HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOC FILE # 4776456 OR BOOK 4503 .PAGE 564, Recorded 11/04/2020 01:44:44 PM •PGltMti'NI)Atf3ER: Z7rIaSPucis rrscrnd for tvwrahy Into I ' NO'nCKOF.CO 'the undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain real property,and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida statutes the following infoaaition is-provided in the Notice of eommeacement. 2 301-111-0001-000,DFv^CRIPTIO�V OFx v > gal drsaiption and street address)TAX FOLIO NLR148ER —J SUBDIVISTO o�Intry _LOT__73LDG UNIT • �o�-Q Cq CC�1Z. East k of section 1 township34 R o 34s $anae 39S 2.GENERALDESCUMON.OPWROVEMENT: lying N&W of Turnpike Feeder add 3.OWNER RaORMATION':. a.NAB y,;� n�V el elf.. Cora*i o ti 1 y pddL8000 S. USl,. Suite .402s. -PSL, FL 34952 c.interestiapzoperty d.Name And address of fee simple titleholder Of other than owner) 4.CONTRACTOR'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONENUMBER:- Wynne Development Corporation 8000 S_ US1, Suite 402, M, Pr 34952 772—s7s-5515 I SURETY'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONENUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT: 6.EMWER'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: J /1 7.Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may he served as provided by Section723.13(1)(A)7,Florida Statlires: John Brennan NAME,ADDWS AND PHONE NUt101ER as asi aG' t pi eres. er. 3495I 772 466 1553 8.In addition to himself or herself,Owner designates the following to receive a copy of the laen&s Notice as provided is Section 713.13(1)(b),Florida Statutes: NAM ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER 9-Expnedon date of notice of eonuaen=faent(the expiration date is I year from the data of recording unless a different date is Specified) 2 t WARMNG TO OWNER.ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFT MIRK MMATION OF THE NOTICE OP COMMENCIR `fir ARE CONMERFD IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPT -713 PART r SECTION El a,FLORMA STATUM AND QN RaSULT IN YOUR PAY24G MME FOR 1MPROVFhM. M•t0 YOUR PROPERTY-A NOTICP OF COMMENCM M Mun BE UCORM AND POSTHD ON THE JOB SITE S&AM T9F FIRST fNSPF=ON IF YO t 1ArMM TO OBTAIN FINANCING CONSULT VM YOUR LEH=OR AN ATrORLWLffdMER COMMENCING WORK OR RWORDWOYOUROF Matthew Lyle Wynne, Vice-President SfgoatncO of Owner or Print Name and Provide Signatory's T9tlatOff-rce Owner's Authorized OtLtermireetortPartnerlManager State ofFlorlda Coontyof St. 1.11r-1e• Tire foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ei day of C/G��.(Jr-a-7L - 20 a By Matthew Lyle Wynne as l/)cA rRG�tDFwT (Name ofperson) (Type of authority...mg:Owner,Officer,trustee,attorney in fact) porWynne Building Corporation (Name of party on bahalf of whom instrnmtmi was e:mcrled) Pe:sohally Faown_�orl=du=d the following type of M:_ ,q !F' DOROiHYANNt1RS}0N �o�N iYN,�BA•S(C,a t•rr,(�n•fG., t MYGOMMISSIONMIW Os5413 9Pdnttd Name ofNotary.Public) (Signature dlaryPublic) I piPIRESOdoLar2,207A .� Its Under Under penalties of perjury,I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts in rt ate e m me t o my w Be belief(rcraon 92525.Florida Sfatutcs). Signwre(s)of Owners)or Owner's)'Authorized Of6cerlDireetoripartnedManager who signed above: ticv.atnanaalf��sl .