HomeMy WebLinkAboutWater Well PermitsVI? Ron DeSantis Mission: Govemor To protect, ptomote & improve the health of all. people lnflorldR�through-Integrated Scott A, Rivkees, MD stale; county & communityefforf- H FA CT H. State SuMeon General Vision: To be he HealthlestStatein the Nation Florida Depart.mont, of Health in St. Lucie County ConditionsforIssuance of Water Well Permits Effective July .24,.2017 0 Contact the Florida Department of Health in Saint. Lucie County (FDO.H — St. Lucie), prior to constructing or abandoning any well., 4Cal. — f the. FD(�H: — St. Lucie, Well Line at 772-8784936 or email. � ,SLOOOHMELLSArl-HEALTH. GOV b. Provide the following. information: I. Permit number Ii. Dri.110-r name: ilia Address iv. DaAe,and time to begin. construction../abandonment Aminimum of.24 hours' notice is required before constructing any public water supply wells. Please,zall Wrmdin: office. at 772.873-4931 and' speak with Environmental Health Staff or provide notification by email to SLC-DOH�WELLSe-'FLH.EALTH.:GOV • gubmittev* 6 Within 48 hours of-. well IsJons to per.mit-and/or datto e, , fee site ciat d- f c6ristrfi on, or 4icp'bbAdohment. i, :Florida; Departmentrof Health Accredited Hoolth'Department 5150 WNW DrNe -Pod SL Ldiddf FL 34983 ic ealth Accreditation Boa NHWIE: V21462-3.800 - FE� -1721871436.0• Pubr. .H 6tLucIdCountykbhIth.'doIn STATE` OF FLORIDA PERMIT APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT, REPAIR, MODIFY, OR ABANDON A WELL ❑Southwest ❑ Northwest PLEASE FILL.OUTALLAPPLICABLEFIELDS. (*Denotes Required Fields (Were Applicable) El St. Johns River aScuth Florida ❑Suwannee River The water well contractor Is responsible forcompleting this form and forwardingthe.permit application to the appropriate delegated authority where applicable. eI gated Authority. (If Applicable) 4. 09 " Site, ST L(. ael- `Section or Land Grant *T hip *Range *County /cam 3ar '*Water erW II Cont.a� `License Number *TeI 6. Permit No. 59-31085 Florida Unique ID Permit Stipulations Required. (See Attached) 162-U4 Quad No.. Delineation No. GUPIWUPApplieation No. 'ZIP *Telephone Number Lot Block Unit CDbck if'62-524:_ Yes y No Z, *Type dUWorks,_ZCon6trustion _Repair _Modification &:sNu(.nber of Proposed Wells,. _Abandonment . 'ReasonforRepair, Modification, or Abandonment �r StamR D D' D 9. `S�p ity;intended' U1.se(s)of Well(s): S/Domesiic Landscape Irrigation; Agricultural Irrigation _Site Investigation _Bottled Water Supply _Recreation Area Irrigation _Livestock _monitoring Public WaterSupply (Limited USeIDOH) ^Nursery Irrigation Test Coupled Geothermal _PublioWaterSupply (Comrunity ov Non-Community/DEP).=Commercial/Industrial _Golf Course Irrigation _Earth HVAC Supply OCT _Class l Injection _HVAC,Return Class. V Injection;Recharge _Commercial/Industrial Disposal _Aquifer Storage and Recovery.Draina Remediafion:=Reccveiy._AirSparge_Otlq.(gesorba) FD;�1(; Othef"(Describe). I (Note: Nol all types ells are perniltled by,a given permHtin9 authority)' 10.'Distance'from Septic Sys a if s2QU; ft. 11. Facile ription 12. Estimated Start DafenS . 