HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor Agreementthe PERMfr# ISSUE DATE (Type of Trade) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SIERWES Building & Code Compliance Division 13UI LDING PERMFr SMCON TiFIACTOR A GK'EEnW NT For the project located at 1 h6GO 't)i,,-4 have agreed to be Sub -contractor for"'&3 Y1xW&P%�' (Primary Contractor) Street Address or Property Tax ID #) - It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the of Sub -contractor notice- c C tACTO SIGNATURE (Qualifier) SUB-CONTRAACTOlt SIGNATURE (Qua[Wrr) Ar KIP-Croc*Y, NAME PIMT NAME Cam. n Z'77 0, -� COYJW-T-T CERTMCATIONMMER State of Florida, County oar n The foregoing instrument toy wbo Is personally 1MOYfn bas prodnned a :as ideotifleat(o (A" Print Name of Notary Public C "D 7 `� COi111'TY CERTLFICATION NUM ER state of Florida, County of ST L UG/,G Gf The foregoing instrument was signed before me 6Ais� day of dG'7b8 '1° zlt�Qby A/C HAez A KRORIW who l4 personalty known or has pmdua d s as ldeumtsi ton. j STAR r& STAW Signstureof Nialgry Public Print Name of Notary Public BARBRA AGOODMAN s��E+ Commission # GG 198133 ��Fop�o E-Ores March 20, 2022 swidedthu84etNota $mice$ Revised 1 ll1612016 ;y E C p�KFsoride ri GG 290556 ar n Pi"RMrT tS$UE DATE--- - : I PLANNING & DEVE ,QPAffi-I T SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Dis-ision RULDNG PEPtAf T SUS -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT f " ` � ` 0 tilt "'� have agreed to be (Company Nam&lndlviduai Name) — " "` "` the —7�10 o,-, Sub -contractor for r• (TYpe, of Trade) l C'I+JS`l+ (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project SErretAddress or aropem Tax ID ff) . It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the abovo mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie Counry will be advised pursuant to the COUNTY CERTMC.aTZbN- N1J-MRER State o£Flor ds, Colo[ oi*" �~ The foregoing Instrument-wasl5l before me_this�d v of 200. by Who i8 peronaliy Lulown _ r has produced a as identification, Q�-LWI-reo otlr PublicSTAMP� Print Name ofNotsry Public Revised 11116MI6 BARBRA A GOODMAN ao� * Commission # GG 198133 # m� e� Rites March 20, 2022 �tq'� BpigedfiruBudgetNo�tyServl�s r' COTJN-rY CERTIFICATION NMI[$ ``ER Stare of Florida, County of \�i , t� The Yor�-,oing instrument .vss signed before me WSi ' dyof '%vho ig pereonaiLY knotiva - or has produced G as SQentftftaUou STA'Li? '.SI�t. Ii3 to 4Y �pi3rf FllbllC �} a_ribt Name of tiotAry Public �OZT4t7.y��, BAPaM A GOODMAN * * COMMission # GG 198133 ��lFOf Mam 20 2022 1604�` tivlded ;�Id90 :ZZ OZH/LZ/J L G3AI303a PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance D vision Ed's Electric Inc (Cunrpany Namidlndividual Name) the Electrical (Type ofTmde) BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGIkE, ENI ENT have arced to be Sub -contractor for Ron Raymond Construction (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 11600 Twin Creeks Dr, (guest house) (Project :Street Address nr Property 7'as ID 9) It is understood that, if there is any chant_ of status re�ardiug our participation «°iih the above mentioned project, the Building and Cade I2egulatiau DSvis-0n ai'St. Lucie County will be advised Pursuant to the filincy of a Change of Sul, -contractor notice. coRriti. FOR St t'ATLRE (Qualifier) SII#'.-COiti•rZi,4C'i(3RL1ItLl,�urlilizr) XG ` K e"JI Edward Jane PRINT NA11%1F PIi1V7 i\A-ME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Stale of Florida. county of J�Q Ixu\- (T�itc farcgoitt'goin\s�trument liras Signed before me this due of 5...� [Dy %rhn is personally Fyn _ c has produced a asidcnlHicaliorL w i'Ai1IP r ahtre of Notar} 3'ublic 7frint Naine of Votary Public oSu`TP BARBRA AGOODWW r Cormnission # GG 198133 Expires Matdr 20, 2022 �'tI/M14�' tiaodediltruBudgetNotmlt3mvlees Revised 11 i6120[6 r; EC0001569 CO CF WUFICAT10N N7iM3ER titate or In, orida, couetty of St Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed Wore ine this28thday of October 2020 tDy Edward Jane who is personalty known ,or has produced a a Identification. •4 �-- ' tiC11tP ;,mature oftary Public Stacey N. D Garcia Print flame of :Votary Public •<:ry.i. STAGEYGARCIA ' • A =FAY COMMISSION # GG 085MO °•�j ' Pltl k Uttd&V.1lers EXPIRES: May 16 2021 ;zd �r'• Boil i 7if11! FI4'ar� PEPPAIT;a I I I 0SSL.;_=D.AT=- d" PLANNING & DEVELOP-NN-NT SERIWES Building & Code Compliance Division BULDI-NG PER-NIIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREENIENT have a0reed ;.a be th -co; nc -Sub au zorfor iType of Qde)` For the prqject located at �t L (p7cliL-Cr Str'Zez Ald-d-eSS �:' _—Z7Z-- TWX ID Z� It is understood that. is there is —any chamge azF�marus regarding our participation vtLh rh-1- ab-ove menTioned oroject. the Building and Code Re-guistion Division o`Si. Luck Couniv wit' be advised pursuant to the fflin!z of a Change ot'Sub-co=aczor noti e, State offlarida, Cou"Ev Otis\ Uk The foregoing instrument wssim-ned beffirc me zhfs,!e '-orhz,.;Pm-juced:s as Identific2tion. AN. L Public J N Print N3me of Not2ry Public W-;Rk A GOODWN Q,­­,=s,4m-GGIS8133 8.4 � EjVaas 20,2W PRENT -c-'ry— /,5*3,<54.S3 CQL.\7'.- CERTFICATIONNUMBER 5.93re of Rorid-_ County of S/- z Tht Enstrurntnt-SS Sigued b--fiLtrt me this 4r., &yof LiLd — 2.3za- wh.i is perso= IN iwvw.; _kar has produced 3 STAMP 5 ­rt 6,ISoury public Aria- %3= of Notary Public JOSLHUAREDHE P AD Notary Pubfic-SWO Of Florida i sio r r5 G Commission I �s Commission 4 GG 311365 Comrnts March 13 . 2C _. a, CM My Commission Expires March 13. 2023