HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Information mM il;a { �. #t e n "god FA�r e ' '1 I P t� �' Y'4N rJ�yS.� c Y.•y�^ •� � '�� -0. 1 so'-0^ N 12'-0' , j i " I � in W LL Q W J n= z�f3 t •. t b[*+ d •-.L6eX 6e.pt post a F 24"dia.x 48"deep post footing(typ) FOUNDATION PLAN VIEW 2 3119'=1'-0' I i i 2-12-19 Micheal E Driscoll PE Fl.Rep#43922 M I I I I I I m z m Y N � it � Q J WLL 3� ¢w73 STEEL ROOF RUSES j 3 u z z x� I I I I I I g b�� V gbd I 2 L 6"X 6"pt post ROOF PLAN VIEW Q 24 dia.x 48 deep post footing(typ) ins =,-o 2-12-19 Michael E Driscoll PE FL Reg#43922 L 16" 3-1/2„DI 2" 3/4" 1/8^ 241,�f (typ) a thru bolts yp) \� 45 1YP 3/4" 1/8^ Typ 31 e16" C2 ryp 14 GA - - M¢ COPS PUkliv Typ 2^ 1" M6. 3/16" M1 �� MT TMP 2-1i2l,ot u M2 - 3^ a thr b°Its 1" 1/6" 7YP N13 1121 , o Dla thru bolts a j 3/1B" 1yP No. ELEMENT MATERIAL DESCRIPTION NP 1/8^ 3/16^ m (50 KSI) Yp 1" I 7 0) i an M1 Collar Tie ASTM 513 L1-1/2"x 1-1/2"x 3116" " " " i M3 To Chord ASTM 513 L1-1/2"x 1-1/2"x 3/16" �wo W LL 3/1 fi" nOtor,Post z shoM6 End Vertical ASTM 513 L Wx 2"x 318""" forClarityn W F' M7 Bearing angle ASTM 513 L 3"x 2"x 3/8" Q W W CONNECTOR SCHEDULE —)� M8 Inside vertical ASTM 513 L1-1/4"x 1-1/4"x 1/8" o) 2'a&•to ryp pudn to&�{d•a1l pe.db Mibr 1-iH'Isp utews M9 Diagonal web ASTM 513 L1-1/4"x 1-1/4"x 1/8" h"ssbbvu®ddpe.Mr dstlw boXsa w _ WoodpostWWu-271rdh INuW nut&Wsshm Post to c^nv,s 21'dla a IE•deep W/205 bm Mpost ,STEEL TRUSS CROSS SECTION E 3" K NOT S. 2—I/2-DIA.CARRIAGE BOLTS NUT&WASHERS(fYP) z �+ 1-MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO STEEL ASTM 513. a z N e STEEL TRUSS U 2-ALL STEEL SHALL BE 50ks1 IN ACCORD WITH CURRENT AISC MANUAL, El z z 3-WELDING ELECTRODES TYPE E70XX G L 6 "' 4-ALL WELDING SHALL BE IN ACCORD WITH CURRENT AWWA REQUIREMENTS. z z 5-ALL WELDING SHALL BE DONE BY A CERTIFIED WELDER. 6-BOLTS SHALL BE ASTM A325,wl NUTS&WASHERS.(TYP) L3-X 2-X 3/8- ° n d 7-WELD STRENGTH 70 KSI MIN. u z 8-ALL POST SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED GROUND CONTACT. TRUSS DETAILS o u 2 I 9-PRIMING&PAINTING SHALL BE DONE BY TRUSS MANUFACTURER. ; 10-MIN EDGE DISTANCE FOR BOLTS HOLES SHALL BE 3/4"MIN ooD POST 11-MAX TRUSS SPACING SHALL NOT EXCEED 12'-0" GYP) 12-THE DESIGNER DISCLAMS ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGES AS A RESULT OF 1-12-19 POOR WORKMANSHIP,OR IMPROPER USE,AND ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBILTY OR TRUSS TO POST DETAIL Michael E Driscoll PE EXERCISES NO CONTROL WITH REGUARD TO FABRICATION,HANDLING,AND INSTALLATION pLAN VIEW FL Reg #43922 OF TRUSSES. 1-AII construction shall comply with Florida Building Code 6th edition 2017. ' s WIND PRESSURE ON COMPONENTS AND CLADDING ULTIMATE WIND SPEED: 130 G �� NOMINAL WIND SPEED: 101 b zonaz WIND EXPOSURE CATEGORY: B zone 1 RISK CATEGORY 1 NON HABITABLE =8 c Zone 1 +/-14.62 INTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENT Gcpi= +/-0.0 Zone 2 +- . Zone 3 +1-31 31.27 DESIGN PRESSURE PER FBC CHAPTER 16,INCLUDING ASCE 7-16 LOAD CALCULATIONS - zone 1 ROOF LIVE LOAD=12.5 PSF ROOF DEAD LOAD=2.5 PSF one MIN SOIL BEARING 2500 PSF TRUSS BEARING LOAD EACH END 5200LB TRUSS UPLIFT @ POST 3400LBS 1. Wood framing and fasteners to meet NDS-2012 requirements. 2. Fastener requirements:(1)All nails are Common galvanized;(2)all bolts are to be galvanized steel and Include nuts and washers;and(3)all other hardware(Simpson,etc.)is to be installed according to manufacturer's specifications and recommendations.Nailing(size and number)shall satisfy Tables 2306.2.(1),2306.3.(1)and PROFEGSIONAL By 2306.3,(#)FBC unless otherwise indicated. Note:fasteners exposed to the weather are to be treated for weather ORISCOPLO BOX3676770,INC. resistance and compatible with the type of pressure treated wood used(connectors,nails,bolts,nuts and washers). OAINESVILLE,FL 32935 PH(362)331-1513 CA 5890 Concrete Construction Notes PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The plane and sepeecdy aalbns preaenled herein are applicable oniy rer the angdpaled construction at the bcetons shown.it construction plans change,Me Design Proraselonal 1. Concrete work shall conform to"Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete"(ACI-3 8 an should be noaflod so the plans and specifications can be reevaluated.The Design "Specifications for Structural Concrete"(ACI-301),Latest Edition. probs,bhal a.A be given Hm oppadunBy I.miew MN plane and spotlflcallms to see t the Intent of the plane and 6pvXwuom hoe been foVo—d and/or If supplemental detaila 2. Concrete mix shall conform to the following specifications.AII concrete mixes shall contain a and recommendations t am needed.The Design pwod Inaccordarc Malthe plem and water-reducin admixture conforming to ASTM C-494. Air-entrainin admixture shall conform to ASTM C-2f0. s.