55 G, applied in full mopping of hotasphalt or Polyflex G, torch -applied. #31 Maxirnum Desi n Pressure=-90 sf: Deck: Min. 15�3�-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastohase {sanded top surface for hot -asphalt ortorch-applied cap orpoly-film surface for torch -applied Capj Fasteners: OMG #112 Standard Roofgrip or OMG #14 Heavy Duty with OMG 3" Round Metal Plates ar OMG Fiat Sattom ivletal Plates Spacing: 6-inch ❑.c. at the flinch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. at three {3} equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex G TU or Elastoflex 56 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or Pofyflex G, torch -applied. #32 Maximum Desir;n Pressure = -90 psf: Deck: Min. 15�32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastobase (sanded top surface} Fasteners: Trufast #12 bP ❑rTrufast #14 HD with Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plates Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. at three {3} equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex G TU or Elastoflex 56 G, applied in full mapping of hat asphalt. #33 Maximum Design Pressure=-9Qpsf: Deck: Min. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Polyglass G2 Base or Polyglass Base (requires use vftorch-applied underlaymerrtJ Fasteners: Dekfast #14 with Dekfast Hex plates, OMG #t14 Hit with OMG 3u Galvalume Steel Plates, QMG Roofgrip #14 with OMG Flat Bottom Plates [AccuTrac}, Trufast HD with Trufast 3-inch fnsuiation Plates or Simplex MAX}( Cap Fasteners Spacing: 9-inch ❑.c. at the 4-inch wide s€de laps and 9-inch o.c. at four {4j equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex G TU ur Elastoflex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt ar torch -applied or Pofyflex G, torch -applied. #34 Maximum Desi n Presstre=-9U.i1 sf: ❑eck: APA rated, 7/16 CAT, fl,418 in., Exposure 1, O58 sheathing #o meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastabase or Mule -Hide Nail Base (poly -film top surface} Fasteners: TRUFAST Versa -Fast Fasteners &Plates with two {zj screws per plate installed 180' into the holes of the plate, parallel to the width -direction of the sheet Spacing: 9-inch o.c. at the 2-inch wide side laps and 12-]nth o.c, at two {2} equally spaced staggered center rows. Pruner: PG1Q0 orASTM D41 primer applied to stress plates. Base Pfy: [Optional} Polystick MTS Plus, self -adhered. Underlayment: Mule -Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet, Male -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet {FR), Polyflex SA P, Polyllex SA P FR, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P or Polystick TU Plus, self -adhered. NEMQ ETC, L1C. Evaluation Report P12Q50.02.Q9-R25 CertFficate afAuthorizarron #31455 G'" EDITION [2[]1Tj Ff3C NON-HVHZ EVALllATIpf�i FL5259-ti2q Polyglass Roof llnderEayments; j954j Z33-1230 Revision 25: 1fl/].4/2019 n�Ro in.,F 9� N�Mo � etc. #35 Maximum Design Pressure =-9UA psf: Deck: APA rated, 7/15 CAT, 0.418 in„ Exposure 1, OS8 sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfa�tivn of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastohase (sand top surFave] Fasteners: TRUFAST Versa -Fast Fasteners &Plates with two {2] screws per plate installed 1$D° into the holes of the plate, parallel to the width -direction of the sheet Spacing: 5-inch o-c, at the 2-inch wide side Paps and 12-inch o.c. at two {Z}equally spaced staggered center rows. Underfayment: Elastoflex G TU or Elastoflex Sfi G, applied in full mapping of hot asphalt. #35 Maximum Desi nPressure = -9�.