HomeMy WebLinkAboutCroteau, EngineeringCONTRACTOR: South Florida Aluminum Products. Inc. DESIGN CRITERIA: Applicable Codes. Re urbitions, and Standards 1. The 6du Edition (2017) Florida Building Code, sp-ificalh• Chapter 16 Structural Design, Chapter 20:Uuminum, and Chapter 23 Wood 2. AA ASM 35 and Specifications for Aluminum Structures, Part 1 :A of the Aluminum Design Manual prepared by The Aluminum Association, Inc. Washington, D.C., 2010 Edition and the Guide to Aluminum Construction in high wind areas, 2010. 3. ASCE 7.10. Loading Criteria 1. Live Load: 10 PSF per 6th Edition t2017l Florida Building Code Atimiuk I Section 105.1 2. Dead Load: 2 PSF 3. Wind Load: 3.1. Building Occupancy Category, Section 1604.5 and Table 1604.5: Risk Category 1. 3.2. Ultimate Design Wind Speed: Vac* =150 ItdPII \ominal Design Wind Speed: Vasa = 116 MPH. 3.3. Exposure Category, Section 1609.4.3: Exposure D 4. Building Category for Aluminum Structures, Section 2002A Category Type 2 - Glass Room: Non-Habim big. Uneondiloned RoofTvm 1. RoofTypc: MONOSLOPE 2. Roof' Material: 3" s 48" a 0.024" enm pusile panel Elite 2000, ION density foam, Florida product Approval Number FL 716l-R4. Foundation Design Existing concrete. No additional concrete fooling or slab Is rewired to resist the loads imposed by the proposed canstrudion ifthe existing slab is n minimum 4" thick with a 12" x 12" thickened slab edge and in sound condition, free from structural cracking, slialling, or other deterioration. The following specifications are applicable to this pr ject: 1. All work shall be in accordance with the 6tb Edition (2017) Florid Building Code, and any other applicable local codes and regulations. 2. Aluminum extrusions shall be 6005 T5 Alloy. Due to quality control issues, no manufacturer substitution is acceptable without the specific written, signed and sealed authorisation of Florida Aluminum Engineering, Inc. 3. Fasteners are required to be corrosion resistant, minimum SAE Grade 2 or better rine, plated to ASTM B633, or coated stainless steel series "300", or mcoated stainless steel series'V00". 4. Approved concrete screw anchors to be Simpson Titan -HD or equivalent. 5. All Self Mating Beam Sections are to be stimhcd with either �14 screws 6" from ends and 24•' center lu center or 012 screws 6" from ends and 12" center to center. 6. Door location shall be determined by contractor tu the fold 7. Nhere concrete specifications are required, whether in the scroen enclosure scope or net, by one or a regulamry agency, the following specifications are applicable: err Concrete shall cow r n to ASTM C94 for the following components: i. Portland Cement •Type 1,- ASTM C 150 ii. Aggregates - Large Aggregate 3!4" max - ASTM C 33 Derr entraining +/- 1% - ASTM C 260 iv,Wamr reducing agent - ASTM C 494 v. Clean Potable water vi. Other admixtures not permitted b. Metal accessories slug conform to: i. Reinforcing Bars - ASTM A615, grade 60 ii, Wedded wire fabric - ASTM At95 c. Concrete slump at discharge chute not less than 3" or more than 5". Water added aher botching is not permitted d Prepare and place concrete per American Concrete Institute Manual of Standard Practice, Parts 1, 2, and 3 including hot weather recommendations. e. Moist cure ce polyethylene owing permitted f. Prior to placing concrete, treat the entire subsurface area for termites in compliance with the FBC. g. Concrete shall be placed over a polyethylene vapor barrier. It. All aluminum components embedded within concrete shall be coated with a bituminous paint or epo y. 