HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationAIIAPPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date:Permit Number: Building Permit Application Planning and Develapment Services Building and Code Regulatian Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL i4982. Phone: (7721 462-Ls53 Fax: (7721 462-t57 8 Commercial _ Residential X Address: PropertyTax lDil: Site Plan Name: Lot No. 3Z Block No. 4n Project Name: CetC CONSTRUCTION IN FO RMAT|ON : Additional work to be performed under this permit - check all that apply: _Mechanical _ Electric _ Gas Tank . _ Plumbing _ Gas Piping . Sorinklers Shutters Windows,/Doors Generator Roof Pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction:Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Constructio ",5 1750.@ Utilities: _ Sewer _ Septic Building Height: lf value of construction is $2500 or morer a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. lf value of HVAC is 57,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. PERMIT TYPE: PRO POSED I M PROVEM EI{T LOCATION : DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: OWNERILESSEE:CONTRACTOR: Phone rvo. 1?2' Y'78 . 0831 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) Address: 4rl0 Mrttn e.ll gE city: &,\m &g , Fl state: FL Zip Code:Z4rffi rax: 3Zt- 3tZ- 4797 Phone ruo 32t - 11f1 ' 9qrq E-Mail State or County t-icense 3Ocl85 Name $r\vtn lnte Name: Tnsharn );velu City:State: F\ Zip code: 3QQS3 - r.*, company: flrotessianot G.*de frm-c SUPPLTMEhITAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATIGN: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Not Applicable Name: Address: City:State: zip:Phone MORTGAGE COMPANY: __ Not Applicable Name: Address: City:State: zip:Phone FEE SIMPLE TITIE HOLDER: Not Applicable Name: Address: City: zip:Phone: BONDING COMPANY: __Not Applicable Name: Address City zip:Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicared, I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie County.makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subiect structurewhich ts in contlict with any applicable Home Owners Assoclation rules, bvlaws or and covenants that mav restrict 6r prohibit suchstructure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review'your deed foi any iestriCtions Whiih miy adply - --- ln consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review; room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use (.WARNING TO OWIIIER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A ITIOTICE OF COMMEIUCEMEI{T MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYIITIG TWICE FOR IIIIPROVEMET{TS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A ITIOTICE OF COiIiIETTICEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB S|TE BEFORE THE FIRST TNSPECTEil. tF YOU il{TEilD TO OBTAil\t FtilAIUCtIUG, CONSULT WITH YOUR LEITIDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMEIIICEiIEIUT.,, Signature of Owner/ Lessee/Contractor as Agent for Owner STATE OF FLORIDA coUNTY or Sf ^luciC The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this { aav ot DecembAr , zo 76 bv j:rrr\,,..,i:,v,}, Name of person making statement. Personally Known OR Produced ldent (Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BTP-U^'A The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this { dayot Decenbef .zajr| by Name of person making state , Personally Known Y .On Produced ldentifica Tvoe of ldentification Proaucea ilh ry Public- State of Florida ) 6 EN E-9:' I.>Q Qg oJu:o o >?ZN>ul SEA TURTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW . CERTIFICATE 0F SURVEY oa0Ei r0. 