HomeMy WebLinkAboutApproved SurveyBOUNDARY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 2 in Block 2 of ORANGE BLOSsoM ESTATES according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 11 page 6 of the Publ ic Records of St.Lucie'County,Florida\ SURVEY SURVEYORS NOTES: 1.Unless otherwise noted only plotted easements are shown hereon. 2.Na underground uti lities or improvements were located unless otherwise shown. 3.This site Iies within Flood Insurance Role Mop Zone X Map#12111C0187J Doted 2/16/12. 4.Flood Zone shown hereon is on interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. Th~flood zone should be verified by a determination agency.' 5.Bearings shown hereon are bas~a on the Center line ot 19th STREET as being N 01"06'30"W according to the Plat described hereon. 6.P.U.D.E.denotes Public Ut i lities and Drainage Easement. 7.AI I Lot dimensions shown are per plot unless otherwise shown.• ABBREVIATIONS: SET =Set 5/8"iron rebarwithyelloWcopmarked"psM 5543" FD=Found 5/8"Iron Rebar F.F.E.=Finished Floor Elevat ion OH--OH--OH-=Over Head Wires X--X--X-=Chain LinkFenceR.O.W.=Right of Way 0--0--0-=Wood Fence~= FPL Translormer Pod PL=Value asplottedR=Radios 01curveL=Length 01 curve/::,.= De I\\I 01 Cu r ve MEAS.=Measured CONC.=ConcreteC.P.=ConcretePodE8=Wot er Met er®= Power Po Ie 0=UI i lit Y Box Well QFD gi .LOT 3 BLOCK 2 LOT 9 BLO§~ S 89"04'00·E '97.88' fOU~D DISTURBEI I+l fE~c[COR~ER ~ E8 I.I PROPERTYCOR~ERRESET. 1.~I ·Nc.om 0- c:;:j - 21.27'10C.P.M -i 32.55'0 I ~r-.44.00 I 0:z :zCDg0- 0>IV 1 g 0 0.d !'-'d ('")0'>.C~C.DRI'I{a>~A;:: 0 0 .~ VI Ul L I'VP0-<~5'VI• 18.00 i 0 0 '..;:: 0 C(• I .>~-<10'·~n c: 0.0Ifo1z:0Vl, 20.95'1'1J CD 10.00:J:~.->-~ 0.-..•. n ~....• 0 0 A 1 0;::0 9'9'0 0 -~>- o.~00II~. 30.79'I41.03'26.00 1= I 1 0- M 0.~ 1 i 0> m c:;; 1N ~. CD--~ I I 0- 0FDS89"04'00·E 97.88'FE~c[COR~ER.~('") PROPERTYCOR~ER A I'V LOT 1 BLOCK 2 CK 2 2408 S 19th STREET Ce r Iii ied to:Scott Gerold Myers &Colleen E.Gannon SCAL E :1 "=30 'Atlantic Land Designs PNC Mortgage,a division of PNC Bonk,N.A. St.Lucie Title Services,Inc. DATE:4/26/14 01 the Treasure Coast,LB7468 IWFGNational Title Insurance Co. 754 ~E Jensen Beach Blvd.Jensen Beach,fL 34957 I hereby cerl i Iy that the survey shOWn hereon is true and correct DRAWN:AWP MailingAddress:and is based on actual measeurements taken in the lield.This P.O.Box 1421 Jensen Beach,FL 34958 survey meets the ~inimum Technical Standards 01 Chapter 5J-17 \c 2014-0275 ALD5543@gmail.com (772)398 ..4290 Florida a<ninistrative code.'\;:"FJ('~;Roc-(;;' James A.Digitally Signed by James A.Cesiro Jr.PSM5543DATE:REVISIONS DN:err-james A.CesiroJr.,o=Atlanlic Land - ICesiroJr.Design,au,email=AlDS543@gmai!.com,(=-US Dale:2014.04.28 01:48:42 -04'00''"{,'" STATE OF :s.,or LAST FIELD DATE:4/25/14 NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC £1'(;'""L(JR \01'-~'ir SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL D SURVE."iO