8..All lumber and plywood shag have grade marks and treatment identification and Shall comomr to the following: a. Framing lumber shall be minimum no. 2 southern yellow pine and have a mavmum moist"' comma of 151e. b. Pressure treatments shall be osmosalts, oemose k-33, womansalts or celcure, as recommended for the use condition. Pressure treated lumber shall be impregnated with a ca salt treatment in accordance with f e. tr-w-571 and bear the American Wood Preservatives Institute quality marl Ip-2. c. Wall Sheathing: APA rated Shothing, thickness as indicated, Exposure 1. d. Aluminum members that are uncoated shall be separated from PT lumber by 30,9 felt Paper, 10 mil polyethylene sheet or equivalent material. 9. Contractor shall provide Florida Product Approval information as to the exact window being utilized for lids project, including manufacturers specifications, and installation method for anchoring the submined windows to a]warm m members and .specific sizes as indicated on A-1. Aluminum member thickness to be increased as required by the Florida Product Approvals for anchorage ofproduets. 10. Contractor shall provide any additional backing (aluminum, wood etc..) and anchors u required by the window manufacturers recommended procedures 11. All glass panels within 24" of adoor opening sluff be of tempered glass per FBC-R308.4 12. All flashing and weatherproofing shall be provided by the contractor. 11 Use of these plans acknowledges and accepts a limit ufliabdity not to exec(:, design and engineering fee. WIND SPEED AND EXPOSURE HAVE BEEN DETERMINED USING THE ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL'S WEBSITE AND GOOGLE EARTH. ALUMINUM KICKPLATE (TYPICAL) 8'-6" - 8'-0" INSULATED KICKPLATE (TYPICAL) N N O M M p Mno M I N 2X3XO.070 2X3X0.07 IX3RC iX3RC ALUMINUM KICKPLATE _ (TYPICAL) A-2 COMPONENTS & CLADDING - Vasco 5-7 5-7T" DESIGN PRESSURES FOR WINDOWS / DOORS: 22'-l" +24.3 PSF / -32.0 PSF ADJUSTED CO-EFFICIANT FOR EXP D - 1.47 +35.8 PSF / -47.1 PSF FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVALS WINDOW: CWS ARIA SERIES HS-620 - FPA# FL17355.3-R4 CWS ARIA SERIES PW-655 - FPA# FL17354.2-R2 DOOR: CWS SERIES GUARDIAN HINGED - FPA# FL161.1-R6 DENSITY FOAM 'OSITE PANEL -� A-3 5'-7j" 1 ALUMINUM L KICKPLATE (TYPICAL) - 8'-6" -� 8'-0" a 01. C Q Z o 0 1 :U a 4(Q C 'L i Z to �V 0y� • oR0 N00 I A-2 Ift t -I � a to I a INSULATED KICKPLATE (TYPICAL) TP DATE DRAWN 11 /23120 SHEET NO: A-1 ALUMINUM MEMBERS DMENSIONS HOLLOW SECTIONS e 2: 2"x 2"x 0.046" 2x3: 21x31x 0.050' 2 x4: 2"x 41 x 0.050" 2 x 5: 2' 5" x 0.050" OPEN BACK SECTIONS 1 x2: 1"x2"s0.040" 1 x3: 1"s3"x 0.045" FA — SNAP SECTIONS 2 x 2 Snap: 2" x 2" x 0.045" 2' x 2 x 3 Snnp: 3" .0.050" 3" x 3' x 0.121" 2x4Snap: 2"x4"x0.045" (z)WV' DIAL CONCRETE I POST SCREW ANCHORS SELF IVATING (SNIH) (3" CON EMBED) 2x 4 SMB: 2' 4' 0.044"x 0AW" 2 x 5 SMB: 2' x 5" x 0.050" x 0.100" 2 x 6 SNiB: 2" x 6" x 0.050'x 0.120' 1"x 3" RC W/ 1/4' CONCRETE INTERNAL/EXTERNAL 2 x 7 SMB: 2" x 7" x 0.057'x O.120" SCREW ANCHOR 6" W x 3" x 1/8" EMRUDED 2x8 SMB: 2"x3"x0.072"x0.124" FROM UPRIGHT&@ POST BASE W/(2)$X- 2x9SlVm 2"x9"x 0.072". 0.124" 24"O.C. (MIN 3" EMBED.) DIA. THRU BOLTS 2 x 10 SMB: 2" x 10" x 0.092" x 0.398" MININIUM FASTENER EDGE DISTANCE: 12" — - MINLMUM FASTENER SPACING: 3/4" " CONCRETE SCREW ANCROR SLlIpSON TITEN FID OR EQUIVALENT SHEET' NIETAL SCREWS (SMS): ITN / BUILDEX OR EQUIVALENT B 3" x 3" POST TO CONCRETE CONNECTION DETAIL A 2 SCALE: MS I WOOD: (2) 1/4" DIA. x 3"WOOD SCREWS CONC: I 12) 1/4" DIA, x 3" CONCRETE SCREW ANCHOR , 2" x W HOLLOW SECTION GIRT W/ 0.125" INTERNAL ALUM RECEIVING CHANNEL W/ (3) #12 x 3lC INTO GIRT EACH FACE I moo: I 1/4" DIA, x 3" WOOD SCREWS AT 12" O.C. Cyr' 1"x3"x0.082'ALUM RECEIVING 14' DIA. x 3"CONCRETE CHANNEL W/ SMS x 3/4' SMS SCREW ANCHOR AT 12' O.C. 