� sf: Deck: APA rated, 7/16 CAT, 0.418 in., Exposure I, D5B sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction ❑f Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet Elastohase yr Polyglass Base Fasteners: TRUFAST Versa -Fast Fasteners &Plates with two {z} screws per plate installed 1$0� into the hales of the plate, parallel to the width -direction o#the sheet Spacing: 9-inch o.c. at the 2-inch wide side laps and 12-inch v.c, at two {z] equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Polyflex G, torch -applied. #37 Maximum Desi n Pressure = -97.5 sf: ❑eck: Min. 19J32-inch plywood to meet project requirements tv satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. ease Sheet: Elastohase ar Mule -Hide Nail Base {poly -film top surface] Fasteners: 11 ga. x L25-inch x 3J8-inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails at 1-5J8-inch diametertin caps Spacing: 4-inch o,c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 4-inch ❑.c. at four (4] equally spaced staggered center rows. base Ply: (Optional] Palystick MTS Plus, self -adhered. Underlayment: Mule -Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet {FR}, Polyflex 5A P, Polyflex 5A P FR, Pviystick TU Max, Poiystick TU P or PalystickTU Plus, self -adhered. #t38 Maximum Desi n Pressure = -97.5 sf: Deck: APA rated,l9/32 CAT, 0.578 in, Exposure 1, OSB sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction -- Base Sheet: Elastohase ar Mule -Hide Nai! Base {poly -film top surface] Fasteners: Simplex MAJU( Cap Fasteners spacing: b-inch v.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. at four (4j equally spaced staggered center rows. Primer: PG10p or ASTM D41 primer applied to stress plates. Base Ply: {Optional] Polystick MTS Alus, self -adhered. Underlayment: Mule -Hide 5A-APA Cap sheet, Muie-Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet (FR}, Polyflex SA P, Polyflex 5A P FR, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P yr PalystickTU Pius, self -adhered. #35 Maximum Design Pressure = -97.5 psf: Deck: APA rated, 19/32 CAT, 0.578 in., Exposure 1, O5B sheathing to meet project requirements tD satisfaction of Au#hvrity Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastohase (sand top surface] Fasteners: Simplex MAXx Cap Fasteners Spacing: b-inch v.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and b-inch o.c. at four (4} equally spaced staggered tenter rows. Underfayment: Elastoflex G TU or Efastoflex 56 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt. #4D Maximum Design Pressure =-97.5 nsf; Deck: APA rated, 19J3� CAT, 0.578 in., Exposure I, 05B sheathingta meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastohase yr Polyglass base Fasteners: Simplex MAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing: 6-inch v.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 6-inch ❑.c. at four (4} equally spaced staggered center rows. Underfayment: Polyflex G, torch -applied. #41 Maximum Desi n Pressure =-105 sf: Deck: Mln. 15J32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastohase (sanded tap surface far hot -asphalt ar torch -applied cap ar poly -film surface for torch -applied cap) Fasteners: Simplex MAxx Cap Fasteners Spacing: b-inch o.c. at the 2-inch wide side laps and 5-inch a.