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TERMITE �S )7D 2- Of„ 0_- -SOO-DSLeCENT MyDiligent.com State License JB228623 TERMITE SERVICES Notice of Preventative Treatment for Termites (as required by Florida Building Code(FBC)2326.5 and Broward County Chapter FBC 105.2.2) CONCRETE WASHOUT SERVICES ERMITE PROTECTION rr))� PEST CONTROL MOSQUITO CONTROL RODENT CONTROL SERVICE ORDER NUMBER SERVICE DATE u TIME WEATHER CONDITIONS D PMENT NAME(PR JECT) CON ACTOR'S NAME CONTACT PERSON TRUC URE ADDRESS(L T/BLOCK) r CITY,STATE,ZIP CODE COUNTY CONTACT PHONE NUMBER NOTES TREATMENT TYPE/AREA ❑FLOATING ❑MONOLITHIC ❑PATIO ❑GARAGE ❑DRIVEWAY ❑STEM WALL ❑ADDITION ❑CUTOUTS ❑FOOTERS ❑FRONT ENTRY WERIOR PERIMETER FOR RENEWAL ❑OTHER TREATMENT TYPE ❑TAMP&TREAT ❑TREAT ONLY InfINAL ❑RETREAT ❑BORA CARE TREATMENT ❑TERMITE BAIT STATION PRODUCT TT DOMINION ❑ADONI REMISE ❑_DEMON TC ❑TERMIDOR ❑BORACARE ❑OTHER IVE INGREDIENT CONCENTRATION ®®®®000 ❑.05% ❑.06% % ❑.12% ❑.25% ❑OTHER GALLONS APPLIED SQUARE FOOTAGE 1 LINEAR FOOTAGE a C", ® 0 P 9 ®��N e _j SQUARE FOOTAGE VERIFIED �� e ❑NO ❑MEASURED OR VERIFIED PER PLANS a II a0 R ® � m JOB READY CONDITIONS MET ®®® tee® YES ❑NO �S((DE AILS SAFETY CONDITIONS As per 2326.5 FBC-If soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used.Final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. Certificate of Compliance:The building has received a complete treatment for the prevention of subterranean termites.Treatment is in accordance with rules and laws established by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.(Per the Florida Bu' ing Code.) If this notice is for the final exterior treatment,initial and date this line 0 {TERMITE MONITOR INSTALLED ❑YES ❑NO} FINAL STICKER ❑ELECTRICAL PANEL IPass EATER OTHER Payment Terms: Customer's pn full is due at time of initial se ce.Customer agrees that a finance charge in the amount of 18%per annum will be assessed on all unpaid balanare not satisfied by the due ate. In the event a collection process becomes necessary to recover an unpaid balance the following fees will bed including but not lim' d to: collection service fee,attorney's fee,finance charges and non-sufficient funds payment fee,�stomer will be bl for paying all cost associated with any collection process. Date A i r(Dili S ices) ��{►IItipJC� Date r. erty Owner or Agent) Corporate 3500 NW Boca Raton Blvd. I Suite 714 1 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 1 1-800-DILIGENT loa_ 1 Soil Nuclear Gauge client: Project: -- Report Date:211012016 AJT Construction Consulting,LLC. ' 1&0986.00 Test Method:ASTM D 6638 1760,North Jog Rd - -:-Aagtiavista Development R"•n�y West Palm Beach,FL 33411 North Hutchinson Island Port AL LucN FBPE CA#4930 St.Lucie County,FL 521 Nw Enterprise Drive Port St Lucia.FL 34986 Phone:772-924-35751 Fax:772-924-3580 Test Results .� Optimum Maximum In Place In Place Probe MinlMax G Retest Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Moisture Dry Density Depth Percent Comp. Q Test# Of Date Proctor ID Method Classification % %) c (in) Compaction %) Remark J 4 1/26116 P-1 NIA 14.1 108.7 12.8 108.2 12 100 95/105 Pass I 5 1/26/16 P-1 N/A 14.1 108.7 13.2 107.0 12 98 95/105 Pass 6 1/26/16 P-1 NIA 14.1 108:7 13.1 107.3 12 99 1 951105 Pass Test Information Gauge Test# Test Location Elevation Reference Make/Model I SN Field Technician 4 Below Slab Grade:Lot No.6,4440 A1A-Foundation Pad,Center Area 0-1 Troxler T3440 27974 Marquart,Matthew 5 Below Slab Grade:Lot No.6,4440 A1A-Foundation Pad,Northeast Comer 0-1 Troxler T3440 27974 Marquart,Matthew 6 Below Slab Grade:Lot No.6,4440 A1A-Foundation Pad,Southwest Comer 0-1 Troxler T3440 27974 Marquart,Matthew Remarks Comments Related Tests Pass:Tests results comply with specifications Tests are"Direct Transmission"(Method A)unless probe depth is noted as'Backscatter". Gauge calibration data on file with the testing agency. Test# Related Test# Test Type 4,5,6:1-2,2-3,3-4.4-5 HCP=70+,>95%Compaction,PASS.HCP teats are empirigglly correlated to the relative density of thQ soil. NA 0 c�G P 2/101?