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0 2017
Installation and
Operation Manual
Jandy Single
Element Cartridge
Pool and Spa Filters
CS Series Filters
FOR YOUR SAFETY-This product must be installed and serviced by a contractor who is licensed
and qualified in pool equipment by the jurisdiction in which the product will be installed where such
state or local requirements exists. In the event no such state or local requirement exists, the installer
or maintainer must be a professional with sufficient experience in pool equipment installation and
maintenance so that all of the instructions in this manual can be followed exactly. Before installing':
W this product, read and follow all warning notices and instructions that accompany this product. Failure
> to follow warning notices and instructions may result in property damage, personal injury, or death.
� Improper installation and/or operation can create dangerous high pressure which can cause product
'r- failure or also cause the filter lid to be blown off, possibly causing death, serious injury or property.
Cq damage. Improper installation and/or operation will void the warranty.
Cartridge Filters CS SeriesX.
Section 1. Safety Information.............................4 Section 6. Maintenance.......................................10
1.1 Important Safety Warning..............4 6.1 General Maintenance......................10
1.2 General Safety Instructions............4 6.2 Pressure Gauge...............................10
Section 2. General Information 5 6.3 Cleaning the Filter Cartridge...........10
6.4 Breather Tube Maintenance .....:.....10
2.1 Introduction....................................5
2.2 Description 5 Section 7. Winterizing..................................:.....11
2.3 General Requirements....................5
Section 8. Troubleshooting.................................12
Section 3. Installation Instructions.....................6
3.1 Filter Location................................6 Section 9. Parts List and Exploded View............13
3.2 Filter Preparation............................6 9.1 Jandy®Cartridge Filter, CS Series .13
3.3 Filter Installation 6 9.2 Jandy CS Cartridge Filter
3.4 Locking Ring/Tank Top Assembly Exploded View ...............................13
Installation......................................8 Section 10. Head Loss Curves...............................14
Section 4. Start-Up and Operation......................8 10.1 Jandy Cartridge Filter, CS Series...14
4.1 New Pool and Seasonal Start-up....8
Section 5. Filter Disassembly and Assembly......9
5.1 Filter Element Removal .................9
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Section 1 . Safety Information � ;.:r,'
1.1 Important Safety Warning
-�. Do not connect system to an unregulated city water system or other external source of
pressurized water producing pressures greater than 35 PSI.
• Pressurized air in system can cause product failure or also cause the filter lid to be blown off
which can result in death, serious personal injury, or property damage. Be sure all air is out of
system before operating or testing the equipment.
This filter operates under high pressure.When any part of the circulating system, i.e., filter, pump,
valve(s), clamp, etc. is serviced, air can enter the system and become pressurized when the system,
is restarted. Pressurized air can cause product failure or also cause the filter lid to be blown off which
can result in death, serious personal injury or property damage.To avoid this potential hazard,follow
all of the instructions in this manual.
To minimize risk of severe injury or death the filter and/or pump should not be subjected to the piping
system pressurization test.
Local codes may require the pool piping system to be subjected to a pressure test. These
requirements are generally not intended to apply to the pool equipment such as filters or pumps.
Jandy pool equipment is pressure tested at the factory.
If however this WARNING cannot be followed and pressure testing of the piping system must includ
• Check all clamps, bolts, lids, lock rings and system accessories to ensure they are properly
installed and secured before testing.
• RELEASE ALL AIR in the system before testing.
• Water pressure for test must NOT EXCEED 35 PSI.
• Water temperature for test must NOT EXCEED 100°F(380C).
• Limit test to 24 hours.After test,visually check system to be sure it is ready for operation.
Notice:These parameters apply to Jandy equipment only. For non-Jandy equipment, consult equipment manufacturer.
1.2 General Safety Instructions
This manual contains important information about the installation, operation and safe use of this
product.This information should be given to the owner/operator of this equipment. 4
1. Use equipment only in a pool or spa installation.
2. Before repositioning valve(s)and before beginning the assembly, disassembly,or adjustment of the clamp,or
any other service of the circulating system; (A)turn the pump off and shut off any automatic controls to ensure
the system is not inadvertently started during servicing; (B)open the air release valve;(C)wait until all pressure
is relieved(air will have stopped flowing from the air release valve).
3. Whenever installing the filter clamp follow Section 3.4 of this manual, "Locking Ring/Tank Top Assembly
4. Once service on the circulation system is complete,follow Section 4 of this manual, "Start-up and Operationi'.
5. Maintain circulation system properly.Replace worn or damaged parts immediately.
6. Be sure that the filter is properly mounted and positioned according to these installation instructions.
7. Do not pressure test above 35 PSI.Pressure testing must be done by a trained pool professional.
Cartridge Filters -CS Series U bPage 5
Section 2. General Information &WARNING
The maximum operating pressure for this filter is 50
2.1 Introduction psi. Never subject the filter to operating pressure
exceeding 50 psi. Operating pressures above 50 psi
This manual contains information for the proper instal- can cause product failure or also cause the lid to be
lation and operation of the Jandy®CS Cartridge Filters. blown off,which can result in death, serious personal
Procedures in this manual must be followed exactly. injury, or property damage.