�. at three {3] equally spaced staggered center rows- Underlayment: Elastoflex G TiJ or Efastoflex 56 G, applied in full mopping of hat asphalt ar Polyflex C, torch -applied. NEMQ ETC' tI.C. Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-R25 Certifi[aYe ofAuthorirariQn1E32455 fir" EUrrlpr+E [2017j FeC NQN-HVFIZ EVAELiATIQN FL5259-1i29 Polyglass Roaf Underlaynrents; 1954} 233-1230 Revision 25: 20/14�Z019 b � �o '1 1 r.f 7 � N�n�a J etc. #42 Maximum Desl n Pressure = -Z05.p sf: Deck: APA rated, 7/16 CAT, fl:418 in., l=xposure i, D5B sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastabase or Mule -Hide Nail Base [poly -film top surface) Fasteners: TRUFA5T Versa -Fast Fasteners &Plates w[th two (2J screws per plate installed 180°into the holes of the plate, parallel to the width -direction of the sheet Spacing: fi-inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 6-inch q.c, at three [3j equally spaced staggered center rows. Primer; PG1iJ0 yr A5TM D41 primer applied to stress plates. Base PEy: {Optional} Paiystick MTS Plus, self -adhered. Underlayment: Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet [FRj, Palyflex 5A P, Poiyflex SA P FR, Palystick TU Max, Poiystick TU P ar Polystiek7U Plus, self -adhered. #43 Maximum Design Pressure=-1p5.0 nsf Detk: APA rated, 7/lfi CAT, a,418 in., Exposure 1, OSB sheathing to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction, Base Sheet: Elastabase {sand top surface} Fasteners: TRUFA5T Versa -Fast Fasteners &Plates with two [Z) screws per plate installed 18�� into the hales of the plate, parallel to Chewsdth-direction of the sheet Spacing: 6-inch o,c. at the 4-inch wide Side laps and 6-inch o.c. at three �3} equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex G TU or Elastoflex 56 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt. #44 Maximum Design Pressure = -1p5 0 isf: fleck: APA rated, 7/16 CAT, 0.418 in., Exposure 1, 056 sheathingta meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastabase or Pvlyglass Base Fasteners: TRUFA5T Versa -Fast Fasteners &Plates with two [2j Screws per plate installed 18D` into the hoses of the plate, parallel to the width -direction of the sheet Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and fi-inch ❑.c. at three [3} equally spaced staggered eenter rows. Underlayment: Pnlyflex G, torch -applied. #45 Maximum Desi n Pressure = -1I2.5 sf: ❑eck: Min. 19/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastabase or Mule -Hide Nail Base )poly -film tap surface} Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1.25-inch x 3f8-inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing Waifs at 1-5/8-lnch diameter tin caps Spacing: fi-inch o.c. at the 4-fnch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. at four {4} equally spared staggered center mws. Primer: PGipO ar ASTM D41 primer at all tin -caps Base Pfy: Polystick MTS Plus, self -adhered Underlayment: Mule -Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet {FR}, Polyflex 5A P, Polyffex 5A P FR, PolystickTU Max, Polystick Tu P or Polysti�kTU Plus, self -adhered. #46 Maximum Desi n Pressure=-12apsf: Deck: Man. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements tv satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastabase {sanded tap surface far hot -asphalt vrrorch-applied cap yr poly -film surface for torch -applied cap) Fasteners: DMG #1Z Standard Rvvfgrip or OMG #14 Heavy Duty with OMG 3" Round Metal Plates ar OMG Flat Bottom Metal Plates Spacing: fi-inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. at five {5) equally spaced staggered center rows_ Underlayment: Elastvflex G TU ❑r Elastoflex 56 G, applied In full mopping of hat asphalt ar Polyflex G, torch -applied. #47 Maximum Desi n Pressure = -120 sf: Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority HavingJurisdiction. Base Sheet: Elastabase {sanded topsurfacea Fasteners: Trufast#i2 ❑ParTrufast#14 HD withTrufast 3" Metal tnsuiation Plates Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at the 4-Inch wide side Laps and 6-inch o.c. at five [5} equally spaced staggered eenter rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex G TU or Elastvflex 5b G, applied in full mapping of hot asphalt. NI:MQ ETC, tLC. Evaluation Report P12U6U.iJ2Q9-R7_5 Certifrcafe afAuYharrrotFon #32455 fi� EDfT1DN (2017) F8C NOtU-HVHZ EVRLilA714Pi FL5259-R24 Palyglass Raaf Underiayments; {954} 233-123a Revision 25s 10J14/2Q19 o�.,o � � .,f i a 7L 3" L E aocp 6iDZ/bi/OT �SZ uois!nab OEii•££Z Sti56! `.s;ua�ude��apun;oog ssel$�S�od SZ�i-65ZSld NOI1SfflTtlll3 2flnH-NON ]9� (Llpij Ai©I11Ci3 K�9 S59Zftluorarn�oylr+7fv a;n]rfruaJ SZa-6v'ZQ'090Zid laedaa uoi�enFen; ']ll `]l� OW3N -aaue�s!saa drls o� se pays!�ge�sa aq pinvys 'ST-QL6L❑ W1S'd �v � a3o�E'£'b uo!aaa5 u! y�o� has se '�a!!as pue �aseyaund uaann�aq �uawaa��y -suo!�!puva tio�euage� paepue�s �e pa;sad 'uo€;!puvv Iup e u! �la� �ugaaa gZZ❑ W15d uey} uo!�!.�� }a;ualu!}}ao] uassa� a aney o� �u!3sa1 an!�eaedwoa y�nvuy� puno} uaaq sey X-)}w �a!}s�lod 8'S :su !;e;rua!� aan v 3 L"S •s}uawa]ueyua £IZ auvZ ao; (9LQZ �taenuef} 6Z-T aaayg e�eQ uol;uanaud sso-� Wd }a Z•OZ'Z'Z uoi�aa5 u! y�o} �.as suv!�e�!w!l aye lu�ea ��s!ua;se ue y;!m pa��ew sa!lgwassy 'L�t Sb'2� p�epuel5 uo!}e]!lddry �udooa Pve 6Z-I hays e;ep uo!�uana.�d sso� W� 'TOM IbdS/15Nd are spvy�aua pasn /��uvwwo� 'erua�!aa a�nssa,sd pa}enala aye �slsa.� o� leuoissa}oad u�!sap pa!}!�enfJ e I�q pau�!sap !�!suap �uawyue��e ue �Lo�dwa �le�fs � pue Z sauvZ 'asea s!y; u! •5fl9T �g� y}!m aauepaoaae u! pau!wua�ap aanssaud u�isap � auvZ aye paa]xa 10 �aaw ��eys I��gwasse pa�aa�as aye ao} aanssaud u�!sap wnw!xeu� ay} `�[!an!aeu�a�fy "t1T afgel `tl x!puaddy `{ZI-�D] ZI�Z I!add lallb'Sa� aapun paambaa �.ey; paauxa ao;aaw !lays I+Igwasse paaaa[as ay1 ao} a.�nssasd u�!sap wn�!xew aye ';aays aseg pay]e�e Aliea!ue4aaw avd Z'Z'9'S '�sd 5b-�.o aanssaud u�!sa� wnw!xeW a Iu�ea suua�s/�s a!!� uo-weo} yaeauaq swa}sits �uaw�Lelaapun ssel�/�lod paaaype '�aap-}]aa!p �ay10 llla' j•��g�s 'pa€ldde-yauo; `� xal}�lod :;uaw�te�aapuf� �smou ualua] pa�a�8e�s pa]edshllenba [tij ono}ie'a'o yaui-b pue sdel ap!s aplM yau!-ti ay; ie "s•o y]ur-6 ;�u!ueds •a�vy uaauaa aye ul `aleld.