HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Piorfda strllding=Code.Online 4J2J99,3:13 Pi - SCTS Home Login- User Registration .Not Topics SubMit Surcharge sra=&Facts vubntattons cants Us ogssire raap units search i Frodlict Approval UsERSPuhlic user - PrMurr Anormrl Mru 5 Qmd6 or AnolioSon Search>AonifeaHnn fist>APPlication 1)4 11 FL #t. i=L18355-R4 Application'type Revision; Code-Version 2017 i Application Status Approved Eommenbs - ArC0811 PPoduet Manufacturee TAMK6 Building Products,Inc:, Rddress(Phons/Email PO.Box 1404 Joplin,MO 64802 (417)624-6644 ac t 2305 kerri_eden@YmMke.com Authorized Signature Kern Eden I kerrt_eden@tamkocom Technical Representative Kerri Eden ; Address/Phone/Email PO Box 1404;. Jopiin,h(0 64802 (41Z}624=6644;.EXt 230.5 - - keiri_eden@tamko.com i Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email category Roofing subcategory Asphalt shingles Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Archited.or a Ucensed S ortda Professfona!Engineer Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Honda Engineer or-ArchitectTtiamewho:developed Zachary R.Priest _ tnd Eyaluatlon Report' - Florida Ucense PE-74021 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC ' QUality AwUronce Contract;Expiratian'Date 10/18/2021 Validated BY Locke Boirtden P.E: Validation checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of?ndependence FL18355 {24''Cal TBP t50014 2017 F8C f=va{ttep6rt 5fi(ngtes finai.pdf Referenced Standard and'Year(of Standard) standard *d®ae. As-rM D 3101 2016 - AM D 3462 Z014 hccpslltiY •flaia0bt,iiai�9.ate/Pt/p«aa_dtrasnx?isaram=wGEUXQ:UiDQUIIOSriiaaGXQN183MPT3uofKzDlM2xuswuuvmY6PgtJlukLFi3dl3d Pagelof rlorida.Builcting Cgde Onine. /2/79,3:13 RI` i ASTIND D 71558: 2011 ` TAS 100 Equivalence of.Product Standards Certified By Approved 3esting Lab FL18355 R4,i uiv UL letter for standards for:FBC 2017.ndf Se6ons frbm'the Code a Product Approval Method. Method I Optlo> :D Date Submitted 09/25/2017 i Date Va1ldaCea 09/Z7�2017 i hate Pending.FBGApproval 10/08/2017 Date Approves 1Z/3Z/Z017 WmamrTir Of Prod - . FL V _ Iodel,Number or Name 17escrppgs®n ' i8355.i , si-Seai,E ASTM . 462 asphat sibles and:hip and ridge nglesGass i Heritage,Heritage Premium,. ' - Heritage Woodgate,Heritage Uintage,Hip and R(dge ,and Vintage Hip;and'Ridge Shingles eas M. of use installation 8rtsi�riectiosis 4®proudd for use in S VH7--.Yes FLs8355 R4 1IT13P1500j,4 2017.FBC Eval Report 5hinoles Aporoved for use oureside ti[6i l�yes fnal_fldF ' dfip8�i UMSEi IMI N/A'. Verified By:Zachary.R.Priest PE4 40Z1 €3esigaa AresSasre::1�!/A Created by Independent.Third ftrE r Yes GM�r.See evaluation report forlimits:of use: Eira8te2intz P>evoses r FL18355 R4.AE TSPISOOT.42017 F8C Eval Report Shingles,. fins df ` Created .,by independent Third Party.Yes 1 - Contact Us. :Zfi01-81alr stone Road TalIAS see'FL 32369 Ptwne:8SA-487-t92e t The State of Rorids is an aR/&Eo ompinyor.'Com alit 7407-70319 ate_of ROr+da..:Priva�ent. Ac[p�SYetemeit R� ind-Yt isiFnt Under Fiadtla Iav;:6tnatl addresses are ptibltc reccidsPIF you dq'not want your e-maa.