HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOA '1't''WZ.R21 - 1'rcparcd Root"covering Materials Page 1 of'! TFWZAzx Prepared Roof-covering Materials �a Prepared Roof-covering Materials E4At' A21 CAt�fS(I4i PARSIPPANY,ff10704 L45A Aephaft glass fiber mat shinwas-"Royal Svere40n(S'.'§erttipttt 'SanWWtV ASIM 03462%-T.frbeatntt*W.-TkObtflinet IWU(al -r nibi°rtineq Vibe ail}",'lirribtrt.niS Cool Str te,-nml dinto Mafettic',"fknbttiaieO sta(esttc W,Mmitierflme*Anitancan Karv"--,'Irorttdrde"'"."Ttmtbtrtine ArmorSNOd-li`,`Grand Tstnbfrfinetg-.'litarqud0 WeatherMaxW%"Grand Canyon—.'Cw-d Segvoi80',"Grand SeavO 0 W,''Gf*ld SeQualat)ArmotSriteldr"'.'Carrielo(40',"Carnekft(l It",-CaMortoW."Country I'l-00W.'Country ►fanlione tt^,'GfWAO SWe• .'Crrand 54te''It".-5lalei°n6Q4 "W000iamdO".'Mon*W".'S4 MftaO'and"Glanwood° for iRlteftSW aS CUSS A prepared 039r Covering,SiitabW for iristaititow ore mtrtmum MVn.thick pttvtood rant MCI%in COMOrwAlOn with m+n4wn one plY'6'` nqk- Mare'or"'rpe IS or TVjw 30 uMkfa+tayment.Al w Cinotlled in aecoedante wtlh ASTM 03161.Gass F.Also Clilssifted 4n aetordar.Ce eri:ft ASTM CW 3462M.At"CWsshled in act4t'derKe with=CS AC438, Asphalt Masi fiber mat shingles-`WC*V &r xke+Starter Strip 1h:r�ea^.and'Pro=Start"`5tseter Str,o Sh:nofas"for-,ft=Itabon as Clasts A roof[QVersnp,5ttlG3tilo for'"981lation on.rrun;fttvfn 3fff-ln.thkk O"Cod in combinaW, w.tn roni"f um W lilj`SNnolf-Mbfe of'type 15 or Tyoe 30 underlaymnt.Ain Cti€ssilled in atcondance vtO ASTM D3161f03161M.Class A.Also Clasalfted to wotdanCt with ASiM 03452/034624. Asphalt glass Tibor mat shingles.'ttoyat Sovereignj','SenttnSO',IntAberl.neV€D","11rrntifr104M Natural S-1440 k%"timbertinee Ultra HD%'Vrnberl,'ne$Coot Serlrs`,'Ameritea turvw,"Fortitude—'.'Kargulse went€erMlixg1l',"Grand Canyon-',"Gra-4 SettuDiw''Grxv Silquou ro 111"and`Came"otol for instalat€or+as Class A pMWrd roe covering vfhen ustd wuth n4riO iun 7yot 30 undenarment over 4xiStiN wood shingle roof. Asphalt glass mat hlp and ridge shingie3-—7,0110ertex H 0 Ono AtOt`for irivaWion tS(,'ass A txeNretl roof LOVe11tV.Aifo lilac a*$heated i-%atCo,danstr w 9,ASTM 031111103161M,Cass V when€fenkei"PL Raoru,g and mashing:.Cat4rnt'or r,OnnC4o°n"Npi Gun•r;rade Posyurethturs Sealant"rS sr pl ,#d rr5 gWC+nad In isMenufattarer's aop,katson Intti'uttians-steo ox%%..rw in ASifr 0346?103462M. "Z'1'tiOlfC'lur in"Ialtgn 41,Q41,1!A urCP#1e€4XX LUVCt�no. `SCat-A• eN Arrr wV-Jetd—and'seai-A-Ald"td"lot in5°ai'atin a3 Cass A peppered roof co"nngs.Also been CvaluatCO In acCwr OMO mfh ASTM 03161103161M,Class A.Also Classified M saordante w,th ASTM 03462f03462M. -Seal.AAldgeQp"for snUS131*4 AS 0215 A OftO d Md CoVeh'tQS.A:so been 41071131ed In 3CCt€r 3110 With ASTM 031611D316ttM.Vass F when idenkci Corp."toctete PL``r30 Roor6 Flashirn Seawl:7 is appited 85 SpCtiflCd in m4ftfactumt"S aosibtatien Inst'vai4ns,Also C'afrsl€ted in Arco"lantt w+th AbIM t?.f4fsM.54b2M. t act U6dA d on 2016.09-16 4 2017 UAL LLC 71rt;owpcotomx Vr a t,ur!gww 3 ndnic 4t pluaxt In U145 dolo',rox coc'),xit I,i txtf 0"wC that prCrdtiCO 30 4crtlliCd hate uCCri niGtlufOLriXtt€ undue UL',fvAfn.