HomeMy WebLinkAbout38944 Fort Pierce FL - Geotech Report 6-7-19 ESS- - Ardaman & Associates, Inc. AAI File No. 19-1651 Revised June 7, 2019 Geotechnical, Environmental and Materials Consultants Creighton Construction & Management, LLC 900 SW Pine Island Rd, Suite 202 Cape Coral, FL 33991 Attention: Matt Ross SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING EVALUATION PROPOSED 7-ELEVEN — NWC INDRIO ROAD & KINGS HIGHWAY FT. PIERCE, FLORIDA 1.0 INTRODUCTION In accordance with your request and authorization, Ardaman & Associates, Inc. has completed a subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering evaluation for the above referenced project. We explored the general subsurface conditions in order to evaluate their suitability for the support of the proposed construction, to obtain a measure of pertinent engineering properties of subsurface materials, and to provide recommendations for site preparation and foundation design. Our work included Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings, auger borings, a field permeability test and engineering analyses. This report describes our explorations and tests, reports their findings, and summarizes our conclusions and recommendations. 2.0 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The site is located at the northwest corner (NWC) of Indrio Road and Kings Highway in Ft. Pierce (Section 14, Township 34 South, and Range 39 East) in Ft. Pierce, St. Lucie County, Florida. The site appeared as a vacant, wooded parcel of land with a few recently cleared trails to allow access. A site vicinity map is presented as our Figure 1. 3.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION We have examined a conceptual site plan prepared by Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc., dated December 12, 2018. A portion of a proposed plan showing the approximate boring locations arranged across the site has been reproduced as our Boring Location Plan, Figure 2. It is our understanding that the project involves the construction of a 7-Eleven facility which includes constructing a one-story convenience store, covered canopy, tank farm, septic system, drainage considerations and the associated parking and drive areas. We understand the convenience store will have a combination of weight -bearing masonry walls and isolated columns. For construction of this type, we anticipate maximum wall loads on the order of 4 kips per lineal foot and maximum column loads (if any) on the order of 70 kips. We expect the canopy to be supported on steel or concrete columns with loads on the order of 15 to 20 kips. If any of this information is incorrect or anticipated to change, we should be notified in writing and allowed to review the changes and make corrections to this report as needed. 2200 North Florida Mango Road, Suite 101, West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 Phone (561) 687-8200 FAX (561) 640-7375 Louisiana: Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport Florida: Bartow, Cocoa, Fort Myers, Miami, Orlando, Port St. Lucie, Sarasota, Tallahassee, Tampa, West Palm Beach 7-Eleven Facility — NWC Indrio Road & Kings Highway, Ft. Pierce Page 2 AAI File No. 19-1651 4.0 FIELD EXPLORATION 4.1 SOIL BORINGS To explore the subsurface conditions at the site, five (5) Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings and three (3) auger borings were performed at the approximate locations shown on Figure 2. The SPT borings were terminated at depths of 15 to 25 feet, and the auger borings at depths of 5 to 6 feet below the existing ground surface. The soil borings were performed in general accordance with the procedures outlined in ASTM D-1586 (SPT borings) and ASTM D-1452 (auger borings). The boring logs and a description of our drilling and testing procedures are attached. 4.2 FIELD PERMEABILITY TEST In order to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of the upper soils, a field permeability test was performed at the approximate location shown in Figure 2. This test was conducted in general accordance with the usual open -hole exfiltration test method described in the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Permit Information Manual, Volume IV. Descriptions of the soils observed in the test borehole and the test results are presented in the attached field permeability test log. In brief, the exfiltration test yielded a hydraulic conductivity value of 3.98 x 10-4 cfs/sqf - ft head. 4.3 GENERAL Our field exploration was conducted on May 20 to June 3, 2019. The boring and test locations were laid out in the field in reference to the property boundaries and estimated distances from distinguishable site features. We estimate that the actual boring locations are within approximately 25 feet of the locations shown in Figure 2. 