`address reieased in reSpOnsa t0 a'public-records regM4 do not send electronic. rrialI to this entity Instead;contact the ortici:.b hone or by traditional mart 3fy,'ou have.any quesCl0iLs,please[OntatC 850.487 �1395. ursuanttio seitton 455.275(1),'FloridaStatutes•'elfectiveDember1,2D12,ficenseeslicensed.tinder Chapte-r455,FS.must provide the;Department with anem31)211 essir.Uleyhave -_— one.The emalls provided may used�ior olpcial communication vrith tie liven"see.HDlveVer small addresses are puGlio record.If yav do not wish to der y a ? personal address,'please provide the DevartmentTatfi an Mai(aciaress rititch can be made avanabie to the.publir-To determine if you area license e"aner Chapter ProduCt Approval ACcepts: i Griedit Gard i t+tips'(fwwtrrt(ortaanutratnq ore(pr/prlspp'_.'dtt:gapxgpaczim.wosvXgwto4uvosrHazGXQWBSMPT3uofKz(77M2Xu9wuWmY6PQIJWkQ%3d%a3d Page 2 of rtlf cafe of Quthoriaatibn No.29824 --?45aa 27520 Edinburgh Dr _ Tampa;FL 33647 E `�ECHMBC�,SF_RV)zC , LLC 1 {ss )"tsa-3iI2� EVALUATIONMRORT FLORIDA BUILDINdi Cam,6"'Eamon(g�17) 1,. Manufacturer: TAMKO Bt31LDiNG.PROpUGTS i Issued Seprem6er25;2Di7 220 West 4' Sheet. Joplin,M0"64801 (4171624-5S44 �l6rttaie�4tating Piatats: . Joplin,M0 Ftliiiip5burg.KS . Fredericti"iVID -IJallas, Tuscaloosa,AL duality Assurasrce: UL LLC(WA9625) f SCOPE,. Cats o Roofing 9 rp Suocstegory: Rsptiait'Shingiea i C6dCSeC3io;1s: i5Q4.'t:7;150?2-5,i5QT2.7.1,i523.6:5.1- i Aropertiss: PhysicaPpfgpErties,Wind-Resistance,Wind t)rive6-Rain E ti Report No. j Standard Year PR(Construction Materials Technologies CkS T5878) TAP Q4341241 1 TAB i06; 1996. PRI Constriction Materiais Technologies(+ST5878)- TAP-051-02-01 TAS 100 1995 -PRI Construction Meteiiais Technologies(TST5878) TAP-054_w2 of . i TAB im, 1905 PRI Construction MaterIais Technologies(rST5678) :TAP-114-02-01 �`TA510Q. 1995 PRI Construction Mdterfa)s:Teciinolggtes.(TST5878) TAP-117=02-0�1 i TAB 100 1995 . PR("CanstructinrMaterialsTechnotagie5{TST5878) .TAP-130 02-01 TAB 100 1995'- PRI Construction Matetiai5 Technotoglgs(TST5878) TAP.1 -02:01 ' .TAB 100 1995. PRI Construction MateriatsTechnalogies(1703 978) TAP-i65 82=01 t TAS 1U0:_ 1995 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST6878) TAP-241-92-01_- ;TAS 100 . 1995 P Construction Materials,fechnOlogieS(TSTti&7S} TAPSU3-02-01 i TAS i00 1995 PRI Construction Materiels Technologies(TST5878) TAP 307-02-01 `TA6100 1096 0 Re T10oPR1 Construction MatenalsTechaologies(rST5878) aAP3114 i 1995 PRI Construction Materlais-rechnotogies(TST5878) TAP 315-02-01 ASTM D8387 2008(2013)e1 PRI Construction matertats Technologies(fST5878)- TAP417=02-31 =TAs i0a 19ss. UL LLC"(TST9628) 02IVK9907 1 ABTM D:3161 . 2016- UL LLCRST9628) Q4WR24S69 i AGnA D 3462 -- 2010A` UL LLC{TST9628) 45NK28090 ASTM D 6381 2008(2013)gl E UL 2390 i ASTM D 7158 2011 UL LLC(TST962$ ASTM D 316 r 2016 ASTM D 3462 201OA UL LLC(TST9628) 08GA59132 X bTm D:3161 2016 UL LLC(TST9628) _ . 