HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevisions 2017-04-05 13:45 j.a.tayL roofing 772 ,468 8397 >> P 1/8 Rle COPY OFFICE USE ONLY: 1 DATE FILED: 1 S 1 I1 PERMIT# REVISION FEE: 1 S .Q Ci RECEIPT# '� r~ PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING&CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE F01tT PI I;RCE,FL 34992-5652 (772)462•1553 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION 1. LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: 8208 PASO ROBLES BIND, FORT PIERC1 2. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: ATTCHD IS THE NEW SYSTEM DESIGNATION FOR THE FLAT PORTION OF ROOF IT IS THE SAME PRODUCT APPROVAL POLYGLASS (FL#1654.1) 3. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT.#; CCC1325895 ST.LUCIE COUNTY CERT.#: 23018 BUSINESS NAME; .lA ZgYLQR ROOFING INC QUALIFIERS NAME: KYLE WHITE ADDRESS: $02 MELTON OR CITY: ---9081 P15RQF STATE: FL ZII': 349,82 PHONE(DAYTIME): 772.466.4040, FAX: 772-468-8597 4. OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: CORY JOHNSON ADDRESS: 8206 PASO ROBLES BLVD CITY: FORT PIERCE STATE: FL ZIP: . 34951 PHONE; 772-215.4002 FAX:S. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: NIA ADDRESS: CITY; STATE: ZIP: PHONE(DAYTIME): FAX: SUM 9123109 Revised 0440010 RF VISION ' 2017-04-05 13:46 j .a.tayl roofing . 772 468 8397 » P 3/8 RECEIVLPaPR 0 5 2g37 o, . a=Name } Lapin 1.UW ReplWation I Mot Toplez ' SUDMItSWt*V* } StAg&FWCW I PUWlcatipnG } FOCSlaff I p�®kS , r=fh dbar py Product Approval USAR;WW{e Vsor prod,vi�tYelrzr�y P�A'�er Agalldklan�ereh>Aooliepale .I.[>'App9rAtbn e�tta:. 'a FL FLUS4•1119 Application Types RCvifiioti EM Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved Comments Archlved Product Manufacturer POLYWASS USA RE V. ISION Address/Phone/Small 150 Lyon Drive Fernley,NV 89408 (570)384-1230 Ext 242 Jakfns®polygla�s.com Authorized Signature James Akins fokins0polygiass.com Technical Representative Stevo Wadding Address/Phone/Small 150 Lyon Drive Fernley,NV 98408 , (602)363-7139 �ll a.— U 1 m3 stovewapolygiass.con T.LUCIE COUNTY�IJ�?��'�DMION Quality Assurance Representative 3ames Akins I xx� Address/Phone/Emall SS5 Oakridge Road KL�', Humboldt industrial PkF TE Hazleton,,PA jamP ANTS AND PER ANUT MUST RE KEPT ON JOB (600)894-4563 0n N0 LISP CTI£3NWML,8E PEE. iakinstpolyalass•com Category Roofing Subcategory Modified Bitumen Roof System Compliance Method Evaluation Report from o Florida Registered Arehltact or a IJcensed Florida!Professional Engineer Evoluation'Repart-Mardeopy 119eaived Florida Engineer or Architeet Name who developed Robert Nleminan the Evaluation Report Florldb Licanse PE•$9166 Quality Assurance entity UL LLC QuallO Assurance Controct Expiration Date 1010612018' Validated By John W.6 zevlch, PE Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received 0, Certlntatc of Independence FL7� Rl2So� ? 