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zMD I i Um sW Z6 SMA% Rwrm FOs
DEP RT14 IM OF REC Il,A' TRY AND JES INOM E£' KMOUROM (:RLR) Mltdlni, Flwie413175-2CA
BOARD AND f3 E �i AD1MMTRATii�V KRYIISSlr,)N T (76603 3-15Rn F' ors) 31 S-73W
NTO Ji ICE OF CCEPTiw,INCE `� O� �xw.miH+ia+jAdt;uA'ti'�4[uliPulf
IAn1MM Inc.
1101 Welt Main s tmet
dulivenvilfe, AR 7ZO-6
'IM4 NOA is &l Dg issued undertJW Applicable rifles aad regakati= g varn ng thv 4VC LPrC true �= MOtM3tS. nV
&i cul=tWm stabmi4tod bw b= levmwed aW axcpkrd by MMm i-] }ade Cmmty R E'R-Pam.[W GQUU01 5eul�an tote
%oKA is Miami Dade Co LV and otbu rr Rs wtmo FLO owud by the AuthnriLy Hkkuing J wi%&cli,on CA J M.
TbiH NOA shall = k vAlid afbbr tlye expiratitm dmc sw*d below. 71er Miami-N* Q PWA P 4gt Caatr-PI $-Mpnn
(To Migai D-ad C-o ) an&o+r the AM (in wcw other rham Miuemi T)mk C chmty) r AWM the AgM to la vo tbik Mu dwq
or material W&Wd for glmloty asselaaIoe purPWU- Lf this art E r mkticrb�J l ils t[p perRo M is the acmpk'd mmmer, Lh
n3anufaCWer Will incur Tl?e cXpg,-I a ot-Suvh U�.tin- Modify, or swq=kl Lhu w
-af such product i}r material within their juisditrin. RE revyex tIN, right t;p rckaLC tl" acoepteCV, it it iQ
-doom filed by MIwU )Wv County Nadurt CG=01 S=th¢h that thir, TwmlucL ixr natal fa L5 to met the wgLunmwnLy
of to applimbke building code -
leis p %J dtict i5 allo VMd aS drxrnjdd h=itk, and 1hvS 'L$= d6I%igLlCd FAE LXMPlW wish the Florida Building CtKk-
rnCILUIiTIg the High Vckm4 Hurrk-zm zimu or Lha P IOrida Bulldog Code,
ORSC'RIP'TION: I Amnneo Ln-3mnlRoll L.OR-30 Ridge Veal
'I'Kt-BuJJ-T't Lu-Omnikug LGJK-�0 ijlp Vumt
LABEL l r,: F.wh unit 4huFL k r a TxmnmLCuL labui with the mami!'a tuie -S .OILMO txr LVs, rAty. -OW aad Uhmwg
sisLamunl-- -Miami-lkue i ilu.ory Product nttol Appro ae, unl,tsb- 01)wrwisc rl nWd fM=Q,
REN IMA I. or EhiN NOA �•hnl I hu cmgidcrad &fWi a reamal aWaaFioa ho bee<n filyd and Lli= has bDM do change
in the apph(ikbLe building code u%Wivefy affwmg the perfiyrmnnuu of this prorlw
TLIm IfIATiUh1 pT diis NOA wi I I aIc= sTwF Me -rxpdra Lm dints or Ir Lb= bw bmir a r;;%-41 1, pe e=l,ni,W bi LLu
rrakcriItI3, LM, IMddUr TO= fact -ftf 1he product or p wesL Misuse of this T10A ax = om6mme ncil of and proditl, far
"lC% �WwUMxing or Wny kdtci purpaws sh ll aeAhrt5k;caUy lrmt, in.,te tbi5 NO#. PEOute ilk WtttpkY WiLh soy 5e400 of
LhiLs NOA 24-iul I kl - uwrc lbr Lmmhial on mid removal aNOA-
AabvF.it nsFP, IPNT: VJvu NOA number pwt: ded by t1 e wards Miami-Dndc drily, f' Isrnda, ud klIQ'A d by L4C
rxpimtlna date mly he d*ayed in ad+r-.i=ing PM:T i Wr- I f mny TK im arr tho MOA iw di5playtd, tl= kt s.]-,uri be 41cmu
in its VALLLMI-'.
IM"ECMON: A ray of th.ia {nwc NOA shall bi: pmvidod to the user hsy t#se manufviu= oar its distnRywors anti
;ihsJJ be AYAjIS11je for i;nspmliaa at the jt6 s
siyitet w the rNLwst a IN. Sui Isli:P9 OrliciA.
Th 5 NOA rem -um NOANo-tg-1 107- rw.iUM -of pmgin I Lhruwgfi S.