-U%i 5s-v,r•.Only those products bearing the Lit.Mwk ehoukl b.e coftiletod to bo Certified and covrert under UL's rolbw•U o Serytte.Atways loofa for the Mart an the product. UL permits the rooroduellon or the material COnta,ned o%the Ootfne Cert4cat+dn tTrettory su%lict to the fottowing Condiftons: 1.I ht Wife Information,AsstmWWS,Construt0oft,Designs,Systerns,and/or CgrtRicetions(Wes)must be presented in;heir entl"and in a 6an- mWltad nfi manna.without any tr+scwilnitaaariol the data(w dfatstngs).2.The xtatertieist"t>rap+Snttd fmm the Onbrie CWtifkatloiis Dtrat(ary wdh Domission frown UV friust swear 40joc"t to the exlw(ed nratertei,to*Mt/vn,the reprinted rnaterfet mug inttude a copyright not-CC to the fonowtna to-mat:'0 2017 UL t"t.C`. http:lidatabasc.ul.com/cg-bite'X Vttemplate/.taEXT11FP,AMP-Jsho age.html'?tlamct . . 11/20/2017 MIANH-DADE COUNTV MAMMAL* FRODIX-TCON't KOL SECTION I IVA15%%% 26 Stree.ROOM 2119 DEPARTNIEN1 OF REGULA I OR% AND ECONOMIC RVSOt RC ES(RER) Mium.Fiond3 33175-1.414 WiMD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION -1086 1',15-2590 F(786)315.24W4 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) Www-mismidAdLuxuana- GAF I Campus Drive Parsippany,NJ 07054 SCOPE., I his NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The dt)cuiiit:iiiatit)ii,,,ttbtnittcd fin.%born revic%%cd and accepted ky Miami-Dade Counts, RER- Product Control Section to be used to Miami Dade Count-% and other areas%%herc allowcd by the AuthoritN Ila%ing Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not he valid after the expiration date saiacd bvIo%---. The Mianii-Dade County Product Control Section (in Miami Dade County) and or the AHJ (in areas, other that) Miami Dade County) reser%e the right to ha%c this product or material tested fix quality assurance purpowN. If this product or material Mils to pci-fort'n in the accepted manner. the manufacturer v6ill Incur the expense of such testing and the AM ma% immediatek% NVOkc.tutodili. or suspend the use of such product or material bbtiltin their jurisdiction, RFR rulcri-cs the right to rc%ok;: this acceptance, if it is determined bv Miami-Dade Count-. Product Controt Section that this product or material thils to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. 71iis pr(,.,duct is appr,,%ed as described herein,mid ha-been designed to compl-, %c ith the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Iturricatic Zone orthc norida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: GAF Timberline 111Y.Timberline' Natural Shudww&`.Timberline' NS.Timberline' American 11%krvest'.Timberline AWFImberfine' HIM I-11.'f Intherline' CS and Fortitude) Shingle% LABELING: Each unit shall bear a Nrmancta label%%ith the manutheturcy's name or logo.cit%.state and fiillo"ing statement: "Miami-Dade Lciujit%. Product Control Approved".unferc otherwirc noted herein. RVNEWAL of this NUA bliall be oonsidcrcd after n renewal application has been filed and than:has boucti,no change in the applicable building code ncgati%,el% affecting the performance or this product. *FULMINATIONNof this NOA will oznir after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the material-.use,and,,or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product,for sales,advertising or an-, oth -OA. Uailurc I(-)comply Ia h1i air,, Section(or tatter purposes shall automaticaliv-terminate this N 06 NOA shall Ix causi;for icrtnination and removal of NOA. An%,FRT1SE';V1ENT: I lic '%(.)A titun1vt preceded 1%, the word: viiami-nade ciountx, riorida, and rollomwd ky the e.