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PA FL4595-R4
� ,�. . ;...;. �: � ,. a ..p `. Submit Surcharge Sta[s � Facts Ru6liCations Contact Us 6CIS Site Ma Lrnks Search••', M2nu � Protlu�j o`r ,,An lic Sea h a fi List � Application Detail • .:. FL-ir FL4595-R� •.._..::....................... Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Cvrnments Archived Product Manufacturer Tri County Metals Address/Phone/Emai1 3pI SE l6th Street Trenton, FL 32693 (352)463-8400 Ch risw@tricountymeta Is.cam Authorized Signature Chris Weatheriit c h risw@tricou my meta I s, com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Metal Roofing Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Profess"tonal Engineer Evaluation Report -Hardcopy iteceived Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Terrence E. Wolfe the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-44923 Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications, Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration pate Ofi/02/2024 Validated 8y Brian ]aks, P,E. Validation Checklist -Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL4595 R4 COI �, tter of Certification „ e`;...cure�. Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) ndard Year FM �471 1992 UL1897 20I2 UL 580 ZaQ6 Equi�a.lence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method []ate Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBCApprQval Date Apprpved summary of Products GD to Page FL #' Model, Numiber or 14ame 4595.1 SV Crimp Method 1 GptiaR ❑ D$/15/2D17 g8117J2D17 08J23JZD17 ivJiafzvl7 Lirrritaz of ilea Approved fur arse in WVHZ; No Approved for use outside WVFiZ: Yes Im#act Resistant; T�iJA i?esign pressure: +NJAJ-1D1,OPSF Rther: -78,5 psf @ 16" o.c. Fastener Spacing. -1fl1.0 psf @ 16" o.c. Fastener Spacing. Install per manufacturer's details, Not For uSe in HVHZ Zones. 4595.2 � SV Crimp Limits of Ilse Approved for use in HYHZ: No Approved for use outside HVFIi; Yes Impact Resistant; NJA Design pressure: +NJAJ-101.pPSF [?ther: -78.5 psf @ 16" o.c. Fastener Spacing. -101.D pst @ 1Fi" o.c. 1=astener Spacing, Install per manufacturer's details. Not for use in HVHZ Zones. 4595.3 � Aluminum Mechanical -seam Lok limits of Use Approv�Rd for use in tIYHZ: Yes Approved far use outside WYiiZ: Yes Impartt Resistant: NJA Design Rressrare: ti-NIA/-93.5 psf Other: -78.5 psf @ 18" o,c. clip spacing. -93.5 psF 5" o.c, clip spacing, Install per manufacturer's details. For use in HVHZ ZDI'I G'3. 4595.4 I Aluminum Mechanica#-Seam Lok Z" Limits of Ilse _._ Approved far use in HYHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HYHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: NJA design Pressure; +NJAJ-138.5psF []thew: -71.L7 psf [: Z�l" o.p, clip spacing. -338.5 psF @ fi" o.c_ dip spacing. Install per manufacture's details, For use in FiVHZ Zones. A��.�;5 �,4lurriiri.r�m 7CM fwaI1 Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HYHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Dr;si�re Fressure: +NIA/-112,5psF Other: -75,Q psf at 4 1/2" a,c. fastener spacing. -11�,5 psf '�� Page1/Z�'i� Description Min__2fi Ga_ 5V Crimp Izppf Panel over 15J3�" Plywood Installation Instructions FL459 R 1 2 ri a � r P woad @S��f Verified 8y: Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. 