HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUIDLING PERMITALIO APF191...--1CA3-LE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED. FOR APPLICATION To ACCFPTFD Date 0 {.': �. T � 4— P e r mi t N u nri bl' e. 1 4 % a a -a & Bui - Iding. Permit A, p-'plication Mo. n In ing and D-tevelopment Services Building and Code Regulation Ditf.'r,51"on sox -4 23*00 0-ra.- inixa- Atte-Rue, Fort Pierce �cL 3J,982 F110-r)P,m k///.) 4bz-.'-1.-5-53 Fax: 1772) 462-1578 PERM. -IT APPLICA-T*ION %.iol Corn m e r r% 4k a I Residential X - 1155 NE J2rdain Rd -lot do(mi-IP�i�;t�SKL�34/28N) (0I z 1601-193) SOL7i0i0Pi1••Yr4w•�r�lY,rrkitll•4: 4YYs�m�'+1+,4Y 1+.���s r ID 341 9=565111111111111111111.0054-zwO004e Loy No& - Site., Sian Name,, Block No. Proiect Name, Jacqueline 6 Kemmeft Rig- Setbacksht �Lei L Side �ll�:J�L E'LECTRIC WATEr�, HEAiL� REPLAI-��EIVlEiV� _ �.. -- -��'� _ ,._�. =.-fit = ;t-� -- ,;{4L�t=._�— -- r. 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Ft oi,- Cons1,--,--uction&..%,,, �++q+Y�nr�i r,✓� ..��R7�C Cost of Construction:$ 1396 Elm �Iw�1 1 n 11 1 u•�1 Iw u�•�ri�h�l�.a�w�w�re�•r�ww��{+li�l�i•sn�r�w,�r�l�+•ri�•�•a�wa���or� _- -� J- }nz - y �t _ _= k_2.L '•4 _ 4— Wz that applyo 116 - —tit L • �••• �{' -:,rat .r-~�-= � ti���=t`�=== -- �� � �huttzsrs Generator �+ •ate � ^'_:-� .t' "1 • a i • y�� -4��•- • � fi ti: �•.' .4• _ �i`i y.�a • `+- + -� �_�,�r.-��}� � a +a•,�1:*—�Y�����•'ti�-�.�{,�z IN - 4i• . rr :�.ti � ��r ~mow ti --'"��� � �tS -: � = -r• � � .�� -�-.r_ �w��_. ..� � •� - fir_ ��- �-' ,-�•r„����r��ti--�_��.._ �� :-�•_•-ti'-�� - �-.�••.._---�`-� • -- � - --r - Windows/Doors - -Sq.Ft. of First Floor: ti_'w Y,+�+'+Y+i•���r�rs�o�ml�a+��ti.l�lla•vl••+��•��Ivwoal�w�+f��i+-ri•waso-��al�l••s 3� 7Ji t #, 7 M Address',: ' m C} PORwrl ST LUCIE FL tQ--I � Z1 34983 P i v Codemw �• 7725336369 Phone EM ai I ,� 1 r ,M�•r1.4�:� 'f n n- feesp L �� �� i�avge �� from the.Ow-ner-stedabove:l' S e:�nL� t 71? C B u i I di n L-Y H el"eh t I x... omuan' FLORIDA DELTA MECHANICAL Add ress 8402 LAUREL FAIR CIR. SUITE 111 t C •� �atiaF4t� 1 aisz J_ IRMO' RWI PEtc-h C-1tv-I A TAM PA 5tate- io nrv,vww•w� i 'ip Code.% 33610 866-219-0729 Phone No, 866-w219-0880 FLPERM[TSPDELTAMECHAN1(;AL,G0M State or C.Iountvjf "License. CFC1 r.4 /2" 5 9 17 r —. r 1 ■ C i 1 rl •��+ i If value of constzv'ucfi1'on Js $2500 or more, -a Not;Lce of Commencement,., mirequired. i Add re ss : 55 N-Jardain Rd . ��arr�ar}a�r.La ...... �--' -- — ——��rt�������r�rn�•��o����•-� i�b•�i�i��ya�rm��•r•r��rr•��i:��ti C't SORT ST IStatel. y 1. z:& Is 1 1p-p Pnone f FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER. _ Not A p p I ica b'le N a m e L Ad d re ss: M02 LAUREL FAI R CiR SU I TE 111 City: s t 7 h. phnnp C'ty: TAMPA StateF&W z i P Phonen BONDING COMPANY: Not App11%g"m%a bile Name., - Address: citw z 11) Phone-.. OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFF1DV1T-.