1(Lb n3 s�2 jigminel).edr Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Ynat ASTM D6162 2000 AM 0610 2000 ASTM bf 1'64 2005 ASTM b62z2 zoos AS7M 0650P 2009 FM 4470 a : 1992 397 » P 4/8 2017-04-05 13:46 j .a.tayl roofing 772 468 8 • FM,4474 2004 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option 0 Date Submitted D4/U V2o16 Date validated 04/4/2016 Cotq Pendln9 FCC Approval 04/20/2026 Date Approved- 06/08l201G }Sma -umrx of produces_ I t i rt' W Nadak Number or Nam4 _ oescriptlan L . . •.-. ...-_ ..._ .. _-.._. m.__.. 16a4.i Polyytass SBS and APP Modified SO$and APP moeltied bitumen root systamc _ Citumen Rya `ot System;- Limits of use W instollaWn Instrucliorts Approved for twinHVHZ:No Ufi%4 Rae 11 2016-B4�NA3 Al EB?LYGLA55.MS1DltJ».F�.1.c51 Approtftad for Use aUtsido 14VMYt Yes 812.99 Impact Re01sUntt N/A Verified By.,Robert Nleminen Pt:-59166 Design Peessttre:+N/A/•622.5 Created by Independent Third Party'Yea Other:1.)The daIgn pressure in this bpplicatlon Etybluat(on Reports rolatos to one particular aaaambly over concrete �I�`5�,�at.� F$R1 POSY aV MQRflI?s!'.lk.`.i: dock.Refer to the ER Appendix for other systems and 574.pAi dock types,2,)Refer to CR,Sealon 5 for other Umlts Created by Independent third party:Yes of use. r071 1R:1 2f9191gir,5lg s aces.T,y-.^^M&113"MOM 05I•M7-10JM 7toa State of nM107 Is On AqM CMplaye6 rnowlahl Jt10T•201.4 MA 'rit 1Mnnda-::talfarr 51_eemeet 11•"rrsf>s11411It n tie':at Q9-%.l,ter= Wider Florida low,creak add,eean are POW WAda,If you do net wart ydor e•roaR awwo ralaaaad In nitpgnta to o putdog- r rds request,do sot xl'a rcmtk: malt to trot ultlty.Meet wo W 0h orBro by phony or by tradltfpml Iliad,V you haeu ally oltig0ans,pledge contact 05N407.1199.'Pumuont t:S.`:tnr, MSS,a7M Or Holies Suvilta,offoova 0txober 1,I01Z lio Orono Iketud undert;napter air,P.Z.mutt owido the Aopmrmolu with an email addnrtt.1 llw,hJve Ww.the emaU%ptoulded may bo VW for Qn!"W*MWlkWor,+dth trio ocanaaa,Newaeer email addromu are pubhi itwth Ir you do not f4w,t„mMprr, pembaal eddroo,Q1,dM WQVMO the OapeKMI'M with loci Mall addrecii oMth can be IMde aVYRable to the P41c,lb date"lev 11 veto are 4 hnrttmr uMnr Crol-, 4S%,F.S.,piMte d1ok hta:, PWvct Ap~Aoutibt Cfedh Card Safe ' f i at. , ' 00 TRINITY ERD Table Deck Applkatlon Type M!Ndpftn 1A Wood Neworlteroof(TeaLCn A-1 Bonded Insulatio%BoWed Roof Corer Fa 18-1 Wood Neworlieroof(Tear-OM A•I Merh.AttachedAndwrSheet.Sondedlnsufaboq,Bonded Roofcowr 5 5 ID-2 Wood New.Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover A-2 Merh.AttaclMd Anchor Sheet,Banded insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 10-11 1C Wood New,Reroof(Tear-M or Recover B Mech.Attached Same Insuladon.8wtdedTop lnwlatkx48ortded Roof Cover 12 10 Wood Hex Herod(Tear•OMorRecover C Mech.AttachedlnRA30DN Bonded Roofcw& 19-14 1E Wood New,Reroof(rear-OMorRecover D PreWLAttachedlnsutatfon,Meth.Attaohed ease Sheet,Bonded RoofCo%w 15-16 IF-1 Wood HeworReroof(rear•Off) E NartdnsulatW,Mech.Attached Base sheet[naffs},Bonded Roo!Cover 17-19 1F-2 Wood New,Reraaf(t'ear-MorRecover - E HoMnwlated,MedL Attached Base Sheet(screws&11lateA Bonded Roof Cover 20-22 3G Wood NeworlteroofiTear-OM F ttomasulated,Bonded Rod cow 22 . 