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Busines Product Approval Profess! a I QDUSER:Public User �., Regulation Product Aooroval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail ONE FL# FL5891-R5 Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved i Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Therma-Tru Corporation Address/Phone/Email 118 Industrial Drive Edgerton,OH 43517 (419)298-1740 rickw@rwbldgconsultants.com Authorized Signature Rick Wright ! rickw@rwbldgconsultants.com I Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email i Category Exterior Doors i Subcategory Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received I Florida Engineer or Architect Name who Lyndon Schmidt,P.E. developed the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-43409 Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation and Management Institute Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2018 Validated By Ryan]. King,P.E. Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL5891 R5 COI Certificate of Independence.Ddf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year SSTD 12 1999 TAS 202 1994 i Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code I ! https://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquw6mPIZhp%2fndR... 9/30/2015 APA03379 AR to111D5 / APPROVED ®REVISE&RESUBMIT APPR!VED AS CORRECTED ® REJECTED This rev Div w•only for gon ral canformance urith the design concept of the project and ge:.nerdl Ciainpuaxca vAh the info+,atlan gll'©in in th.-contract eo.:!mGrtts. oT cJ:rmants -na;ra on ihi shop drewings during this not?E±I c ve' is c..,�:acior from wmpiiaize YAL.)the raQlAr e- rta tis of'-ha piaps ?;.p cir":"c3ti;ns.Approval of a specific item shall not lnc),dda aprrC!'va' of ar> $u.,,tivl;J of B.Nd) th-, Item is a component.Con- tragicii! f a b:7inSi 9 f0r:[urns nsiOnS tO he Confirmed and owelated at the job sitar Infc-ioaiion th al p:,r`tcins nolsly to the fabrication processes or to the means,nnf,%:uds,iectnniques, sayuences and procedures of const ac- tion:cocn:ination of tha vvoek of ail oftr trades:and for performing all work in a safe and sa+3sfzclany mannsr, DATE: ._ �•1�' er: .. y1 i i f .�+ i . 1 : w . ' UI�C�I...-I& Slll 1l , ItIC Corrsu7tu Band F.ngJneenng Stov es f the t3rnftindustry ' s ,'} :0 t_PI 1,qy:.e,I. L33S4S P',itnr i36S9.9tJ7 z, Ftoetd wird+�1riaiaciattn�pasfCGtTGWaclq A`c?E13 J c S 1 .s {.a {.; _.r•,s`-t�l.. ... ''' �";. .,cis, i s t­ F .d. 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'ttW Budding Cctnsuttatrtt<and Lyndon t=Setrmkt,R E cto net have ttor Wipcqulrs finartctai inhsrest In the { manufacturkrg ar dlatn'buUng the product or in any ether entity tnvolvad!. thit ,p 7,+al a the�roQn�Cn�artngdy w *Cie M�i y- umftatfarts ti v :. s ! 7utttsyp�rfad*uai ha ls.{e�ectweavatuatetd`�y�avn�d{/GIs'!n corritanca wtth the 2010 Flarkia[3utTding Code{FBC}'struchtrat•+}'f1hcmenta etudirrg fhe' 7 : y ..k 6 t"roderct iii `' 'SW b@ as psted W�Y 4 5 (, 3' spaced as shown on detar� , or embiwment#p base rna vial chap be 5eygnd wait z ss#ng w , . tl -. 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