�J6 d Donald W.Mole.,,P.,:E._ - -- -- - Professional Engineer-Engineer-P 64�7 ,Mate of Florida too Test Reports shall not be reproduced,,except in full,without the written approval of GFA international Inc. Page 1 of 1 RECEIVED APR`2 0017 17o2 a1HG� Soil Nuclear Gauge Client: Project: Report Date:-4/11/2017 Phoenix-Realty Homes, Inc. 13-2092:02 -Test Method: D 6938 - 1760-North Jog Road,Su ite-1 Tarpon Flats - ---- — — - Portst.Lucie - West Palm Beach, FL 33411 St,Lucie County, Florida FBPE CA#4930 521 NW Enterprise Drive Pod St.Lucie,FL 34986 Phone:772.924-3575a Fax:772-924-3580 Tes t Restilfs Optimum Maximum In Place In Place Probe Min/Max Retest Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Moisture. Dry Density Depth Percent Comp. Test# Of Date Proctor ID Method Classification M (pco N (pcf) (in) Compaction M Remark 67 4/11/17 P-2 N/A 11.7 109.1 3.9 115.0 12 105 95/105 Pass 68 4/11/17 P-2 N/A 11.7 109.1 5.9 112.6 12 103 95/105 Pass 69 4/11/17 P-2 N/A 1 11.7 1 109.1 3.7 113.2 12 104 95/105 1 Pass Test Infori»ation' Gauge Test# Test Location- Elevation Reference. Make]..Model/SN Field Technician 67 Below Slab Grade:Lot 6,foundation pad,southeast corner 0-1 Troxler343034908 Grimes,John 68 Below Slab Grade:'Lot 6,foundation pad,northwest corner 0-1 Troxier 3430 34908 Grimes,John 69 Below Slab Grade:Lot 6,foundation pad,center 0-1 Troxler 3430 34908 Grimes,John Remarks Comments: Pass:Tests results comply with specifications Tests are"Direct Transmission"(Method A)unless probe depth is noted as "Backscatter'.Gauge calibration data on-file with the testing agency. 67,68,69:1-2 HCP=40+,>95%Compaction,PASS.HCP tests are erriviricaliv correlated to the relative density of the soil. ti,tt!.t8r1g�® ' 60675 04/Ta/ CA 7 �.- Donald W.Moler, P.E.. 4 ;profib r:Et> r0eec 6,91575 5t t f Fao c� P;•'_��0% lr Sin • % " �7Jaett�aty Test Reports shall not be reproduced,except in full,without the written approval of GFA International Inc. Page 1 of 1 Digitally signed printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Job# 110704 {; - Planning.&Development Services i Building&Code Regulation Department i 2300 Vfirginia Ave Fort Pierce,FL 34982 - - 772-462-2165 Fax 462-6443 INSULATION INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE NarW: Phoenix Companies �= Permit#:; _ Address: 3917 Shoreside Drive Lot: i33oeit: Subdivision: i3ie undersigned hereby certifies insulation.as beeOnstalled at theabove described property as follows; 1. ExteclorCB.S walls-have been'Insulaw4kh.......................... f)Spray ort celtuto`se Wcft ttitctvtess,according to the manufacturerFiFoil ()Fiber b 9 lankets _ .. (Density`IM/A)'will yield an�.Kn- value of 4.1 (}1)Aluminum:Foil O other Exterior Frame wall.have.been insulated with......................... ()Spray on cellulose Tol.a thiekness.of Inches,which thickness,according to ()Fiberglass blankets the'rr anutktoret, 1,°(Density N/A)'v�n"Ii yield an ()aluminum Foif '"It":value:of• '()ether I 2. Ceilings—Level-have been Wsuiated%vM............................... ()Fiberglass blankets In aWidmess of5.25.in&es,which thickmess,according to ()Fiberglass.loose flit toe manufaftreCOES Sueraseij(Density NIA)wilt yield an ()Aluminum Foil "R`value-of 20. 00Spray Foam .Ge fts.