HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING STAMPED PLAN-2"-2"-2"-2"-2"M. Randall Rodgers, P.E. FL Lic. No. 68212 1801 Hazelwood Drive Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 PH: (772) 201-1634 11-26-2020 ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED & SEALED M. Randall Rodgers, State of Florida Professional Engineer, License No. 68212 This item has been electronically signed and sealed by M. Randall Rodgers on the date indicated here using a SHA authentication code. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the SHA authentication code must be verified on any electronic copies. Marvin R Rodgers Digitally signed by Marvin R Rodgers DN: c=US, o=Unaffiliated, ou=A01410C000001725DB6E2C A00018119, cn=Marvin R Rodgers Date: 2020.11.26 16:14:50 -05'00' ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED & SEALEDM. Randall Rodgers, State of FloridaProfessional Engineer, License No. 68212This item has been electronically signed andsealed by M. Randall Rodgers on the dateindicated here using a SHA authentication code.Printed copies of this document are not consideredsigned and sealed and the SHA authenticationcode must be verified on any electronic copies.11-26-2020 ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED & SEALEDM. Randall Rodgers, State of FloridaProfessional Engineer, License No. 68212This item has been electronically signed andsealed by M. Randall Rodgers on the dateindicated here using a SHA authentication code.Printed copies of this document are not consideredsigned and sealed and the SHA authenticationcode must be verified on any electronic copies.11-26-2020