For technical assistance, contact our Technical Support 6. When performing hydrostatic pressure tests or
Department at 1.800.822.7933. when testing for external leaks of the completed
2.2 Description filtration and plumbing system,ensure that
the maximum pressure the filtration system is
Cartridge filters do not require sand or diatomaceous subjected to does not exceed the maximum
earth as the filter medium. Instead they contain a filter working pressure of any of the components
cartridge element which is easily removed for cleaning within the system.
or replacement. 2.4 Specifications and Dimensions
Dirty water flows into the filter tank and is directed See Table I and Figures I and 2.
through the filter cartridge.The debris is collected on
the surface of the cartridge as the water flows through
it.The water will travel through the central filter core Table 1. Cartridge Filter Specifications
towards the bottom of the filter into the lower manifold. CS100 CS160 CS200 CS260
Clean water is returned to the swimming pool through Filter Area(W) 100 150 200 250
the filter outlet port at the tariles bottom. Max.Flow(gpm) 100 125 125 125
As debris collects in the filter,the pressure will rise and Six Hour Capacity(gal.) 36,000 45,000 45,000 45,000
water flow to the pool will diminish.The filter cartridge Eight Hour Capacity(gal.) 48,000 60,000 '60,000 60,000
must be cleaned when the operating pressure of the Normal Start Up Pressure
filter rises 10 psi from the operating pressure of a clean (psi) 6-15 - 6-15 6-15 6-15
cartridge(see Section 6 "Cleaning the Filter"). Max.Working Pressure(psi) 50 50 50 50
Dimension"N' 32 3/8" 32 3/8" 42 1/2" 421/2"
NOTE A filter removes dirt and other suspended particles 14 3/4",
but does not sanitize the pool. Pool water must be
sanitized and chemically balanced for clear water.
The filtration system should be designed to meet 0
local health codes.At a minimum,the system should
turnover the total volume of water in your pool two(2)
to four(4)times in a 24 hour period.
2.3 General Requirements
I For best overall performance place the system as
close to the pool as possible.
2. The filter should be located on a level concrete
slab so that the orientation of the valve outlets and
the pressure gauge are convenient and accessible A
for the installation and operation of the unit.
3. Protect the filter from the weather.
4. If fitting a chlorinator and/or any other device into 18 1/2"
the filtration plumbing circuit,great care must be
exercised to ensure that the appliance is installed
in accordance with the Manufacturer's Instructions
and any applicable standards that may exist. 3 1/4:F91==
5. Use Jandy universal unions to connect each Figure 1. Dimensions,CS Cartridge Series Filter
component of the water conditioning system for
future servicing.All Jandy filters come with these
type of fittings.
Page 6 y' an, `
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Outlet Port 5. Allow sufficient space above the filter to remove
the filter lid and filter element for cleaning and
13" 6. Position the filter to safely direct water drainage.
---�-�- Align the air release valve to safely direct purged
air or water.
7. If the filter is to be installed below the water level
201/8" ° Portn of the pool,isolation valves should be installed on
both the suction and return lines to prevent back
flow of pool water during any routine servicing
that may be required.
3.2 Filter Preparation
1. Check carton for damage due to rough handling
Inlet Port in shipment. If carton or any filter components are
14 1/8" damaged,notify carrier immediately.
Figure 2. Dimensions, CS Cartridge Series Filter 2. Carefully remove the accessory package. Remove
-Top View the filter tank from the carton.
3. A visual inspection of all parts should be made
Section 3. Installation Instructions now. See parts list in Section 9 i
AWARNING 4. Install the pressure gauge and adapter assembly to
Use equipment only in a pool or spa installation. the threaded hole marked"Pressure Gauge" at the
Do not connect system to an unregulated city water top of the filter(see Fig.4).
system or other external source of pressurized water 5. Install the air release valve into the threaded
producing pressures greater than 35 psi.
opening marked"Air Release" at the top of the
3.1 Filter Location filter(see Fig.4).
1. Select a well-drained area, one that does not flood
when it rains.Damp,non-ventilated areas should NOTE Teflon tape is included in the accessory bag.
be avoided.
li"Minimum Clearance
2. Provide solid mounting for the filter and pump
system. Install system on a concrete slab or solid Filter
concrete blocks to avoid risk of settlement.Do not Drain
use sand to level the filter as the sand will wash
away.Filter systems can weigh up to 3001bs. a Clearance
3. Install electrical controls at least five(5)feet from
the filter.This will allow enough room to stand
away from the filter during start-up.