2A Steel orConrr He%Reroof(Tear-011)orReoorer B Meth.AttadtedSaselnsutatlon,Bonded'foplriwlatfon Bonded RoofCaver ---- ?3---.----- 2B Steel or com New,Reroaf(Tear-OH}or Remver C ' Meth:Attached lnw}atlW Bonded Wd Wgie.-- - -"24 25.. -:_' __ CO 2C Steel"ConG New,Remof(Tear-OH)orRecover D P.-e6m.Attachedlnwlatior,,Mecft,Attachedeasesheet,Bonded RoofCover -" 25=27 CO 3A Concrete New or Reroof(Tear-Oft) A-1 Bonded lasulatioq,Bonded Roof Corer 28-32 `0 39 Concrete ---- NewoeRnoof(Tear-Off} F - NoMruvlated,Bcnded Roof Cover .":---•... - - -,:::---_::=._:: :_,•- :�z.-:-�_,: C 4A LWIC -New orReroof(Tear-OM A-1 Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover ti 48 LtlYIC Neworlieroofffear-OM - A-2 'MedLAttadiedAndwrSl*ekBoridedlnstirl&^BorndedRoafCover n 4C LW1C NeworReroof{Tea!:E f) - E - Ron4nsulated,Mech.:AUadied Base Sheet,Bonded RootCaver - - - 35.47 SA CWF NeworRrrooffrear-Off) Al. .--Bondedlnphtkm%BoafedAoofCcver--.-- - --- - ------ -38-- -•-:-- 59 CWF New,Reroof(Tear•OMorRecover A-2 Mech.AttachedAr1&"Sh_eel,,Bondedlnwlatrop,eonded.RoofCover. - 5C CWF Newfleroaf(Tear-OfOorReoer B Mech.Attached Base lnsufatfon,Bonded Top lnsulatio%Bonded Roof Cover ---;: -,Ip=_----_-•• 5D CWF New,Remof(fear-"or Recover C Mech.Attached Insulation,Bonded Roof owee* SE CWF New,Reroof(Tear-)ff}orRecover E NoMnmlatea,MerhAttadned ease Sheet,BondedRoofCover - qU. SA Gypsum Remof(Tear-OM A-1 Bonded Insulatlor%Bonded RootCover Gypswn Reroof(Tear OffJ or Recover A-2 ---MedLAttadiedAnclor Sheet,Bonded Insulatioq,bonded Roof Cover - -.- - - -- OO 6C Gypsum Reroot(Tear-Off)or Recover C Mech.Attarhedinsufation,-Bonded Rooftover - 42 Cover _ - 6D Gypsum Reroof(Tear-OM E -:-HaHnautated MedLAttachedBase t,Ito SheendedPoof - '42 7A Various Recover A-1 BondedUtsdation,BwxW Roof Cover i - 4345 78 Various Recover F Non lriwfated,Bonded Base Sheet,Bonded Rod Cover t5 The fotiowlne notes aoohrtothe systemsoutBned herein: . ..... 1. the roof system evaluatlon herein pertains to above-deck roof components Roof decks and structural membersshall be to accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the AHL'toad resistance bf tine" mof decksha9 be documented throughpcoper cocri'redandlorFBC Approval docurnentation. - 2. Insulation/base sheet fasteners shall be ofsuf lentferrgth for the fotowing deck engagement: k Wood: M141mum6.754nchpenetraUwL ➢Steel: MkftumG.75•irichpmetration and engage the toplMeafthesteeldec1L D Concrete: Mlnimuml-inchembedmentintopirothdeinaoomdaricewithbstenermanufactureespubBshedbumilationtnstmxbons- f� 3. Unless ot+terw:se noted,insulation may be any one layer or combfnatton of pofytsocyerturate,polystyrene,word fibebeard,perirte,gypwm-based roof beard or mineral-vwol root board that meets the QA requirements ofFAC.Rule 61G2�-3 and lsdocurnentedas meeting FBCi5W.land,farfeampfastk,F&:Chapter 26,when instale Wth the roof ower. L Exterior Research Evalvau-Report P9290•02A8-R 17 Fw FL16544U9 41 Cer"kate of Authoraatton 09303 Re ision 17:04118/2016 T" Prcparedbr:RobertMenlnec%PE-S9166 Appends 