HomeMy WebLinkAboutPurchase ContractCorporate Office P.O. Box 1263 187 Cardinal Ridge Tr. Dobson, N.C. 27017 Email: cci@carolinacarports.com DEALER Superior Sheds Ft Pierce CUSTOMER George Fulmer DELIVERY ADDRESS 3820 Delaware Ave PHONE HOME (__) UNIT SIZE WIDTH 20 COLORS ROOF GREEN GAUGE ❑ 14 012 Toll Free: (800) 670,4262 Local: (336) 367-6400 Fax: (336)367-6410 Carolina Fax: (336) 367-6411 arports, 2nc Web: carolinacarports.com DEALER PHONE 7( 72 ) 460-4600 St Lucie ORDER DATE 8127/2020 TAX%(WHERE DELIVERED) .07 COUNTY CITY Ft Pierce STATE FI ZIP 34947 bRK ( ) MOBILE ( ) .772-302-1445 #NGTH 26 HEIGHT 12 All Orders C.O.D. bES GREEN TRIM GREEN $3800.00 Price C RTIFIED ❑UNCERTIFIED 20 x26 $2495.00 12 F TALL $480.00 4- P NELS $440.00 1- GAOLE END $210.00 12 GAUG� FRAMING $175.00 MAIL EN 6165 Ft NOTE: FRAME 1 FT. SI ROOF STYLE ❑ REGULAR ❑B BARN ❑ HORSE HC SURFACE TYPE W GROUND ❑C BINDIN This purchase WE ration, and ant to th ter 1 ment, including the Email: (the "Nre ment".i AP V_j ,M '_ —this Agreeme t, and conditio7 cl :ERING TO: Sheds I US HWY 1 fL 34982 Tax Subtotal $266.00 $4066.00 $608.00 16 % Down Payment Before Tax Any order over $15.000 requires a 50 % payment the balance due at me time of scheduling $3458.00 Total ENGINEERING $125.00 Additional Labor Charge $3583.00 Balance Due at Installation Payment Option: ❑ Check Money Order ❑ cash ❑ PO # Credit ER THAN ROOF LENGTH I wtha2%pro cesssisuFee) EAVE W VERTICAL NA ❑ SENECA POWER AVAILABLE YES NO ❑ T ❑ ASPHALT ❑ WALL ❑ WOOD OTHER MRCHASE CONTRACT is -made by and between Carolina Carports, Inc. (and I'C�CIa agrolina ees to r sell, pursu- (the Buyer ). Buyer agrees to buy, �e item described above. Buyer has read and understands the terms of this Agree - ltained on the reverse side of this document and agrees to be bound by the same. CCI Representative: FL# - OBC1254822 Rev. Aug. 212018 THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING CARPORTS INC.