HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application i ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR'APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 2- Z —) Permit Number: .<,_...111111111111h RECEIV-:D FEB 23 2017 Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort.Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772)462-1553 Fax: (772)462-1578 Commercial Residential PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropbox, click arrow at the end of line, C PRO,ROS,ED IM,PROVEMEtVT LOCATlO"N:` Address: 1 070 ( 3 oC f&-, (br. Lo�:+,- K(z Legal Description:I��n�"t,t�e QcJ d -Tno--(n 9.iJ-6— IncLQ-F $LQf (DE Property Tax ID#: 4511 -51 Do(vq — on o -3 Lot No.V a�?_ Site Plan Name:(( Block No. Project Name: L- &s o S o Setbacks Front 'Back: ,O Right Side: Left'Side: DETAIL ED.bE5CRIPTION ,OF WORK:fleav- AN N + 3 13s � EcONSTRUCTlOIU INFORMATION,: Additionalwork to be pe o'rme un er t is permit-check all that apply: HVAC _Gas,Tank _ Gas Piping i Shutters _Windows/Doors _Electric _Plumbing i Sprinklers _Generator `Roof Roof pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: n Sq. Ft.offlrst Floor: Cost of Construction:$, Utilities: —Sewer _Septic Building Height: IP OWNER/LESSEE: CONTRACTOR: Name S iCV L�2 L0 G,SS O Name: Address: 10761 D ' l o 63 Company: f%,- -&nO. City: S L State: Adclress:N ;✓ wWj aR:r i�, Zip-Code: `�9 Fax: City: PS L.- Stater Phone No. 77�,' ��/Z� �Q C� Zip Code: 3`-KN Fax: E-Mail: Phone No. ( 1-7Z0 BSIZ 32-UZ Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page(if different E-Mail: 6 (,,.Q of- cp o from.the Owner listed above) State%or County License: A�II . `'1 CI (D If value of construction is$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. 2617 SUPPLEETAL. iV r�11> a u txFaR � �o� Not:A,pilcable- Not Applicable, DEStGNER/ENGtNEER: P iBAORTGAGE COMPANY. tame: Name: :Address Address: ny:.__ Stater - -. City:. State,. Zip:. Phone; Zip; Phone- FEE SIMPLE TIT1E MOWER: a> Apphcaile " BQNDING:COMPANY; - Not Applicable; Name: Name: Address -... Address: Clty:. - city: Zip: Phone: Zip: .Phone:' I certify:that no work or installation,has commenced prior to:the issuance of a permit. St Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a ppermit:will authonze the'permit holder to build the subject structure 01ch is in conflict with,any applicable,Hon O OwnerS�AS 1ation.rules,:bylaw's or:and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure,,Piease consult With your Home OwngrsAtsociation:and review-your deed for any restrictions which.mayapply. In;consideration of the granting of this requested permit,I da hereby.agree:ttiat 1,wilt,,in all respects,perform:the.work in accordance vikh-the approved plans,:the Florida Build'irig Codes and St.Lucie County Ais endments.. Tha.followfng buildtn g permit applications are exempt from undergoiog:a fufl cancurrericy nsvtew:rooin.addittans, accessory structures,'svvimming pools,fences,walis,stgns screen rooms and:accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO.OWNER:Your failureto'Record aNbtfm of Cornmeitcement may-result in your paying twice far improvements to•yourproperty.A Notice of:Commencemeri.t:must be recorded and posted on the jobsite befr?re the first inspection:,lf.you intend'to obtain financing,consult with lerldr or.an'attorney before _commencn 'Work or recordiri our Notice of Comrilencement. . _ I+J 5 Sig ure of Ow s ontractor as Agent:or Owner ['Signature of Contfactor License HoioTer STATE OF FLORID — STATE OF FLOR' A . COUNTY OF . L.icC i e - COUNTY OF ti�cre:_ - - The fo o'ng ins`tru t"was acknowledged before me The forgaing4ristrumerit was acknowledged before.rite this. -;�Z.0 ,17 20 Ljbr this122 pf R16 _ .20 t7 by (Name of;person.acknowledging;) _ (Name ofpersonacknowledging) (Signature of.Notary Public-State of,Florida.' {Signature of Plotary Public-State of Florida Personally Known QR Produced identification - Personalty Knovrn'_ OR Produced lde0ification Type of tde»tificatian Produreii _ - f pe:of identification Produced Ci3MMISSli3tt,rt Commission No. a eaIL��R S mmis5ion;No. { KARITiD-CH aPiES MlaYie,=U W OMPIG 9apde0 tnroygh.tstStale'I EVIR1S:MAY.1 gormtNmug8lat Lam, Rea-i-xt1=0 t 15# 01-1 • _ I REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION 'SEA TURTLE MANGROVE. REVIEW COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW ' REVIEW - � REVIEW DATE ,. COMPLETE INITIALS s )