HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval; Roll-Up Exterior Door Assemblies6/2/2020 Florida Building Code Online %•� •c��'"yi",w., �'-.rntt.: ; µk t:n t ,L k 'sa �� �Ka�-*�'Ml,.... sty' '�i■.r.t.4 L ,A,;:�!�S" �fti . �.i,a � t.` +€�?i�+.y�k „y_.yy, s •,,F �_ $'i���. ,,. . BCIS Home I Log In I User Registration ( Hot Topics Submit Surcharge I Stats ikFads' I Publications I contact us- BCIS Site Map I Unks I Search .l (=I0f1da v► d k r 11"y Product Approval tjC) USER Public User Product Annrowt Menu > Produd or AoolicaUon Search > eppflcatlon Ust a Apppdauon Detall FL # FL21450-114 Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Janus Intemational Group, LLC. Address/Phone/Email 135 Janus International Blvd. Temple, GA 30179 (770) 562-6135 Ext360 curts@janusintl.com Authorized Signature Curtis Schroeder curts@janusintl.com Technical Representative Curtis L. Schroeder Address/Phone/Email 134 Janus. International Blvd. Temple, GA 30179 (770)562-2850 Ext360 curts@janusintl.com Quality Assurance Representative Chris Meyer Address/Phone/Email 135 Janus Intemational Blvd Temple, GA 30179 (770) 562-2850 chris. meyer@ja nusintl.com Category Exterlor Doors Subcategory Roll -Up Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the John E. Scates. Evaluation Report Florida License PE-51737 Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation and Management Institute Quality Assurance_ Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Validated By Kurt Dietrich PE Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Standard ANSI/DASMA 108 ANSI/DASMA115 ASTM E330 Year 2012 2012 2002 httpsJ/www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtgHSolOoKvoSYnvsFH5OjKZwleyOh5tuml53%2byNruu3g%a3d%■3d 1/3 6/2/2020 Florida Building Code Online Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method i Option D Date Submitted 04/07/2020 Date Validated 04/68/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval 04/16/2020 Date Approved 05/02/2020 Summary of Products 'FL # Model, Number or Name Description 2145.0.1 Series 1100 Series 1100, -.26 Gauge Door Assembly -Max Size: 8'-B" x 14'-0" Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL21450 R4 II 11012 RevD. s.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +24.4/-27.0 Other: Not for use in High Velocity Humane Zones Verified By; John E. Scates PE-51737 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation. Reports FL21450 R4 AE EvalRept Model750 1100 r2. s.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes .21450.2 Series 110o Series 1100 - 26 Gauge Door•Assembly Max Size: 10'-W" x 14'-0" Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +19.4/-22.7 Other: FL7-1450 R4 it T1013 RevD s.pdf Verified By: John E. Scates PE-51737 Created by In depend entTIhIrd Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL21450 114 AE EvalRept Mode1750 1100 r2 s.pdf Created. by Independent Third Party: Yes 21450.3 Series, 3100 Series 3100 - 26 Gauge Door Assembly Max Size: 20'-0" x Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL21450 R4 .II T1015 RevB s.pdf. Verified By: John Scates FL-51737 Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +40/-40 Other: Created by Independent Third Party: Yes. Evaluation Reports FL21450 R4 AE 'EvalRept-Model3100-IM rl. s.