HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT. SERVICES Biuilding; 8z Code Compliance ,Division BUILDING. PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT . qV 0 C T 21 2020 'ST. Lucie County, Permitting S & W ELECTRIC,,. INC. have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the -_ELECTRICIAN `..— -� -to (Type (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 1;� `t \ (Project Street Addressor Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,. the Building and Code Regulation Division of, St. Lucie County will. be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) 'SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, Countgof- ST_ LUCIE The foregoing instrument was signed before me this\ day of MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE who is personally known _v__or has produced a as identification. Gfo 16e STAMP Signature of Notary. Ice DOROTHY ANN BASKIN Print Name.of NotaryPublic •�,- DOROTHLANNANMYCOMMIS5W EXPIRES:24Banded7bruN onvriters LAWRENCE.STUBBS PRINT NAME 29442 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER -- --State offlorida,-County°of-ST. LUCI.E_ The foregoing: instrument was signed before me tbis)% _k bof 0 C.a by LAWRENCESTUBBS- who is personally known 9P or has produced a as identification. 1 �19J rgn ture'of Notary Public ,Ukua M Print Name otNotaryP..ublic EMMOMPSWUNNIF" AURARCUBBEDGE Commission#HH 013089 Ex ires October 21, 2024 onded Thru Troy Fain Insurance 600,45.7019 STAMP . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING SERVICES B.uilding4'VDde�Coxnpliance, Division BUILDING PERMIT ERMIT : 47 6_11�-'- 4�_RRMIRNTF _.RTTR_(_nWTRA _T A ST. Lucie County, Permitting AQUA DIMENSIONS have -agreed to be (Compaiiy. Namedndivi6d Name) the PLUMBER Sub-contractor:for WYNNE-DEV ELOPMENT'CORP.: (Type of Trade)(Piinary Contractor) For the -pro ject-lo.catedat. It is..understood thAt, if there.:Is any status of change- ' On , s regarding ourparticipation with the above' mentioned projecti, the Building, and Code Regulation !DiVision:-OfSt. L-iidie'County. 'Villbeadvised pursuant.: tathe filing: of a Change. of Sub=contractor notice. CONTRACTOR;SIGN.AT.URE,(QuaNfler..) MATTHEW LYLE- WYNNE PRINT'NAME' 0889.8 COUNTY CERTIFICAT10NNUMBEA slit SIGNATURE �Un (qu-aMir) R .-OBERT LUDLUM ,. PRINT NAME T8628 :COUNTY: CERTIFICATION NUMBER StA06 of Florida, County of ST' LUCIE. State-offlorida, County of ST-LUCIE the . 6 *in, Jnstruinent wass gned beiebir. me this day.of :of o who ispersonaqylcqown�-r his.produc6d a. ll who b.persona4y knowaNZ-1rhasTroduced a asidenfificition. oznn do_alc_ Sjgnki&dNdWy&Jid - DOROTHY ANN: -BASKIN- Print Name of Notary Public rrl_2�W..s ... MROTHYAN : W COMY 1IS8I0N#HH045W EXPIRE&O 41�2024 Ad y , PWO' aen 11, 'ea 1Z STAMP STAMP Si6ittirebfNotaryPublic RHONDA 'LAFFERTY Mat Name at Ko7i;ty -PubUc CRY RHONDA LAFFERTY MY COMMISSION # GG058720 EXPIRES January 08, 2021 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE . PLAN1V'Yl G & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Duildilug & Code eolipliau ce DIAsion . RECEIVED BY7 -DING. PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT OCT 2. 1 2020 ST. -Lucie County, Permitting: Comfort Control of St. Lucie County, Inc. haveaglreed'to'be (Company Nsmelidividud Natue) the HVAC Sub-contractorfor Wynne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) - - For the project located at '(Project Strect #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status, regarding our'participation with the above mentioned.. project, the Building and Code Regulation Division .of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant. to the Fling of a Change of Sub-cottractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualiffer). Matthew L�le-Wynne PRINT NAME — COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State ofVlorida, County o&�AVv C-"­O' The fortgoing iostrinnent was signed before me this �A d y 0f who is personally known '�/ or bas prndnnad a ss fdeutificstion a4 -d STAMP' Signature of Notary P c Revised 11/1 COUNTY CERTIMATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument was s��ped before me th^is�ly ""y of � 2d�bi '�C•S�� G.'�l h-2�'dvlp� who is personally known V or Las produ ed a as identification. STAMP. Signature of Notary Pr G51! Imo yeo-ra l y Av a �A*g t.' m Print Name of Notary PabIle BASKIiV' ?. WROTHYANN13A5t(IN K4045443 * S MYCOMMN#: ISSIOHH045443 r 2e 2024 r "' !EXPIRES. October2, 2024 iC:lllbelW�j�@�g . ••;;crF;?`� vNN�TiW Fi0lal�l.PUbIiCU11dBI�Ydtof$' L66-d ZOOO/ZOOOd tLO-i 999L8L83LL d,ioO suipiin8 auuAM -WOad 9L:ZL 9�r6O-ZI, TIANN Awd co&& t1l±%ng: Sub co�atractor::for Wynne D* 'CONTRA17 ?..W XAM- w sAnedi.dira mat-W-3 4 BASVJN # HH 045443 OCT ql nn S'l. Lucie County, Permitting ri,,prt ove le Purst=t.... .,7 COUNMCERM ..Sua-o- W*c6aw.-of . iie Pmq owi0witmentwas s fined before ditlmit& 0 . :r.. 9-PtO a? k� SIAI. MYCOMM 18810N#JIN04543 EXPIRES: Odober Z 2824