HomeMy WebLinkAboutWeekly Report No. 15 July 27 - July 31 FPR MRO Hangar_packageAVCON, INC. ENGINEERS & PLANNERS 5555 E. Michigan St., Suite 200 Orlando, Florida 32822 Phone: (407) 599-1122 Fax: (407) 599-1133 www.avconinc.com CIVIL & STRUCTURAL  AIRPORT & AVIATION CONSULTING  TRANSPORTATION DESIGN & PLANNING AVCON Project No. 2017.159.01 August 3, 2020 St. Lucie County  2300 Virginia Avenue  Fort Pierce, Fl 34982  Attention:  Reference:  Mr. Jim McGuinness, Building Official  MRO FPR Hangar  Project No. 1907‐0552  St. Lucie County, Florida  THRESHOLD REPORT SUMMARY NO. 15  Dear Mr. McGuinness:  As directed, representatives from AVCON, Inc. performed on‐site, threshold inspection services for the MRO FPR  Hangar project.  This report summarizes our threshold inspection services performed during the inspection period of July 27, 2020 through July 31, 2020.  Inspections took place on July 28, for a pre-final inspection for threshold related items.    Our inspections  were  performed  in  accordance  with  the  structural  documents,  signed,  and  sealed  by  the  Engineer of Record, Luca DelVerme PE (AVCON INC), and the project specifications.  Our  special  inspector  and  his  duly  authorized  representative(s)  reported  their  observations  as  noted  on  the  attached  Daily  Threshold  Reports  with  all  structural  non‐compliance  items  noted  within  the  attached  Special  Inspection  Log  (SIL).    All  non‐compliance  items,  or  SIL’s,  previously  reported  as  non‐compliant  with  regard  to  the  plans  or specifications, will be reevaluated by our Special Inspector after corrective action is taken by the General Contractor  or the deficient conditions have been approved through written approval by the Engineer of Record.  During  the  inspection  period  of  July 27, 2020 through July 31, 2020,  and  to  the  best  of  our  knowledge  and  belief,  the  construction  of  all  structural  load‐bearing  components  described  in  the  threshold  inspection plan  complies with permitted documents, with revisions as approved by the Engineer of Record, except as noted on the SIL.  Should you have any questions or concerns regarding these reports, or desire any additional information, please  contact us.  Sincerely,  AVCON, Inc.  Certificate of Authorization No. 5057  Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E.  Vice President  STATE OF FLORIDA  Professional Engineer No. 38092  Registered Special Inspector No. 1019      cc:   Addressee, Gary Stepalavich StepalavichG@stlucieco.org    County Project Manager, Scotty Beaulieu beaulieus@stlucieco.org    Chief Plans Examiner, William Durden DurdenW@stlucieco.org    Construction Project Manager, Robert Hatton rhatton@ahrenscompanies.com  AVCON, INC. ENGINEERS & PLANNERS 5555 E. Michigan St., Suite 200 Orlando, Florida 32822 Phone: (407) 599-1122 Fax: (407) 599-1133 www.avconinc.com Page 2 of 2 CIVIL & STRUCTURAL  AIRPORT & AVIATION CONSULTING  TRANSPORTATION DESIGN & PLANNING AVCON Project No. 2017.159.01 August 3, 2020 St. Lucie County  2300 Virginia Avenue  Fort Pierce, Fl 34982  Attention:  Reference:  Mr. Jim McGuinness, Building Official  MRO FPR Hangar  Permit No. 1907‐0550 & 1812-0471 St. Lucie County, Florida  THRESHOLD REPORT SUMMARY NO. 15  INSPECTOR(S): Rick Baldocchi (AVCON, Inc.)  DAILY REPORT(S):  Threshold Inspection Daily Report(s):  07/28/20 [See attached report(s) for locations and observations.]  SPECIAL INSPECTION LOG:  Added this Summary Period: 4  Resolved this Summary Period: 0  Outstanding for the Project: 6  ATTACHMENT(S):  ‐ EOR Report  AVCON, INC. ENGINEERS & PLANNERS The Special Inspector, Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowledges this deficiency. The Special Inspector, Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowledges resolution to this deficiency. This is a brief summary of the SIL. Refer to the daily report for a detailed description. Page 1 of 2 1 2 3 SPECIAL INSPECTION LOG Permitting Agency: St. Lucie County Permit No.: 1907-0550 – Foundations & 1812-0471 - Structure Project Name: FPR MRO Hangar 1907-0552 Project No.: 2017.0259.01 Update Period: 07/27/20 to 07/31/20 Attention: Ahrens Construction/St. Lucie County Project Location: St. Lucie County, Florida Threshold Agent: Rick V. Baldocchi SIL No. Date Daily Report No. Structural Element Location Description S.I.Engineer of Record Response S.I.Date Closed Daily Report No. 1 8-26-19 SIL Summary 1 Helical Piles Submittals N/A The helical pile submittal on site does not have SEOR or County Building Department acceptance stamp. RVB EOR approved calculations and revised plans RVB 10/30/19 009 2 8-30-19 SIL Summary 2 Helical Piles Footings A-7 & L-7 The contract documents do not show helical piles within the footings. RVB EOR approved calculations and revised plans RVB 10/30/19 009 3 09/20/19 SIL Summary 3 Helical Piles Footings A-7 – C-7, F7 – L7, G-8 & L-8, G-9 – L-9 The contract documents do not show helical piles within the footings. RVB EOR approved calculations and revised plans RVB 10/30/19 009 4 10/02/19 SIL Summary 4 Foundations All locations The rebar in the top mat deviate from plans/shop drawings. RVB EOR approved calculations and revised plans RVB 11/01/19 009 5 10/04/19 – 02/25/20 SIL Summary 5 Foundations Footings Column anchor bolts and adjustment nuts were encased with high shrink grout prior to steel column placement. Columns that RVB 2 1 3 AVCON, INC. ENGINEERS & PLANNERS The Special Inspector, Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowledges this deficiency. The Special Inspector, Rick V. Baldocchi, P.E., acknowledges resolution to this deficiency. This is a brief summary of the SIL. Refer to the daily report for a detailed description. Page 2 of 2 1 2 3 SIL No. Date Daily Report No. Structural Element Location Description S.I.Engineer of Record Response S.I.Date Closed Daily Report No. have been placed are not bearing evenly on the grout. 