-% April[C.'a-Hon is herebv made to obl[ain a permit. to do the work and installaition askndilc-al'-ed. I ce rtif y that no.- work or: i nsta Hation ha s --c..*orng t-,,,,ienceci p rior to th e -isizLuance o 14 a permft St. }amount makes o ontha-�-�granting�authorize �bullaithew h n sub i uctu il"n � � I 1 t h n cable., HomeOwe 4 such X -t 4t s-e a e structlur= Pl= se nonsult with your Homi.-a.- 0-viyne, s Association and review YoL2 e for anyI �� hi may a ply-k in o L Of thegrantingto � erghereby}do that n [ �� Lpew-form 1, id L in accordan-%4:'-,P, wii-ch. theappt-oved plans, the Hocrl a Buildi'ng Codes and Luci-e County Amendme -t...f The 11owing buflding perm, it " � �pt r off'°` i i rgo a ` fu'l v em i ;,roomi addiaons., IT - accessory sf.-ructures, swimmng pools,fences, wally S iigns., screen rooms and uses to anot-h,r no i_ d n use In 07 _ _, jmpio-ovemenTS tO -1 1 beforx.--,-.% the first If you co m in e ork.pr recordi - ng.- 09--V- -9 W Signat oi Owner?k-;.,�.,ssee intend to obtain finai"ic`ing, c..,omsu.1., t wj"' t C h I "!T Not-',,"ce D.f Coi'-nrnenU. E� o ,frecfor asoC-xLgen� for Owner STA-� b E OF FLORIDA CO-UNTY �rr�s�•r4f�rr i C } The forgoing irristrurnent was acknowiedged _ ; .;z Cc is day of bv L yr F- Name of pers.;Lon makling mn 3 a sonally Known. r OR_ ProducedIdent&& ! �Uun I'wype of Identiff i . -ion } Prod Lir-%w.-.ed---- 3 d I. r _fl w4�•r•..,-.*=JL".F Tom. ,.,� _ice k5 -k�}Tr+� �J5 •� r•v KJJ' ice. ' �iiCr }- L' ir�3��% fsignal'.-ure yp 44. EMII.Y H. kicoflNA �+ aa r 41 T 4 A. OMMIS&I 227056 'c omm,s ion No. :9 V +d .05: 1.11, 1 PRES: une 11, 2022 OL Bond A Thru Natary P01k;Vr1dQrWd'er,%,, #trt� 'ON"NG SUPERVISOR Y � $ REV 1" E FRONT COUNTER RSV E W P'- EV I EW DATA 2 S ` RUNE Di � t D A- T ECOMPLETED i k F Rev. 8/2 17 i.l •'� �+A+ti•L+.•r.F�.� - � r i.'�r*�Lk.l�r..r�..�ai� •�•fF '�r-•�. � '�ti FLY ender or an a'L'---L"0rney before a Sign .,.. polder STATE C-F FLORIDA OF COUNT'rf The forgai�� ir?s#r me_nt`;.vas acknowledged befors.=...6 me 2% Q this day of 9L NC@ m e Of person mcking st P i-sonally i i Knol,vn OR r du d d ntff � n- e of ldentificat.-ion Prod u ced f ley - LII/ 70 L. �x IqgpaTUre of Notary Ell Vi Olt 2;20'7 0 5 6 0 M mi S;'i Y C #N ok i k 1.1 r } OP EXPRES.1 2022 2 Or tbtapy xTA-kwr 2 ANS I VEGETATION 1 SEA TU RTLE FV1 A N G RO V P,EVIEW REVIEW REVI EW R EVI EW y 4 a L + S z I a