5.0 LABORATORY TESTING Our drillers examined the soils recovered from borings, placed the recovered soil samples in moisture proof containers, and maintained a log for each boring. The field soil boring logs and recovered soil samples were transported to our West Palm Beach soils laboratory from the project site. Each soil sample was then examined by an Engineer and visually classified in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). The soil classifications and other pertinent data obtained from our explorations and laboratory examinations and tests are reported on the attached boring logs. The soil samples recovered from our explorations will be kept in our laboratory for 60 days, then discarded unless you request otherwise. 6.0 GENERAL SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The attached boring logs present a detailed description of the soils encountered at the locations and the depths explored. The soil stratification shown on the boring logs is based on examination of recovered soil samples and interpretation of the driller's field logs. It indicates only the approximate boundaries between soil types. The actual transitions between adjacent soil strata may be gradual and indistinct. 7-Eleven Facility — NWC Indrio Road & Kings Highway, Ft. Pierce Page 3 AAI File No. 19-1651 The soils encountered in our borings consisted generally of very loose to loose fine sands with varying amounts of roots to depths of 2.5 to 3.5 feet, followed by a discontinuous layer of loose to medium dense organically stained fine sand with varying amounts of silt, occasional loosely cemented sand ("hardpan") nodules, and roots to depths of 3.5 to 4.5 feet, in turn followed by medium dense slightly clayey to clayey fine sands to depths of 6 to 8.5 feet. Loose to medium dense fine sands with varying amounts of silt, clay and shell fragments were encountered below these depths to the termination depth of our deepest borings at 25 feet. Our review of the Soil Survey of St. Lucie County, Florida, which was issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service in 1977, indicates that the predominant surficial soil types in the area where the site is located are Pepper and EauGallie sands. These soils are described as very deep, poorly drained, slowly or very slowly permeable soils that formed in sandy and loamy marine sediments. These soils typically have a dark colored organically stained layer at a depth of 23 to 32 inches under natural conditions and are by loamy soils to depths of 80 inches or more. The soils encountered in our borings compared well with those described by the USDA Soil Survey. No highly organic soils were encountered, but pockets/layers may remain in unexplored areas of this site. 7.0 GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS Our drillers observed groundwater in the boreholes at depths of 6 feet or more below the existing ground surface, as noted on the boring logs. The fluctuations are attributed to grade differences across the site. Groundwater levels on this site should vary throughout the year due to a variety of factors including recharge from rainfall, control elevations in adjacent canals and established drainage patterns. Groundwater levels somewhat above the present levels should be expected after major storm events and periods of heavy or prolonged rainfall. The relatively shallow layers of slightly clayey to clayey fine sands could cause a temporarily higher "perched" or "ponded" groundwater condition after heavy or prolonged rainfall. 8.0 DISCUSSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 8.1 GENERAL Based on the findings of our site exploration and our evaluation of the encountered subsurface conditions, we conclude that the soils underlying this site are generally satisfactory to support the proposed construction on conventional shallow foundations or on monolithic slab foundations. The bearing capacity of the near -surface sands should be improved in order to reduce the risk of unsatisfactory foundation performance. Following are specific recommendations for site preparation procedures and the design of foundation systems. 8.2 SITE PREPARATION RECOMMENDATIONS 8.2.1 Clearing The building areas within lines five feet outside the building perimeters, and the areas to be paved, should be cleared of surface vegetation, trash, debris, topsoil and remnants of foundations and other former structures. Utility lines should be properly abandoned, removed or rerouted around the construction areas. Excavations made while removing unsuitable materials, utilities, etc. should be backfilled with approved granular fill placed and compacted in thin lifts as recommended below. 7-Eleven Facility— NWC Indrio Road & Kings Highway, Ft. Pierce AAI File No. 19-1651 8.2.2 Proofrolling and Placement of Fill Page 4 The cleared areas should be proof rolled with a heavyweight (10-12 ton) vibratory roller. Any soft, yielding soils detected during the proofrolling operations should be excavated and replaced with approved fill conforming to the specifications below. Sufficient passes should be made during the proofrolling operations to produce minimum dry densities of 98 percent of the Modified Proctor (ASTM D-1557) maximum dry density value of the compacted subgrade soils to depths of 2 feet below the compacted surface. The proof rolled areas should receive not less than 10 overlapping passes, half of them in each of two perpendicular directions. After the exposed surface has been