HomeMy WebLinkAboutpermit appM APPLICABLE INFO MLMT 9 E COMI PLC'i Eb FOR APPLICATION TO Eit ACCEPTFb bete. palm it Number: Ca1 y- Building Permit Application PiarmArig end 0ewC1bomen1:�rr4iGrs -90dwnl; On d Coda R 62n Diwisiorl Commercial _ Residentka 2 Virgin a AveffUp, fort PierCe Ft 34982 Pi orie: (772} 462-1553 Fax= (772 � 462• 1575 PERMIT APPLICATION FDR= PROPOSED. I MPROV EM EST LOCUION. Address-. -7 Prup" 7gx ID Lot 110_ .�Ite Pla n Name, %lock N4, Project Na rne- C- DEfAJLED DESCRl"ON OF WORK. New Elec#rleal M-en*r Seoorml Flectrica I Meter ON RUC�I0N INFORMA.nom Additloniol wgrk t-Dbe p�!rfarrned Undtr;hrs peMlt —check ell ttiaa appty; Mertdc Ca5 Tank _ PlumbIng TDtaf 5q, F; O�n�S#rurtl�fi: � C05t of Coestmctign; OWNEREE: GiRf FlDlrkit Soda Clers Sh„ttvm T WiriddWS/Doom Pored — Generator X Roof Pitch Seq. Ft. of First Floor; Vtikias, _ reh-r — SepTJ[ Addy-Ss'01 �I':!,Cfwtif VP Codle: 34 Fax- — E-Mail; FNI in fee sarnp 10 Title molder on new pagIL I it differwnt from the Owniar f[sled abn ) Bufading wetht= — Stab21—L- NP Code; -30 q 5 1 Fax; Ph-nne Now -q E-Mall k , Slate or CountyL1cense % ''98 COFACTOR. Name' (-q- Compaw= Ad -dress; City-<k,i 1`1 walue of cuns#raLtlan 15:25O or mare. a MCORDEO Not;4 4# Commencaawr t is requlr#d. If value of HAVC, ii $7,500 ar fnam, 0 RECORDED Notice of CommR`i7cement Is rmgvla`W. S U PPEE M ENTAL CONSTRuc f l C1 N LI E N LAW I NFORMATION -, V ESW&NEIIENG] N FFR: _ N of APPI Itabde Name: Addy-ess: 0ty: StAke; Lp:., Peons FEES W PLE TrrU NC}4o FR: ` Ncr# Applicable Naine; Ad dregs Clty 21P: P ho ne• - M ORTGAG E COMI PANY: Not Applicable Name: Addrms5'" — City,, -State, Zip; Phone; BONDING COMPANY- _Not Applic.a bte Name: Addraw ck)r Zip; Phone: OWNER/ CONTRAC jkmovfT: AppfiQ&Tj6n is hereby+ made W obteln J� prormlt to da the wgrk and :nITallwd-an I rmIN fiat no work or inmlaelon has cqmrMen fd prig to the Iswanae of a permit, �6lndleated* $t- . �klnr�,rr retake no riepras�m lftin #.Kt is Meng -a permit will a Qrire the rmlt Folder en build the �ub'e�t �Ict�r�ne who, In oorrflIII with a ny apple-Cklble FIB QvoI Asscxiat�orti fui.I Waws or an oovenanU bWk may. re �14it ILKh 5trud mnL Please consult Math your Nome Owners Assoel"on and nawllew your deed far any hostricTlor1s whl aw a w in -aonsl,d atlm of the granting of This Tequested Wmir, I do li-ereby agree that I will, in all rftpmctI perform the work in 2=rdan with the approved Olipris, tihe FlorWa 19uilfing Codes and -St Ludo County kne drri". Tree folloMng building Petftt a-P01MI-I a,* axitmpt from urrdergQng a full soncurrency r ow; room addltloK ec.cessory str:=Ur-h , GYAM R ngpools, %nr wel3#, signs, SCreEn roams WB 00ory USPA to -another non-rrsidenflul uee WARNING TO CWNER.b Your f ilureto Hewn a Notic* of Cvrnmonmmem why r�tit In ping twice fur improvements to ypur Property. A N otiCe of Commerrcernerrt must be recorded In the public records of -St. LUCIle County and post,@d on the jobs fte before the first InspeCt[on. If you I rntertd to Obtain Ananci ng, consult with lender or an arttam before comMandnig work or recordl rr q4 r Ngt" d of Cara mancernant. -- as Ag-I for Owner STATE OF FL COUNTY OF 41 ii@Fratrafe c r/I Holder STATE OF FLOM- A QDUNTY OF !�Vm to (fir affirmed) end sat ribed before me of rt to for affltmed] artid subuYjbed b-IwL�- me. of lahys al Prey oe pr Online NoWrltaLian � P +,+sicai Presence or Ortillrre N�M72�orr # is d#� 2QZD by this l , 20W lbw Na me of perscn rn +long statern-I Name 4Df perswti makjn$ st3, Met Personalty Kn-Dwn 1 f OR PrncLucsed Id6rM lcoMon T*-04 of Identincaoon Producl. A4 [Si$n;hture of Notary Public- of 7.A,�� _ C Crornmissian N-o, [ 'p IRIQA O=iMi�_ C 1 tur 1� R IE $ 1 RO�I ZON lf+Dia +U PERM SOR �4JN MR REVIEW REVIEW OATf com P9MnaI1Y KrxMNn OR P110duoed I denTificadun. Type -of Identwi qoA Fr�dr,o� [Signature of Ndary P jhl Ic- Sta :D1,44 ❑*wj. j, ITI�1'alESIBlif'rI"LIC PLANS I VEG-ETATION I SEA TURTLE I MAN GROVE ILEV115W REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW