HomeMy WebLinkAboutReroof Permit application - 608 Market AvenueAll APPLICABLE IWO MUST BE COMI PLI I'EV FOR AP P LIBATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 12-10-2323 Permit Number. Building Permit Application pjamhM and Developmen 15enykes .9u4mNr+g oew�Cb&e RequWtrr Dv6 o-m Commercial X Residential — — 23W Wginia Avenue, Fort Pwce FL 3498.2 P ha ne- (772 � 2-15 53 Fax- t772 M 467-1579 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR.. AERC)OF — PROPOSED IMPROVE M ENT LOCATION; Address_608 S MARKET AVENUE. FT PIERCE Property Tax ID -N: 2434-601-0021- O-7 Site Purr Name; Project Name: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK' REMOVE SHINGLE ROOF INSTALL ASTM. 301 FE LT FL2346 INSTALL SAINGLES FL13355 New E lectrica I Mater SecoDd -Electrical Mete? -.— --- .. CONSTRUCTION I NFOR MATION= Add itl oral wiprk to be performed u n-de r this permit — check all that apply: Lot No. Black No. M e{ha n lea I _ Ga 5 Tank _ G25 Piping _ Shutte r5 _ WI ndows/D!3ars _ Pond ElWfic _ Plumbing _ Sprinklers _ Generator Roof ,Pik TotalSq, Ft ofr-onstructiorr 2,035 cost of Constr❑ainn: S 9,000 OWNER/LESSEE: Name K UA8IW� LLG - Address- 321 SW LAKEFO REST WAY City, PORT ST LUC I E State= ZIO Code: 3$6 Fax- Phone No, E-Mad: 5q. Ft_ Df Fi rst Floor' 2 .ice 5 UtIllile,- _ Sewer _ Septic Fil l i n fee si mpla Title Holder on rrext page ( if -different CONTRACTOR' Build Ing riei$ht- 8 FT Name; FIOLAND 1WILEY Company: SHORELINE ROOFING Address-1973 SW GLEN GALE STi F EET Citv: PORT ST LIIOJE State: FL Zip Code- 34987 Fax; Phone No T72- -!�565 E-Mafl HORELINERO()FlN C YAHOO.COM OTC 1331 �Y�� from the Owner I.Iste4d a bowe M I State Or CoUnty LiCen5e - ff value of oanpstru-rtion is 25M or more, a RECORDED Nw6ce of CummerrCCrnent Is requln A. if w*lu-e *,f HAVC is $P. SM or more. a RE{ORpE❑ NOLIce of Commencement IS rvq uirbd_ 5 PPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN I AW 'INFORMATION: ED SIGN E L;/ENGi N EER: Not Applies bl a MORTGAGE COMPANY: NOt Ap plica bl e Name; Address: Addfess: City; — State; — City_ State-1 ZIP- Phone zip. Phone: FEE SIMPLE TrrLIE HOLDER: NOt AppiiCdble Name -- Add ress City: Ti p= phone: — SON DING ODMPANY: Net Applicable Name: Addre5s! _ City: Zip; Phone: OWNER f CONTRACTOR 1xFFIDVrr, A Vpl ica#ipn is hereby made to obtain a permit 10 do th-e work and installation as indicated. I certify tFkat -no work or Instal lativn +has oomm-enced prior to the issuSnte of a permit, St. Lucie Cou nkV makes no repirewoution that is grantirig a per nit will authflriae thrmlt holder to build She juNect structure which is in cunflic7k with arey� appkcable Home O„ ners Association rules, bgF�ws or and cflMenanSs that mayr restirict or prdribit swh structure. Please consult with your Home Urwrivs Association and review your dleed for any restrictipr►s which may apply. in consideration of the granting of th is requcged perrnIt I dio herebV aefee #hat I wil I. in al I respeZt5, perform the xwark in accordance with. the approved plans, the Flewida euilding Codes arLd St, Lu-cie County Am-endm"s- fhe following building permit applications are exempt from undergoi no a full ccmcurrency rt wiuw: room adrdition, 2.[CeSson' structuires, swimming "1*, fences} wall s, xi8ms, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-ire+idential use WAFLNING TO OWNERS; Your f;iiiJure to Rowird a Notice of J ommencement may result in paying twke for i m provemori is to you r RI•opert-y- A N otice of Com mencem ent m ust be re -co rde d in the pu blic record s of St. Lcicl a Cou my and posted on t he job5ite before t hQ first i n5pection. If You inten d to obtil i n fl nancing, con suit with Jender or a ri attorney Before -com rn enci n work or recording you r Not icla of Corn.menceme rwt- t $IgnMre of Owner/ Le5i,eej onjr r as Agent for rti�r Signature of Co Sr tOrf tkense Iiol STATE OF FLORI STATE OF FLOR !% COUNTY OF COUNTY OF _ Sw�ta lot afrrmed] and subscribed b�efare me of Physical Presence or Online Notarlratlon this _ day+ of -, 20M :bV OP Name of person making st Up E �Ptodwced IdenttRc% - PersonalI Known Y Type of I derrtificAtion Pireuced {Signature -Of rye tdhlie- state of Floncla j Com mission tip i Seal] i REVIEWS FFGN'T ! ZONING CO u LATER REM EIS+ DATE RECEIVED DATE COMIPLET two• o f or affirmed I and su bscri bed befofL-me of Phoysioal PreLemce of Online Ncrtarixa#ior` this --day of _. 2020 bx Name of persoal matinst t-e� t. Personally Knower _ Gk Produced Identiilcati § Type of FdemiRcaipon Produced r W fsignatute of t4airy Publiic- swv at Filyida j � Commission No. �5�a I] �'� -SU P EAVISGR PLAN5 VEGETATION I SEA TU RTL-E MIAMCMOVE REVIEW REVIIEW REVIEW REVIEIA REVIEW