2,Page 1 of 43 ti O rV 00 �r TRINITY€ERD 4. Minimum 200 psb mTnrrnum 2-inch thick lightweight Ensulating concrete may be substituted for Ogld Insulation board for System Type D(mechar►mTry attached base sheer,bonded roof cotter),whereby the base sheet fasteners are installed through the LWIC to engage the structural steel or concrete deck The structural deck shall be of equal or greater oonfiguration to the steel and Concrete deck BsUngs. Roof decks and structural members shall be In accordance withF8Crequlrementsto the satisfaction of the AHL Load resistance of the roof deck shag be documented through proper caddied and/or FBCApVcvWdoaxnentation. S. Unless othenvise noted,Insulation adhesfve application rates areas(otlows.Rs'bbonorbeadwldthisatthetimeofappOcation:then"bboaMbeadsshalexpandasnotedTnthemanuracka r'spubBAedhxgr dons• D Hot asphalt(HAI: Full coverage at 25-30 ft1square. >Dow Insta-stik Roofing Adhesive Contintms0.75 toi-inthwWe r9konsr 12-fnch o.c. >Millennium One Step FosmabTeAd)esrce(PA-0SFA): Continuous0.25 toO54nch wide ribbonsi,12-finds o t. D OMG OWond SM(08500): Continuous 0.75 to 443di-WWe ikbbnk-'U-inch ojc(AateCart or Spo4 M). mte: pJ Wd Green'nay ye used wirere o&swd S00 is • referenced - >O1y6ond Classic(Oa Cfassk): Full coverage at i galfsquare. D ICPAdheshre&5eahnisCR-20:. Continuous 25-3Z4rKhwide ribbons,12-Indi o6c� >Note: When nwWpkkyers(s)o/tnsufe8oaanrV4wconrbaardorelastafted1hAbon-appiiedadr+esh e,boord"ls'sW be sh*Wred. w ._ . . _. >Note: The madmwn edge dGstance jromrheoavesrrwrtbbontnLhe edge ofther+rsrdetanboar+dalwubenorkss Man one-iiolftheapeofredrrbbxuspvaTng. ............. ._...---•--•-•-•--..__..._..: ti 6. Unless etherwise noted,ad Insulations are fiat stock or to board of the minimum thickness noted.Tapered -: ---- -per per polytsovjanurate"atthefa]IowLrgthkaress'ilmititiokismay�esubsbtu2ed►vfthihefNlbWEngAlamnum.....__ . _`- Des n Pressure(MOP)8mitatiass. in nD case shall these vaakres be used to increase'the MOP " M - - - - ig ) hstfqgsio the fables;rather>F IJIDP fisting belownteets or exceeds that fisted for a pertltubrsy;terrrintherabies,then the thinner board listed belowm be used as ad ,CO may cop-Infartheegvivalenttirdcermateriallstedlnrhetabfe• CO -- >Millennium One Step FoamabfeAdhesive(&CWA): MOP -1575 psf (MEn:0.5 Taid►thic#} .p _--_ >OMG OIySond500(OB500): MOP -45Aad -4M[40-54nchthMAdutd-MarFA-3) NT _ >OMG UlpBolyd S00(0B500): MOP -1875 -- >OMGOTpBorrd5O0.(OB500): MDP -315Apsf (Mn.05-InchthkkENRGi3 ) -- - ti D OMGp7yBond5OOJ08500): MDP -405hsr (tdin.0.5-EnchthkkACFoamh) 7 - -:- -- - ICPAdheslves&SealantsCR-20: MOP -117-Spsf (Min.-l.41nch-thik:kr -- -- -_-_•7. Bonded p0iy45ocyanur8te1nsuia m boards shall be ma:dmnm 4 x4f- --- - For mechanically attactwd components or partially bonded Tr►skfatfon,the maximum dts7grs ptdsSrire'fai'the selected assernaiy shall inset or e#�eed the Zorie i desTgri piessure determined in imoidaras with FSC Chapter 16,and Zones 2 and 3 shall employ an attachment density designed by a quaTdied design'professTonaiZo resLst ttr elevated pressure i`fferia.