-Cathedral—have heed 1visudated with.................... ()fiberglass blankets 10 a 09clgress of; inches,which,thickness,according to ()Fibergias'kiloose fill the:manufacfurer,t ,Density(NjA)will yield an ()Aluminum Foil value of ()Other Cellulose SAB 3. .Interior,knee walls have been in.;ulatp-d.with.,....................... ()Rberglass'blankets to--a thidaress0-5•25 inches,which thickness;according to ()Polyurethane the,mant�lFactuser�;�S Sucrase l(Den�r N/A)will yield an ()Spray on cellulose "Rp vatiie'of 20 (i Spray Foam, 4. 'Garage:partit on walls:of conditioned living areas have been 0 lberglass blankets lv'M.............................1.11.11-11,........................ O Spray.on cellulose to a'tti`Umess OF3.5. inches,which thickness,accordino to the 0Polyurethane tatfd ma urardCertainteed 1,(Density N/A)will yield an {)Other value of 11 MUtTI'=FAMILY,fttkDERT1AL CONSfRUC1T0lV ONLY: The common(party)walls.sepai'ating�#ereat tenants shalt be insulatied as faloiros:4:frame�t�7etat stud walls lt.i (Min);CBS or Concrete wai�sl�3(Min)by Energy Code ret{uiremerrt5. See Energy, Rev /87,pa agraph:903 2(b),on pages 9 17,Latest edition. These"minimum levels of insutationQ are.not included the EnergyV, Calailrts;.butstta�be installed in the field. NG7M Dens1tles.of sprayed on.loose:fil;ll,or any.other composed-on site insulation shall be the PCF(lb/ft3)average of three.(3) "DRY SAMPl:W of actual installaWn. pdrrt Name.of'Insulation=Go6itractior Signature of Insyiiafion Contractor 26202 8/12/17 w tifttion Nwriber Date of Certification RECEIVES ': i!lo�ry Pttlsll� J,AN 16 20% KELLY L YOUt: Notary Public-State of Florida Permitting Department ' ti. 1. St. Lucie County,'FL 'r: my Commission I#FFUt38 01 I -- � - Inning & Development Servic*Department Building & Code Regulations Division 'ICOUNTY 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft Pierce,FL 34982 Phone:772-462-2165 Fax:772-462 2522 I Request for 30-Day Temporary Power Release Date: g 1 $ Permit Number: cSLC — 1'7p 2 - I Project Address: 3-7 THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY (30)DAYS,FOR THE PURPOSE OF TESTING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARATION FOR FINAL INSPECTION. IN CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST WE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGR + + AS FOLLOWS: 1. This temporary power release is requested for the above stated purpose only,and there will be no occupancy of any type,other than that permitted by construction during this time period. 2. As witness by our signatures,we hereby agree to abide by all terms and conditions of this agreement,including j Building Division Policy,*ich is incorporated herein by reference. 3. All conditions and requirements listed in the attached document entitled"Requirements for 30 Day Power for 4. Testing"have been fulfilled and the premise is ready for compliance inspection. 5. All requests for an extension beyond 30 days must be made in writing to the Building Official stating the reason for the request. Power may be removed from the site and/or a Stop Work Order issued if the Mnal Inspection has not been approved within 30 days. A fee of$100.00 will be required to lift the Stop Work Order. WE HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS, ST. LUCIE COUNTY,AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL LIABILITIES AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OF NATURE I WHICH MAY ARISE NOW OR IN THE FUTURE OUT OF THIS TRANSACTION,INCLUDING ANY DAMAGE WHICH MAY BE INCURRED DUE TO THE DISCONNECTION OF ELECT POWER EVENT OF VIOLATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. O R SIG A DA 1TRA SIGNATURE /DATE E CAL CO CTOR SIGNATURE S -' E`rREC ) JAN 16 2018 Permitting Department St. Lucie County, FL SLCPDSDRevised06114/2020