HomeMy WebLinkAboutChange of Contractor �u7 PLANNING&DEVELOPAWNT SERVICES:'. "� BLTII.DING&:ZONING DIyISION - -- . REGF � b----- . FORVP RINE�T: 34982:AVE p I EC 14 2020 V ST. Lucie County, Permit<in 9 (772):4 ;2 1.553 :F.. . 2 157,'� CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR,SUBC(INTRACTOR'OR CANCELLATION OF':PERMT PLEASE`SELE&bNE bi THE:FQLLQWING: CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR Change of Contractor isto be signed and:natarized by;the.pmpeity owner;:, and the new contractor ofxecord;for the:currentrperaut;Anew permit;application must.also beiz completed vuitli new contractor infon nation and signature.A-new`Notice of Commencement must.lie fired in-the new contractor's fmape, for tab values:greater than 52�340 {$7,540 if A/C Change=out) A retarded copy must be submitted prior,to. comiriencng any worn.There is a�SOOQ fee for the Change'of Contractor CHANGE OF SUBCONTRACTOR Subbo&i ctor changes are to."be completed'by the.gene-al",contracton The new ri subcontractor usf fill Out:a Subcontrdcior AgreementF.orm.There is a S50 60 fee for fhe Change of Sub- Contractor.; , CANCELLATIQN QF PERMIT—The cancellation,af a peiinit is acceptable,only if no work has;'::bcen done: Cancellation of permit is to be>s wed and notanzed by.both the owner and,qualifier of:record. There is teo lie". eaniil ation.:oftlie,permit. Permit Number: 20 oss5" Site.Address oo� irir�us%iyyar.1; ?ERG MAS7 F�F�ET�1 ': Stater icense:. . . SIC License 31757 New GC„subcontractor TI a undersigned does hereby agree to in emiufy and hold ha mless.S't Lucie Eounty,its officers,agents and employv s,fr mall costs,fees or damages arising from any and;all claims of actYon forAny reason,which`inay arise as a r."esult:of this change of contractorlsubcon ' c eellation of pe t"A permit cannot be ciiucelled if w ork ties boo perf ormed:; $IGNA'fURE OF OWNER(ar owner/builder); PRINT.NAME MAt T#iE}A(11'LE YVYfV State of Florida Counry:of St Cud County: State of..;h7onda,County .of$t Lucie"County 0beforethisThe foFiowutginstrument was-actmowed flog' aol �n r vs acrnd. 'fore rae ttus' Q iunxuv�tiLL`lvn `Clay of 201 20"' CiQi C. �'. /T+l 47"S _�day of C.�)H.fiiQ20 2 by . who is personally ldtown tome_ x" who is personally ltnown to pr who has pmduced .. as ID.: me or wha.ha xodwed - as ID. Stgnatttte of. tart' Date Srgnature of . .. Date; urna,ra DOROTHYANN BASKIN Revised DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION#HH 04 COMMISSION#HH 045M " +E 5443 MY ova' EXPIRES:October2,2024 =.F� eP° EXPIRES:October2,2024_. „oF►�,,. SR c;•. Bonded Thru NO pubfic U Bonded Thru Notary Pubriie woenntters �h' nderwri0ers PERMIT# ZOOS O(J5 ISSUE DATE PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES= Building:& Code Compliance-DiviSion - — BUILDING�PERMIT lv6D ._,.. . .. :SUB-CONTRACTOR.A;GREEMEW. CC 14 2020 County, Permitting, ARC"MASTER'ELECTRIC have agreed<:to lie; (Company:Name/S.aidrvidual Name)_ the ELECTRICIAN Sufi-contractor for. (Type-of T zade} (Primary Contractor) for the pro,}ect located;M, 790.0`SO.UTH US HWY 1 , (Project Street.Address orPropertp Tax ID:#) 6s understood that,if there s;any cl tinge ao,$tatus regarding oiifpanc�pation'wtth the abovemrientioned, prgject,:the Building and Code Regulation XV14ou:vfSta Lucie Gountywill,be ad used guts]ant to ttie': filing af;a Change ofSut-contractar;;notice; UB TRAGTUR .GPJATURE'' ualifter) CHRISTOP,HER JERNIGAN PRINT NAME 31751 C91M CERTIF[CATIQ14AUMBER ST.,LUCIE y, LUCfE Stete:of Plonda,County:of." State 94(Aonda;:Coanty of Thi foregoing instrument was s7gned befog me this;,_�;day of The,foregoing strument;was.signed before-me tbis-J—:day:ot CCe�'1&Yl zt>ar) o ��, lA�ll FC rYt-zO ;by,CHRISTOPHERJERNIG;4N whois pecaopally known,.or tins produced'a _ ___ wboas;personal[ykaown. or has>produced`a'- asidendtisahQu: asedentineatioa. S�gnatureofNot Public STANTP Sigaatdre of\otary `_t� ' DOROTHI(ANN B/CSK(N DOROTHY ANN BASKIN; iWat,Name efriotary Pnbtir Pnai,irlame of NoEary Public. ; is+?�'�%; DOROTHYANNBASKIN MY COMMISSION#HH 045443 <�Y°4'' DOROTHYANN BASKIN Yc EXPIRES:October 2,2024 ,; :,,: MY COMMISSION#HH 045M ''eacYQ'' Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters EXPIRES:October 2024 �'.kOF FI�P,• R. Bonded ThrU Notary Pubriic Underwriters