44gZ3 Created by Independent Third Percy: Yes Evaluation Reports ���_E�9��a. SV,�iimp net �, r P _, o segttred.�df Created by independent Third Party: Yes Min. 2& Ga_ SU Crimp ltanE Pane! over ix4 Wood PurEins over 15J3Z" Plywood Instailatiant Instructions FL459�. 4 I W�V CrimP�nQI OV2.�-�9_.N iV N�IH� se�lCed. per verified By: Terrence F. Wolfe, P.E. 44923 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports ��_��7.5 C�� _ SU,�rimP..Pane1 oV�,rix4 IUON..{dyH2 S�G.ured•v_df Created by IRdependeRt Tilird Party: Yes ,032" Aluminum Mechanical Lock 16" Wide ItooF Panel over Plywood Installation Instructions �__. 1�4595�t4 L_ I inum -i.s der Plvw VH Verified By: Terrence E, Wolfe, P_E. 44923 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports F 4�.�k..A�l�miA.ld�I�Y.�r P!X!H n�!`� eC r '� Created by independent Third Party: Yes .03Z" Aluminum, 2" Meehanica] Lock, 19" Wide RooF panel over 2Z Ga. Steel Rack Installation Instructions FL4595 _III AL Mink 2.4. s��..���el Q.�.+rk.�ia�.� setured.odf Verrfied By: Terrence E_ Wolfe, P.E. 444Z3 Created by Independent Third party; Yes Evaluation Reports ��,-4�,,, R4 AE A_ L MLok 2.D over $fie[ C}�ek F#V�� Created by Independent Third Party; Yes 0.{732" Aluminum TCM Lpk Roof Panel over 7/16" OSB ar 15J3Z" Plywood Installation Instructions FL$�9� R4 II Aluminum TCM La�C over Plywwod-recur d. df Verified By: Terrence ;=. Wolfe, P.E. q�923 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports i=1„�595_B�d1�Aiu 4595.E � Mechanical -Seam Lak 1-�h" Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved far use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +N/A/-123.5psf Other: -59.75 psf. @ Z4" o,c. clip spacing, -123.5 psf. @ 6" o.c. clip spacing. Install per manufacturer's details_ For use in HVHZ Zones. 4595.7 � Mechanical -Seam Lok 2" Limits of lice Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A ❑esign Pressure: +NJAJ-153.5psf Other; -54.3 psf @ 36" o.c. {lip spacing. -153.5 psf @ 6" o_c. clip spacing. Install per manufacturer's details. For use in HVHZ Zcnes. 4595.8 f Nail Strip 1" Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved far use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: NJA Design Pressure: +NJAJ-153.5psf Other: -153.5 ps€ @ 6-3J4" v.c. Fastener Spacing in slat and 12" ❑.c. Fastener Spacing in pan. -141.0 psf @ 6-3/4" a.c. Fastener Spacing in slot. -59.75 psf @ lb o.c. Fastener Spacing in slot. Install per Manufacturer's Details. Not far use in HVHZ Zones. 4595.9 � Nail Strip 1-'h" Limi#s of Ilse Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved far use ou#side HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +N/AJ-1I6.Dpsf Oti�er: -116.0 psf @ 6-1/2" v.c. Fastener Spacing in slat and 12" a.c. Fastener Spacing in pan. -78.5 psf @ 11" o.c. Fastener spacing In slot. Install per Manufacturer's Details. For use In HVHZ Zones 454S,iQ � PgR Limits of Lse Approved for use in HVHZ: Na Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +NJA/-93.5 PSF Other: -63.5 psf @ 24" o.c. Fastener Spacing. -93.5 psf @ 24" o.c. Fastener Spacing. Install per manufacturer`s details. Nat for use in HVHZ Zones. 