%.piration date muN be diTla%ed in advertising literature. If any portion of the\OA is displa.vcd.then it shall IV done in its entire \. INSPVCTION: A eopti orthis entire NOA-,hall k-pr,,)%Wed tv llic user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall bc mailable for inspection at the job site at the request ofthe Building Official. This NOA renews and rc\iser,NOA = 16-0811.11 and consists of pages, I through 7. flic submitted documentation was rev ic%\ed b,, Freddr Sentino U NOA.No.: 19-WIZ.04 Expiration Date:02121M Approval Date,01/09120 Page 1 0177 ROOFIN(;AssF-NIHLY APPROVAL Catcy.ors: Root"inv Suh-Catv?-(jrv: Asphalt Shingles Materhils, Laminate Deck Tuie: wtxxl SCOPF I his appro\c, GAF Timberline HD%Timberline' Natural Shadow",Timberline NS',Titntierline American "an-est'.1-imberliur AH .Timberline' FIZZ' ,Timberline CS' and Fortitude'"Shingles as manufactumd he 6A� as dv,cribed in this Notice ol'Acceptance. PRODUCT DF.SCRtPTION Pr2dgSt Dinic"sions Rat III-0thict Dvvcrintiou CAF Timberline HD' TAS 110 Fiberglais reinforced hem.) weight asphalt roof .U41,11factill-Ing shingle.A%ith a lutninate prattle L(waliews#1,2.3.,4.5,(1, GAFTimberlific Naltival 'TAS 110 FihLr gulass reinforced hem lweight asphalt roof Shadows' and Timberline NS tllitigic.1%ith it 14111inatc Prolific U111,01c"Ifing Location k N, 7 GAF Timberlitic' Auturicun 13 IA$ 110 Fikrglass rcinf(,,rccd lim,. %%cight asphalt roof Harvest' shingle.\%ith a laminate prorlic Manilfaclurl.ng Locativim 42,4.6.9 CAFTimberlinCAH 131 \ 39 rAS 110 Fihcrglass reintbrced heav% Nwight asphalt roof Xhinz#itemring ihingle,N%ith a laminate profile Liwolimis h2, 4. 0. 9 GAF Tinihcriftic' 11DZ" 13 Yj­N 39 4%x TAS 110 Fihcrglass reinforced hca\ weight asphalt roof Alwn#itclurijig shingle.u ith a laminate prottle L(walions fl.2,3,4,S,6,7,8,9 GAF Fortitude' I I it) I AS ITO rilwrglu-,t,rcinforccd lica%% m-cight asphalt roof Manul;wn.ring shingle.with a laminate Profile facaflon#4 GAF Timberline' CS 1 9 S TAS 110 Fiberglass,reink)rced heavy v4etgln-Nphalt root Mumilin-111ring sihingic.with a laminate protile Lowliun$19 NOA No.: 19-0312.04 f%piration Date.0:11121 Approvgl Dote.,W0912; Page 2 of YLA NL ,(:TU N c,.,v if1 2. Michigan Oty,IN fir. Tuscaloosa,A L 9. Fontan .C %amnrr ;%la3rtiun Dow.4211 .kpproval Outc.011091 0 up 3 cad°? EVIDFNCE SUBMIrf ED lot Agem Test Identifier Test NarneAtport Date Undemritcrs Laboratorics,LLC AS I%I 1)-5-162 4"S8932264 12-13,119 Undcmriters Laboratories.LLC AS I M 03462 4788717529 011311,19 Undemriters Laboratories.LLC AST-M D3462- 4787344101 07-12516 Undcruritcrs Laboratorics.Inc. AS'FM D3462 I ICA4891-4 101221!11 Vndemritcrs Laboratories.hic ASTM D3462 10CA21994 04j'Z,2!11 VnJerwiters Laboratorics,Ina: ASTM D3467 104 A218717 07126111 Underuriters Lalxwaturie,.Inc. AS-I N1 D3462 05CA47/54I 11,10106 Underwriter-,I aboratorici,Inc. ASTXI D3462 06CA31580 1110106 PRI Asphalt Technologies.Ine. AS'l ki W-162 GAF-101-02-02 11:102105 Vndemritcr,Laboratories,Inc. ASTM D3462 06NK05159 O8iO9,!06 PRI Asphalt Technologies.Inc. ASTM D.1462 GAF-OQ8-02-02 I I."(W05 I lndervvriter,,I-atxmdtorics.hit. ASTM D3462 02\, K41809 08 1 Z Undcrwriters Labomtories,Ine.Center for ASTM D3462ASTM 03NK26444257989 it) , (11 Applied Fneincering. D3462 05 -, 97 Undenvriters LuboratoricN.LLC TAS 10" 41789225984 I' Undem ritcrs I aboratories.I.LC TAS 107 4788717529 01 14) Underwiters Laboratories.Inc. I-AS 107 OINK45803 04 q4 Undemritem-I ahoratorie,.Inc. TAS 107 06\KOS 159 0W09r116 Undenvritcr,Lalxwrut4,)riv.,.Inc. I-AS 1t17 04NK0,1273 02 2044 Underwriters I atworatorics.Ine. TAS 107 05CA42840 I 1 1 U,05 t ndemriters Laboratories.Inc. [AS 1107 02NK41811 11A F02 0identritem Laboratories.