09NK07896.. :ASTM D 3161 2016 ASTM D'3462. 2010A ui;Uc(TsTssza) : 1oCA50498 :AM O RE 2010A UL LLC(TS T 9628) 10CA648B2 V ASTM D 3161, 2016 UL:LLC(T$T9628) 11i9K14014 rASTM,D3i61 2015 -ASTM D`8462 2-010A UL LLC(TST9628) 12CA24551 IASTM D 3161 20i6. UL LLC(TST9628) 476611,0543 i'ASTM D 6381 . 200B(2013)e1 UL'LLC(TST9628) : 4787093752 �ASTM R 3161. 2016 UL LLC MT9628} 4767148748 lA ti D 7.158 2011 IASTrul D 3161 2016 iASTrVI D 3462 2010A GREEKTechntcalServtces.LLC-(ANE11669), TBp15001.3 lGalculations 2017 .: 3} Qa9a 1 of 11 TBP15001:4. FLi8355 Rd This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida prodUTA'8ppr6val under Rule 61G20�-The marn,facturarshau notify CREf C' TechnlceLaemces,LLC of any iaroduet'eh=ng0g or qu9fitif Aanur2rlw C112110PS thrOtl9hOlit the duratfah for which this report IS vem this tiavafuation repot does not express mor imply tManty,iasta anon,recommended ust;,or otter ptoduck attnbu[es that are not ' speaificaliyaddre�sed•hsreln. ' - ' TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTS � pt,ai:Shingles MCIiNICAL SERVICES,L LC PROPticT DRS6f#IFww Elite glass-Seat®. 12-IW x 36%ASTM D 3161;--Class F and AsT.M D 7158, Ciass,H self-sealing,3-tab• (ored6odi,Jafiltn& asphalf shingle with fiberglass"rnat coated:un both sides with asphalt and surfaced;vdith Tuseatocsa) ceramic granules complying with ASTM D 3462 G1a58-- ® l 12-114"x.36",ASTM D 3.161;Class F and,ASTM D 7158,-Ciass H self-sealing; 3-tab .(Frederick-& asphalt shingle with fiberglass-mat coated,on both sides with'asphalt and StlTfaCid With Tuscaloosa) ceramic.granules,complyingwith ASTM D 3462_ Gtanc ool 12-114"x 36".-ASMM D_7153;Glass H self-sealing,3=tab,asphalt shingle with fiberglass (Jopllns mat coated on;both sides vwith-asphalt--arid surfaced witn ceramic granules,complying with ASTM D..34B2..Shimle�shall'be uoetl ii'l ft.non-l'iVHZ ON i'i9ataga 13AW x;39=31801 AST W D.3•161, Class:F and ASTtVt,D 7158,.Class H fiberglass (Dallas,Frederick, reinforced, Laminated architectural asphalt shingle surfaced with mineral granules Joplin,Phillipsburg R& complying wifh ASTM D 8462 Y�Ispaloosa) . H6?iwga©Premium 13-1147 x 39 315". ASTM-D.3161., Class F and ASTM D 7158, Class K fiberglass (Dallas,Frederielc, reinforced, laminated architectural asphalt shingle"surfaced with mineral gi,rules Phillipsburg � complying Vvith ASTM D 3462 Tusca.'oat) HerIM96P Premium} 12"x 36";ASTM D 3161 Class.F.and ASTM D.7158, Class H.fiberglass reinforced, (Frederick) laminated architectural asphalt shingle surfaced:with mtnerai granules compIying' �lth ASTM 6'3462. Heritage@ Vintage@ 17-1120 x 400,ASTM D 3161.Class F and,ASTM D 7155,Class H-fiberglass reinforced, (Phimpaburg) taminated'.architectural as Shitigfe Surf2C°8d'with mil ara�gr2Ti1![es COfiolYiitq vllth ASTM D 3462. NOW'W6611 Me 13-T14 139-313•, ASi lm D 3i61, class,F-and ASl'f14,D 7155, Class