HomeMy WebLinkAboutPDS-20-077 - Baron Island StoragePDS ORDER 2020-077 File Number: MNSP-8201925590 AN ORDER OF THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY GRANTING APPROVAL FOR A MINOR SITE PLAN TO BE KNOWN AS BARON ISLAND STORAGE, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 9563 S. OCEAN DRIVE IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the St. Lucie County Planning and Development Services Director has reviewed the request for a Minor Site Plan for Baron Island Storage, reviewed the comments from the Development Review Committee, and has made the following determinations: 1.RedTail Design Group submitted an application for Minor Site Plan, on behalf of Baron Island Storage, for approval to construct and operate a 20,290 square foot self-storage facility with office, consisting of seventy-seven (77) enclosed air-conditioned, single-story units within six (6) buildings, and associated parking, drainage, and utility infrastructure to be known as Baron Island Storage. The subject property is located on the west side of S. Ocean Drive (SR A1A), as more particularly described in Part "B" below, and depicted in Exhibit "A", and is located within the CN (Commercial, Neighborhood) Zoning District. 2.The Development Review Committee has reviewed the site plan for the proposed project and found it to meet the standards of review as set forth in Section 11.02.07 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, and found it to meet technical requirements and to be consistent with the general purpose, goals, and objectives, of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. 3.On June 2, 2020, the Board of County Commissioners granted a Conditional Use Permit for the Baron Island Storage to allow a self-storage facility, limited to enclosed storage in the CN, Commercial Neighborhood Zoning District (Resolution 2020-130). 4.Planning staff performed a detailed analysis of the project and found it to be consistent with the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan. The analysis can be found in the Planning and Development Services Department memorandum titled Baron Island Storage — Minor Site Plan (MNSP- 8201925590), dated November 13, 2020. 5.The proposed Minor Site Plan will not have an undue adverse effect on adjacent properties, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, parking, utility facilities, or other matters affecting the public health, safety, and general welfare. 6.All reasonable steps have been taken to minimize any adverse effect of the proposed project on the immediate vicinity through tower design, site design, landscaping, and screening. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED by the Planning and Development Services Director of St. Lucie County, Florida: JOSEPH E.SMITH,CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE# 4786996 12/02/2020 09:35:31 AM OR BOOK 4516 PAGE 138-143 Doc Type:ORD RECORDING: $52.50 Page 1 PDS No. 2020-077 November 13, 2020 File No.: MNSP-8201925590 A. Pursuant to Section 11.02.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, the Site Plan is hereby approved as shown on the drawing prepared by Engineering Design & Construction, Inc., dated June 17, 2020 and date stamped by the Planning & Development Services Department on September 30, 2020 for the property described in Part "B" below, subject to the following conditions: Environmental Resources Department: 1. Within 90 days of site plan approval or prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs first, the applicant shall provide an updated and approved landscape and site plan providing the material to be used for the eight (8) foot opaque fence/masonry wall. The proposed chain-link fence with opaque slats does not meet the intent of the Land Development Code. The fence/wall my be waived if each adjacent residential owner provides a notarized consent wall waiver. In the event such consent is provided, compliance with 7.09.04.B. shall be required. 2. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, all Category I invasive plant species shall be eradicated. Planning & Development Services Department: 3. Storage bays shall not be utilized for overnight occupancy. 4. Outdoor storage of equipment, vehicles, and/or boats shall not be permitted. 5. Business activity or contractor related business shall not be permitted within the facility bays. 6. Operation and use activities shall comply with the St. Lucie County Land Development Code Article V. Noise Control. 7. Prior to a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall file a Zoning Compliance Certificate application. 8. In accordance with Land Development Code any change of use to the approved Conditional Use Permit (Resolution 2020-130) is required to submit for review and approval of an adjustment pursuant to section 11.07.00 Conditional Uses. B. The property on which this Minor Site Plan for Baron Island Storage, Inc. is being granted is described as follows: 02 37 41 BEG AT INT WLY R/W A1A AND S LI OF N 856 FT OF GOVT LOTS 1 AND 2 RUN N 89 DEG 39 MIN 32 SECW ALG SD S LI 382 FT, TH N 20 DEGO1 MIN 55 SEC E 312.53 FT, TH N 68 DEG 44 MIN 58 SEC E 149 FT TOWLY RAN A1A, TH S 21 DEG 15 MIN 02 SEC E ALG SD WLY RAN 375.42 FT TO POB 1.93 AC) (OR 3551-1839) Parcel ID No: 4502-212-0001-020-7 Parcel Address: 9563 S. Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, FL 34945 Page 2 PDS No. 2020-077 November 13, 2020 File No.: MNSP-8201925590 C. This Administrative Order shall expire after twenty-four (24) months from the effective date unless a building permit is issued or an extension is granted in accordance with the provisions of Section 11.02.06 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. D. The developer, including any successors in interest, is advised as part of this Minor Site Plan, the developer shall obtain all applicable development permits and construction authorizations from the appropriate state, federal, and local regulatory agencies including, but not limited to, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, South Florida Water Management District, the St. Lucie County Environmental Resources, Public Works, and Building Departments prior to the commencement of any development activities on the property described in Part B. Issuance of this permit by the County does not in any way create any rights on the part of the developer to obtain a permit from a state or federal agency and does not create any liability on the part of the County for issuance of this permit if the developer fails to obtain requisite approvals or fulfill the obligations imposed by a state or federal agency or undertake actions that may result in a violation of state or federal law. E. This Order shall become effective upon the date of approval indicated below. Should the property owner, developer or authorized agent wish to appeal any condition described in Part A" above, all such appeals must be filled in writing with the County Administrator within thirty 30) days of the rendering of this Order, as described in Section 11.02.03(B), St. Lucie County Land Development Code. Should an appeal to this Order be filed, no permitting reviews or further administrative action shall take place on the processing of this development project until the appeal is resolved. F. A copy of this Order shall be attached to the site plan drawings, which shall be placed on file with the St. Lucie County Planning and Development Services Department and copies provided to the developer and agent of record as identified on the site plan application. G. The conditions set forth in Part "A" are an integral non-severable part of the site plan approval granted by this Order. If any condition set forth in Part "A" is determined to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason and the developer declines to comply voluntarily with that condition, the site plan approval granted by this order shall become null and void. H. The Certificate of Capacity, attached as Exhibit "B", shall be valid for the same period as this order. If this order expires or otherwise terminates, the Certificate of Capacity shall automatically terminate. I. This Order shall be recorded in the Public Records of St. Lucie County. Page 3 PDS No. 2020-077 November 13, 2020 File No.: MNSP-8201925590 cytv- ORDER effective the I p day of MONJ1$W , , 2020. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ST. LUCIE COU Y, FLORIDA 0 BY i, !A ice i son, Director APPROVED AS TO FORM AND COR ECTNE County Attorney Page 4 PDS No. 2020-077 November 13, 2020 File No.: MNSP-8201925590 EXHIBIT "A" Approved Site Plan) u ------ri 1 41'4,i i ; 1 I I frallaill iiii 0 OP B El--1 .:1fig.,, 1 I I iTitrii:pgt. T . il 1 i MOO `F`iIc,il i i , 4ti: 4 ift ipiT 1 i r 1) g II !I , tin!' lnt, i lik i I pg. tt i,ilitIli HO t ! 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V''' k 4•. 1'• 1 .d. ttf.:., 11 7 4-0. --it t tt I II Ili i I. eli i i 1„,,,r..........,,,,... i!ii17 IMO S OCEAN DRIVE BARON SELF STORAGE osis _... 6„,.. mmilimeamli —..„,..—.. t& SITE PLAN A—NM - Page 5 PDS No. 2020-077 November 13, 2020 File No.: MNSP-8201925590 EXHIBIT 11 11 St Lucie County Certificate of Capacity Date 11/17/2020 Certificate No. 3114 This document certifies that concurrency will be met and that adequate public facility capacity exists to maintain the standards for levels of service as adopted in the St Lucie County Comprehensive Plan for: 1. Type of development Minor Site Plan Number of units 77 Number of square feet 20,290 2. Property legal description & Tax ID no. 4502-212-0001-020-7 9563 S Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, FL Baron Island Storage 3. Approval: Building Resolution No. 2020-077 Letter 4. Subject to the following conditions for concurrency: Owner's name Jermiah Baron& CO., Commercial Real Estate LLC Address 49 Flagler Avenue, 3rd floor Stuart FL 34994 6. Certificate Expiration Date 11/17/2022 This Certificate of Capacity is transferable only to subsequent owners of the same parcel, and is subject to the same terms, conditions and expiration date listed herein. The expiration date can be extended only under the same terms and conditions as the underlying development orderissued with this certificate, or for subsequent develop.;6 0,. ) ' or the same property, use and size as described herein. Signetair G Date: 11/17/2020 5-Planning and Development Services Director St Lucie County, Florida Tuesday,November 17,2020 Page 1 of 2