`Conriibn1 used rriethnd$are RAS ill and FM LPD51-29. - Assern es marked with an asterisk*tarrytheitmitallons set forth In Section 2.Z3..5�1(a)of FM LPD51-29 for Zone 2/3 enhancements C 9. - For fully bonded assemblies,tLeam6niumdeftri pressure for tFeseWled assembly shag meet or exceed tftcaldeftrtpreswredeterrrdnedInaccordance-WthFBCChapW16,andrZrat16MIariafysst<pertMted; 10. For mechanicaliy attached Components over existing deck,fasteners shall be tested in the existing deck{Or withdrawal Tesistanee.-A.qualified-desigrr-professional3tr31 review the data fot can o - mintrnurnrequTrernentsforthesystem.TestingandanalysisshallbeTnacconiancevftbTAS105orAHSIJSPRIFX-1.-- R to the` - - p 11. For e:dsting substrates Ina bonded recm r Installation,theeidstling roof system shell be examined for oarrtpab1b tyand cloud perMor n&wftlifhe selected adhesne,arkf the erdsting roof system shall be iapab a of- - reststingpro)Mdesigrpresumonttsaxnme&tothesatisfactionoftheAH&asdocumertedthroughfleld•upEfttestinglnaocordanfeWMASTM007,-W-LP061-54AAMPRIIA-lorTAS124. _ 12. For RemverAppricationsuft System Type D,the InsuMionIsop6mal,,however,the adsting roof system shag be suitable for a"reCMF2Wiatbn.-- :-:.-- .-_: _ . -13- 'LWIC shall be cost In accordance with fBC Sectran 1917 to the satMacWn of the Authority Having JudWkUcm*For systemsvrhere-ipeafiCLWiCLsaferenced,refer toourrentLWTCPindkid-Aaprovalfoispeaflciietii= m construction an8limitations.For systems where specific LAW Is not referenced,the mininumdesigr mtx shall be 300ps1.In all easm—the r inimurr top coattfucknessis2-htltes-r LWICoworstnrcfuid torxreLe; +, reference Ismade to FOC Section 1917.4.1,Point 1. -" �D M Ln O Uterior Research and OesTjq,LLC.dWA TdnRVjERD &Aat on Report P9250A2.11tT-fi17for IiI65"19 Or CerfrrfimleOfAutindutionS950B Rerisbn17:04/18f1016 Pr4paredby: Rrbertt4iemtnen,PE391f6 AppWcr&1.Pzge2if45 ti C: tV co I` - TRINITY-ERD 14. UMmofherwlse noted,refer tothefolloWgreferencesforbonded base,patru cap sheet appiations. Reference Layer Material Application BP-AA Base Ply One or more Pies ss62 Rase,FBC ASTMO46O3. 11 - {Base and Ply sheen,Asphalt- Ply One or more ples P P N P ass Ply VI,FBC Approved ASTM 02178,Type IV or VI - - Hot Asphalt at 2O.40 - Applied) ]tote: ! s eetrarbuuAo[iando$notbe fo ocedrnernfiravns s4 1 r jr:.4=a;•• -- _ Base One*Bastobase(sand/sa ElastofkxV,EfastoAexS6,PDhvassHTEraseb5O SBS•CAi � Cap .i ElastoflexVG,EWsWfenVGMElastofk%S6,ElastolkxS6G,EtastofleuS6G FR,E1&stoshield13,GElaMnhield3S-GFR,PotyfreskoG Qat12A• SBS(sand-badced),PofyGeskoGSBSFA(sand-badoed} -- •-------.-_. ..,_ ,..., p.(/square BasePlj One Elastobase(sand/sandl.fiasto[iexV,ElastoflexS6 SBS-CA2 £lastaflex VG,Ebstoftex VG Fti,Elasfoflex S6,EFastoflexS6 G,Eiastofiex S6 G FK EEaStoshleWTS-G.ElastosltTefd TS G FA;Po7y�resicoG d.�b PchpluS 35 a t 2 5-2.0 . Cap SBS sand-baP*fresko6S13SFR(sand-badedl :- .. - ..::::-._: .:.._.. gaUsquare ti Base � One ormore pies Elastobase(sand/sancta poly/sand},EtastobaseP(sandfsandor polylsandl,`-IastOfJM V,EbStD*Feu56:Pofyglass _ ._.. __.