4595.1i �pgR Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +N/AJ-78.5 PSF Other: -71.D psf @ Z4" o.c. Fastener Spacing. -78.5 psf @ 24" v.d. Install per manufacturer's details. Not for use in HVHZ Zones. 4595.12 � Snap-Lok 1-1/z" 1-�h" Mechanical Lock, 24 Ga., 16" Wide Roof Panel over Plywood Installation instructions FL4595 R4 II M r bonito!_ Seam Lok 1 5 over Plow a HV Z 5 red.p�,� Verified 8y: Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. 44923 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL 59 R4 AE Me hanic I -Seam Lok .5 over PI wood HVH ur f Created by Independent Third Party; Yes 2" Mechanical Lack, 24 Ga. Steel, 18-7/8° Wide Roof Panel over 22 Ga_ Steel Deck installation Instructions FL459� R4 II MLok„�.0 �4„.�a. overSteel,,,E]eck HVHZ 5 ur .�df Verified ey: Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. 44923 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL44�9 _R4 RE f�LOk 2,Q 24 ern -.aver..$ ee p.gck HVHZ 5 rpd. elf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 1" Narlstrip, 24 Ga_ Steel 16" Wide Roof Panel aver 15/3Z" Plywood Installation Instructions F�._R aiistri 2p _4 t;a_. Qver P�+woo�ecurp�pdf Verified By: Terrence E. Wolfe, R.E. 44923 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports F 4 9 R4 AE 1. Nai{ ri 4 Ga, ver Plywood secured �df Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 1-�/z" Nail Strip, 24 Ga. 15-�7s" Wide Roof Panel over Piywvvd Installation Instructions F 4� 59�� T 1.5 N it trip�4 Ga. r�,yer PlPlywood HVl-IZ re . � Verified By: Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. 44923 Created by Independent Third Party+; Yes Evaluation Reports FL4595�_AE Naiistri �4 Ga. Dyer Plywood HVHZ �� :ared�,aaf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Min. 26 Ga. PgR Rvof Panel over 15J32" Plywood Installation Instructions 4 R4 II 2fj n. PAR_ Panel over A�oog_ceciir�d.ndf Verified By: Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. 44923 Created by Independent Third Party+: Yes Evaluation Reports 4 R4 ��SSa• Pi�.t�.pan�l ovgr PiYwood sec�recE p�,f Created by independent Third Party: Yes Min. Z5 Ga. PBR Rovf Panel vier 1x4 Woad Purlins over 15/32" Plywood Installation Instructions FL4595 R4 II Z6 Ga. P8R Pane! over lx4 secured pdi Verified�By: Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. 44923 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports F._1�,5_L�.�_26 P R anel ver ix se rr d.�1f Created by Independent Third Party+; Yes 1-�/a" Snap Lok, 24 Ga. , Sfi" Wide Roof Panel over Plywood approved Tor use alltsrCi!e r1VHZ: res Impact Resistant: NJA Design Pressure: -!•NJA/-115.Dpsf Other: -iD8.5 psf @12" v.c. Clip spacing. -86,0 psf @ 24" o,c. Clip Spacing. -115.a psf @ 6° o.c. Clip Spacing. Install per Manufacturer's Details_ For use in HVHZ Zones, 4595.13 f Snap-Lok 1-�" Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved far use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design pressure: +N/AJ-i08.5psf Other: -71A psf @ 24" o.c. Clip Spacing. -1fl8.5 psf @ 6" o.c. Clip Spacing. Install per manufacturer's details. Far use in HVHZ Zones. 