4. Allow sufficient clearance around the filter to permit
a visual inspection of the clamp ring(see Fig.3). Figure 3. Filter Location -Top View
A WARNING 3.3 Filter Installation
Water discharged from an improperly positioned filter
or valve can create an electrical hazard which can A WARNING
cause death, serious injury'or property damage.
To avoid an electrical shock hazard,which can result
in serious injury or death, ensure that all electrical i
A CAUTION power to the system is turned off before approaching J
Maintain your pressure gauge in good working order. inspecting or troubleshooting any leaking valves
The pressure gauge is the primary indicator of how or plumbing that may have caused other electrical
the filter is operating. devices in the surrounding area to get wet.
Page 8 ""�T,jl}>G�1Cy is
3.4 Locking Ring/Tank Top Assembly Section 4. Start-Up and Operation
NEVER start pump while standing
Follow these instructions carefully. Improper M` within five 5 feet of the filter. Starting
locking ring installation can cause product `' �' " the pump while there is pressurized air
failure or also cause the filter lid to be in the system can cause product failure
blown off which can result in death, serious or also cause the filter lid to be blown
personal injury or property damage. off, which can cause death, serious
1. Be certain the o-ring is in position in the upper personal injury or property damage.
tank half.Press the filter lid over the lower half A WARNING
until seated. Lubricating the o-ring with a silicone NEVER operate the filter system at more
based lubricant will help with installation ;, r than 50 psi of pressure.Operating the
(see Fig. 6). filter system in excess of 50 psi can cause
2. Put the locking ring/tank top assembly on the product failure or also cause the filter lid
lower housing and thread it onto the filter.Turn the to be blown off,which can cause death,
locking ring clockwise until you hear it snap over I serious personal injury or property damage.
the tabs on the lower half of the tank.
This filter operates under high pressure. DO NOT operate filter at water temperatures above
Ensure that the locking ring is turned 105° F (40.6° C). Water temperatures above the
- ``
until it clicks past the stop tab. Failure to manufacturer's recommendations will shorten the life
properly install the locking ring or using I span of the filter and void the warranty.
a locking ring that is damaged can cause 4.1 New Pool and Seasonal Start-up
product failure or also cause lid separation,
which could result in death, serious 1. Turn offthe filter pump and switch off the circuit
�`0 personal injury proper damage.or property d To breaker to the pump motor.
avoid injury, keep fingers clear of the
2. Check that the filter drain cap and nut are in place
lower tank threads and stop tab. and tight.
3. Check that the tank locking ring is properly seated
Filter Tank, and tight.
Upper Half 4. Open the pump hair/lint pot lid and fill the pump
Locking basket with water to prime the system.Replace the
Ring pump lid.You may have to do this a few times on
Locking Ring Tabs new and seasonal start ups.
5. Open the air release valve on top of the filter
(do not remove the valve).
6. Be sure to open any isolation valves that were
installed in the system.
7. Stand clear of the filter and start the pump to
circulate water through the system. When all the{
air is bled from the system and a steady stream of
water starts to come out of the air release valve,
Filter Tank, close the valve.
Lower Half
8. Watch the pressure gauge to be sure that the
Figure 6. Locking Ring pressure does not exceed 50 psi. If the pressure
approaches 50 psi,immediately turn the pump
off and clean the filter cartridges.If the pressure
remains high after cleaning the filter,refer to the
troubleshooting guide, Section 8,for possible
causes and solutions.
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Cartridge Filters -CS Series Fir •w• Page 9
9. After the pressure gauge has stabilized,turn the 5. Remove the top of the filter. Inspect the tank,
bezel ring so that the arrow next to the word o-ring for damage. Clean or replace the o-ring as
"CLEAN" aligns with the needle of the gauge. necessary.
See Figure 7.As the filter cleans the water,and 6. Remove the filter element from the tank bottom
the cartridges begin to clog the pressure begins to
increase.When the needle of the pressure gauge and clean or replace as necessary.
aligns with the arrow next to the word'DIRTY" 7. Place the new or cleaned filter element into the
on the bezel,it is time to clean the filter(see tank bottom.
Section 6.3).This indicates an increased pressure g. Use a silicone based lubricant on the new or
of between 10 and 12 psi above original starting cleaned o-ring and place the o-ring onto the tank
9. Place the tank top onto the tank bottom.Be sure
the tank halves are seated properly.
30 40 10. Tighten the locking ring(see Section 3.4,
"Locking Ring/Tank Top Assembly Installation").
11. Follow steps 5 thru 8 under Section 4.1, "New
010 c cY 50 a Pool and Seasonal Start-Up".
If the breather tube is not fully seated
or is damaged or clogged,trapped air
- - can cause product failure or also cause
Figure 6. Pressure Gauge with Clean/Dirty Snap the filter lid to be blown off which can
Ring result in death, serious personal injury
or property damage.