—pb inns l—lamil helm,have been papered W wan-lim ,a i generally or 9 g g eawpted pmlesabnel el>glneedng practice,No other werrentoa are implied a ..P,..& CONCRETE MIX A COfiPOibkTE PROTEOTION It h undantood end afire t e e ooelgn Pro esebmlh Beab Bcrvkas War Mls Agrearn-I do not Include project obsorvetlon or review of the Contractor-performanceor Ultimate Compressive Strength @ 28 days 3,000 PSI any ogler camWdbn phaao s.-g—and Mal such--,I—wig be provided by the chant.The Cfiontessumss all roaponslMlltyforttaproladon of the wnlreator Documents Slump Range 4"+J-1" and for construction observation and suponlalon and waNea any dabs agalmt the Maximum Aggregate Size 1'1 Design Pmfessbml that may be In anyway connected iharelo. Entrained Air None In addition,the Client agrees,to lha fullest eaten!permlfted by law,to Indemnity end hold the Design professional harmless from any lase,ciakn or cas6lmluding reasomblo Dry Weight per Cubic Foot 150# !.mays fees and oast,of defense,ailang or rasulWg from the�ormance of such soMom by lhor person W mft3 and from any and all dabs ads ng from mcdlfiwtlons. to of r0lcallona,Interpretations,udjuslmbnts or changes made to Contact Doumm to 3. Shotcrete mix a reflect changed gold or other carWtbns,except far daan3 robing ham the Win negligence orwlilNl mbcanducl to the Daslgn Professlonal. 4 All concrete shall be cured for a minimum of 28 days. If forms for vertical surfaces are removed prior to the end o OWNERSHIP OF INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE the curing period,spray surfaces with liquid membrane curing compound. All reports,plena,spoeffkatens,wmpuler files,HOW date,notes and other documents and these�boffrtheeo gnPwhuewnel`,`TheDDesign v rfessionai n o"eouna llmmmen 5. Reinforcing steel shall conform to ASTM A615,Grade 40(Fy=40 ksi). Lap continuous bars for tension lap splice fo law,elandeyandotherresaveddghls,baudingthewpydghtthereto. per ACI-318,unless otherwise noted. Provide DEFECTS IN SERVICE corner bars of same size and spacing as horizontal wall reinforcement. Cover for concrete reinforcing steel shall be LLl The Client shag pronepIly report b the Design Professional any defada a suspected LL dafecls In the Design Proles rimWa wodc or servima of whtdh the Cgeni bewmoa aware, in accordance with ACI-318,Paragraph 7.7. Z p% m that the Design Prolesslanal may lake measures to minimize the consequences of such 6. Welded wire fabric WWF shall conform to ASTM A185. La sheets two mesh spaces and wire tie adjacent sheets g a defect.The Cl lent-manb that he a also wgl impose a dhnflm mllXwtion requtcmont ( ) p on tag oonlroclonNh4saher CtonUContoctoroontred end eheA require tag together securely. Cut alternate reinforcement at controlJoints. g LIJ:3 WU) subcantracbrs at any loyal b canted.a like requirement.F.M.by the Cllanl and Its Q Cllenl'a cantadureacubconVaclas b notify in,Design Picfoaabml,mail rodeo Me 7. All slabs on grade shall have construction or control Joints not to exceed 15'-0"spacing,unless otherwise noted. Design prolesalondul Ma a ca oflemodyieg t hadp prompt dafean been sumsuds remedy 8, Electrical conduit and other pipes to be embedded in structural concrete floor slabs or walls shall be placed In accordance 3 _would have cast bed prompt Irotfic-Uon Dag.given. VERIFICATION OF ExISTIN0 CONDITIONS with the requirements of ACI-318,Paragraph 6.3. Imsmuch ae to rmrodaling andlor relablWatbn of m"SUng burlaing requbcs Mal certain assump7ons be made regardN ludamg mnd'dbm,and because some of these aeaumpdons may cat be verifiable without expending add5bnel sums of moony a desv.ying othenwim adequate as—losable padlom of Me building,Me Client agrees,to the/Wiest extent patmlted by new,W Indomnly and MW Me Design Proleasbrhm honniesa 2-12-19 from any claim,liability a cast gndudng reasonable etomeys fees W costa of defense) la ln)ury or economic rMAg admfcxoa2egedly ptbV.,adsing out a(Maprotesoles,or st, 40' x 60' OPEN POLE STORAGE STRUCTURE Michael E Driscoll PE , provided Imdot to Agreomoey excepting od)Uwse damages,esI g Pic o cesta otdbut-into W Mo ode napggence a Wigml yscandud of Mo Dodgn Profassbnel FL Reg #43922 i 1