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes' 21450.4 Series 3100 Series 3100 - 26 Gauge Door Assembly Max Size: 20'-0" x 2.0'-0" Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +42.5/-45 Other: FL21450 R4 jr T1016 Rev- s.pdf Verified. By: John Scates FL-51737 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports . FL21450 R4 AE EvalRept Model3100-IM rl s.pdP Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 21450.5 Series 3100-IM Series 3100-IM - Impact Resistant 26 Gauge Door Assembly Max Size: 16'-0" x 20'-0" Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +42.5/-45 Other: FL21450 R4 II T1016 Rev- s:Rdf Verified By: John Scates FL-51737 Created by.IndependentThlyd Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL21450 R4 AE EvalRept M6del3100-IM ri sndf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 21450.6 Series 3100-IM Series 31004M - Impact Resistant 26 Gauge Door Assembly Max Size: 14'-0" x 20'-0" Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: +40/-40 Other: FL21450 R4 II T1015 RevB s.pdf Verified. By: John Scates FL-51737 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL21450 R4 AE EvalRept Mode13100-IM rl s.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes httpsJ/w ww.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_ U.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtgHSolOoKvoSYnvsFH5OjKZwleyOh5tumi53%2byNruu3g%3d%3d W 6/2/2020 Florida Building Code Online 21450,7 1 Series 750 Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +35/-45 Other: Not for use in High -Velocity Hurricane Zones Series 750 - 26 Gauge Door Assembly Max Size- 3'-0" x 12'-0" Installation Instructions FL21450`114 II T1000 ,RevF s.Ddf Verified By: John E. Scates, P.E. 51737 Created by Independent rd Party: Yes EvaluatiThi on Reports FL21450 114 AE EvalReot_Mode175d 1106 r2 s,odf Created by Independent Third, Party: Yes 21450.8 Series 750 Series 750 - 26 Gauge Door Assembly Max Size: 6'-0" x 12'-0"' Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No F121450 R4 II T1001 RevF s.Ddf Approved for use outside. HVHZ: Yes Verified By: John E. Scates, P.E. 51737 Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure:.+19.9/-24,4 Created by Independent Third Party:' Yes Evaluation Reports Other: Design Pressures listed as a test width of 6'-0'. For FL2i450 R4 AE EvalReot Mode1750 1100 r2 s.Ddf Pressures vs. widths, see table; sheet 1 of 2, dwg T1001, Not for use in High Velocity Hurricane Zones. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 21456.9 Series 750 series 750 - 26 Gauge Door Assembly Max Size: 8'-8" is 12'-0" Limits of use Installation In Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL21450 R4. II T1002 RevF s.pd Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +24.4/-27.0 Verified By: John E. Scates, P.E. 51.737 Created bylndependentThird Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Other, Not for use in.Hlgh Velocity Hurricane Zones. FL21450 .114 AE EvalReot _Mode1750 1100 r2 s.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 21450.10 Series 750 Series 750 - 26 Gauge Door Assembly Max Size:,10'-0" x Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No F1_21450 R4- II T1003 RevF s.pd Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: John E. Scates, P.E..51737 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +19,4/-22.7 Evaluation Reports Other; Not for use In High Velocity Hurricane Zones. F121450 R4 AE EvalRept Mode1750 1100 r2 s.