__._.._,z_ ,-•-_-- Pty Hi Base 650 _ .:: co -- _ - --- SBSrAA EbstproexV,ElastoHexMEfastoflexVGFP.ElastoitexS6,ElastoflexS6G,ElaStofflexS6GTJtElAttoshipJdTSGTIas'osNeld75GFR, tAsphakat2�40: - _---- (SBS.Aylhait-APP )co Cap Ibsfsquare. . _.. P G 5B5[sarld•badced},P rpskoG SOS FQ(sand-batkad) Note: As [ ]fedsfxetsarfnsrdodarsfiakfnotbeaf7DflsdtoDor/-�lL+eawfocedman6rones-•---- ------------- -- ------• 565-TA Base Mroc Ply OneormorelKesElastobase(sand/poly),Elastubase /poly) ElastoflexV,Ekastotiex% ssHTBase6S0-.-• --•-- ----• - -----_----•-- --.___.-_ EtastoftexV,ElastoffexVG,EkutrflexVG FP,Ek�off�c56,ElastcftexSEG,Oastof]ex56GPR,Et gmhfetdiS-G ELssfosfwl"S-GFR; --Torch- (585,Tacch AppBed} Cap PofyfceskaO SSS bade:d),Pe oG SBS FR(poN-PknbetW) - - - Base Ply Orte or more pies ElastoffexSA V Base,Elastoffex SA V FR Base,Efastoftr SA V PIus,Elastaflex SA V PIutFR -- - SSS-SA Cap ElastoflexSA P.Elastoflex SAPFR,Po ,rRect _°- _ -_-- -= __.-.- .--,--_-_•_._ (SBS,SeY-Adhering tMless othertsfse�wftd Pe+mhs8kmembrwrE srebrtratesJar SBS SA mrGm![ed ro[heseS�ABdse WAdherfn 1YoFtb++sl►ereiti." . g - [a Flosfabose sondJ or I.Ra oofrosa f A ,H APP-TA Base Ply or M One or more s ssAPP Base,PolyBEx,PatowO - -- - -- - -- -_-- -----r APP,Tordr•APOW) Cap Polyflex,Pd"exG PotyflexGFR, d,PolybondG,Potyfresko,G,Po eskoGFA T*l Apq.k APP-SA Cap PotyflexSAP,P exSAPFR, reskoGSLPofykod - - - - - - - ---- [APP,SeIf,Adhering} Me: [Jrdltssotherx3tenotcdpermfsslblemem8ranewbsfratafarAPP4Srl One 7FrnedtatheSBirSJ(HoseAy her¢lrb SetfAdheririg - O Any of the folladMg FBC Approved coatings may be appfled to the top roof membrane wfthout adverse effect-ort'the system Wind load performarice:-7tefer to cuaent Roofing Weisats ofredcry for fire ratings-.. assocfatedwlth caatingusage. --_ -...._.:..- •: •.:_.�•.. D PG200tlonFibered RoofCoating - D PG300Abeted Roof Coating; D PG60OHon4IberedATumfnumRoofCoating; . . . - - - 4+ D PG65OFiberedA?uminumRoofCoatueg; D P67OGHO Quaky Etastomerfc Roof CoaSngorKMAcryl25; _._ ... D P3700QS(Quick Set)H%hQua5tyEfastomedc Roo[CoatIngorKPAAuyT25-QS(for granxie-sWacedAPPor565 only); .. . .. . D PGWO Asphalt Emulsion Roof Coating; - D Potyptus60PremfumHon-AberedAkwinum Rod CoatfnX D Polypfus 65 Premium FiberedAkxninum Roof Coating; ti D Po4bdte 70 Premium Grade ElastomedcRoof Coating or KM Aryl 15; D Pokbrite70QS(Quick Set)PremiumGradeEfastomerkRoofCoatingorKMAcryl1S-QSlforgrarwle-surfacedAPPer SOS only);. _ •�_.___. M D Poh4w!te 00 Hfgh WdsSilicone Roof Coating"PohWte95 SBicone.Roof Cra g& l � o E:terbr Research and DesWk LLC.d/hra TdlnftyltPD EVakration ReportP929002A6-R17fDrFU6M-Rig 4- Cert,fftateolAuthccbation#9S03 RevfsfonI7.GVI8/'.Dt6 o - P4 aredby:Robert Hiermiea,PES916fi , ApDendbr i,?a6e 3 oi45 ti e-- 0 N co co TRINITY- 'ERD a _ TABLEIF-1:WOOD O£CK5-hEWCONMUCrIONORRrROOF(TM-OFF) SYSTEMTYPEE:HnN-VJSVLATEO,MECFANIC LYATTACHEDBASESN"cET(riARS),BONDEDROOFCLVER System Deck(5ee tcasesheet Roof Coker(SeeTabh11 MGP No. Note1) Type Foster Attach Basety Cap two 6-ixhoc.at2-ln&.tapand64rxhox-intwo(2L BP•AkSBS-AI6SWTI6 SWSA.APASh W-99 in�chpVA,0od Oastobase Elastob"al' SimplexMAUCap SPP-As. STJ� 9DA equafyspec[tl,sb�ered[enterrows APP•TA APP-TA - I 64ncbocat2-irxtiapaMSAncho -Int1wee{3l, BP-AA, SBS'S&APPSh Min.W-100 i pt w od Etastobase,0astobaseP SinptexmAncap 5s5 5B5Th iO50 - equaayspaced,stafgeredts�tumws APPTA aPP-TA- -" _ SBSS+ttAPP-SA, MTn.19/32- - 32ga,1.3 •�18 ►6mmetertlnppswirthilea. 