proofrolled and tested to verify that the desired dry density has been obtained, the construction areas may be filled to the desired grades. All fill material should conform to the specifications below. It should be placed in uniform layers, not exceeding 12 inches in loose thickness, individually compacted with a heavy vibratory roller to a minimum dry density of 98 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density value of the fill material. It should be noted that soils with high percentages of silt and clay may need to be removed from all or portions of the proposed septic drainfield and retention areas (percolation/permeability considerations). Positive drainage should be maintained at this site for all structures throughout their design life. While there were no nearby structures present at the time our exploration was completed, we recommend that the site preparation contractor monitor the vibrations produced during the proofrolling operations so that they do not adversely affect any nearby structures present at the time of construction. Should there be concern about vibration levels produced by the compaction operations, a seismograph with a suitable indicator range may be arranged on the site while this work is undertaken. We remain available to assist you in this regard. 8.2.3 Final Compaction Note that after completion of the general site preparation, when excavations for the construction of foundations or thickened slab edges are made through the compacted soils, the bottom of the foundation excavations should be compacted to densify soils loosened during or after the excavation process and washed or sloughed into the excavation prior to the placement of forms. A heavy-duty vibratory rammer should be used for this final compaction, immediately prior to the placement of reinforcing steel, with previously described minimum dry density requirements to be maintained below the foundation level. After the foundations are cast and the forms are removed, backfill around the foundations should be placed in thin lifts, six inches or less in loose thickness, individually compacted with a heavy- duty vibratory rammer or vibratory plate compactor to a minimum dry density of 98 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density value of the backfill material. 8.2.4 Fill Material Specifications All fill material under the buildings and pavement should consist of clean sands or fragmented limerock, free of organics and other deleterious materials. The fill material should have not more than eight percent by dry weight passing the U.S. No. 200 sieve and no particle larger than 3 inches in diameter. Backfill behind walls, if any, should be particularly pervious, with not more than 4 percent by dry weight passing the U.S. No. 200 sieve. 7-Eleven Facility — NWC Indrio Road & Kings Highway, Ft. Pierce Page 5 AAI File No. 19-1651 Soils denoted as fine sands, and slightly silty to slightly clayey fine sands are generally considered suitable for use as fill and backfill with proper moisture conditioning and placement as recommended in this report. Soils denoted as silty or clayey fine sands generally contain more than 12 percent fines and will be more difficult to moisture condition and compact. Importing more suitable sandy soils with less than 12 percent fines may be needed to facilitate construction if the clayey soils have excessive fines and prove difficult to compact. The use of soils with relatively high fines content (Le; silty and clayey soils) as fill should be avoided near the ground surface in green -space areas since these relatively low permeability soils promote ponding of water during and following rainfall. Also, in high groundwater areas, silty and clayey soils may cause a rise in the water table elevation due to capillary action. Additionally, these relatively low permeability soils should not be used directly beneath any pavement section as they may trap water within the pavement section leading to premature pavement failure. Utility Installation Slightly silty to silty soils, "hardpan" layers and slightly clayey to clayey soils may hinder backfilling and compacting activities related to utility installation (both for piping and structures) or other excavations. Soils containing excess "fines" that retain moisture (and "hardpan") soils can be difficult to dry and/or may not be easily broken down for re -use, making such earthwork operations difficult. The importing of clean, free draining fine sand for excavation backfill is often conducted on projects of this nature to facilitate construction. The contractor should be made aware of the potential for encountering slightly silty to clayey soils at the site. 8.2.5 Additional Recommendations Care must be exercised prior to, during and after construction to prevent erosion effects or undermining of foundations. The integrity of the raised building "pad" must hence be maintained for a distance of at least five feet beyond the foundation levels, with gutters disposing of rainfall runoff beyond the pad limits. Foundation concrete should not be cast over a foundation surface containing topsoil or organic soils, trash of any kind, surface made muddy by rainfall runoff, or groundwater rise, or loose soil caused by excavation or other construction work. Reinforcing steel should also be clean at the time of concrete casting. If such conditions develop during construction, the reinforcing steel must be lifted out and the foundation surface reconditioned and approved by the Foundation Engineer. 