Section 5. Filter Disassembly and
NEVER attempt to assemble, Tank Top
disassemble or adjust the filter when there
g is pressurized air in the system. Starting Locking
the pump while there is any pressurized /Ring
air in the system can cause product failure
or also cause the filter lid to be blown off,
which can cause death, serious personal P Breather Tube
injury or property damage.
5.1 Filter Element Removal
1. Turn off the filter pump and switch off the circuit
breaker to the pump motor.
2. Open air release valve on top of the filter tank i
to release all pressure from inside the tank and Tank Bottom.
system(see Fig. 8).Close any filter isolation
valves on the system to prevent flooding.
3. Open the filter tank drain.When the filter tank has
drained,close the drain. 1
4. Remove the locking ring/tank top assembly by Filter Element
pushing on-the locking tab and turning the lock
ring counterclockwise.
Figure 8. Filter Element Removal
Page 10aT1C�V�7;':
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Section 6. Maintenance 2. If the filter is installed below pool level,close any
filter isolation valves to prevent flooding.
6.1 General Maintenance 3. Open the air release valve on top of the filter and
1. Wash outside of filter with water or TSP(tri- wait for all air pressure to be released.
sodium phosphate)with water.Rinse off with 4. Open the filter tank drain.When the filter tank has
a hose.Do not use solvents or detergents to drained,close the drain.Place it upright in a area
clean the filter,solvents will damage the plastic suitable for washing.
components of the filter
5. Open filter tank and remove cartridge element
2. Check pressure during operation at least once a (see Section 5.1 "Filter Element Removal".
week. Place it upright in an area suitable for washing.
3. Remove any debris from the skimmer basket and 6. Use a garden hose and nozzle to wash each pleat
hair/lint pot on pump. of the element.
4. Check pump and filter for any leaks. If any leaks NOTE Algae, suntan oil, calcium and body oils can
develop,turn off the pump and call a qualified form coatings on filter element which may not
pool service technician.' be removed by normal hosing.To remove suc�
materials, soak the element in de-greaser and
5. Product safety signs or labels should be then a de-scaler.Your local pool shop will be
periodically inspected and cleaned by the product able to recommend suitable products.
user as necessary to maintain good legibility for
safe viewing. 7. Replace the cartridge back into the filter tank.
Inspect the o-ring for cracks or wear marks.Place
6. Product safety signs or labels should be replaced the o-ring back onto the filter tank top.Replace the
by the product user when a person with normal top of the tank.(See Section 3.4 "Locking Ring/
vision, including corrected vision, is no longer Tank Top Assembly Installation").
able to read the safety signs or label message panel
text at a safe viewing distance from the hazard. 8. Reopen the isolation valves if they were closed.
In cases where the product has an extensive 9. Stand clear of the filter,start the pump and
expected life or is exposed to extreme conditions, circulate the water until water sprays out of the air
the product user should contact either the product
manufacturer or other appropriate source to release valve.Close the air release valve.The filter
determine means for obtaining replacement signs is now back in operating mode.
or labels. 10. Watch the pressure gauge to be sure that the
7. Installation of new replacement safety signs or pressure does not exceed 50 psi. If the pressure
labels should be in accordance with the sign or approaches 50 psi, immediately turn the pump
label manufacturer's recommended procedure. off and clean the filter cartridges. If the pressure
remains high after cleaning the filter,refer to the
6.2 Pressure Gauge troubleshooting guide, Section 8,for possible
causes and solutions.
Maintain your pressure gauge in good working order. 6.4 Breather Tube Maintenance
The pressure gauge is the primary indicator of how 1. Turn off the filter pump and switch off the circuit
the filter is operating. breaker to the pump motor.
2. If the filter is installed below pool level,close any
1. During operation of the filtration system,check filter isolation valves to prevent flooding.
the pressure gauge/air release assembly for air or
water leaks at least once a week. 3. Open the air release valve on top of the filter and
2. Keep the pressure gauge;in good working order. wait for all air pressure to be released.
If you suspect a problem with the gauge,Zodiac 4. Loosen the drain plug at the base of the filter to
Pool Systems,Inc.recommends you call a service ensure the tank is empty.
technician to do any work on the filter/pump system. 5. Open the filter tank.
6.3 Cleaning the Filter Cartridge 6. Check breather tube for obstructions or debris.If
necessary,remove the breather tube and flush with
I. Turn off the filter pump and switch off the circuit running water until the obstruction or debris is
breaker to the pump motor. cleared. See Figure 7.
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Section 10. Head Loss Curves
10.1 Jandy Cartridge Filter, CS Series
Design Design
Head Pressure
Loss 2 Drop
(ft head) (psi)
0 0
0 30 60 90 120
Flow Rate (gpm)