6 02/25/20 & 07/28/20 SIL Summary 6 & 8 Structure Columns Bolts in place were not secured in place - Several bolts were too short RVB 7 02/25/20 SIL Summary 7 Structure Steel & hardware Excessive rust has accumulated on steel and bolts, due to a delay in the work RVB Areas from floor elevation to the first 10-15’+/- have been corrected. RVB 07/31/20 022 8 07/28/20 SIL Summary 8 Structure Steel & hardware Excessive rust has accumulated on steel at higher elevations within the structure RVB 9 07/28/20 SIL Summary 8 Structure Hangar Door Rail Track Standing water in the hangar door track – Drainage system installed and not connected to allow drainage RVB 10 07/28/20 SIL Summary 8 Structure Beam connections Beam connections have many "daylighting" areas within them RVB 11 07/28/20 SIL Summary 8 Structure Hangar Door Rail Track Plastic shrink cracking has occurred at the tracks for the hanger door. RVB 2 1 3 5(325712 352-(&7'$7( /2&$7,21:25.25'(512 3(50,7$*(1&< &/,(17 ),(/'&217$&7 &200(1766&23(2):25. , ,163(&725  ),(/'&23,(672 BUILDING PERMIT NO.:______________________ INSPECTION DAILY REPORT 022 FPR MRO Hangar 07/28/20 Treasure Coast International Airport & Business St. Lucie County Permit No. 1812-0473 Robert Hatton SIL log entry, #7 is still ongoing, to have the materials addressed and cleaned up appropriately prior to completion. This has been corrected, however, corrosion at the upper beams, as well as sand that is still packed into the steel, will close this entry and create a new entry, see SIL Log #8. See Exhibit "A". Steel columns still have gaps under the base plates. Grout has been placed in several of the problem areas. See SIL log, #5. This issue has not been corrected, and mud and other debris has entered into these areas. See Exhibit "B". Some bolts were not secured in place, even by hand tightening. SIL log entry, #6 is still ongoing. - THIS ITEM HAS BEEN CORRECTED IN SEVERAL AREAS, AND THE LOG ENTRY WILL REMAIN, BASED ON OBSERVATIONS - See Exhibit "G" and notes below. Observed standing water in the hangar door track. Rail drainage is not currently tied into any system, and does not drain. See SIL log for new entry, #9, for potential salt water corrosion. See Exhibit "D". Roofing installation is still ongoing and still in process. Southern connection was not installed. Some areas needed to be corrected, by having fasteners/screws re-installed. The gutter system is not part of the inspection, but can affect the building, and was observed to have numerous bent connections at the "gutter support". See Exhibit "E". The beam connections have many "daylighting" areas within them. This will be a new entry, unless the engineer or shop drawings can be shown as to where this is acceptable, see SIL Log #10. See Exhibit "F". Several bolts were too short. This happened often where more than one piece of steel was connected. See SIL Log #6 will remain, and Exhibit "G". Expansion joints to the north of the hangar door have been damaged, and will need to be repaired prior to completion. See Exhibit "D". Plastic shrink cracking has occurred at the tracks for the hanger door. See SIL Log #12, and Exhibit "H". Jason Teliszczak - w/Avcon AVCON EXHIBIT "A" Looking North, over Hangar Door Looking South Looking South Looking West EXHIBIT "A" - cont. Sand still in beam EXHIBIT "B" EXHIBIT "C" EXHIBIT "D" EXHIBIT "E" Looking East, West side Looking East, West side Looking South, West side EXHIBIT "F" EXHIBIT "G" West side, looking south EXHIBIT "H" CIVIL & STRUCTURAL  AIRPORT & AVIATION CONSULTING  TRANSPORTATION DESIGN & PLANNING AVCON, INC. ENGINEERS & PLANNERS 5555 E. Michigan Street Suite 200 Orlando, FL 32822-2779 Phone: (407) 599-1122 Email: avcon@avconinc.com www.avconinc.com V:\2017.0259.01 – FPR MRO Hangar CPS DATE: December 9, 2019 TO: File FROM: Luca DelVerme, PE REFERENCE: Notes from on-site observations FPR MRO Hangar CPS MRO – Treasure Coast International Airport An AVCON, INC. (AVCON) representative visited the site on December 4, 2019 to observe the construction progress in regards to the footings, column placement, and overall progress. Field observations recorded the following: Column anchor bolts and adjustment nuts were encased with high shrink grout prior to steel column placement. See Photos 1-3 Column base plate is not bearing on grout uniformly (See Photo 2). CRITICAL PATH ACTION: GC shall secure the acceptance of the non-uniform condition found with the PEMB Manufacturer’s Engineer via a signed and sealed letter prior to installing the beam sections onto the column sections.