HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubcontractor Agreement - K&P Mechanical - Mechanical PERPOIT ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERNICES Building &Code Compliance Division iCOUNTY F L 0 R I D A BUILDING PERIMIT SUB-CONTR.&CTOR AGREENIENT K&P Mechanical Solutions,Inc have agreed to be (Coripany Nanieffndividual Naink-) Herman Construction S%edrvices, inc. the Mech-anical Sub-contractor for (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 2299 South Rock Road (Projoct Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our Participation with the above mentioned project, th(.-,Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be.advised pursuant to the filing of a Y han 4e of Sub-contractor notice. CONTf IGN �ACTOR SATURE SUB(Qunlifier) -;$iNTRACTORSIGNATURE(Qualifier) Thomas A.Herman PRINT NAME PRINT NAME 29961 COUNTY CEIMFICATION NUMB COUNTY CERTIFICATION INUMBER State of Florida,County of zf-tw State of Florida,County of-A3M&Q" The foregoing instrument signed before me dais daYof The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of L)& 19b 0_&W&M 20j&by 7W001 t"4jkJ2d1&kJ Q y---Jo14-M who i5 personluy known.L-11<r tas producedla who is personally latown 600000or/lias produced a as identificat' . STAMP 61ury Public S k2!jsfe df tu e Notary Public atu e Notary Nril—lt-FTqme of Notary Public LYNN MILLIGAN Print Iame of Notary Public Commission#GG 933153 *8111 Expires March 6,2024 -3615-7019 • LYNN MILLIGAN i J�opded Thru Troy Fain Insurance800 commission#GG 933153 Expires March 6,2024 Revised 11116/2016 g Bonded Thru Troy Fain Insurance BW385-7019