�ad mau]s {T} auo yl[m sa;e!d � s�aua�sed isey-esaa� 1S'd�fl?Jl :suaua}sej ase8 sse�$I�lod ua asega�se13 :;aay>y ase8 'uol;ulpsun� �u!ney I+�iaoy�ny }o uo!xae}sloes oa 5luauuau!npau;aafoad �aau� of �u!yleays950 `T aansodx� `•u! gL5"0 `l�fJ ZE�6T'palea hId'd :�l]a❑ :;s g•CZZ- = aanssaud u !saa u.anw!xe W OS# 'lleydse goy �o �ulddoui lln# ui pa!ldde'� 95 xal}o35e13 ao fll J xal}oise13 :�uauaRe�uapufl •smog �aivaa paaa�e�.s paaeds �Lllenba (b} ano} �e •ro y]u!-fi pue sdel apis ap!m y]ul-b ay;;e "a�o Sul-fi :�u!neds •aloy aa�uaa ay; ul 'meld lad maws {Z} auo y�!m sa�eld �g saaua�sej ised-esuan J.5'ddfl2il :suaua;sej {a�e}uns doi pues} asego�sel3 :iaa45 asea "uo!�!pslan� �u!ne�{ �t�!aoq�.ny}a uo!�ae�.s!ieso} s;uau�aa!nbaa �afoad laaui of �u;�{;eays 8Sp `L aJnsodx3'•ul gL5'0 `lt�] Z£�5I `pa�eu tldtl :�aaa :}s 5•q�- � aanssaud u !sa❑ wnwixeW 6ti# "paaaype-}las `snld fll �I]!ishlod as d All xa!�s�ilod 'xeNl f11 �la!1s�Iod '�Jd d tl5 xal�+lod 'd tl5 xai�€ad '[!Id] �aay5 deb ddG-b'S ap!H-alnlnl '1aay5 del ddtl-tl5 ap!H-aln W :�uaiu�tel"rapu() •paaaype-flas `sn�d S1W �Ia13sAlad {leuo!;dpj :�Id aseg �sa�eldssaaisozpagddeuaw!ud'�pp�V1Stluop0i3d :uau+!ad 'smau aaauaa paua��ers pa]eds R�l2nba [tij uno; �.e "a•o y3u! 6 pue sd.el ap!s aplm you!-q ay11e •a•o yuul-6 :�upeds •cloy �a�uaa ayl ul `meld uad nnau�s [Z] auo q�!m sa$eld � saaua�sed used-esua� 15bd�d1 :s�aua}sej [aae�rns dot ualr�-Alod} ase9 I1eN ap!H-ajuW uo asego�sel� :;aays ase8 •uo!;a!pslan� �u!neHhl!�oyiny}oual�e}s!apso�.s�ua�uau!n6aua]aloud;aaulol�ulyleays85fl'Za�nsodxd'•urgLS'0`11fJZ£�5i`pa3eatldFf :sl]ap :�s 5'CZ"C- = a�nssa�d u !sa{d �unwixe W 8b# 5.9 The Sli a e Limitations FRS RI A ril 2�12 D4-12 ; NEMO � etc. When loading roof tiles on the underlayment indirect -deck fife assemblies, the maximum roof slope shall be as follows. These slope limitations can only bf= exceeded by using battens during loading of the roof tiles. --- • .,,,�.,...., ����� v� �u�� �py������w anau ue uis�aiieu rn accoraance wrtn Nolyglass published installation requirements subjecttvthe Limitations set forth in Section 5 herein and the specifics noted below. 6.2 Re -fasten any loose decking panels, and check for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and debris priorta application, and prime the substrate {if applicable}, 6.3 Elastobase, Elastobase P nr Mule -Hide Nail base: 6.3.1 Non -Tile Applications: Shall be installed in compliance with the codified requirements for ASTM ❑226, Type II underlayment in F6C Table 15D7.1.1 for the type of prepared roof capering to be installed and Pvlygfass published requirements. Elastobase, Elastobase P orMule-Hide Nail i3ase maybe covered with a layer of Polystick, Poiyflex SAP, Polyflex SA P �R, Mule - Hide 5A-APP Cap Sheet or 5A-APP Cap Sheet {FR}, self -adhered, Elastvfiex G TU, Elastoflex 56 G or Elastoflex 56 G FR in hot asphalt or Pplyflex G or Palyflex G FR, torch applied. Roof cv�er limitations are those are those associated with the tap -layer underlayment, as set forth in Table 1. 6.3.2 Tile Applications: Elastobase, Elastobase P or Mule -Hide Nail [3ase are limited to use as a mechanically attached base sheet in the "Two Ply System" from FRSA/TRI April 2D12 {fl4-12}. Reference is made to Table 1 and Section 5.6.1 herein, coupled with FRSA/TRI April 2012 (D4-12} Installation Manual. NEMO ETC, L1.C. Evaluation Report P120fiD.02.o9-R75 Cerrifrtdte afAUYhorizariadl/31�155 E�'" EDITIOiri [�q17} FBC NSA[-HLHZ EV�i1EJgTEVN FtS259-R29 Polygiass Roof LEnderlayments; 5954} 233-1230 Recision 25: 1U/14/2p19 P� �.0 1 A nL 9 F y�i� 5� oy�Q 5TQZ/�7T/pti �SZ uprsinag sza-sszs�a SZ2!