8.3 FOUNDATIONS After the foundation soils have been prepared in accordance with the above site preparation recommendations, the site should be suitable for supporting the proposed structure on conventional shallow foundations or a "monolithic" slab proportioned for a maximum allowable bearing stress of 2,500 pounds per square foot (psf). Continuous foundations should be at least 18 inches wide, and individual column footings should have a minimum width of 24 inches; shallow foundations should bear at least 18 inches, and monolithic slab foundations at least 12 inches below adjacent finish grades. 7-Eleven Facility — NWC Indrio Road & Kings Highway, Ft. Pierce Page 6 AAI File No. 19-1651 8.3.1 Bearing Capacity and Settlements Based upon the boring information and the assumed loading conditions, we estimate that the recommended allowable bearing stress will provide a minimum factor of safety in excess of two against bearing capacity failure. With the site prepared and the foundations designed and constructed as recommended, we anticipate total settlements of one inch or less, and differential settlement between adjacent similarly loaded footings of less than one half of an inch. For design purposes, we recommend using a subgrade reaction modulus of 125 pounds per cubic inch (pci) for all well compacted fine sands. 8.3.2 Slab -On -Grade Ground floor slabs can be placed directly on the compacted subgrade. In our opinion, a highly porous base material is not necessary. We recommend the use of a polyolefin film vapor barrier with a minimum thickness of 10 mils. Care must be exercised in installing control joints shortly after placing the concrete, and in placing and maintaining the steel reinforcement at its designated elevation within the floor slab. 8.4 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS We encountered mostly slightly clayey to clayey fine sands and fine sands with varying amounts of silt and shell in our boring performed in the vicinity of the proposed underground storage tanks. Note that the groundwater was encountered at a depth of about 6 feet (or more) across the site and it could rise to higher elevations after periods of heavy or prolonged rainfall. Dewatering will likely be needed for utility and tank excavations and to allow proper inspection, placement and compaction of the backfill. The dewatering scheme should be developed by the earthwork contractor. Dewaterin_g measures should be controlled so that the _groundwater is not lowered under adiacent structures. The contractor is to be responsible for implementing all necessary safety measures to protect the adjacent properties and construction crews. The contractor, as a minimum, should comply with the latest editions of the OSHA standards for trenching and excavation. 8.5 SEPTIC DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The auger borings performed in the proposed septic and drainage locations encountered a profile similar to the general soil profile for the entire site (outlined earlier in this report). The actual conditions in each location are provided in the appendices of this report along with the respective corresponding Munsell colors and USDA soil descriptions. A constant head laboratory permeability test was performed on a representative sample of the brown loamy fine sand (obtained at a depth of about 4.5 to 5 feet below existing grades) and indicated a permeability rate of 0.23 inches per hour (in/Hr). 7-Eleven Facility — NWC Indrio Road & Kings Highway, Ft. Pierce AAI File No. 19-1651 8.6 PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Page 7 No traffic patterns or pavement design information was provided. However, new pavements may consider using materials (limerock base, etc.) recycled from the demolition of any existing pavements to form sub -base sections. The pavements will need to be designed according to their anticipated traffic load conditions with thicker sections or rigid pavements used in more heavily loaded areas and/or dumpster pads. New pavement areas should be proofrolled with a medium weight (8-10 ton) vibratory roller. Any unsuitable organic or deleterious soils or soft, yielding soils observed or detected during the proofrolling operations should be excavated and replaced with approved fill conforming to the specifications below. Sufficient passes should be made during the proofrolling operations to produce minimum dry densities of 98 percent of the Modified Proctor (ASTM D-1557) maximum dry density value of the compacted subgrade soils to depths of 1 foot below the compacted surface. The proofrolled areas should receive not less than 10 overlapping passes, half of them in each of two perpendicular directions. After the exposed surface has been proofrolled and tested to verify that the desired dry density has been obtained, the construction areas may be filled to the desired grades. All fill material should conform to the previously described specifications. It should be placed in uniform layers, not exceeding 12 inches in loose thickness, individually compacted with a heavy vibratory roller to a minimum dry density of 98 percent of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density value of the fill material. 