H.Fiberglass (Dallas&Frederich) nanforced; laminated architectural asphaii:,shingle.surfaced;t4th-mineral granules complying with ASTM D 3462 Heritage©.Woedgatte 12"x 3miwi-ASTM 6 3161. Class F fiberglass reinforced;, laminated:architectural ([fit cieeici�}. asphalt shingie surfaced wiitt mineral granules complying with;AS'i'M D 3462_ Shingles shall be used in:the non-H,WZ only: Hip and Ridge Shingles 12 im x-12 ASTM D 3181, Class F,fiberglass .reinforced;_hip and ridge asphalt (Fregirick st Joplin) shinglasurFaced with mineral-granules complying witn ASTM D 3462: vintargeO Hip and Ridge. 12"x 4211;AS`rM D.316•i;;Gtass F fiberglass reinforced, hip-and ridge asphalt-shingle (PliliBt146Eatarg) surfaced with mineral granutes.aamplying;with ASTM D M2: TBPi5t3Qt.4 -. Ft:48355-Rd Page 2 of 11 s 6—aluatton redo t is°proNtded for State of i:l0tida pradltct appzoval under Rule 61C?2o-3. The manufacturer shau.nol ceEetc Thi Ter lMimi 66rat0os,-LLC of any procium ohanges:or quality assuranca cnanges'ihrbugfiout tha.duration'-for Which Ibis 12001tIs Valld. T11iS;at211l8tlolt revolt Uge5'noi expre5u not imply wzrranty,ftt tailallan,racorrimended use;or otherpImduct attributes,thatare not cpeciffca(ly addresserl.Eierein: t. y � TAMKO BUILDING Pf20DUCiS AsplIalt Shingles Ti=CHIVECAL�LE3 ECSS,LL. " INSTALLATION FJIROlags-8e810 Backwi s!Speed NA-.- Max.M.mpi} (I'redi#ick,Joplin Maxi 150,mpk Tuscaloosa) Deck(H1%H�},, In accordance width FSC requirements;, i " Soifdfy sheathed min 19/32 in.plywood.or good°pNnk;for Mass deal new :construction, Min. 15132 in. .piywgod,-existing (Fredenck,Joplin(Non- construCaom'r HUI Z}& t uscaloosa} Deck(IVon HVt 1Z). in accordanc®%RO FBC:requirements; Solidly stieattied m)n. 15132 Iff-plywood"or.WbOrl planK:fOr new construction;Min.7/M6 at."OSB existing construction: UnderiaymenL -' fn a"ccOrdancevmh F8G requirements ;: Min:slope:, 212.and in accoMande'vvith FBC,requuirements.. Refer 10 the njenufacturnr's application instructions when rnstallirig shrngfes at sl ape 5 greaterfitart 2 11Z - lnstailation(FiU1-3 p lnstaliEd iA� MA mch exposure m accordance with-RAS 115 and-morl,facturer's publ*shed insfallation:fnstruclions Shingles shall be attached using°6 A4ai1 Pattern°detailed belnvw� Installation,(hion-HVHZ): Installed viAth 5--118-inch exposure.in accordance with FgG regiriraments {'and rrianufadtflter's publfshed nstaffation instructions. Shingiessttail.be:attdch'ed-using either`4 Mail Pattern°or"&hlaii Pattern°detaiiad fisfatir_ jw , v e a Glass-eat Nal;f Pa�rn(Nen��1l/S�Z o.�ty)' 1�Setn� �t�ure : �tFe fa[ass-zest&�iaSs=Beal 6 ittail�aFfe��t.