4595.14 I TCM-Lok Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Na Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: NSA Design Pressure: tNJAJ-52.5 P5F Other: -5,2.5 psf [q7 5 114" a,c. Fastener Spacing. Install per manufacturer`s details. Not for use in HVHZ Zones. 4595.15 I TCM-Lok Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +N/A/-116.DPSF Other: -116.0 psi @ 5 iJ4" o.c. Install per manufacturer's details. Not for use in HVHZ Zones. 4595.16 � Ultra -Rib Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved far use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: NJA Design Pressure: +NJA/-146.DP5F other: -86.8 psf @ 24" o.c. fastener spacing. -146.0 psf @ 12" o.c. fastener spacing. Install per manufacturer's instaliatian details. Not for use in HVHZ Zones. 4595.17 � Ultra -Rib Limits of use Approved far use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: NJA Design Pressure: +N/AJ-146.OPSF Other: -84.3 psf @ 24"ac.fastener spacing. -146.D psf @ 12" o,c. fastener spacing, Install per manufacturer's installation details. Nvt for use in HVHZ Zones. 4595.18 � Ultra -Rib Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes impact Resistant: NJA Design Pressure: +NJA/-138.5P5F Other: -93.5 psf @ 24" v,c. fastener spacing. -138.5 psf @ 24" o.c. fastener spacing, Install per manufacturer's details. Not far use In HVHZ Zones, secu rea. �t Verified By: Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. 44923 Created by Fndependent Third Party; Yes Evaluation Reports FL4595 R4 A� 1.S,�nan Lvck 24 ���over, plywood,blVHZ �ecured.v� Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 1-3/a' Snap Lvck, 24 Ga. Steel, 17-31a" Wide RooF Panel over 22 Ga. Steel Decking Installation Instructions F44���I Snip=.l,ok 1.75 24 �.�• over � teel )✓e{k HVHZ set=ured.otlf Verified 8y; Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. 44923 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports l���Snal�.��k 1 75..24 Ga Qver srgQ Deck i-fVHZ secure,Gl_pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Min_ 25 Ga. TCM-Lok Roof panel over 15J32" plywood Installation Instructions �$� R4 I T M- k v I Re or# cur .p,¢f Verified�By: Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E, 44923 Created by TndependentThlyd Party; Yes Evaluation Reports FL4595_�4 AE TCM-4pk_lyval Revart s�e_ured pcif Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Nlin, 24 Ga. TCM-Lok Roof Panel over 15J32^ plywood Installation Instructions �� PL_ 4595�t4__II Min 24 a. TCM- ak Ev Re ort. df Verified By; Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. 44923 w Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Fi,4595 R4 A Min 24 .TCM- Ev i R.part.p� Created by Independen#Third Party: Yes Min. 26 Ga. Ultra -Rib Roof Panel over 15/32" Plywood Installation Instructions FL4595 R4 II 26 Ga. 1�1 ra-Ri ,Panel over R]ywaad cu i� Verified By; Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. 44923 Created by Independent Third Party; Yes Evaluation Reports FI.gS95 R4 AE 26 Ga. Vltr� Rib P.�nei over Piv+�tood secured. vdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Min. 24 Ga. Ultra -Rib Roaf Panel aver 15J32" Plywood Installation Instruct#ans 1=1459.5_g4 II 29 Ga. �I�ra-Rib,,,Pane! over Ply�oa�f secu red. vdf Verified Sy: Terrence E. Waife, P.E. 44923 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FLdS�_R4 AE 2 a. LII r -Ri P nel v P! wo � SP��j]� Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Min, 29 Ga. Ultra Rib, 36" wide, Roaf Panel over lx4 Wood Purlins over I5J32" Plywood Installation Instructions FL4595 R4_II 29_Ga. Rib,Panel ov„er lX4 sg�ured.