-6Q'ZQ'090ZLd ].+pday ue��en�en� UEZif£Z ]b56] `5�uawAe�aapun;aa� sse��R�pd �uo��rn�srna zany -NON aa� �ctnz) uoi�u3 Hla SSfrZEtl uor�c,ruoy�ny jo aana�r�a� "�"I1 '3a3 ❑ W 3 N •suaa#sAs;ooa al!#paua#set �llea!ueyaau,r y�eauaq [Zz-gyp} ZZDZ Ilady Ids/b'Sad u.rva� „uaa;sRs �Id vn^t„ ay# u! „#aayg deb„ pa!ldde #leydsy #vy aye av su.�a;.sl�s �.00a ally paua#.se} �flea!ueyaaua yxeauaq {�z-qp} Z€OZ I!-�d'v' I�Jl/ySa� uaoa� „uaa�.s�[S I+Id af�u!g„ ay1 ul [W ssel� `OS£9EJ W1•S'd} .,�u!�ova II°2f aae}anS leaau!fN„ o; a#euaa#le ue se asn �03 s! a� � 9S xapo�.selg 1. •swa;s�[s �vaa af!# paaaype .�o paualse} �lleafueyaaw y�eauaq [Zg-b0) ZTDZ f!sdy IZilldSad uaoa3 „u�a;s�LS Ald ornt„ ay# u] „#aayS deb„ parldde;leydsy;oH aye ao suaa;sl�s �ooa afr# paua#se�} /�llea!ueyaaua y�eauaq iZL-�D} ZTpZ I!�db` I�ft1b"52i� uava� „ura#sAS old al�u!S,. aye u! {W ssel� `D8�9a Wt5'd} „�u!�.oaa fled aae}�nS ]eaau! W„ of a#euaaale ue se asn ao� s! g gS xal�v�sel3 �• •suaaasl+s�ona al!1 paaaype .ro paua#set �[l]ea!ueyaaua y;eauaq {Zg-ti0) Z�OZ I!jdy I�it/b'Sil� ua°1} „uaa#s1,S �Id onn1„ ay# u! ,�aayg deb„ pa!!dde;leydsy #vH ayl �v suaa�sRs;o°a af!; paua}set �tllea!ueyaaua y;eauaq {ZT�bD} Z�D� 1!ad'd I�{l/y5b� u�aa�} „uaa}s�tS �Id al�u!S„ ay# of [W ssel� `OSE9Q W1S'd} .,dup.00a lfod aae�anS jeaaulNl„ of a;eu�a#le ue se asn ao� s! flt � xaf}vlsef3 � :suol}earldde al!} u! asn �v� •s#uauaaamhaa uo!#ells#su! pays!lgnd ssel��tivd;uaa.�na y#!nn aaue!IduzQa w palls#su! aq I#eys � j g 95 xaf�o#selg ao g 95 xal�.°}sel3 'nt Ss xa)}olsel3 �N� � 9S xa)}a3se13 ao � g5 xa]}o}sel3 `!71 � xaf}n;sel3 'pa�!sap s! uaa;s�Ls �uaual�elaapun 1�]d-Z e �! algemalle s!;nq '�uauaaafnbaa e #vu s! s!UL 'lei�a#eua aa,te�-doh aye y�inn pa;eip°sse aso.ya aae asn }o s�ivai� •s�ua}s.[s ati; has-anisaypa aapun asn a°� afgernolle sr snld f#1 �al�sl�lod ao d flt �f°!#s�lod `xeW flt �alls�tivd `d t15 xa�l°d 'oad al!1 paengeap�4H �tq pamoll°3 snld 5tW �a!#s�tfvd •pa,��sap si uaa�s�s }uaua�[elaapun �t)d-� e }r algenn°lle s! ;nq '#uauaaambaa a #vu sr s!yt •leua#eur aaAel-do; ay# y�!rn pa#eraosse asoy# are asn }o s;!w�q •suaa;s�[s �ooa pa�edaad payae�e peaiueyaaua aapun asn av#. algemolle s! snld �� sla!#sLlad �v d �l �a!#.s�Llod `xeW nt �a!1sl�lod `x-f1W ��r#s�lvd `snld S1W fat#s/,l°d 'd y5 xal�l°d 'vrd al!t pren�eapAH Aq pannoll°f snld 51W �ia!lsl�lod :su�a;s g;uaua el�apuH Id-!�InW 'ulaaay T�g•5 uo!�aS of aa�a� 'suv!;earldde al!; }as-anfsaype .roy T afgel'[Zi-bD} Z�DZ I!ady RIlI'd52f� uey}ssaf 1ou aq ]le�{s�u!ua�se� #aayS asee '{s};gays dv# �u!aaype-�.fas pue 1aayS ase8;o ;�u!#s?suoa 'uaa�s�4s,[Id-Z aano �u�o❑J al!; paualse� �Lllea!ueyaaua ao� -s;uau�aa!nba.r pays!fgnd ssel��+l°d pue [ZT-bD} ZTOZ I?�dy flJt/i�S2id u! y#�o�;as aueaquiaW paaaypy-}IaS ao�. s#uauaaa!nba.� ay# y#!nn aauegduaoa ul palle#sul aq IIeyS X-I]IN xa�.�s ?°� pure aX-�f1 �a?�s fod ord 1nnp prnn�orp y sapn?axa suol#ea!f y al!1 •s#uauaaa!nbaa pays!lgnd ssel��+lvd pue pallea.sul aq oa �ulaanoa�voa paaedaad }o add ay#.�v3 Z•Z•LDSz alget �e� u? luauaAelaapun [d ?ll �aiis�lod;daaxa} OL6�a WtSy�v� s#ua�uaafnbaa pal}!poa ay# y}]rw aaue!lduaoa ut paffe;su! aq IIeyS :sualleaff yal!t-uv� oad aft prerageapAH pue ped �enp p.renc�eapA�{;p uieas de�anp;a Maiq •{a�age�, ayl delaano f llm #aays aye} uaa;}ed anl� ay; �v pua ay} o� �aays do# ay# �o a�pa ay# u�!le `oad al!1 paengeap�LH pue o.rd lenp paen�eapAH aoj •uo!saype pue sae#uaa lln� a.