8.6.1 Flexible Pavement Section We recommend a pavement section consisting of an asphaltic concrete wearing surface, resting on a calcareous base course, supported on a stabilized subgrade course. The pavements should be designed according to the anticipated traffic conditions. The stabilized subgrade course should be at least 12 inches thick. It should have a Limerock Bearing Ratio [LBR] (FDOT FM F-515) value greater than 40 and should be compacted to a minimum dry density of 98 percent of its Modified Proctor maximum dry density value. The stabilized subgrade may be replaced by a thicker base course or eliminated (pending regulations of the governing municipal or county authorities), if the Civil Engineer determines that the anticipated traffic loads do not warrant it. The base course may be either crushed limerock or crushed concrete with an LBR value in excess of 100 and conforming to the gradation and other criteria specified in the FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. It should have a minimum thickness of 6 inches, and should be placed in two lifts, individually compacted to a minimum dry density of 98 percent of its Modified Proctor maximum dry density value. We recommend a minimum of 1.5-inch thick FDOT Type S-1 or SP-9.5 asphaltic wearing surface. Care must be exercised to place the asphalt over dry, well primed base material. The asphalt can be placed in two layers, with the second layer placed after all site construction is completed. 7-Eleven Facility — NWC Indrio Road & Kings Highway, Ft. Pierce Page 8 AAI File No. 19-1651 8.6.2 Heavy -Duty Pavement The base course may be either crushed limerock or crushed concrete with an LBR value in excess of 100 and conforming to the gradation and other criteria specified in the FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. It should have a minimum thickness of 8 inches, and should be placed in two lifts, individually compacted to a minimum dry density of 98 percent of its Modified Proctor maximum dry density value. We recommend a 2-inch thick FDOT Type S-1 or SP-12.5 asphaltic wearing surface. Care must be exercised to place the asphalt over dry, well primed base material. The asphalt can be placed in two layers, with the second layer placed after all site construction is completed. 8.6.3 Rigid Pavement We recommend a minimum 5-inch thick pavement section of unreinforced Portland cement concrete, supported on a 4-inch thick stabilized subgrade course resting on well -compacted subgrade. In our experience, concrete placed directly on clean sands tends to punch into the sands when wheel loads are imposed near the control joints, causing the development of cracking possibly because the upper most sands tend to be fluffed by the traffic of humans before and during the pour. The stabilized subgrade should have an LBR value greater than 40 and should be compacted to a minimum dry density of 98 percent of its Modified Proctor maximum dry density value. The concrete should have a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 4,000 psi. Construction control joints should be placed no more than 15 feet apart in either direction and should be at least one - quarter of the thickness of the concrete. They should be cut as soon as the concrete will support the crew and equipment (8 to 12 hours). The concrete should be cured by moist curing or by application of a liquid curing compound. 8.6.4 Curbing The curbing around landscaped areas adjacent to pavement should be constructed with full -depth sections. Use of extruded curb sections that lie directly above the final asphalt surface, or omission of the curbing, can allow migration of irrigation water or surficial runoff from the landscaped areas. The excess water often causes separation of the asphalt wearing surface from the base and softening of the base material, resulting in early deterioration of the pavement. Landscaped areas should be provided with adequate drainage of irrigation water. 8.7 QUALITY CONTROL We recommend establishing a comprehensive quality assurance and control program to verify that all site preparation and foundation construction is conducted in accordance with the appropriate plans and specifications. Materials testing and inspection services should be provided by Ardaman & Associates, Inc. 7-Eleven Facility — NWC Indrio Road & Kings Highway, Ft. Pierce Page 9 AAI File No. 19-1651 At a minimum, an on -site engineering technician should monitor all stripping and grubbing to verify that all deleterious materials have been removed and should observe the proofrolling operation to verify that the appropriate numbers of passes are applied to the subgrade. In -situ density tests should be conducted during filling activities and below all footings and floor slabs to verify that the required densities have been achieved. In -situ density values should be compared to laboratory Proctor moisture -density results for each of the different natural and fill soils encountered. Finally, we recommend inspecting and testing the construction materials for the foundations and other structural components. 