6•inrhoc-hA-ind+iapandfrit►drac.l0ourI31, .BP-WI,SBSi111,59ST1-, �,�SBS-TA W-ltn Frxhp�d E7astobaae,ElastobaseP anrwTarringshankna$ :equWspwed,staggered center rows APP-TA SRSAPPAA_ P co Ori6iw$S& kxC3PHadsfl-hn meAolJ�e�od... 6-ineho.cat3-indslap and 6-inchouhfaur��l :. .�. ��- - W-10I Min.1Sf32- =��'EFastubaseP{pOWAM droa� W,l2goryezmn.l.2S-&rclrbtxlareF« -- srr�d�t1 equaFy spaced staggered oertterrows -:-- sBS TaAPP TA_00 - '- — - -- OrTgy►aiSimpiacWPH02sf1 hmetalhra�i• 6&Aocat3-kxhiapand64MhoxA f_our�4),.. - - - - N Min.15/32- "lass APP Base,ETasto6ea�. ariometeb iiyeupermh l?S Brd+fongonnrda- -- S�ol�iex&A Base _�___ "APP•TA, - inchphwoeti ElastobaseP(poly"t'ihatop) equaIIUSPacedstaggeredcer►terrows -•- -- -_.525_ ~ Mia.19/32- Eastobase.ElavuAweP(p*-ffm 326a�15194ndtdiametertln cap with 11era. 8-inchax.vs4 xhbpand&4xho.Ghthree(31;: W-104 IrtchPt/Ytood top) ---- ---- SBS511 SOS-TA. 60A--- anraritnaslanknaltf eq[caEyspaeed,stag30redcenterraws 0.OLP�TA'==-_ " --- -•.• MFn.1902- Elastobase;Elastobmi;(poVArn 326a.3-SJ8-WhdameWt8scapswithItP: 8•inch*tIn4-inthiapand84nobox-Inthree{3k ---- -- _.__- W-106 inth FfYMOOd top} P4"y KSA Base APATA anntA&rr6tEsh3nkna35 _ .- --- .equatispaced staggeredoenterroxs -- --- - --- -- ='- _.. NA1n. W-106 MR- Sastobase,EtaAobaseP{p*Akn 32aa,1-S1840chdlametertYtcapswithllp. 4 nchox�in44nchlap"4-b hor Inlaur(db SBS-SA SBS-SkAPPSk .. ._ �475--- -------•-- inchphveod top) innufarringshanknals. e"a%,spateckstageredcenterra%s -' ' - SBS•TA,APPTA MkL 14132- Etastobase eastobase P(pof f-tbn 32 ga,1•519-ixh diameter tin caps wkh 11 ga. 4-inch o -in 4iedt tap and 44nch axc in Foi4(41'- Po Vkx SA Base APP-TA - =975 -- W-107 hich Fhviood tap) UfAllatiftshankrtau. - ..___. eQila'ly Spaoed,staggered C4ntH tows - - 32 6a,1-518-mdr diameter tin caps with 11 Sa. O W-1[!S Min.19132- Etastobase.ElastabaseP(poft-Sm 63rxhocfn4 chtapand6ixtroc infour(4), ETastntlen5AVP3ss 58551�AP Sid - - inch.pkwood top) annOiarftshm%nalb.No. Tir+copswzto . r-• ' - printer'twfthPG1l73orASMD41pri'rner equalyspaced, F6eredoerrterraxz EEastaflmcSAVPiaFR 585Tq,i1PP7A f1Mkr.19f32 Etastobase,EWstobaasP{pdyfiim 32aaJ1 r./&irr1►drameter tin caps whhSlga frinthox-in4-hitltiapand6incftot Tnit�ur(4) W-109 irKlr ptltavod tom) annular ft shank nals.Note:Tfn caFsaretO bE 9OFyflexSA&vr - APPTa equOrspaced.itaxeredCenter raves - # - pr4rsedrrrithFjfi10QarASTM D4lptirt>er. P— M r[1 � Extedor Research ar4Desran,llCdfb/aTmitylEAD Evak*WnRepWP9290A2.D6at17forFU654-R9 r Certificate ofAuthoraatkn095M RevkbaI?.w18/i016 Ol• Prepared by: Robed Nleminem PE-59166 Apper4bc 1.Page 19 oE45 r C> N