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J *,,.•vn«c,maws.qua.snswn�c+o.m..w.w..•....,..,.-:....m�^�"e'v"'°"c. ♦: 'D -.oQ..._..••..:,q.•�,n,.W:,......-.:,..„_..,......•.,,:.,..a+u..n..muw.,+„arn.,n.:�..u..•w,T. nag T"HE SIDE APPROACH ..M Code approved in use this fu1�� � :� most areas 38" X 88" or, the 88" x 4� x 38" pictured landing wit t"b ;Y � ;�1�R with Deluxe Rails is Mote: Side & Back i eversible Irhiiing .; Rails must be rer a when YOU pi refer Separately 3r llet a roach. III j ModeW s� ser overall Landing wldth Standard 1'3eluxe Standard Deluxe ' ywit}ht Height Depth tilde Fla1f Side i�a4i �acic Rh11 Back Mall s717143838 7" t 4" 38" r3t3" 02136 029136 0238 02938 16163838 S$3$38 S" 16" ;38" 38" 02138 1 29138 0238 02938 0/7213330 '"! '''t" 3£i" 38" 02238. 029238 0238 02938- 018243838 8" ?�{" 38" 38" 02238 029208 0238 02938 0•t y,,...,r�38 7"i` 2a" 313" $" 0233$ 029338 0238 02938 3"f 32' 38" 38" 62338 029338 0238 02938 4 " " .?�i" 02538 029d38-7 0235 02938 �71i3403838 8" ` :1C) 38" 38" 02,�M 025�8 0238. 02938 'tl3%Z�'3�i�3s,a ::3"i` i3" :'$" 3f1" NIA 029538 N/A 02933 �718'f ti384g 8" f Ij" 38, 48" 02138 029138 0248 02948 I' J1'd�32�93#3�#3 31: 24" ^t3" 18" 02208 029238- 0?=t$ 02948 .0172-83848 7"I : :'.i3;' ;i$" -1t3" 02339 029338 0248 02948 ,318323848 3" :]?_." 38" d S!, 02308 t129338 0248 02948 1- 017353848 T' :3T, 3t3" 48" 02538 029,M-87 0248 02948 I y 018403848 8" • _:I(1"_____'8" 0211f,-18 0294.3t3 0248 02948 i ... .......... .._...,..«.................. .M. .,... , ., rR, uW m:,.Ku ._.w._ _ ._ .. . .. ... o. • I I • I • I I I tl_LC f ' 1 �' Uiillrtl_�i:t7 SPHF_RE CANNOT t �fr,yr.11Ul �N4JJVg LENt9T?-!_� �y 1 t i f PLOUR Ci QIAMSTSF? $PHEFIE CANN40T PA39 n•iRCQGH AREA ArSTWERM rFiSAD, RISE11 ANO E747TCIM OR OUAROSAFL NUM6ER OF TMIAOS 'AND RISERS h/AY-VARY - _ STf�(R4yt�ti'._1._.ANDllVta AtjtD G1dARQPAlL •DIE AILS Ml)i t C1p\!C iI)lI I I 3, r1 yO 1 Ji! t o, es 1� . r 1 %`,'...',•� •l.J-i5 '' v?. CCU rn(cN r<iiAPF'. P. E_ 1 :} 0 A AW< C:t.JIto'T ?01 "t!000'YAAr) ;llt F-rY HA)1'3'C'9, mil. .`t1�i)A 1-, f' 01,0.41.IAA. ✓=1 GF110•A 11FiT7' —02 { rat rTttss ar•ra I - ' I Grour +d° t i tatlation. STYLECREST List of Components (2) 494154 Anchor Assemblies Fiberglass.Step Anchoring • Guidelines f Each assembly includes: (1) 'IS inch Anchor (1)318"x 1 tile" lag screw Concrete Installation (1)7116"x 1 1/4"washer C,;st of Components(FUrch�sed Locally) I Ground Installation Guidelines ' 1) Set step in desired position and mark the '` '7/ '` r ' anchor placements on the ground. Remove 4e7rhII.VrI 3tes step. 2) Screw the anchors in the ground so that the Arz�as eye of the anchor will be in the positron as, shown. ConCrata lnstallatiari Guidelines 3) Replace step and mark the place where the hole in the eye of the anchor meets the side l) Drill %"hole through step and bracket at of the step at the height of the lover frame desired position fhrollgh lower wooden member, frame member. 