[tic. FAS, 107 03CA35209 1011?,03 Undcruritcrs Laboratorics.Inc. TAS I(P 04CA13850 08!30/04 Center for Applied Engineering TAS 100 257989 041,01;97 PRI Asphalt Technologic,.h1c. TAS QA�-912-02-01 I PRI Asphalt Tcchnolopgim Inc. TAS 100 GAF-044-02-01 0 1.13,'04 PRI Asphalt Technologics,111c. TAS IN (jAfw.098-02-01 I I i0x,05 PRI Asphalt lechnotoLzies.Inc. TAS 100 GAF-101-02-01 )1 1XV5 PRI Asphalt Tuchtiologics.Inc. TAS 100 GAF-116-02-02 011,23ft PRI Asphalt Technologies.Inc. TAS.100 FIX-083-02-01 I Op"161102 ELK-084-02-01 10,*15:02 El K-085-02-01 1011 4.�02 LIX-086.02-01 101,12.11,02 r-.1 KO-0 8 17 1)2-M 10`2 P02 LLK-088-t)2-01 I W 161,02 FIX-10-1-02-01 10109103 LLK-108-02-01 101,091,03 r j K.I o9-02-01 10109/03 NOA No.: 19-0312.04 I MJAKI"MO h%pimfion Vate:02i2l/22 ApPrOval Date.01109120 Page 4 of! LimITATIONS 1. Firc classification is not part of this acceptance. rcfer to a current Appro%ed Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 2. Shall not be instilled on rtx,*f mean heights in excess of 33 ft. 3. All products listed herein shall ha%e a qualiq-assurance audit in accordance-.k idi the Florida Building Uxle and Rule 6 1 G20-3 of the Florida Administrative Code. 1NSTALLATION 1. Shingles shall be inmalled in compliance,.%ith Ro-ofing Application Standard RA'S I 15. 2. Flabiting shall be in accordance N,.ith Roofing Application Standard RAS 115 3. The manufacturer shall provide clearl% t%ritten application instructions. 4. Lxposurc and course layout shall be in compliance with Detail W.attached. S. Nailing shall he in compliance,6%ith Detail'B'.attached. LAHELI.NG shingles shall beat the imprint or identifiable marking or the manufacturer's nattic or logo. city and state or manufacturing facility-, and foliov.-ing statement: ­Nfianii-Dade County Product Control Approved" or the 'Miami-Dadc Cotint) Product Control SC41 as shown below. MIAMI-DADE COU BUILDING PERMIT Rr.QuIRVNIENTS 1. Application fi-r building permit shall her accompanied by copies.of the foliowin#-. 1.1 This Notice of Acceptance. 1.2 Any other documents required b% the building Utficial or the applicable code in order to properly cvaluatc tht installation of this bytslctn. NOA No.: 19-0312.04 Expiration Date:02/21/22 1410m, ffl� Approval Date*01/09/211 Page 5 or7 0ET LA, COURSE LAYOUT DECK . .. . . . . F1 \ £$ ,%OFF ,, } It OFF : #d « «OFF d . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! fmt 5-5/8Expom± >QA.al9-Ull#4 * F _/ F�Mra ![,� [n! t« gala! AAmq| l¥ 0lm9f10 »6of! DETAIL 13 OA'E%%LL DIMENSIONS AND NAILING PATTER-N FOR TiNtBFEtLINF, TIMBERLI.X0 NATURAL SHAI1OWg A.Ntil3 TUMBERLINO INS 39-3/8 -• -- to-t -J t ---- ca.►t . 17-IfT . �_t2"_, ,r ail goals Erne �'" l��et $-117" =J-3/2" g rtiQrt+m-t9#txnV from b000mofshingle r r elf SCE l adhesive i on t?dCK ENHANCED NAILING PATTERN six nails per shingle' •fey�ued faf wmo kxat odes end r*�.nf+d(pr gnh;�r#s+s!r,#d cawu�raye c++ceatpfes�p#�s:tn S"lirn led wwrianty for Waft These shingles MUST be nailed a nominal F'(#5 rrrn)from bottom of of shingle,above the cut guts, as shown hails mast not be exposed. OVERALL DuN E SIC)NS AND "NAILING PA-rTFRN FoR Ti1IRF,RLINE"HM"",TI BERLINO CS,Ti BERLItiF"AH, AN,-n FORTITUDE' 39.38 iimp TARGET MAIL ZONE L.ND OF THIS ACC F*PTAN( t' NOA NO-: 19-0312.04 Expiration DAW 02/21122 Page 7 of 7 MIAMI-DADE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY e PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) Miami,Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T(786)315-2590 F(786)31525-99 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www.miamidaALgov/economy SOPREMA,Inc.