�f Verified By: Terrence E. Wolfe, P_E. 44923 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Repvr#s ✓`I4595_R4 AE_29 a. Ri Pan I ov r x4 se ured. df Created by Independent Third Party; Yes ,S�l'af,i� �Ya��id13J��S »u� ��® sidaaoy !ena�ddy �npa,d 'may X�! p asea!d '• 5.3 'S56 J�eeR!ddn�d; ys!na;ou op noR� F! av!w,a;ap of -7!Ignd ay; w a!gel!ene apew aq ue� y�!y,K ssaappe Elewa u0 y]!+N auaura-iedaa ay= aprw,d asea!d `ssappe !euos�ad anpy I,aip � Ssa, a !eula ue dI p,oua, 7!Ignd 3tp sassaippe !lewd sanannoy •aasua�q ay; y;lM uDl;e�!unwwav !el�yyu.ro� pasn aq Aew pap!no,:tl sllewa a41 'auo PP I 4kµ luaw}�edap aya ap!no,d;snw '5-3 'S54 �a;deya �apun pasua�!l saasuaay `iIdZ 'S ,agoyp an l7aa;3a `sa;nze=g epualj `Ci}SLZ'S5b uo!�as nl ]uen5�nd, �56ET'CS6'�S@ ]aeaum asea!d 'suoRsanb Rue aney noR � •I!eua !euonipea; Aq ,o auopd Rp 2�?�o ay; a7eluoa 'peaasuI •Rl!;ua s!y; a; liew 3!uw;�a!a peas aou vp `}sartpa, sp,ma,-al!gnd a n; asuod5aa u! pa5ea!ae ssa,ppe I!ew-a,noR;ue■n aou op rto,S;I •sp�vaa.r a!Ignd aae sassa�ppe !!ewa 'nneE epua!� .fapu� u w pury a :: ua !L ! u � n!,d :: ' - Ej }o i0 -L 4 fj ,aRo!du:a p33/vb' ue sl Bpi,oE3 �o a1e15 ayl bZBF-L b- SS � u yd fiS lj as ye!Ipl u a! 19 T09Z :: sn u :x9jyE �!7e8 �^' � Z I T a6ed '� '�' saA :,tied pnl�Z;uapuadapul �Cq pa�ea.l� 3p�-pa.lrl a5 SS �a o ! ued G! - allR 'e Z��li �ii fi�� saaoda� ual�enlen3 sad, :wed p.r!gl;uapuadapul /�q pa�eaa� £Z6trb '3'd `adIQM '3 aauaa.ral :�t8 pa!�!la� �R ana Sp .Ian laue q! - !n Z �I �� �Sb� suoi;ana;sub uo!;epe;sur 8S0 ,�9TIG nano hued �oo� q!y-e3�lfi •p� bZ 'u!W �A ��1-+ed paf�ll �uapuadapuI �tq pa�ea.r� �P na - ! u!q �!�!nn xj n !au !� • 6Z 'd � �� sglodaa uo�;enleng SaA :wed Pa!41 auapuadapul �Lq pa�eaa� £Z5b'b '3"d `a�IoM '3 aauaa.la+ ;/,g par;!aa� �F�1�aS -sa! u!qs y !M �xI .ana Laved q!� '2g 5Z II bkI S�, suo�aanl;suI uol�epe;suY abed o� v� �sauaZ ZHAH ur asn �lo3;oN 'S!!e;ap 5,aaan�e�nueu� gad pe�sul '6u€Weds uaua�se� •n•p yzZ �7 dsd 5'�ZT- '6uraeds �aua�sp; •a'o „tZ c7;sd L'i'b- :aay30 �SdS'£Zi-1'dIN+ :aanssa�d u6rsaq dIN :�ue;slsaa zaedwI sa,� :ZHAH apssano asn ao� pano.�ddy ❑N :ZHAH u! asn ua; pano.rdd�1 ash;o s;Ewll q!21-e�xlN j OZ"56Sb 'sauoZ ZHRH u! asn aoI IoN 's!!e�ap s,aanaae�nueu.l .gad !le;sul •�ulaeds aava�se3 •a•o ubi � 3sd p•gg- •6uEueds �aua}spI •a•v „�Z �;sd y•g�- :aay;p �5d0'98-IdIN+:aanssaad us�saq tlIN :due;s!sa� �edwI sad, :ZHAH aprs3no asn ao; pana�ddy oN :ZHAH u! asn �o,� panalddd asp;o s;�uur� `'.SSSSii�lil.1 ,R A: �Q 31tl15 : a• ti �� �; �- • .�� tr— � sated ;aocEa� ua!Zer�!en3 :s;ua}uv� �5Lt3L# '3'd s� e f u e!�g :an�.eprfen UZbi •di 3NG uvi;en!en3 ep!ao!� Ei5trti#�'3'd'a�l�lVi'� a�ua,raa� :�o;en+rn3.raaur u3 Sfi9Z£ epuv�j `uo;uaa� �.aa�;5 ylgi '� 'S tU£ s!e�a� �;unn� !�� :.�a.rn;ae}nuew ;� n pond Z(-IAH NON (Py{i]5pQ'£-OZ�i9 �paWlaV�i a�ue!!duav� �u!�oa� !e;ate :�[ao�a;eagns �u�vva :Iuo�a;e� �—i �Ao4}aW E-OZ�i9 alna gad LiOZ apa� �u!p!!ng ep!�a!� tr!i S'���ti # �enojddd �.