�nsua v} s;uauaaa!nbaa ssel�l�l°d y#!m aauepaoaae ur e y#!m palfoa Rluaa!� aq �snua [sdel a�enfas} su�eas del -leas Ilb' :feaaua� :snld fll Ala!#S�fud an d f#1 ��!;s►�fod 'xeW r�l �fafls►Lfod 'x-f1W �a?#glad `snJd 51W �a!;sRlod `a7(-�fl ��!�s�lvd `21j d �fS xal�IQd `d b5 xa!#�fod `(�ld1 iaa45 deb ddb`-� apiH-alnw 'laay5 de3 dd�d-tl5 ap!H-alnW 'oad all p.ren�eap�[f-f `oad lend paen�eapAH -��a jovu�N L"S"9 5'9 �'ti•9 E•ti'9 z•�•s Z'ti'9 'b'9 NEM©� +�#C, 6.5.2 For hat -asphalt -applications, Elastoflex G TU, Elastvflex S6 G or Elastoflex S6 G FR shall be fully asphalt -applied to the substrates noted in Table 2. Side laps shall be minimum 3-inch and end -laps minimum 5-inch wide, off -set minimum 3 feet from Bourse tv course. Side and end laps shall be fully adhered in a complete mapping of hot asphalt with asphalt extending approximately 3/8-inch beyond the fop edge. 6.G � Palyflex G or Palyflex G FR: fi.6.1 Poiyflex G or Polyflex G FR shall €ae installed incompliance with current Polyglass published installation requirements. For use in file applications: ✓ Polyflex G is for use as an alternate to the Heat Applied "Cap Sheet" in the "Two Ply System" from FR5A/TRI April 2012 {04 12} beneath mechanically fastened or adhered file roof systems {Refer to Table 2 for base sheet options). � Polyf€ex G FR is far use as an alternate to the Heat Applied "Cap Sheet" in the "Two Ply System" from FRSA/TRI April z012 {0412j beneath mechanically fastened file roof systems {Referto Table 2 for base sfleet options}. 5.5.2 PolyflexG ❑r Polyflex G FR shall be fuflytorch-applied to the substrates noted in Table 2. Side laps shall be minimum 3-inch and end -laps minimum 6-inch wide, off -set minimum 3 feetfrom course to course. Side and end laps shall be fully heat -welded and inspected to ensure minirrsum 3/8-inch flow of modified compound beyond the lap edge. Ili.7 Tile Staging: 6.7.1 Tife shall be loaded and staged in a manner that presents file slippage and/ar damage to the underlayment. Refer t❑ Table 2 herein, and Polyglass published requirements far file staging. 6.7.2 l3attensond/orCounter-battens, as required by the file manufacturer and FRSA/TRf April 2012 {04-12}must be used on all roof slopes greater than 7:12. Precautions should be taken as r?eeded, such as the use of battens or nail -boards, to present file sliding and/or damage to the underlayment during the loading process. 7. BUILaING PERMITRE�UIREMENTS: As required bythe Building Official or Authority Na�ingJurisdictivn in order to properly evaluate the installation ❑f this product. S. MANUFACTURING PLANTS: Contact the noted QA agency for information on product locations covered for F.A.C. fi1G20-3 qA requirements. Refer to Section 4 herein for product &production locations haying met codified physical properties specifications. 9. QUAI.ITYASSURANCE ENTITY: UL, LLC—gUA962S; {314} 578-3406; k.chancellor@us.uLcom - END ❑F EVALUATICIN REPDRT - NHMD ETC, LLC. Evaluation Report P12060A2.D9-RZS Lertffirpie ofAvihorizcrtFon J€32455 6`" Ei71TlOIV {2DS7} FBC tsOra-HVM2 EVALUATI4PV FL5259-R29 Polyglass Roof llnderfayments; {954} 233-1230 Revision 25: 1a�74�2D19 Dora 1 � nF 4!;