• 38P1505i4 FL.18355-R4 Page 3 of 19 Th)s eVatuatron renar is Provided far St2te of.ffotfda Product approval;under Ririe 6IG211 0 3: The manufacturer shall notify CREEK. Technical Senrtcss,lLC"of any!product changes ar.;qualltY assurance changes rhioughaut the.auration tar uvhich ttsis report is valid.. • Th'ss evalua4iaii apart ctacs hat e�;press tsar fmp(y uuartanty,installaCton,f�66rrltnenged.use,or ottiet proclucf atttlbutes that are'not : specil7cafl}�addtessed':herein ` . ` � I TAMKO titliLDING;PR©DtJCTS �� AsphelE Slu�tgtes 1 Ci�IIVlCAL SERIACSS,LLC k38ritage�. Basio'Wind Speed(Vo): Max.124 mph (Qafles Frederick,Joplin; Basic Wind 8peed-(V w): Max.150 mph.. Pl iilipsliurg Tuscaloosa} .Deck{NlIH2: In aeeordanee:with FEC lrequirenients; & Solidly sheathed mitt. 19/32 in.:plywood or wood plank_for tferitagea Premium new constr ction;,- Min. 15132 . in. -plywood` existing (Da11as,,FredprlCk construction.' Phillipsburg A TuseSto©sn) Det:k fNon-�i11h1Z) In accordance'xiith RC requirements; .. Solidly sheathei3 min:15132 in.=plywood.or wood:plank for �lttrit%tge�lUaodgatc new construction tltftn.'7/16 m.O.SB ewsfmg construction. (Dallas Frederick):, Underlayment: in accordance wtth FBC'requirements min.Slope.,- 2:12'"an m d 'accordanca with:FBC requirements. Refer to the manufacturer's application_instructions whelz installing shin fen at tsloP°e_s. eater than 21 A 51 Installation(tiVHZ); installed wn 5=515 in.-'-exposure in accordance:with RAS -t95 and mancifaa{ucer's published-installation instructions. -Shingles shalfbe_attached using °6.Nail Pafferri° detailed belomr: . instaliatfors (Non=H1/HZ}: installed �nnth o-- in. a posure in accordance,m4th FBC requirements and manufacturer's published..installation instructions—Shin Ies shaft be'attached,using either 4 Nail pattern!,oe' N- ii.Pattem'detailed below: -IFASTEWERS, MAIL ZONE 0014 F BOND 1 1 $ 7?OSURIm -ate 18 t►� fsc Figure 3_ "evi a6d,,Writac i4 Woodgate(Dallas)' '�'t�iai!Pait`ter�(rlore-l-il/t-l�e�ily}°. .. EXP ASURE'5°at8". �ic3 r8�:_Heritage®e�',6�efitageB i�Y@lliftll . $mail pattern iBP15001.4. FU9355-R4 Page:4 of i[. Thin evaluation report ls;provided for state;of Florida,product app`rovai-under Rufe 69G20-3: The manufacturer shalt.nouty cREM Technrcai.Sen/tces;LLC of.any'produet eharng2ir or-gtlalily.as5uranee changesAhrdugAout the.duration fn�which this C@po9t:lS lldE•ILI 111i5 eU;fuation-repari am not enpr�ss nor t,npry y.installotloci;rocommended use.or.other pr duct,attnbutes,that 64 not specificalty addressedlefein: TAMKO SUILDING.P-RODUGTS _ � �� � Aapf�aft Sfiin�les MAIL ZC MFJ EIRS Co .mo BOND i F€g.ure 5. heritage@ WoogW.e ! FASTENERS Common$arid ! } i r- a. - - - - - - - F w N vr c ICgunC ..,6. C @c'i 6is�tY,,�®s Heiltages Pramitim, t lied ageO Waccigate Att2iikk s(tfail P& A�tlNT um . 7. 'l " BOND ACCEPTABLE f' FASTENER LOCA OM DO NOT FAISTEM ;s: l�L©i�lQ EbCa�4F - �an�r�tGat��wr lat18FER�Ea F��TEfaE�f t�a��Ttot� Figure 7.,Herlt6ga@('TUSUP106sa) X02- d8dAMI Zflne ivall-Daftemo from Figures 2,4,and 6 may be placed'n Me mail-70A9 as decoAd d above T8PW01.4 FL1ft355-R4 Pate a of,11. Tills evattiatiort report Is provided for State°of Floiida product approval under Rule 91G20-3. The manufacturer shall-notify 0- . Technicat;SQrvirs•LLC of any,protiuct engnam or qu3Htyassu(anGe changes throughout the cibm ion for which:this report is valid: This evaivaffcn'repert does not expreas liar wn tv,warr2nty_-Installaton.recornmendetl use,.or Other product attributes ihatare not spedflolly.addressed herein. TAMKO BUILDING;PRODUCTS- Aspht3Ft'�ttingtes T.'EeH ti6AL.6rzFeVjcEis;:L TL C 6iMtTAT39PFS f}'. Flee Qtss61fiVA6111 is not within the scope of this_evacuation. 