�npv,r� �p�,�n�� pnannrfld „Z�'��'i .ro ��'�..9�'�� �rano ��u���oo� �fp7 l/ilJ� urnuiurn�b:.��'p'� 57 b'.L3W .(11U11 aJ loll �aoda� uor�,en�en� �np�a� S££LL A,i,`ai4�nf3 y aeuQ poo�IgEae2S 0£ffGC 'aui �u��sa,L �g �uuaaur�u� a�io3 --- -- 'if tt S - d5Y �F' l ,'t _ �� � � �� � �� L` Farce Engineexing &Testing Inc. 19530 Ramblewood Drive � Humhle,T�C 77338 Compliance Statement: The product as described in this. report has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 2017, Sections 15D4.3.2. Product Description: 1" Nailstrip Roof Panel, D.D32" Aluminum, 15 �" Coverage, Roof Panel attaching to 7/16" ❑Se or minimum 15/32" APA Plywood decking. Nan -structural Application. Panel Material/Standards: Material: D.D32" 31D5-H24A5TM 82D9Aluminum conforming to Florida Building Code2[}175ection 15177.4.3. Corrosion Resistance: Panel Material shall comply with Florida Building Code 2017, Section 15D7.4.3 Panel �imension�sj: Thickness: D.D32" Aluminum Width: 15 �" max coverage Female Rita: 1" tal! Male Rib: %" tail rib w/slotted strip. Panel Seam; Snap Lock Panel Fastener: Through Panel Slot: (1` #1D-32 x 1" Pancake Type A '/" minimum penetration through plywood Corrosion Resistance: Per Florida Building Code 2017, Section 15D7,4.4. Panel Seam Sealant: 3/8" wide continuous bead of Titebond WeatherMaster Metal Ravf Sealant applied to the inside edge of the male rib prior to installing the next panel, See detail far location. Substrate ❑eseription: Min. 7/1fi" OSB sheathing or 15/32" thick, APA Rated plywood aver supports at maximum 24" Q.C. design of CiSB and plywood and supports are outside the scope of this evaluation. Substrate must be designed in accordance w/ florida Building Code 2D17. &r Y dSOG 4 Rd ;�����lis�rr�i��'r ��;� � � C �' � �p Sri W �� r -o • STATE 8F �� ► �� ► �,• srworrrma. �,. F ' . • ,�•S?1� :�� �� f �� - .... • - fit, s ,��r � �i��ti�� ���� �>>rroipt 7 ii ''9 f1 i'7 f� -�� �- �` I �� Force Engineering & Testicag Inc. I9530 TLamblewood Drive Hum6tc,T'X 77338 Allowable Design uplift Pressures: Ta61e "A" Maximum Total Upllft Design Pressure: 75.0 psf 112.S.psf Panel Seam Sealant: Paneli Fastener Spacing: P!A 4 14" �.C. 3/8" bead 4 h" O.C_ `Design Pressure intludes a Safety Factor= Z.O. Code Cnrnpliance: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with The Florida Building Code 2017, Section 1504.3.2. Evaluation Report Scope; The product e�afuation is limited to compliance with the structural wind load requirements ❑f the Florida Building Code 2017, as relates to Rule 61G20-3. Performance Standards: The product descriled herein has demonstrated compliance with: • UL 580-0(-Test for Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies UL 1897-2012 - llpiiftTest far Roof Covering Systems Reference Data: 1_ i1L 580-05 / 1897-2R1z Uplift Test PRI Construction Nlateriais Report No. TCM-0{}1-02-01 Oated 01�19�2p17 2, Certificate of Independence By Terrence E. Wolfe, P.E. [Nv. 44923} @Farce Engineering &Testing, Inc, {FBC Organization #AAfE 1D: 1920} C�uality Assurance Entity: The manufacturer has established compliance of roof panel products in accordance with the Florida Product Code and Rule b1G20-3.0{}5 {3} for manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an apprv�ed q uaf ity assurance entity. minimum Slope Range: Minimum Siope shall comply with Florida Building Code 2017, including Sections 15a7.4.2 and in accordance with Manufacturers recommendations. Instailatifln: Install per manufacturer's recommended details. Underlayment: Per Florida Building Cvde 2017, Section 15p7.1.1 and manufacturer's installation guidelines. ;��/151111f1��.