(Canada) 1688 Jean-Berchmans-Michaud Drummondville,Quebec J2C OC2 Canada SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County)and/or the AHJ(in areas other than Miami Dade County)reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner,the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke,modify,or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein,and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: Soprema Lastobond,EnviroShield and Resisto Underlayment Products LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved",unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials,use,and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA.Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County,Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA No. 20-0303.05 and consists of pages 1 through 7. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Freddy Semino M(AMf•DADE COUNTY NOA No.:20-0701.03 E Imo■ , • O - Expiration Date: 09/29/25 Approval Date: 08/27/20 Page 1 of 7 ROOFING COMPONENT APPROVAL Category: Roofing Sub-Category: Underlayment Materials: SBS SCOPE: This acceptance is for Soprema Lastobond,EnviroShield and Resisto Underlayment Products as manufactured by SOPREMA Inc.,as described in this Notice of Acceptance, for use with approved prepared roof assemblies as described in this Notice of Acceptance; designed to comply with the Florida Building Code,including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED BY APPLICANT: Test Product Product Dimensions Specification Description Lastobond Shield 36"x 75' rolls ASTM D1970 SBS self-adhereing asphalt sheet material for use Manufacturing Location #1 or as an underlayment for Ice Dam Protection in 45"x 75' rolls sloped roof assemblies. **Available as Lastobond Shield 36 and Lastobond Shield 45 for the 36" wide and 45"wide rolls. Lastobond Pro HT-N 36"x 65' rolls ASTM D1970 SBS self-adhering asphalt sheet material for use as Manufacturing Location #1 an underlayment for Ice Dam Protection in sloped roof assemblies. Resisto SA Smooth Ply 40 40"x 65' rolls ASTM D1970 SBS self-adhering asphalt sheet material for use as Manufacturing Location #1 an underlayment for Ice Dam Protection in sloped roof assemblies. Lastobond Shield HT 36"x 75' rolls ASTM D1970 SBS self-adhering asphalt sheet material for use as Manufacturing Location #1 an underlayment for Ice Dam Protection in sloped roof assemblies. Lastobond Pro HT-S 36"x 65'rolls ASTM D1970 SBS self-adhering asphalt sheet material for use as Manufacturing Location #1 an underlayment for Ice Dam Protection in sloped roof assemblies. EnviroShield 36"x 65' rolls ASTM D1970 SBS self-adhering asphalt sheet material for use as Manufacturing Location #1 an underlayment for Ice Dam Protection in sloped roof assemblies. Lastobond 195 36"x 75' rolls ASTM D1970 Self-adhering glass fleece reinforced, SBS Manufacturing Location #2-3 modified bitumen roofing underlayment. Resisto LB1236 36"x 65' rolls ASTM D1970 Self-adhering glass fleece reinforced, SBS Manufacturing Location #1-3 modified bitumen roofing underlayment. Resisto LB1244 44"x 75' rolls