4) Fasten screw into louder frame member 2) Install Lbrackot's using '/�y x 20 x 2 3/4" through eye of the anchor and washer. Bolts,washers, and nuts. 3) Mark location o.f'hole inT�-bracicet on the concrete. - . ' 4) Move the step away frorn the house. Drill holes-it concret6 at the desired locations. Tap in V"concrete arichors- 5) Replace step so;khat the tops of file concrete anchors protrude through the r-,-braal-es, k Secure with theituts and washers, I ' r' is i j ; I - WARNING: I"ailuro to anchor the step properl can result tn`injury.Place the stiep against e ! boaser.Make sure the surface ort which the step rests is Ievel. Style Crest,jue-Drawer A Fremout, Ohio 43420 i 7 A 4�4 DOUBLE DISC' AN HOR DOUBLE DISC A���L WITH 411 (" („j11 DISC. Double 4"disc earth anchor with double Shaft:3/4",Length:36",Discs:6"&4" fastening and tensioning head for use h " 1 Recommended for Soil Class 4 ` with straps. Designed to be augured into extremely hard soil where 6"disc anchor 0120019 6/13UNDLE;180/SKID i will not suffice.Two 4°discs. > ;f 0121019 6/BUNDLE;180/SKID,GALVANIZED 200/Skid;8/Bundle. } I Recommended for Soil Classes 2&3 ' �W? I Y g H 'OM E P R I D E 1 0120004 30"L,3/4"SHAFT;8/BUNDLE,200/SKID 0120019 i 0121004 SAME AS 0120004,BUT GALVANIZED ' m 0120008 30"L,5/8"SHAFT;8/BUNDLE,200/SKID �R0120011 48"L,3/4"SHAFT i r J,0120012 42"L,3/4"SHAFT SING5 (� LE;N D i u 0 � I ;r 0121012 SAME AS 0120012,BUT GALVANIZED F ANCHORS HOME PR��E Earth anchor with disc and double fastening and tensioning head. I"s++ "anchors,E-Z ANCHORS Recommended for Soil Class 4 WITH 6"a[sC Save time and money with one-step ~ � + 0120000 48"L,5/8"SHAFT;6/BUNDLE,180/SKID I stabilized anchors for decks and step! oE • a 0120003 48"L,3/4"SHAFT;6/BUNDLE,180/SKID )� Easy to install, needs no concrete. Bu Y fit;+ 1 stabilizer head and compacting disk, 4 012000136"L,3/4"SHAFT;6/13UNDLE,180/SKID 0120003 + j dual blades. Approved for use in Alat WITH 8"DISC 0120020 60"L,3/4"SHAFT;EACH J,� for Class 3 Soil. i * y ; GALVANIZED SINGLE DISC i d I 0120025 30",3/4"ROD,DBL 4"DISC n. 0120400 48"L,5/8"SHAFT GALV.,6"DISC,6/BDL. 0120023 36",3/4"ROD,W/4"AND 6"DISC 0120401 48"L,3/4"SHAFT GALV.,6"DISC,6/BUNDLE,180/SKID 0120402 60"L,3/4"SHAFT GALV.,8"DISC,6/13UNDLE,180/SKID 1 _ y^� i Not stocked at all locations I: Z_ P AP A"ICHOR CROSS DRIVE A!" STABILIZER J Drive anchor with fastening and ten {; shafts.Welded tubing guides the tw - M3 � Easy to install;screws into ground with rods. Designed to be driven into sol r g s anchor when you use a ZIPCAP adapter. 200/Skid;4/Box. s Saves money;you don't need to stock two r types of anchors.Saves space; packaged 8 to . , . = YP P P g Recommended for ;. a box for easy transport. Better performance; Soil Class 1/Solid Rock e free-floating ZIPCAP doesn't move when °. � anchor pulls vertically. 