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes' 0aci: flc:ct Contact Us :: 2601 Bialr Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer. Copyright 21307-2013 State of Florida.:: PilvaSy Statement :: Accesslbllity Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mall address released In response to public -records request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the olf ce by phone or by traditional mall. If you have any questions, please contact 850AS7.139S. -Pursuant to Section 45S.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address If they, have one. The emalis provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public: To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.5„ please click here. Product Approval Accepts: ' OW 599 cCt Credit Card Safe httpsJ/www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtgHSolOoKvoSYnvsFH5OjKZwleyOh5tumIS3%2byNruu3g%3d%3d 3/3 ORACXETATTACMENT CCNOIETEMM BLOCK' OEWALTSCREW WLT.. 3t8X 144-LOM WOOO:IAO BOLT. LO XrLONO STEEL• HU 89LT. GRS, 3618 X 1414• UMG _1 �J lWROGNTAL HEAGROOY vERr IffID( WA OPEa. HEIC (SEARO SIDE VIEW I- W",490UX FORPUSHOPOPERATIQIL_ 70 FOR HANG CHNN OPEAAT IM-SW FOR ELECMC OP ERATI010_749' FOR OUTSI DE OF O W N DPENE-5 4Ar IIYCIIUG OL.GvAl Ivry f ;.r-{ I UPT �E PownlaFUTXPownn vus Ir I DNSrALLON.OR1LJa9fOR . 1 Y�OFAMEi�.V{LPlG j� J�m em]T aaM mN(x«x aft vArOaN:am ORV. AtIYAm WIKM=AT&lWMr- SEE SHEET2 FOR NOTES 41M mXm .WT 101 (COIICaUI (SM4 �' •� GRHxa:7AXH ua+w %� �.1lF PrywrG�YnwID ROWOEtOOLOr HEADROOM REQUIRED OPe1Ha 10'YAR YFRMIL HPAORaOY InA�A+rK H?AmtOOY TNw aP n N9i I10A1 TI " Iaa tr W owl We THRI II IR w Owi '1lOAI L' L' IfQ' avrH TINY Ira otter Ira m a a TRANSVERSE DESIGN WIND LOADS 'RATED SERIES_3100 DOORS ONLY (PSF) MAX OPEFON WIDTH MAX' OPENING HEIGHT DESIGNLOAD POSITIVE (PS DESIGNLOAD NEGATIVE . PS 6'-0' 2W-O' 68.0 68.0 9'-0' 20'-0' 61.0 61.0. 1O-0' 20',-0- 55.3 55,3 11'-0' 2V-O' 50.5 50.5 174' 201-0' 46.4 46A- IS.O* 20'-0' 42.9 42.9 14'-0' 20'-0' 40.0 40.0 15-0' 2P-0' 3S.6 3S.6 lV4' 20'-0' 3L0 . no 17'-0' 20'-0' no 29.0 18'4)' 20'-0' 28.4 28A IT4r 20'-0' 24.2 242 20'40' 20'-0' Y2.3 223 1w OETAIILLA OVE p AaOedt B 20 R7 T. D1. CORrAM PANEL �dS' xA OALozOaAU 6TEf100TI0Yl Alw Mae ASTM xleol OETAR ♦ . ASTMAS51 GR 80 ZINC COATED STEM PREPAMED WITH FULL COATOF PRIMERAND BAKED SILICON® POLYESTER PINISHCOAT "26GACLWTAW OETAIL' ALLOWABLETRANSVERSE DESIGN V✓IND LOADS IMPACT RATED SERIES 31004M DOORS ONLY (PSF) MAX Mruc DESIGN LOAD DESIGN LOAD OPETAN OPENING POSITIVE NEGATIVE WIDTH -HEIGHT PS P 14'-0' ' 20'-0' I 40.0 40.0 Er111-ml.1 rlAr•1u14 I S7ED.NlG+S COMIMJOU9FIAL CORTNN W WK BGRaN BN1 ASSEMY 4 2 ALLOOM70NEMSSIULLBE ASTIIASA STEEL WSN FY-M KSI GALVANDE0 PERASTMASSO G-90 rL 1.ao2 1� 1ao2 0`t`� No. 51737 Digitally signed by John E. Scates P.E. Date.,2019.0&1612:10:49-05'00' John E SGates, P.E. q STATE OF 2560 KInCArthur Blvd,Ste Lzas4 •j� A • \ F PESw[WIle370 75056 /� •(AtiA Plofesslonal En6lmets anal pru*cd c0jfor VadficWtonDiwindloadcamhwiandaWs, , ETM2YNATIRIE JANUS INTERNATIONAL GROUP, LLC. UNox+lrofn 135 JANUS INTERNATIONAL BLVD TEMPLE. GA 36179 IFMUffKar 770-662-28501Fax 770462.2264 2018 Janus Intemadonal Group, LLC, All Rights Reserved iTED BELOW. CERTIFIED WIND LOAD RATED 26 GA. DECIMAL FRACTIONS .ANGLES ' . HOLE DIAMETERS . . AWROVALS DATE SERIES 3100 / 3100-IM DOOR %XX• +1-0.03(r 41e1118' H•0.30' UNDER02S1 4=4 SCOT17ROBILIARD.. 04-24-18 ASSEMBLY X)00( 41000S am 0251 - 0.500 ' Q006 'Q= CURTSCHROEDER 04.21WO B T101.5 B OVER 0.500 :O.W5 CURTSCHROEDER 04.24-16 NONE SHEET.1 OF 2 GENERAL NOTES 1. THIS ROLL UP DOORSYSTEM HAS BEEN SUCCESSFIILLYTE57EDACCORDINO TO THE UNIFORM STATICAIR PRESSURETESTPERANSW.ISMA 10e,THE LARGE MWU WPACTTESTANO THE CYCLIC WIND PRESSURE LOADING TESTPER ANSUDASNA 116, IN AM INOEPENDEW TEMGLAB CONFORMING TOTAS30W 7. DESIONLOAD-.