2) .The roof deck anckhe roof'deck_attachmentshall be designed by-others to.meet the rninimurn design_loads established for components and cladding and Fn.accordance With.-FBC requirements. 3) .the mean-roof heigltt shalt be restricted to a rokifnum.33 It Iri the tiVHZ. . d) Cfas5ffi i to ASTM D 7158 ices to e ipp xposure$ C von{h a'buddibg mean roof het ht of 6Q-ftor Less_ S) Peck sub"straiees`shAl be clean, dry;and free'from arty rrregulanties and debris. All-s'asferrers in She.deck shall 1}®chs�ckod for protrusion and corrected poor to`underlayment appticatlon, 6). 5iti�gf�s.sit2ii 6e instaiied siaehng a tide eave in hodzomai iayeMSUCK that the{apS Shed water froth;the deck . 7) . installation:of.the evaluated products shall comply,with this report,-the-.FF3C, and-the manufacturer's Px 1311511ett appllcatlon insiructions: Where discrepancies east behvesri_these source*,-the more restrictive and code compliant detail shalt prevail. 8j: All products listed inthis report;shall be manufactured-undera;quality.assurance program in compliance>vith Rule 61G20-3: COMPLIANCE STATEMEW Thel products evaluated herein by Zachary R.,Priest, P L have demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code,6�'Edition(201 )aa.evidenced in the referenced documents submitt6d by the named manufacturer. g��,gspaaaessag®g. �flJ A ��$gd� �,Fi'D 201 .i "•� �1 -. •Calms` "Ad _ 1/n / -g ".L e i~}4. 7492 -04'00t o STATE OF a a.R t Aao � .°� Zacha fy-R PAest,P.E. �C�oo Florida Registration Flo:74023 �oUgBPOj�f�B O111anizationfro,AWF_ilm9 CERTIFICATION OF INDrxP,I IDENt;E GREEK Technical Servic.W,;LLG does not have,nor.vrill it:acqulre,a financial lnterest ln:arry company manufacturing or distributing prodticls ender this evacuation. CREEK Technical Seririces.LLC Is not i timed,'operated,or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R.;Priest,P.E.does'nothave,riot,nit acquire,-a financiat interest.in any company manufacturing or distributing Oiaducte under thls.6aluetlan: ' zach-w R.-PrnesL P.E.does not have.:nor wiltacquire,'a financial:wares t'in any other entity.involved in the appravat process_af the product. END OF 9EPORT TBP15001A W835b-R4 Page i3 of11 This evaWatlgn report is provided£or State of Florida productapproval under Rule 61G20:3.The manufactitror shalt notlPi CP.EEK Technica(,Sarvices.F1C af•any prodrict changes or qualify assuTanra_changes throughOUt'tltE dllG3ti0n f0F Pd[IIGh this f6pOft ts:Vi3lid. This-evalualllon report does not express nor imply ymnanty;,instaliailon;recommended use,or other product attnbUtes that aTe not specifically addressed herein;