13."Estimated. Well Depth ft. ` timated ' asing Depth ft.. *PrimaryCasing Diameter in. Open Hole: Erom To ft. 14. Estimated Screen interval: Fro"12-0 Primary Casing (Material: Black Steel Galvanized PVC Stainlesg Steel NotCased: �—Other: 1:6..SeconJary Casing: Telescope Casing V Liner Surrace Casing Diameter .in. 17'. Secondary Casing Material. Black Steel Galvanized VC, Stainless Steel Other 18;4'.Meth6d or Construction Repair, drAbandonment: Auger Cable Tool Jetted Rotary Sonic (3gmbination (TWo or More Methods) Hand Dr(yen (Well Point, Sand Point)' Hydraulic Point(D)rectPush) Horiionta4Driliing Pltjgged tyy.Approved Method Other (Desodbe) 19. Proposed Grouting Interval for the Primary;. Secondary, and Additional Casmg: From To Seal 96ted6l,( Bentonite . Neat Cement Other I. From ' to Seal Matertat ( Bentonite Neat Cement. Other } From To Seal Material( Bentonite Neat Cement Other From To Seal Material �Benf 'nite Neat Gemanf . Other 1 20..Indidate total numberof existing wells:onsite. Ltst ni mberofexist ng unused wells on site 21::*Is this well or anYexistmg W:elLorwaterwit rawal on the owner'scontrguous property covered under a Consumpt(velWater Use Permit.(CUP/W.UP) or CUP/WUP Applicatlon? Yes V.No If yes, comptete;the following: CUP/WUP No: District Well ID No. 22. Latitude /Longitude . A Data Obtaine.d Frotn: GPS -/ Map: Survey Datum: NAD 27 NAD 83WGS 84: rlieretry cerli(Y'Oi'all:wll4eainPlYwllh.p,e:'eoolleebl6 Niea of.111(e4a;Flo'rtAa"ACminialraUY9 Code,and 0ietewaist feeN&4hat Iamthe awnerbr the proeerty.. that aieintnmiallon prodded' I! acWraW,.aM that l am;eweM,gVmy Approval Granted Fee Received S THIS PERMIT Receipt No. �3 8/24 -•D,ats Expiration Date Check..No. VE OF THE1iWMD OR DELEGATED AUTHORITY THE DEP Form: 62-532000(1) Incciporated.in 62-53Z400(1), F.A.C. Effective Date: October 7, 2010 Page 1 of 2 ------------ SUR PARCEL. ID: 1309^411-0001=000-0 7 i. OF IINE �j 00 X BUILDING DETAIL & GRAPHICSCALE 1,3 c Ut. St. Lucie County Health Department is 5150 NW Milner Dr Port Saint Lucie, FL 34983 HEALTH PAYING,ON' m56-SF-2165577 SILL DOC #:56-81D-4982989 CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION CATION M. AP1577433 RECEIVE[? FROM,: Adair Garcia AMOUNT PAID: S 660i00 PAYMENT FORM-' CHECK, 190 PAYMENT DATE: 09/1,0/2020 MAIL TO: Adair Garcia FACILITY .NAME PROPERTY LOCATION -.- TOO - Johnston Rd Fort Pierce, FL 349.5-1 Lot:- -840qk; Property ll)r.i 1209-411-0001-QW-0 EXPLANATION or DESCRIPTION: - QUANTITY FEE 128 - OSTDS Construction $yqtem:Inspectfon Research Fee 1 $ 5woo 4 - Surcharge (All) 1 $- 45.00 A - 08TD8 New Permit Surcharge -1 - OSTDS-Constructi on . Application and Plan Revfew,New. 123 - OSTIJ.8 CidnstrUdri6h: I .Ite Evqlultio.h 1.26 - OSTDS Construction. Permit (New or Mod, Amendment) 127 - OSTDS Construction -$.y$;te,m Inspection 1133 - 0 D.S. Construction . I ST. - action Roinspection -1 - Well Construction RECEIVED BY WhiqhaM.JL $ 100.00 $ 100.00 1 $ 115.00 1 $ 55.00 1 $ 75.00 $ 50:.00 $ 11 U0 AUDIT CONTROL NO. 56-PID-4660137'