HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate of Termite TreatmentSt Lucie County Inspections. 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft -Pierce, EL 34982 (772) 462-2172 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TRE ATME, NT 1'LRNirT ll /,"'0 `-� 30 JOB t1DDItCSS IiUILDTR��U R & F% Pest Control%, Inc PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR 1 856 SW BayshorQ Bl v Port St Lucie, FL 34994 PEST CONTROL LICENSE # We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above -described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet of area treated: a Percentage of soltition: r Datc of trcatmetit: ❑ Tooting ❑ lst Treatment ❑ Re,treat, ❑ Slab ❑ TstTreahnent ❑ Re-treat- Cl Driveway ❑ 1 raatment Re -treat OOIS ❑ 1st Treatment ❑ Re -treat ❑ Other ❑ !st'rreatment ❑ Re-t7•eat NOTE: Chemicals Total gallops used: 2— Time of Treatment; FBC104•2.6 Certificate of1'roteclive Trealmeitl forprevenfim of lermiles. A weather resistant jobsile posting board shall be provided to receive duplicate Trealmeal Certifootes ps each required protective tcaunent Is completed, providing a copy for the person the permlt_is issued to acid another copy for the building permit files, The Treatment Certificate shall provide the product used, identity'of the applicator, lime and dale of lire treaument, site location, area treated, chemical used, percent comce»ti,alion and ntimber of gallons used, to establish a Verifiable record of protective Iron mient. , if the soil chemical barrier method for termile preveiuion Is used, firma! exterior treatnient shall be completed prior to final building appro MI. St I'licie County requires for the final inspection for CO, a Permanent sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover, listing all tiie trentinents and, dotes of applications. , Perime,te,, for Final Inspection attire of exterminator Tliere must be a completed fortis for each required treatment or re-lreattnent and this forts moist be oil the job site to be picked lip by the hispector at time of each hispMim or the schedided hisimefloti 011 fail and a re -inspection fee. charged.