The submitkd dovwneifttiom va rev icwoLi hw a
NOA N64 39-1217,93
Aprrwai Datkr: 61133,r2B
Yield 1 of 5
Cltu%wy- Ftmfmil
Sob-cu ry: Vcmillatiam
atmiall: PIW. ,
1 iuf l o-pm Fobpt: '4:12
Prode olmensinns seolneatioik Drscrladon
i,vMa14 l IAp4ja:ilR all fifr x 14 %m -k 'Vim I'AS I fIN A[ Rj vCUU-24nm wyatem
(I A)R- ) Rk$ff Yank (I'.625" dFk�k
TRE-1aTJMTO L*4)m$iRca 61Y" x 14'A ' x �Ojm TA5 l rYN Ak Ridg2 va. n Li lelioi 2 vstbm
ILLJR A) R►fte Text 0. 5~ tkick
TCr.t Produ4 L
ProOuct MmcrpsionM SaWflaft flEkl HfAliki
Rmfulg. Neils lAjn l2 g4., TR.S � 14 Appendix E C'arre�sa icKiasL nL �rsuaol� ua}c
1, Jackwnvillie�, AR
IL M Aleivok'Ideniifirr
['FJ CQraw ctiQL1 Mwwita Tecbnologim, 1.1.c
TA5 109
r.S 1�00(�A� )5
A 1 M D. 55
ASTM [?1-g?,4
AS" m 61$5
07123t 3
NOA Nn_! i 9- i1a 7LO
Expkrndivw Doc 99.IW23
A ppr(wal ll;kit; W1#MIM
Prge i pC #
Tr2dE"FFNI. Lnmanro L.dA )mnL Roll (LAIR-O) Md, Vt*t
TR I.BIJ I LT" (i.W,1U) RldW Veni
yntom Type- Mm.Nmitml ntbiahmqnt of n* rant system nvcw ccmTnnitiun -ihin.
.' WI. THY CLLlL'xLTSWIjCM: C'ratAW hi I -!/," wi&L and 6" �Jkrner mE +=ch m, Lhan Lhe toLal
IM.91h -wf ths: r dp %%LnL Lit k i<nmolkul.
Ridgy POIL: Crnwnkmiaor CLd s1All k.2-Yli` pride and 6' abuwr at mh aM than iht
tOLal Lm h6fthe w= w he insulb d.
Irtstallirdiarr: A+I" Fm x-r uligrrnu-rat wul Amd Imr- rot weryu with d%L{4 swp a chalk Use -do+a both
ALie w uf'ihe rid6m ei a diumum of F" drmFi fmm dbo Peak as ilww13 im &e
manufLackurrN insealWam inmwiwAiemsu
C msu tlLo lvagLh of w at alorLg the iidpe. Stact naslift Wit MiDiMIKM I jW' Iwfng -nwiIM
places ` ou enter at rr nv�cturer r -mar l iaca�iorL�, UsR n;u-j�.,f wrHI�yeni J.LnS h
M p0adlx'ale tliDMO ih,t RbCa En:g 9 mmlMum'Of 6ILD" i�r at lc�w I " iki W w cmxi filwnk
dcdmg #rie#w tim [ ". CLrt lim = prvvidzd if mure than unc wnt i m 1wing wyad f.S=
maarLuJtturer ilo wIWiaa mamma), Addifiom1 pick shall run in tht Harm c6muti,un m
rhey wuoll vat of the carton,
jiudgu sib i c: trsug paid UD= Xwidod m zop of-v wt, irwW11 thr, cap 6hin jlwc dim Lly 10 the vefii~ in
owpliam v ith the slljn waawf LMro's NcLdco pf AcoMwmi w (Ni.)Aj and
iroWlebori insvUCt'rons. ugring r n}i i-6 ofsutTiciffmt ILM:gth L4.tTIC C"Lc flmmj�h Lh-
sheathi" 4 miniMwrn +Ff'"u+ at Iimg I" it" woud pier* d►w4D8 tlickw flan I
VCFldlati[M CRkVIatiiM- R der tome w famu es pulx]i ]ieac=M.
NOA X.-,.! 19-11I7A
Eipjraion Dute: I�fWI'
,tip IMru, mJ D-mtc: DIPMU
i_ Rctr to-wlimwe Buildirg Cods tw Mgvired -wenpl en,
2- Fti&m Yrnty miim�t cmplw with zW6=b1c. Building ()Wc-
3. Lmnwwa t-(>rrmF ftul (I A)R-3[F) Ridgc Venn and TIC 1-90I I.T' 14 -[?mni A1311(WR-3Q� Ike VL7d
shall not De kwalW in camSaac ioa witb Ciable gears,
J$- 1 ommo Lco-Omni Roli R-3Q) F.iclge Vew toad TR1-13UILrL4D-OmmiltoQ Ridge Vent
Shall ut be is ufflie J.on roof
5- L mumm Lch i it mi ROL (11)11.3G) Ride Vann Lr d TR r.BI JTI.7* U5.OrrrWi Roll (IM-30) Rid� Vem
shall rmt he cmrAx.IL4 at 6 inELncaion, or within l T" many e& %v:a [ or rm(pn tru-4itm, with a wenliIEUiaa
:dial dram rM 131' IV' (Awn w:.h ubs(Pw--liiMK
6. i,,omagom L RoU (i -3)) R4; Vmt apd M-DIMT' I P-OmaMA (LOR-3a) Up VC11T
DMI opt bm� is t kyd oa mf umn hems g5aw 9= 3 � ft
7. All pmOLKiro IwW heia &W huwc a slaali "dit in �w=d®w wiEh the tlrnTda Ruildang CiAr.
aDd Rule 151 C 3 of to Florida Adrn.imi Code.
ExPir*1ivck Daw AUI
Appro+rl TWO,
Pisa 4 of 5
Expindna D:xw: M4;23
AVprvv#I N14: 4)9 �2M0
F�lo s of 5