1 0120002 48"LONG Y' h 0120010 36°LONG More flexibility;approved for soil class 2&3 0120017 HEAD ONLY f with 0120004 and soil class 4 with 0120019. i 0120048 36"ROD ONLY E �`' �c7 0120050 HP34&HP3 3/4"X 30"ANCHOR, 0120050 4"DISCS,150/SKID(F/CLASS 3) AjaJ ` x 0120051 HP34&HP17 314"X 36"ANCHOR, —0 M E— -P 'COP 6"DISCS,110/SKID(F/CLASS 4) tF 0120029 ELECTRIC ANCHOR ADAPTER FOR ZIP CAP 0120028 HP34 ZIPCAP ONLY,8/BDL. a I ANCHOR STABILIZING M-PLATE STABILIZER DEVICE ' o More cutting points for better balance Prevents anchors from becoming © Smaller and shorter plate is easier to get into ground loose by cutting through the soil o o { "Power Ridge" provides extra strength for as much when heavy winds occur. Required I or more resistance than traditional plates in most anchor installations. I o More resistance concentrated at the top of the anchor,so plate performs as good or better than A 0120180 STABILIZER 12"H X 12"W,8/BOX.400/SKID traditional plates even though it is smaller r' 0121180 STABILIZER 12"H X 12"W,GALVANIZED,8/BOX,400/SKID Meets all state requirements except FL,so can replace traditional stabilizer plates PATIO SLAB ANCHORS Average installation in 1/3 the f f. time of traditional platesr, , Patio slab hooked rod attachment with fastening and tensioning head installed , tT6 0120188 7"H X 12"W M-PLATE,8/BOX when pouring concrete slab. 16/Box 0121188 7"H X 12"W M-PLATE 8/BOX,GALVANIZED 0121007 "L"ANCHOR I rI G , 0121007 "L"ANCHOR,GALVANIZED m anchors 0120005 "1"ANCHOR W1SWIVEL HEAD 1 r,�— ANCHOR p� p it Aid t i R ' rf. 0121005 "J"ANCHOR W/SWIVEL HEAD,GALT 4"y Nu Concept Anchor includes: x ` ANCHOR HEAD W(TH SLEEVE FlgureA Figure y` Use with wet concrete. cap Tension Bead 01203341-PC.UNIT(HEAD W/BOLT AND SLEEVE),32/130X pc. - 0120022 GW-2 SOIL ANCHOR,4/BOX 0120015 SLEEVE ONLY 0121022 GW-2 SOIL ANCHOR,GALVANIZED,4/BOX SOLID EYE ADAPTOR STABILIZER. PLATE ` . . ABS Lateral Stabilizer Plate, Adaptor for solid eye anchor with Home 1% Pride fastening and tension head. Designed for loose soil conditions. 10"x 24" Class 4B Fla.; 6/Bdl. 0120209 24/CTN. �;. a r t 0120186 ANCHOR HEAD W!T H LAC BOLT STABILIZER PLATE if Double tensioning device for use on dry concrete or Wind Zones 2&3 existing concrete slabs. ? ABS Stabilizer Plate i 0120009 2-PC.UNIT;32JBOX ! �j 0121009 GALVANIZED;32/BOX a 0120181 10"W X 24"H 0120014 HEAD ONLY,48/BOX !� 0120403 18"W X 13-1/2"H,GALVANIZED O /vER I 0121014 HEAD ONLY-GALVANIZED,48/BOX 0120018 5/8"LAG BOLT ONLY,EACH l SPEED WRENCH !� I�(� el+ .v A t ' --i No more scraped up hands! A I�L C H O R BOLT & NOT One handed operation tightens bolt&strap at the f same time. 15/16" impact socket on one side and Knurled bolt increases friction between strap and bolt shaft p for greater strength than smooth bolts. Slotted for use with a 15/16" nut on the other. Combine with your own t`. ratchet and 15/16"socket,and you have the fastest strap. Not included with anchor. way to tighten slotted bolts. d 0120006 400/KEG,8/13AG HOME PRIDE 0380107 LONGITUDINAL BRACE DETAIL FOR SD3 PIER PAD OUTSIDE HOME BEAM MMLBC BEAM CLIP ' W/ 4 4-'x1-41" CARRIAGE BOLTS Z"x2 " NOTES CARRIAGE BOLT MAXIMUM PIER HEIGHT 48' 1)z' 0 LONGITUDINAL MAX. SIDEWALL HEIGHT 96' BRACE TUBE 2— 39' FOR 12' TO 24' PIER MAX. BEAM SPACING 99.5' 2— 44' FOR 12" TO 32' PIER MAX ROOF EAVES 16" 2— 53' FOR 12" TO 40" PIER 2— 65" FOR 12" TO 48" PIER NOTE 1/2' BOLTS ARE GRADE 5 WHEN USING LONGITUDINAL BRACES, "x2 3!j" CARRIAGE BOLT 2ND PIER IN FROM THE END OF THE HOME MAY BE USED TO MAKE ROOM FOR BRACE TUBES. SD3 PIER PAD LONGITUDINAL & LATERAL BRACING SYSTEM DETAIL ASSEMBLY DRAWING 1c�stQE Na�E 8� r C I ;,; ? LATERAL ADJUSTABLE BRACE TUBE B � 010E H G`.F�.Casdei 'P.E. BEA =Sr,A�,gis�e"r�87 Engir�er M CK OR `t sCLIPDELUX STEEL •`�au,,.n,t' . 1$—DRIVE LONGITUDINALUPUP BRACE TUBE STEEL PIER PAD The Minute Man Anchors UBS W/ ANGLBracing System was tested for PINS SD 3 PIN Wind Zones I,II,&III Tested 10/10/01 Rev.3/6/02 3,150 lb.WORKING LOAD ANCHORS WITH STABIUZERS AND FRAME Rev.7/14iO4 TIES ARE REQUIRED ON 4 CORNERS OF ALL SINGLE WIDE HOMES. ANCHOR.STRAPS MAYBE INSTALLED WITH AN ANGLE AS LOW AS Rev.2/1/10 45 DEGREES UP TO 90 DEGREES WHEN THEIR SOLE PURPOSE IS Rev.1/1/15 VERTICAL ANCHORAGE E Cop'� FIL { LATERAL BRACE FLEX TUBES FOR CONCRETE --- ---------------------------------------- ---- ---------------------------------------- UPPER SECTION LOWER SECTION LONGITUDINAL BRACE FLEX TUBES FOR CONCRETE TOP VIEW c Length Varies with Pier Height SIDEVIEW e 10 - - LATERAL BRACE DETAIL LATER CLAMP FOR SD3 PIER PAD ASSEMBLY " x 2-4" GRADE 5 CARRIAGE BOLT, INSIDE HOME NUT AND WASHER FRAME BEAM WASHER 4 Y4"AV SELF DRILLING SCREWS — 2—EA. SIDE INSTALL AFTER HOME 1 Y" 0 TUBE IS SET AND ALL OTHER 60" FOR 99.5" MAX SPAN BOLTS ARE TIGHT c LATERAL TUBE CLIP 1 xZ" TUBE ' 60" FOR 99.5" MAX. SPAN Y2"x24" CARRIAGE BOLT O MAX 45 (ANGLES FOR BOTH LATSMI L&LONGITUDINAL BRACE TUBE.) MIN 10° ANGLE DRIVE PINS MAY BE DRIVEN UP TO TEN DEGREES (10)OFF OF VERTICAL.IF YOU CHOOSE TO DRIVE PINS 1/2" HEAVY DUTY WASHER AFTER HOME IS SET,DO NOT COVER SLOTS IN PIER PAD. W/ 1/2"x1-1/2" CARRIAGE BOLT .12"LONG PINS MAY MUSED IN CLASS III AND II SOILS. •16"PINS ARE REQUIRED IN CLASS 4 SOILS. LONGITUDINAL BRACING SYSTEMS PLACEMENT Jse minimum 650 DH anchors and180 square inch stabilizers with frames at -ncDdmums 5'-4'centers,Vertical ties must be used at all connection points :urnished by the home manufacturer's instructions or in the case of used homes Nhere designated on centerline.(SEE FLORIDA RULE 95C-9.)Marriagewall anchors must be used in accordance with home manufacturers instructions. For roof slopes ip to 5/12 pitch systems must be placed no more than 16'from end of home. Longitudinal Bracing System f � I � I � UP TO 16'SINGLE WIDE UP TO 32' DOUBLE WIDE �I I UP TO 52'TRIPLE WIDE OR DOUBLE WIDE WITH TAG See Longitudinal and Lateral Bracing System detail assembly drawing.