8.7.1 In -Place Density Testing Frequency In Southeast Florida, earthwork testing is typically performed on an on -call basis when the contractor has completed a portion of the work. The test result from a specific location is only representative of a larger area if the contractor has used consistent means and methods and the soils are practically uniform throughout. The frequency of testing can be increased and full-time construction inspection can be provided to account for variations. We recommend that the following minimum testing frequencies be utilized. In proposed structural areas, the minimum frequency of in -place density testing should be one test for each 2,500 square feet of structural area (minimum of five test locations). In -place density testing should be performed at this minimum frequency for a depth of 1 foot below natural ground and for every 1-foot lift of fill placed in the structural areas. In addition, density tests should be performed in each column footing for a depth of 2 feet below the bearing surface. For continuous or wall footings, density tests should be performed at a minimum frequency of one test for every 50 lineal feet of footing, and for a depth of 2 feet below the bearing surface. Utility backfill should be tested at a minimum frequency of one in -place density test for each 12- inch lift for each 200 lineal feet of pipe. Additional tests should be performed in backfill for manholes, inlets, etc. Representative samples of the various natural ground and fill soils should be obtained and transported to our laboratory for Proctor compaction tests. These tests will determine the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content for the materials tested and will be used in conjunction with the results of the in -place density tests to determine the degree of compaction achieved. Please note that the reliance on Ardaman' s recommendations presented herein is predicated on an Ardaman representative being onsite to verify that the all subgrade soils have been prepared and the foundations are installed in compliance with our report recommendations. 9.0 CLOSURE This report has been prepared specifically for subject project. It is intended for the exclusive use of Creighton Construction & Management, LLC. and their representatives. Our work has used methods and procedures consistent with local foundation engineering practices. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. We do not guarantee project performance in any respect, only that our work meets normal standards of professional care. Environmental concerns, including (but not limited to) the possibility that hazardous materials or petroleum -contaminated soils or groundwater may be present on the subject site, were not included in the scope of work. The recommendations submitted in this report are based on the data obtained from our exploration program and our understanding of the proposed construction and loading conditions as described herein. This report may not account for any variations that may exist between 7-Eleven Facility — NWC Indrio Road & Kings Highway, Ft. Pierce Page 10 AAI File No. 19-1651 conditions observed in the borings and conditions at locations that were not explored. The nature and extent of any such variations may not become evident until construction is underway. If variations are then observed, we should be requested to review the conclusions and recommendations in this report. In the event any changes occur in the design, nature or location of any project facilities, we should be requested to review the conclusions and recommendations in this report. We also recommend that we be requested to review the final foundation drawings and earthwork specifications so that our recommendations may be properly interpreted and implemented in the contract documents. It has been a pleasure to assist you on this phase of your project. Please contact us whenever we may be of service to you, and please call if you have any questions concerning this report. ARDLS, INC. FL. C r, X�14%�tp�k�arf�n No. 5950 No. 60712tally -Kevin bY l Kevin signed _ � Ferguson, P.E.Ke�r u§WEPOE. •��Dan rallack P.E. Gem%'C�erFerusoDate Branch Manager Fla. ���G`��`` n P E 2020.09.02 FL Reg. No. 63911 / IVAL `, �� 13:59:53-04'00' Attachmen/tS'11J "'\ inity Map - Figure 1 Boring Location Plan - Figure 2 Subsurface Exploration Information SPT Boring Logs (5) Auger Boring Logs (3) Field Permeability Test Log (1) - in Ardaman &Associates, Inc. co � M ' LL O Z >, m o � Z a m m 6 LL d Aw" f£<< a t Aw'14HO"" SONIC N 04 �dSflP 3�7:-3p,t ,,. eicpq JAI z A g a O N Z Q U � O m � LL O W� U= �U) w� c/)zQ z�sC) Woo wp LL Z E Llj zZ� w—w �Ua Q Z LL = Z ww O-1 ww U r` Ardaman & Associates, Inc. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING LOG BORING B-1 PROJECT: 7-Eleven - NWC Indrio Road & Kings Hwy FILE No.: 19-1651 Ft. Pierce, Florida BORING LOCATION: As per plan. DRILL CREW: CTL WATER OBSERVED AT DEPTH 6.0 feet DATE DRILLED: 5/31/19 DEPTH SYMBOLS SOIL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE N N VALUE (FEET) FIELD TEST DATA No. VALUE _ 0 :'• I /6 ---------------- ................. .------------ Brown fine sand 2/6 4/6 6 6/6 6/6 8/6 6/6 Dark brown slightly silty fine sand, few loosely cemented ("hardpan")2 14 6/6 ". nodules 5 4/6 6/6 .........-•--•....................•-................•.............. Light brown slightly clayey to clayey fine sand 3 17 �! : 6/6 7/6 6/6 Gray slightly clayey to clayey fine sand 4 7/6 12 S/6 4/6 8/6 cQ I' 4j 6/6 8/6 Gray slightly clayey fine sand, some shell fragments 5 14 10 8/6 /6 Gray fine sand, some shell fragments 6 6/6 13 15 �L ° "• 7/6 ck ' ' > K. rid < ti 2/6 7 4 . 4/6 e.> • 2/6 4/6 6 20 fi tip" , r E: ` yr wa r £ 3/6 5/6 g E �<' 5/6 6/6 10 75 Boring terminated at 25 feet 30 NOTES: FIELD TEST DATA ARE "BLOWS"/"INCHES DRIVEN" 140-LB HAMMER, 30-INCH FALL. (ASTM D-1586) Ardaman & Associates Ardaman & Associates, Inc. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING LOG BORING B-2 PROJECT: 7-Eleven - NWC Indrio Road & Kings Hwy FILE No.: 19-1651 Ft. Pierce, Florida BORING LOCATION: As per plan. DRILL CREW: CTL WATER OBSERVED AT DEPTH 6.0 feet DATE DRILLED: 5/31/19 DEPTH SYMBOLS SOIL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE N N VALUE (FEET) FIELD TEST DATA No. VALUE 0__ . 2/6 ................................................................... Gray to light brownish -ray fine sand I. . . . . . . 2/6 2/6 4 . . . . . . 2/6 5/6 6/6 5/6 . ................................................................... 5/6 Dark brown slightly silty fine sand, few loosely cemented ("hardpan") 2 5-- 3/6 4/6 . nodules ................................................................... 5/6 Light brown slightly clayey to clayey fine sand 3 9 % 5/6 5/6 7/6 . _-K 7/6 ................................................................... Gray slightly clayey to clayey fine sand 4 14 8/6 7/6 . ................................................................... 8/6 8/6 Gray slightly clayey fine sand, some shell fragments 5 16 10__ 8/6 Q 4/6 6 5/6 7/6 12 15-- , -e,. v , 4! 9/6 3/6 3/6 Gray �.n--e-sand, --some -shell --fragments ------------------------------- 7 yg 3/6 6 20-- 5/6 4/6 8 4/6 6/6 10 25-- 7/6 . . . . . . . . Boring terminated at 25 feet 301 . . . . . . . . NOTES: FIELD TEST DATA ARE "BLOWS"/"INCHES DRIVEN" 140-LB HAMMER, 30-INCH FALL. (ASTM D-1586) Ardarnan & Associates S � Ardaman &Associates, Inc. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING LOG BORING B-3 PROJECT: 7-Eleven - NWC Indrio Road & Kings Hwy FILE No.: 19-1651 Ft. Pierce, Florida BORING LOCATION: As per plan. DRILL CREW: CTL WATER OBSERVED AT DEPTH 6.0 feet DATE DRILLED: 5/31/19 DEPTH SYMBOLS SOIL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE N N VALUE (FEET) FIELD TEST DATA No. VALUE 0 I/6 -•----•----•.......•-------------••-•--............................ Gray fine sand I . . i I/6 3 2/6 6/6 7/6 . 15/6 " ......................... Light brown cla}'ey fine sand ? �9 14/6 14/6 8/6 -•..............................................................•.. 5 8/6 Gray clayey fine sand 3 16 8/6 :.. 5/6 i 5/6 Gray clayey fine sand, some shell fragments /6 8 8/6 l7 7/6 2/6 .............................................................. Gray fine sand, some shell fragments 5 ;� y> 3/6 7 4 4/6 10 k 4/6 ,y ` •�: i• 4/6 Gray slightly silty fine sand, some shell fragments 6 6/6 f, r 10 5/6 1' I 5/6 ar r� 5/6 ...------•-•..................................................... Gray fine sand, some shell fragments 7 i 5/6 10 5/6 20 Boring terminated at 20 feet 25 30 NOTES: FIELD TEST DATA ARE 'BLOWS"/"INCHES DRIVEN" 140-LB HAMMER, 30-INCH FALL. (ASTM D-1586) Ardatnan & Associates wm�.v Ardaman & Associates, Inc. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING LOG BORING B-4 PROJECT: 7-Eleven - NWC Indrio Road & Kings Hwy FILE No.: 19-1651 Ft. Pierce, Florida BORING LOCATION: As per plan. DRILL CREW: CTL WATER OBSERVED AT DEPTH 6.0 feet DATE DRILLED: 5/31/19 DEPTH SYMBOLS SOIL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE N N VALUE (FEET) FIELD TEST DATA No. VALUE 0 :.• ..I/6 -••..............•---...........------.................._.......... Gray fine sand 1 :. I ./6 2/6 3 2/6 .: 9/6 ................. " 11/6 11/6 Light brown clayey fine sand 2 22 13/6 7/6 ........ 5 7/6 6/6 Light brown to brownish gray clayey fine sand 3 13 6/6 6/6 Gray clayey fine sand. some shell fragments 4 6/6 7/6 13 8/6 .............. ... ............. ............................. Gray fine sand to slightly clayey fine sand, some shell fragments 5 3/66 ;tka> 3/6 6 10 " 4/6 4/66 L 4/6a/6 8 6/6 15'� Boring terminated at 15 feet 20 25 30 NOTES: FIELD TEST DATA ARE "BLOWS"/"INCHES DRIVEN" 140-LB HAMMER, 30-INCH FALL. (ASTM D-1586) Ardaman & Associates wo�.v Ardaman & Associates, Inc. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING LOG BORING B-5 PROJECT: 7-Eleven - NWC Indrio Road & Kings Hwy FILE No.: 19-1651 Ft. Pierce, Florida BORING LOCATION: As per plan. DRILL CREW: CTL WATER OBSERVED AT DEPTH 6.0 feet DATE DRILLED: 5/31/19 DEPTH SYMBOLS SOIL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE N N VALUE (FEET) FIELD TEST DATA No. VALUE 0 1/6 ---------•...................................•..................•-- Gray fine sand I ' . ' .. 1 /6 2 1 /6 3/6 ". •: 8/6 ........................................................ 14/6 Light brown clayey fine sand 2 ?8 14/6 16/6 6/6 -----•--.......•••-•............................................... 5/6 Light brown to brownish gray clayey fine sand 3 I 1 l 6/6 ::. 6/6 ------•.............................................. i i • .'"' 4/6 Gray clayey fine sand, some shell fragments 4 4/6 7 zT 3/6 3/6 .....-•....................•--------........------.....•----•••.... 2/6 it Gray slightly clayey fine sand, some shell fragments 5 a 2/6 m yAa 4/6 6 to ^ �` 2/6 ti:i spa 3/6 6 S r 3/6 3/6 6 3/6 15 Boring terminated at 15 feet 20 25 30 — NOTES: FIELD TEST DATA ARE "BLOWS"/"INCHES DRIVEN" 140-LB HAMMER, 30-INCH FALL. (.ASTM D-1586) Ardaman & Associates �.v �K Ardarnan & Associates, Inc. �F v HAND AUGER BORING LOG BORING HA-1 PROJECT: 7-Eleven - NWC Indrio Road & Kings Hwy Ft. Pierce, Florida BORING LOCATION: As per plan. FILE No.: 19-1651 DRILL CREW: DG[MC WATER OBSERVED AT DEPTH Greater than 6 feet (estimated to be 10 feet below exifMTErWR)LLED: 5/20/19 DEPTH SYMBOL SOIL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE No. 0-- . ..................................................................................................... Gray fine sand (I OYR 5/1), few small roots . .................................................................................................... Gray fine sand ( I OYR 6/1), trace roots ? —--e-s-a-n--d( ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61ack—fine - N 2/0), trace roots 3 . . .................................................................................................... Black fine sand ( YR2/1),few loos lycemeted sand nodules .................................... S 4 ............................................................... Dark brown loamy fine sand (I OYR 3/3), trace roots 5 . .................................................................................................... Brown loamy fine sand (I OYR 4/3). trace roots 6 5-- . ................................................................................................... Light bro%% nish gray loamy fine sand (I OYR 6/2) 7 10-- 15-- NOTES: Borina terminated at 6 feet. (Septic Area) C Ardaman & Associates Ardaman &Associates, Inc. HAND AUGER BORING LOG BORING HA-3 PROJECT: 7-Eleven - NWC Indrio Road & Kings Hwy Ft. Pierce, Florida BORING LOCATION: As per plan. WATER OBSERVED AT DEPTH Greater than 5 feet. FILE No.: 19-1651 DRILL CREW: CTL DATE DRILLED: 6/03/ l9 DEPTH SYMBOL SOIL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE No. p ....fi--ne---sand ---•-•---•-----------------•-•--........---•-------....-----------.........------..... "•t •`• Gray 1 �Y • ............................................................................... ..................... Gray slightly clayey fine sand _ O i I5 y NOTES: Boring terminated at 5 feet. Ardaman & Associates wm� V Ardaman & Associates, Inc. HAND AUGER BORING LOG BORING HA-4 PROJECT: 7-Eleven - NWC Indrio Road & Kings Hwy Ft. Pierce, Florida BORING LOCATION: As per plan. WATER OBSERVED AT DEPTH Greater than 5 feet. FILE No.: 19-1651 DRILL CREW: CTL DATE DRILLED: 6/03/ 19 DEPTH SYMBOL SOIL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE No. p---•------------------------------------------ Light gray to gray fine sand 1 v� ' � r ' i .................................................. Light bro"n clayey fine sand - 10 15 NOTES: Boring terminated at 5 feet. Ardaman & Associates Ardaman &Associates, Inc. FIELD PERMEABILITY TEST LOG SFWMD USUAL OPEN -HOLE TEST EX-1 PROJECT: 7-Eleven - NWC Indrio Road & Kings Hwy FILE No.: 19-1651 Ft. Pierce, Florida TEST LOCATION: As per plan. DRILL CREW: DG/MC GROUNDWATER OBSERVED AT DEPTH Greater than 6 feet (estimated to be 10 feetTER&ID A Wffig frf2661j9 Q I I H2 _ I ( Water Table I Ds K = - 4Q zd(2H2 +4H,D., + H, d) Q ["Stabilized" Flow Rate (cfs)] = 8.71 x 10 3 K [Hydraulic Conductivity (cfs/sqf - ft head)] = 3.98 x 10-4 d [Diameter of Test Hole (ft)] = 0.375 H, [Depth to Water Table (ft)] = 6+ * Ds [Saturated Hole Depth (ft)] = 0 * By Groundwater DEPTH SYMBOLS SOIL DESCRIPTION SAMPLE No. 0 •---------- --•------•----------•-------------•--.-----------------..---------------------------- Gray fine sand (IOYR 5/1), few small roots 1 1 7 . ..........................•----.........----•-....----........................................... Gray fine sand (1 OYR 6/ 1), trace roots 2 3 r 1.} Black fine sand (5YR 2/1). few loosely cemeted sand nodules 4 4---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Dark brown loamy fine sand (IOYR 3/3), trace roots 5 % % Brown loamy fine sand (IOYR 4/3). trace roots 6 6 NOTES: Boring terminated at 6 feet. (Drainage Pond area) Ardaman & Associates