ASTM D1970 Self-adhering glass fleece reinforced, SBS Manufacturing Location #1-3 modified bitumen roofing underlayment. NOA No.:20-0701.03 MIAMLDADE COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/29/25 �� 1 � Approval Date: 08/27/20 Page 2 of 7 TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED BY APPLICANT: Test Product Product Dimensions Specification Description Lastobond Eaves Protection 36"x 75' rolls ASTM D1970 Self-adhering glass fleece reinforced, SBS Sheet modified bitumen roofing underlayment. Manufacturing Location #2-3 Lastobond Smooth Seal HT 36"x 65' rolls ASTM D1970 Self-adhering glass fleece reinforced,elastomeric Manufacturing Location #2-3 bitumen roofing underlayment. Lastobond TU HT 39 3/s"x 65 315' TAS 103 and Self-adhering glass fleece reinforced, SBS Manufacturing Location #3 rolls ASTM D 1970 modified bitumen roofing underlayment. TopShield ICE&WATER 36"x 65' rolls ASTM D1970 Self-adhering glass fleece reinforced, SBS DEFENDER modified bitumen roofing underlayment. Manufacturing Location #1-3 MANUFACTURING LOCATION: 1. Drummondville, Quebec(Canada) 2. Wadsworth, OH 3. Gulport,MS EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: Test Agency Test Identifier Test Name/Report Date Underwriters Laboratories,Inc. R21824 UL790 09/11/15 Trinity I ERD S37210.11.11 ASTM D1970 11/09/11 S37210.12.11 ASTM D1970 12/01/11 S40540.02.13-1 ASTM D1970 02/19/13 S43530.02.14-1-R1 TAS 103 05/14/14 S44870.04.14-4 ASTM D1970 04/10/14 S44870.04.14-1 ASTM D1970 04/10/14 S44870.04.14-3 ASTM D1970 04/02/14 S40540.10.14 ASTM D1970 10/31/14 SOPC-SC8520.04.15 TAS 103 04/27/15 NEMO ETC,LLC SOPC-SC8970.08.15-RI ASTM D1970/TAS 110 04/25/18 4S-SOPC-18-002.09.18 TAS 103 09/21/18 4S-SOPC-18-002.05.19.A ASTM D1970/ASTM D4798 05/31/19 4j-SOPC-I9-SSUDL-02.A TAS 103 07/11/19 r�t'a-Aar COUNTY NOA No.:20-0701.03 , O Expiration Date: 09/29/25 Approval Date: 08/27/20 Page 3 of 7 APPROVED ASSEMBLIES: Deck Type 1: Wood,Non-insulated Deck Description: 19/32"or greater plywood or wood plank System E(1): Base sheet mechanically fastened,membrane adhered. Base Sheet: One or more plies of ASTM D226 Type II or ASTM D2626 with a minimum 4"side lap and a 6"end lap mechanically fastened to deck with approved nails and tin caps 6"o.c. at the laps and two staggered rows 12"o.c. the field of the roll. Membrane: One ply of Lastobond Shield,Lastobond Pro HT-N,Resisto SA Smooth Ply 40,Lastobond Shield HT,Lastobond Pro HT-S,EnviroShield,Lastobond TU HT,Lastobond 195, Lastobond Eaves Protection Sheet,Lastobond Smooth Seal HT,Resisto LB1236,Resisto LB 1244 or TopShield ICE&WATER DEFENDER with minimum 3-inch side laps and 6- inch end laps. Starting at the first course,parallel to the eave, align the membrane carefully by completely unrolling and setting it exactly where it will be installed. Once aligned, rewind one half of the length. Gently score the release paper on the high side of this roll, ensuring not to cut through the membrane's thickness. Unroll this first half by evenly peeling back the release paper while simultaneously and slowly pushing out the membrane. Repeat process for remaining one half of the length. Once installed,the membrane must be pressure rolled with a metal or rubber roller. Pressure shall be applied over the entire surface,paying particular attention to all side and end laps. Surfacing: Approved for Mechanically Fastened Metal Roofing,Wood Shake& Shingles,Asphalt Shingles, Slate, Simulated Slate .03 MiAM!