'I \ ® 12" O,C EACH SIDE OF PANEL �W COMPOSITE WALL PANEL b \ I • \ 1"x3'x0.062"ALUM VI `REC9 NG W/W1 x3/P'SMS y� @12"O.C. EACH SIDEOF PANEL 1X3 TO HOST STRUCTURE W/ C-1 NSULATED KICKPLATE DETAIL A_2 SCALE: NTS 9" COMPOSITE WALL PANEL 1"x 3" ALUM RECEIVING CHANNEL Wl #12 x 314" SMS EACH SI DE INTO PANEL AT 12"O,C. 114"DIA x21/4"CONIC . I - I SCREW ANCHOR 6" FROM BID R@ 12"O.C. ` C 2 3" COMPOSITE PANEL TO DECK CONNECTION DETAILS A_2 SCALE: NTS 3"x3"x0.125" POST 0, 125" x 1 118" x 3" x 1 1/B" I NTERNAL ALUM RECEI W NO CHANNEL Wl (3) 012 x 3/4" INTO GIRT EACH FACER (3) 2" x 3" #12 x 3/q" INTO UPRIGHT IN RAIL MEMBER EACH SIDE OF UPRIGHT / �1' 3"x 0.062"ALUM RECEIVING CHANNEL W/ #12 x 314" SMS @ 12' O.C. EACH SIDE OF PANEL 3" COMPOSITE WALL PANEL C HAIR RAIL TO UPRIGHT W/ INSULATED KICKPLATE DETAIL A_2 SCALE NTS 3" x 3" x 0.125" 3" COMPOSITE CORNER POST WALL PANEL •1 NNNp1011111prr rrr 6, -' <fi a U- 6 ". Zy �( 2 o O a: U * Lu Q•� Q L 6: 10 I-- O vp �rhnnuoula�"�� w LLI W a ? F M Z w LLI Z a Z az O auW 1n V) as V W C J 0 = cc - 2 Z Z G Q LuLu 5 Z � v? J IZ s LL LL 1"x 3" x 0.062" ALUM RECEIVING CHANNEL ALONG SIDED CORNER POST -W/ #12 x 3X- SMS AT 12' O.C. INTO EACH SIDE OF PANEL AND #12 x 3/4" SMS AT 12' O.C. INTO CORNER POST SLAB/FOOTING u_ SEE PLAN C'3 OMP PANEL TO CORNER POST DETAIL A_2 SCALE: NTS N) W Q W U Q W Q Q - W W Z a m o o m F M S Uv70-1 U-U- DRAWN BY TP DATE DRAWN 11/23/20 REVISION ^i I A-2 px 5 C f•1 118"x7X7'EXTRUDED ANGLE 5052 H-32 ALLOY EA.\\\ \,,,�01111,*0881 y \\ �I /• •, / /i • • LxRECEIVINGSIDE W/ (4) x 3/4" SMS 1"x 3" RECEIVING : �(/ LL 6- • •, y� INTO UPRIGHT CHANNEL = e Z Q O 0 =a iJu o a IL- o, a' SLAB I FOOTING • , • SEE PLAN � Q •. • ' �� \\ SIDE VIEW DL W u W d Z (1) 3/5" DIE. CONCRETE PRIGHT R SCREW ANCHORS W Z (21/4" CONC. EMBED) PRE -HUNG DOORJAMB J w Q Q 2 O av� Vf H U W J 1'x 3'RDOEIVING CHANNEL I.L. O ANCHORED TO CONIC W/ 114" W_ _ CONCRETE SCREW ANCHOR 1 F (MIN. 1 1/4" EMBED) 6" MAX EACH SIDE OF POST -' AND 24" O,C MAX ' Z Z FRONT VIEW DJ-1 UPRIGHT TO CONCRETE 0 PRE -HUNG A-3 DOOR LOCATION DETAIL z Z ^_^ SCALE: NTS ��uz W W OZ s W NOTE: #14 SMS x 1" MIN, LONGER THAN PANEL W/ 1 1/2" DIA NEOPRENE FACED WASHER EXISTING HOST WALL C 17'O.C. ALONG LENGTH OF ALL END BEAMS EXISTING FASTEN ROOF PANEL TO HOST WALL BEAM W #14 x 4" W/ 1 1n" DIA. NEOPRENE 3" COMPOSITE 3" x 3" x 0.125" FACED WASHER ® 4" 0 C. ROOF PANEL END BEAM 3" x 0.067' EXTRUDED RECEIVER Ni CHANNEL Wq #14 x 314" SMS Vl W/ 11/7' DIA NEO-WASHER 08'OC. W O' G —7 Q W CONCRETE: (2) 1/4" DIA. z 3" QUICEf LQ U { , a m Of WALL ANCHORS INTO WALL Q Q o a 0.125'x1116"x3"zr INTERNAL ALUM RECEGEIEND 3"x0.125" BEAM 11IT x 3 U6"x 11/7'x 3"x 0.057' ALUM RECEIVING CHANNEL WOOD: (2) 1/4" DIA. LAG SCREWS W LLl O z # f- R CHANNEL IA9 (8)#12z314 W/(3)#14z 314"SMS EACH x3" INTO WALL Q UPRIGHT 8 (3) #12 x 314 SIDE INTO BEAM Q. Z O 1 U o z LL LL TOP 8 BOTTOM OF EACH SI DE OF UP #14 x 3/4" SELF -TAPPING 3'C0MP0SITE SCREW@6"O.C. DRAWN BY ROOF PANELTP 0.125" CONCRETE: DATE DRAWN (1) 114" x 2 114" SCREW TYPE MASONRY 11/23%20 ANCHOR @ 6" O.G. WOOD: REVISION (1)1/4" DIA x 3" LAG SCREWS a8'O.C. S-Z BEAM TO HOST STRUCTURE ATTACHMENT DETAIL COMPOSITE ROOF TO BEAM TO POST CONNECTION S-, OMPOSITE PANEL TO HOST CONNECTION DETAIL A-3 SCALE: NTS ° - A-3 SCALE: NTS �] SCALE: NITS f1-J SHEETNO: A-3