HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubcontractor Affidavit, electricalPERMIT# PLANN Bu ISSUE DATE.: G & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ing & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT B-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT L. Walton Electric, Inc. have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Electrical Sub-contractor for D C Construction & Company, Inc .. (Type of Trade) (Primary Conti-actor) For the project located at 7404 Deer rk Ave, Fort Pierce, FL 34951 (Project et Address or Property Tax ID#) ft is understood that, ifthere is any ch ge of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regul t n Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER • State of Florida, Co~nty of :J;.,J '"-'"' (l tV The foregoing instrument was signed before me this tx C(.,~ ,20~ by-=l)=A=~'-'-'·, :L.-l"-=-=.::+-11!-L'--'~~,-.. who is per.sooally known / or has produced•-~,----- STAMP Revised 11/16/2016 .,:.;~:;A~¥~~~-.. APRIL LESPERANCE . ..-' .. A'\.; Commission# GG 193362 : \~~~} Expires March 7, 2022 ·· ·•,,i!r.i.~,,,· Bonded Thru Troy Fain Insurance '7019 . ,., ..... -----------.... +-...r -ONTRACTOR SIGNAT URE (Q ualifier) lorn f;. lf.\U \ ¼ . PRINTNAME COUNTY CERIIFICATION NUMBER State of 1'1oridll, County of · truiW. ~W The foregoing in,trurnent w.s signed before me this \* day of t:&e~ · · . 20~ by "lbmf. ~ ti;:-.·. who is persoually known ✓or bas pr~d~,d. ___,,,h'+,/.:.~'---- as identification, ~ 0 //1?." .. ti/0,£ I «Mttt.__ STA111P llign~re of Notary Public ~c-)\ h&lu'{l\(),c,, int ame of Notary Public