•DADE COUNTY NOA No.:2009/21/25 .,,,# � — Expiration Date: 09/29/25 Approval Date: 08/27/20 Page 4 of 7 Deck Type 1: Wood,Non-insulated Deck Description: 19/32'or greater plywood or wood plank System E(2): Base sheet mechanically fastened,membrane adhered. Base Sheet: One or more plies of ASTM D226 Type II or ASTM D2626 with a minimum 4"side lap and a 6"end lap mechanically fastened to deck with approved nails and tin caps 6"o.c. at the laps and two staggered rows 12"o.c.the field of the roll.. Membrane: One ply of Lastobond TU HT with minimum 3-inch side laps and 6-inch end laps. Starting at the first course,parallel to the eave, align the membrane carefully by completely unrolling and setting it exactly where it will be installed. Once aligned,rewind one half of the length. Gently score the release paper on the high side of this roll, ensuring not to cut through the membrane's thickness. Unroll this first half by evenly peeling back the release paper while simultaneously and slowly pushing out the membrane. Repeat process for remaining one half of the length. Once installed,the membrane must be pressure rolled with a metal or rubber roller. Pressure shall be applied over the entire surface,paying particular attention to all side and end laps. The Lastobond TU HT shall be back nailed to deck with approved annular ring shank nails and tin caps at a maximum 12"o.c. at the side laps and 6" o.c. at the end laps. No nails or tin caps shall be exposed. Surfacing: Approved for Mechanically Fastened Cement or Clay Roof tiles. Lastobond TU HT may be used with any approved roof tile system adhered as specified in their current NOA using any foam adhesive listed and having a current adhesive NOA approval. NOA No.:20-0701.03 MIAMI•DADE COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/29/25 � Approval Date: 08/27/20 Page 5 of 7 LIMITATIONS: 1. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. 2. This acceptance is for prepared roofing applications. Minimum deck requirements shall be in compliance with the applicable building code. Lastobond Shield,Lastobond Pro HT-N,Resisto SA Smooth Ply 40,Lastobond Shield HT,Lastobond Pro HT-S,EnviroShield,Lastobond TU HT,Lastobond 195,Lastobond Eaves Protection Sheet, Lastobond Smooth Seal HT,Resisto LB 1236,Resisto LB 1244 or TopShield ICE&WATER DEFENDER shall be installed in strict compliance with the applicable building code. 3. Lastobond Shield,Lastobond Pro HT-N,Resisto SA Smooth Ply 40,Lastobond Shield HT,Lastobond Pro HT-S, EnviroShield,Lastobond TU HT,Lastobond 195,Lastobond Eaves Protection Sheet,Lastobond Smooth Seal HT, Resisto LB 1236,Resisto LB 1244 or TopShield ICE&WATER DEFENDER shall be applied to a smooth,clean and dry surface, free from irregularities. Re-fasten any loose decking panels,and check for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application. When a smooth,clean and/or dry surface cannot be obtained,the substrate shall be primed with Elastocol Stick prior to application.. 4. Lastobond Shield,Lastobond Pro HT-N,Resisto SA Smooth Ply 40,Lastobond Shield HT,Lastobond Pro HT-S, EnviroShield,Lastobond TU HT,Lastobond 195,Lastobond Eaves Protection Sheet,Lastobond Smooth Seal HT, Resisto LB1236,Resisto LB1244 or TopShield ICE&WATER DEFENDER shall not be applied over an existing roof membrane as a recover system but may be applied over a roofing Base/Anchor sheet underlayment. 