HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor Agreement04/28/2014 Apr 251412;57p 07:48 17724611907 Art Krieger Consl!- RICHMOND ELECTRIC PAGE 77 i9-1521 p.2 02/02 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ' ' = Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERWr SMCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St Lucie County Contractor Cerditcativn Number, 17,01 z State of Florida Certification Number (WappGc able): 910 DD 3 — ACC .Uy 62--,e'--ram y _ have agreed to be the (Company NameAndrvidual Namc) -C-C-r,o �24� sub -contractor fox (Type of Trade) (Primary C*Wxactor) for the project locebed at # o f 0<—, - 4, W f �-&' by L� (Project Street Address or Propgrty Tax ID #) It is understood that, if these is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, Z will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by personally filing a Change of Contractor notice_ (Forut: SLCCDV No. 00"0) BUSINESS QUALIMR (Name of the individual shown on the Coutmdar's license) ORIGINAL, SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED 61 4-i-y st o sec R y-D e -i y SI&WATURE PRINT N. DATE Business Dame: ►'N d e I. C Address: ' O c p riu RQ- q City/Stamizip: F--t - i e r c e Ft- 11 51g Phone: ?71- C1-19S email:- nlMYCF, TTRF ONEYs N 04/29/2014 14:32 7729789843 SOUTHERN PLUMBING PAGE 01/01 Apr 251412:55p Art Krieger CT µtirucflon 7` 59-1521 p.2 i PLA.NNMG & DIEVUOPMENT SERVICES '* ' j i = Building & Code Compliance Division • BUR DING VERNM &MCONIVACWR AGRUMNT St Lucia Covffiy Contractor CeWfia don Numbs: /10 1129; Star: of Vokida Ccr6h ation Number of,Wurjbl* /e ex& zMa — j"w,, have agred to be the (CompwW Namd1nd'ividual Name) v.�6v�b (Type of Trade) sub-aontssctor for AtTt,cs/row (Primary Cwftador) for the grojt:et located at Vo S' 4` (Pxuj cct Stm d Addressor Property Tax lD It is uuderstmd that, if there is any change of atatns regarding our pa[ticipatiou with the above mentioned project, I will immediaWy advise the Building and Zoning Depaxtaeat of St Lucie Co>mty by personally filing a Cbmac of GonftactoF natdce. TO= SLCCD V No. 004-00) • Y 't 'J rmw W V : Aj, E WR3MffI May 0614 08:27p Brooks Hipating & AC, LLC 77?-778-6771 p.1 _l PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division • BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: a -71 Ef '6 p State of Florida Certification Number (Ifapplicable): C14 /- D 5y r;7O A-0d1 Axy,;ns �4 141C , LLC have agreed to be the (Company NameAndividual Name) 171V14 L Sub -contractor for 14f% (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at ?/0 9 r. %,'Ye' A-, -y r' (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status -regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by filing a Change of Sub -contractor notice. (Form: SLCCDV (No. 004-00) BUSINESS QUALIFIER (Name of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) Business Name: lrpol-c_r { t 141E GL t! Address: i(Jr V7�� ��L96- City/State/Zip: Yew AuiCA a �/ 32 %af Phon . 772 - 51)% Z 952. email: �S7%n Z-" r a-)C a�nCaBf• � zz IGN URE PRINT A -ME DA&E STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF Wldla" )R1U �?'lr THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS SIGNED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF .l� . 20 I y By -9,Q.1 G C. '-poropts WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN X OR HAS PRODUCED AS IDENTIFICATION. NATL;R O ART - PUBLIC P INT NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC SLCPDS: 12f1b12013 T =ef'Notary Public Stale of Florida Jy Kimberly A Tucker My CommissionEE052278 ?up M1d�� ai�n Expires 01/02/2015 May Ub 14 U4:38P Martha 131acK / /lbtiy4 /tit P.1 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - 'J`= Building & Code Compliance Division • BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT St. Lucie County Contractor Certification Number: State —of Ceri�au ,Number(If 1•cable): �/�`''%% l 6� 5��5 oOF /✓fir- E L AIC have agreed to be the (Co anygame/Individual Name) Koo F/ we — Sub -contractor for &15227 (Typz of Trade) (Primfiry Contractor) For the project located at It is understood tliat, if Lhurr is dny change of status regarding our participation xRth the above mentioned project, I will immediately advise the Building and Zoning Department of St. Lucie County by filing a Change of Sub -contractor notice. (Form: SLCCDV (No. 004-00) BUSINESS QUALIFIER (Name of the Individual shown on the Contractor's License) NOTARIZED SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED UR Business Name: / /Z 6 ZAI,&_&X A Address: City/State,Zip: 11 email: hla-A_ m j''m J a & f! ea alrl?e.� 414 C-L - ) e ;5-- PRINT NAME DATE STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OFF° THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WASSIGNED BEFORE ME THIS_,;�_ DAY OF BY��-�' _ WHO IS PERSONALLY KNOWN &_ OR HAS PRODUCED &.I- OK &6,� SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC AS IDENTIFICATION. (STAMP) PRINT NAME OF NOTARY PUBLIC SL C P D S: 12/16/2013 DIANNE L BROOKS =`: •'e MYCOl1IMISSION#EEW416 EXPIRES Jenuwy 27, 2017 i [+07179Y-0153 Flaidallolrry3.rneweom U4/Z8/ZU14 11:45 YAA YYZZOY111U Apr 2514 01:02p Art Krieger Const" "Pon UUMU U1L UUMYANY !¢IUUI/UU1 77� A-1521 p.2 PLANNING & DE'VELOPM-NT S►ER'V'CES ' J - - - Rading & Code COMPHR#ltf a XiMSiGu • BUILDING PSRNIIT SDB_CONTRACTOR AGREENMNT SL Luck Co=ty COnUza Ur Ccrtif mdun Number• o9.-5—e- S,,t��ajjo--e of Florida Ce[aficWou Number (tfopip icablek �"J�2TTN ��/� , T'� have agreed to be the (Company 13a d[ndi W dual Kane) t/ nub-oaatractor for ,7& ype af7'rade) (Primary Contractor) for the project located at a p? 's'• ' •�/`A"4.•v i✓' & (Project St wt Adf3 = or Propgdy Tau ID #) It is understood that, if them is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, I will bmnediiaLely advise the Binding and 75oniog Department of St. Lucie Cauaty by personally filing a Change of Contractor notice. (Form: SLCCDV M. 004-00) BUSINESS QUALMER (Name of the individual sborvva ou file Coat mcwer''Awn9e) Sl _ POW N ME MARTIN COUNTY PETROLEUM & PROPANE BU$ineSS Nwne: DIVISION OF COMO OIL OF FLORIDA Address: PO Box 386 PALM CITY, FL 34991 City/St ormi). 772287-1900 / I-800-841-6766 TE JANE L• CONNER 17 �• *-MY Commission EMpire6 11 2.10-701 e 9urefv TBOm ton, NSA Com PaO eorfl