(0.0 pSF AT14•WIDE a0.0 i WINO LOADS FOR SUMINOOPENNGS SMALL BE DETERMINED 9YAPPOFESSIONAL ENGINEER USING APPROPRIATE WIND SPEEDA ND DESIGN CRITERIA. THIS DOOR MAYBEUSED WMERETLE DESIGN LOAD MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE DESIGN LOAD FORTHEBUADINGOPERNG A. SUPERIMPOSED LOADS ON THE JAMBS FROM THIS DOORAREOESNGNEDAS W AND Vy IEPBN CONTRACTORS SHALL VERUFYADEOUACY OF BUILDING STRUCTURETO REWSTSUPERWPOEEO LOADS V,% Vy. L ALLWELDING SHALL BE PERFORMED BY QUALIFIED WELDERS INACCOROANCGYATHA.W.5 SPECIFICATIONS, LATEST EORION.ALLWELDINO ELECTRODES SIM.LCONFORMTOAWAAS.1 GRADE E•7a 4. DOORS SNAIL BE PROVIDED WITH LOCK MECHANISMS AT THE OPTION OF THEOWNER T. ALLBOLTS AND WASHERS SHALLSE GALVANI= ORSTAW ESSSTEE. WITHAMINUUM TFNSOTH LESTREN OFSO%SL B. CESMNSASEDONUNDERWRITERLABORATOMESTESTREPORTNO.SV7074MIWMf pM a ANG(ORNOTES: A EMOEOMENTLENGTN DOES NOTINCLUDESTUCGOFL•DSH. S. FOR HOLLOW MASONRY, FlLLALLCEILD 0ANCHOR WITH 2OMPSI MINIMUM GROUT. C. ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED ED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS SPECaTCATION& 0.2500 PSI NNIMUM CONCRETE FORCONCRETE JAMBS. 10. DOOR OPERATION TYPE TO BE PUSH-UP. HAND CHAIN OR ELECTRIC. 11. GUIDE TO JAMB ATTACHMENT FASTENERS BEGIN P FROMFIOORANDI• BELOW TOP OFTHE WALL. MDO NO. I TESTDOORWALL OPENING SIZE' N'-0•%IG•0•. W.7m�rF7 Vr •]m 0'U7 ' . VA.I00r0ii1 W.170r lPLFU W-iW7�LF7. QIRTNN CIRrTNN W130T lPLFi HydW(PLF) Vy RlOIPLF) .. aAMINYW STEEL JAIrA9 WNWErEIFlLLEe BIaCK/WOODJ/A65 LH WIDE WlM6NaNN RHWOEMOUNTSHOWNN O MIe•NOIS S77 MOLE 0 e•0.0. MAY n ae•GC. MAX LOT r • a' I• r 1.aI(0011WBTEELJA.L®e A, I� RN WIDE MOUNr8NOWN -"^7 cON OiETPI FlLIED etoc% r WTX1D �Apms RN GLOeIAalwT lNdNN .Las GUIDE MOUNTING DETAIL ETi ALV �• (1N0 4 1M• FJmTIIOCOxMCREJAL® (SNB B) • OYSTROFTUEOSLOCKJA. -'.n •• ,.•, �,, 3l6'Xe06.O.GYAY •. 1•,`,•• WAONEMSIMUENt OF �•. •. 3-IW UI0ASEYIITERUL FMUMBLOCI( A M�GUIOENOUN W—N �� �� WqTIXI1R1�Opd�LBAyTT�AgI IWETS.DNCOaOEO' RIYLTSL10CMr . -O"NO WOM WaTNER ••3W Ww01DPAi ION WRTAI.NSHMT. CON WN• TH-W I1H• P'w1 TN�IO-QEOASNx LAaeOLrae%r QB•o.c,rA.X SCREW LLINO SCREW .ImX ®C0.G. W0r -BOTH LDunoNS) r CURTAIN WTNDLOClCIAWA.H LYDR K. WITHIE=14mro Will RNETSd-cganD . RIVE OPENMOWimN _ rmuaacO EVEtYonBi •4Ye COWNINION CUWMNSMEEr LWGTN.aw•. NULIprW1Y SlEELJAL66 lH OV10EYOIATr SNOWN DECIMAL FRACTIONS ANGLES _ HOLEDIAMEFERS X)O( H-0.030' i/-11i6• -I. a, 70' UNDER 0.25.1 XXXX *l-O.OGS• _ 0251-0,500 !ate OVER 0:500 loam Ire CONCNELEJ fUIGUOE MOUNTSNONN w A YMICE3 000LT 3CRLYAIOLT•WYL?IFL EAmEOVDRrxmgancw pgpi(AMYNIItgpPACIRIl1ETAa 1NAEE 1T aIEf1TI W I BalTe pR0 Mx.14•Rlffl•1 FLi6SIPq NLNSONRY.FILLCFILM2OR' 'SIOIIOVr. ' . IRNGN� OMIT! `\ A No.0737 ' A � John E Seatos, P.E. OF T/ 256010nB'Arlhur Blvd, Ste 22450 LawIsNllq Tx75G56 v Ode ` ;FLORIOP:• \�\� ProfessimW Enalnoces seat Provided o*,for vedBeaiton of w1rdaed constudon detalts. JANUS INTERNATIONAL GROUP, LLC. 135 JANUS INTERNATIONAL BLVD TEMPLE, GA 30179 RL 770.562.2850/Fax770.562-2264 © 2018 Janus Intema6onal Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved CERTIFIED WIND LOAD RATED 26 GA,. "PpRO°AJ' _ DATESERIES 310013100•IM DOOR ;OTTROBILLARD .04-24-16 ASSEMBLY s� wuWle. '.REV. IRTSCHROEOER .04 44-18 131 T1.015 B IRTSCHROEOER 04-24-18 NONE SHEET.2 OF 2