� ►` � • • 4 _ � {�► � ('� ram. �� �� Fi f2 4.4C 4 Rd __ r- ��= �f �� � � Force Engineering &Testing Tnc. ?4534 RarnbEewood i}rrve Fiumhle,'T�L 77338 Roo# Panel Fire Classification: Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. Shear diaphragm' Shear diaphragm values are outside the scope of this report. ❑esign Procedure: Based on the dimensions of the structure, appropriate wind loads are determined using Chapter I5 of the Florida Building Code 2D17 for roof cladding wind loads. These component wind loads for roof cladding are compared to the allowable pressure listed above. The design professional shall selecttl�e appropriate erection details to reference in his drawings for proper fastener attachment to his structure and analyze the panel fasteners fvr pullout and pullover. Support framing must be in compliance with Florida Building Code 2�17 Chapter Z2 for steel, Chapter 23 fvr wood and Chapter 16 far structural loading, x'f f! dS4S G Rd t�� E N C E, �. �, >> ��t,,��:�1, � G E i�r s � f.n �� � .L . ���{.}}}}}} � • to �-�;��,/ �', STATE DR 4, ► ! sre., �rr� r� c�` �Z � R I � i =��� rEi�#ss aSIIY9"11pNIM b01 E3iiYb SY pMfiSF€llM 93NPI530 38N1511rvi5 SSn2a/SASIpf/Sl1 '9 ('NIW) Y,JfF7� Z£/Sf OOOMAId 'lOb1N40 fltlHS 3900 3NE '3p00 3HL � 4NIMaatl SIHl 30 S1N3W3aIntl3N WRWINIW 3HA N33ME3B Stln000 3JN3 J33.i10 Y 3I '3000 ONIplIC18 210 {�N1Yij iIJIHl „9l/L 959 YdIbOl3 3H1 R ONIMYa4 SIHi H1IM 3JNvtlboPOtl NI 3B lSnv} SL'3N315M3 llY '8 '318V1 OMOI ONIM 3'lBVMOIT/ 3H1 NYHl a31a3a0 32Po 50Y4� ONIM NO1539 p3illM1b3b 3H1 N3HM p3'Iltl15Nl 38 lON AYW W315h5 l3NYd SIHl '1J3f0ild H7V3 a0J 03NIbtia]1]tl 39 llali5 SnYOI 9NUh NOi530 032Nn03a '� JN7Mtldp SIH1 NO 0313103d5 Sa 3llnf7>1Fi25 3' `JN1H1Y3H5 b3h0 ©3�ia15Nl 33 TiYHS Sl3NYd 300N 'E '„SL'Sl = l3NHd d0 H1pIM ONIa3AOJ 3N103bb3 'Wl1NIWf1lV {�NIW) XPfHi 'WON 38 lidHS 3aY Sl3Ndd 306b '2 a3N315aJ pOF]M „ZSO'0 (OHf) (7V3H 3xd7NVd Zlrol� z 7id�a 3p43 9NEpllnB VOIa0l3 3H1 H11M 39Ntl0E3070V NI 93N91539 N338 SVH l3Ngd 10021 T7tlf11p311H]NM 'L .�—��. ptl39 „8/C 1N3lUhlf163 Np e�fiq e � pgpi� � iNY7Y35 iJ315bW213H1V3M *8.w17fiLsir91 �yi`�'�s-'>!Y7Jli I� �!SS`,+, ' 44 p . � i ('Hlw) >1JIH1 „zr/GI pooMlld s zl � e/r a'a 9'9L 3N6N 5't� (NI} (NI) (j5d) i1313WdI0 Bia BNOItl 3Hn553ad 1Nbl'd3S WY35 9Nf9YdS a3N315ad Npl Wit aRy� ` � � �y �; �Oa : ao ('Nlw) NOlut „9l/c eso n�T� 3C731715 �D•� �4�)'�'�ON s` a`e�i'`�' }��`�' N 3 ��� + ems`+ 9v1H 37MONtldYzl�tl�� 3ilf1553�d L�Ildfl 318�'MOl'ib ss'(]� � � , .' j,'1y3�o ���� s+as�P � ��� �+t+� pl�AA ( NI�W) (Nmwj N�FHisisp%a aso NOi10�5—X N011b'��b`1SN1 7�Nb'd �d01d),J_ ao .tiz 'xaw lY SSrttf1/i810C/b31iYi— Stl3H10 A8 9311Y18N1 tlNtl Q3N`J€539 3B 1Srlw SibOddns ONa 1N3wHJVlla 71039 1N3WhtlIa3pNn ,i1 LN3wAalb3tlNn l3NYd WCINIwnIH ('Nlw) rlalNl „a�o'o 'WON m-IY ., .., ,..,.,..,,.�,.,, WaN Fi \ B / l3NYa 'J'o „s't ® Z >a' ! 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