HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoinay written layout of support structure for chimney and nailing patternDate: 12-08-20
To: St. Luci County Building Department (Permitting)
From: Matt Keitges (FHIA Roofing Manager)
Re: Details of chimney structure that was removed.
Building Department Permitting Personnel,
Indicated below is the permit number, address and details of the materials and approach
to covering up the opening that resulted from the removal of the existing chimney
structure and the extent the customer went through to ensure the function of the chimney
was permanently disabled.
Permit number: SLC 2011-0499
Customer Last Name: Boinay
Customer Site Address:
7203 Santa Clara Blvd.
Fort Pierce, FL 34951
Materials Used:
2" x 6" lumber was used for the support structure tie into the existing roof structure and
on either end of the opening to allow for more of a nailing area for the plywood to be
secured to it when complete. The new supports span approximately 1 1/2' onto each side
of the existing roof structure and the span between the existing trusses is 24" oc. The
index for the ply is 32/16.
2 3/8" ring shank deck nails for the sheathing with a 3/8" diametery head were used to
secure the new supports to the existing roof structure. The nails are staggered on both
sides of each new support.
t/2" plywood was used for the final covering that is secured with 2 3/8" long ring shank
deck nails placed 6"oc around the perimeter of the covering and in the field
Process to covering the chimney opening (FHIA)
After the wood structure for the chimney and the flute was removed, the opening from the
chimney was enlarged to ensure the new supports were put far enough back into the
existing structure to ensure a stable tie-in. The existing structure was cut by the original
builder to allow for the framework of the chimney to be built and it was secured by
Simpson ties. To support the opening, two 2" x 6" supports were made for each truss
with one support placed on each side of the existing roof structure and secured with 2
3/8" ring shank deck nails for the sheathing that were staggered in their placement. Upon
completion of the new support structure, one sheet of 1 it 2 plywood was cut, placed on the
opening and secured with the 2 3/8" ring shank decking nails placed 6" oc around the
perimeter of the opening.
Actions on part of the customer to permanently disable the chimney.
The customers removed the fireplace box, had the opening sealed off further up into the
chimney, and had the opening for their new plug-in electric fireplaced framed out to
accommodate the new unit.
Diagram of support and nail pattern shown on page three
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