4555 I IIEREIY CENTIfY IHTI 'HC FLIT SIfiOIIil MNEOil I3 A IRUE T'ID COIiICT REPiESEilITIIOII Of A SUf,YI? OF THE PeoPtnrY DEtcfiltEn lfl IHE c^Piloil T[EI!0F,I|ADE utoEn llt DtnEcltstrax0 ls AccuAII I0 IIE IEST 0F,rl rfloHLtoG€ rilD tELteFrfi{o IHrt rHEiE mE [0 vlsltlE EfiCnOACmEtts,t,rtLE!3 SBO|{. ! runrllEi GERTIFY IHAT lutg SUAyEr ]IEEI3 IHE nliltrur rECrfitCrL sTlilolfios fot t fiD SuRvEyl[o lt| IfiEEIAIE 0F fLOilDA(Cll PIEi 2lllH-a FLonlEA ltlilXt3li I|YE CODEIFOn rXE IYPE Of SUfivEy sHoxil rEr8or. ,. l.?Nts P[rr oF lunvEY lEI.ilb SEATCH oF IIIE PUBLIC!.ru€ iunvEr oF ?RoPEirY r ilor vtlrD ur.L€lt SEALED Htnt lt El{80s3Eo SuivEvon'! !ErL.; BECOiDS llAS lEtil lrArE r? T{tt ofFlgE roi lccrnlcr on orr iH0fifl ltEf,cofl l3 EIELUSITTELY li ACCOn94rfI xtrfi Oticit?rro] ":*w;2 CERTIFIED TOI FTNST CITIZETIS PEDER.AL SAVIHGS & LOATI ASSOC. o- rl-,.-:-a raIIa IIq !aI STfl'ART gITLE IA. AND I{RS. ALVIN COLE LE rEtlD!E rgjHo c0ilcBErE [oilutJHrT o Fouilo lnol 8t[KEit sEr coilcrEr€ fioiil,fiE[T a sEI l[0r ]ttRr(EftoEo-tr ilnot FE!|CE -{-:t H 186-FE!|GB-O-UI!|IIY Pol.E--. - t Pld s)$e ^ t-, =re -o{- '.9 .{ \ Eif.'r'\)!rqi rt)Htr:u'iaaaE*li H;!{!*I: h.l i t,al :\; NE }}r !0 -6{- 9.E E -- le !- 5E tl lI 4 ol+ ili >11 q SunltY r,F ll0 SH0ltIll6 LoT t2l5 ttCoRoEB trl PLII Rl)o( il PAlit DESCn I P' I0lr BtoC( .n 0F TXE SUB0HS!0I 0F slvEi ?^Ix tlli? I 9. ntcorDs 0F s?. [clf couxll,ft0Rt0r n$on zilE I PAiAL It}. 12028r-0tE0l A00r€95:tla n^tffit lYt. m*T $1. wcli. rtliilD^ zuara frrat t.*ut L.1ae/&/r,. /VfrntfidA .4YE iluE , 2oFX llSPrlet7 SUAF4<e rocAlt0x SrcTQt xoT l0 scAL€ (rtt iTOSEPH E. SMITH, FrLE # 478956L CLERK OF THE oR BOOK 4519 CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY PAGE 385, Recorded 12/07/2O2O L2t27223 iu NOTICE OF COMMENCHMANT Permit No.PropertyTarlllt'lo.3l@ Stare of Fbrida, County of St Lucie The Underuigntd hereby gives notice that improvemcnt will be mede lo certein real property, ilrd in stcordane with Chapter 713, Florida Statutel, the following informetion is pnovirlcd in this Notite of Commencement. f-egal Dercription of property aad addrrrs if avaihble Rirer B.rtt llnritl Alkqn J.a.r.{l frnlo.+{./rrs* Gcneral description of impnovementr ow ne r/ lc*see ,1't! il.-{A:l0, eoores l3t{ f) Daltrnp :[y*. Fyr S* Jrl+4 F] 3tl{Es, lnteregt' in prropcrty:olr)ne/ Fee Simple Title holder (if othcr &an owner)N/A Addrc$s Contractor Phone# loo'cm tlh lharfinRd SE,Ialrrr Ba(, Fl 3l4O{ Far# su'ety N/{Pbone# N/A Addrrw N/A srx* NlA Arnount of Eond tUlA I*nder N/r{Phane# AliA Address NIi tax# illA Peruons wlthin thcState of Florida designated b-t ()wnerupon whom notices orotlcrrhcuments mey be mrreil as pruvided by Sectiou 713.13 (a) 7., Florida Ststum: xrme rJlA Addrtss hl/r{NIA In addition to nimsetr, owner de*ignattr NIA f't/A- . . Phone# Far+ d/[ -.- -. -, tor€ceileacop_'*ofthcLienor'sNoticearprovidedinScctionTlJ.l3(l)(b),FhridaStatut€$ Expiratinndateofnotice0f rommercern€nt is one year from the rlate of rtcording unle*s a differcilt date is specified. WARNIIT{G TO OtilNERl ANY PAllrli\Ts I'IADE B)"I-HI] ()i&\ER --TFTER THr. IXPIRd'nON of lll]. \(rtlc!: (]F ('o\Il\1f]rCE],r].NT,{RE C()fsll)t;l{lrl) L\{PROPLR CO]\I]I!IiNC:D,:\II,I'T MUST BE Rfifi}FDED,{ID POSTED OIi TI'IE JOB SI'TE BE}'ORE THE FIRST IIi:SPHITION. III }'OI : iN'I]JND TO OBTAN FI}iANChiG, CONSI]LT WITIi \'Ol,:R !,,1iNDER ()R ",T}i A'I-K)RNF.Y BSFORIi C(I\,TMINCNG lVORii OR RECI}RDING Y01IR }iOTIC$ OFc'orrr.rrixcrrsxr. I rl *-r--T f+-f I i [r-.a-*-g;i* "|".r^/f .J L- " "'- a ,,1t7fi?f $lgnrtor?'s frudOln{r State of Flori{r, County of -St J,t{4]#, .- Ackroulcrlgcd bdqre lm thir { . -, , , axy of ..DcCllnbt .20 f;fi-,by *lvin (ate yknorntomeorwhohaspruduced Fl Drilus 4ttttl<t .qri,.3rf -.tlfl Phonc # Fax # N/A tf ", 7u- - Type 6r Print Name of Notary ac identifrcalion (SeeD rftle: lgEryEuDlls Commisshn Nurnbcr lhtill