5. Lastobond TU HT is acceptable for use in foam adhesive set and mechanically fastened roof tile systems as specified in the surfacing option of the approved assemblies. 6. Lastobond 195,Lastobond Eaves Protection Sheet,Resisto LB1236,Resisto LB 1244 or TopShield ICE& WATER DEFENDER shall not be left exposed as a temporary roof for longer than 30 days. 7. Lastobond Shield HT,Lastobond Pro HT-S,EnviroShield,Lastobond Shield,Lastobond Pro HT-N,Lastobond Smooth Seal HT and Resisto SA Smooth Ply 40 shall not be left exposed as a temporary roof for longer than 90 days of application. 8. Lastobond TU HT shall not be left exposed as a temporary roof for longer than 180 days of application. 9. Lastobond Shield,Lastobond Pro HT-N,Resisto SA Smooth Ply 40,Lastobond Shield HT,Lastobond Pro HT-S, EnviroShield,Lastobond TU HT,Lastobond 195,Lastobond Eaves Protection Sheet,Lastobond Smooth Seal HT, Resisto LB 1236,Resisto LB 1244 or TopShield ICE&WATER DEFENDER may be used with any approved roof covering listing Lastobond Shield,Lastobond Pro HT-N,Resisto SA Smooth Ply 40,Lastobond Shield HT, Lastobond Pro HT-S,EnviroShield,Lastobond TU HT,Lastobond 195,Lastobond Eaves Protection Sheet, Lastobond Smooth Seal HT,Resisto LB 1236,Resisto LB 1244 or TopShield ICE&WATER DEFENDER within the Product Approval. If Lastobond Shield,Lastobond Pro HT-N,Resisto SA Smooth Ply 40,Lastobond Shield HT,Lastobond Pro HT-S,EnviroShield,Lastobond TU HT,Lastobond 195,Lastobond Eaves Protection Sheet, Lastobond Smooth Seal HT,Resisto LB 1236,Resisto LB 1244 or TopShield ICE&WATER DEFENDER is not listed,a request may be made to the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ)or the Miami-Dade County Product Control Department for approval based on the necessary documentation to detail compatibility of the products, wind uplift resistance and fire resistance results. 10. When applying the membrane in the valley, start at the low point and work to the high point,rolling the membrane from the center outward in both directions. For ridge applications, center the membrane and roll from the center outwards in both directions. 11. Membrane shall be applied to protrusions, slope changes,valley, curb, and other roof top penetration details before any other sections of the roof. 12. All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61 G20-3 of the Florida Administrative Code. NOA No.:20-0701.03 MIAMI-DARE COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/29/25 0 Approval Date: 08/27/20 Page 6 of 7 13. Tiles must be staged onto Lastobond TU HT not to exceed 10-high,to the standard maximum roof pitch of 6:12. At a roof pitch of 6:12,tiles shall be staged using a double-tile stacking method(See Figure 1,below). Figure 1: Double-Tile Stacking Method At roof slopes greater than the preceding limitations all tiles shall be loaded onto a nominal 1"x 2"horizontal batten to prevent slippage. 14. All membranes or packaging shall bear the imprint or identifiable marking of the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and the following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved" or the Miami-Dade County Product Control Seal as shown below. MIAMI•DADE COUNTY ,.... END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE NOA No.:20-0701.03 MIAMI•DADE COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/29/25 1�� t ` Approval Date: 08/27/20 Page 7 of 7