HomeMy WebLinkAboutPower Release 07-24-'20 11 :16 FROM- 7728787656 T-116 P0001/0004 F-369 NOW am 2�,�,►.QrQ ? i .Avia PMect Aftem THE UNDERSIGNED HERBY REQUEST RELEASE OF ELEC IMI AL POWER TO THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY,FOR A PERIOD NOT V.EXCe8D`THlkTY(30)-DiAV$,,FOR THE PURPOSE OFTESRNG SYSTEMS AND EQUJPMENT'IN PFTd>ARATION.FORiAFINAL,INSPEMON. IN CONSIDtRMON OFAPPRovALOFTHE RSZUAtr WE-HE f ACK OWIX AND AO�EE'AS FOLLaMw 3, This tmMomry power release is riaquaaed tr the above meted pu Mm only,and tiam will be 1 ocupanq of any type,Outer than that permitted W ton�=ctlon during this time penotd. 2. As,var Mess by our signatr�we herd agree to.abide by'all terms and conditions of this agreement, indtadiing Building Division.Pblicy,whith is iricorpdrateid herein by reference. 3. All aoncliitiorts:and regi6ements tined in the attadied doeulnett eniffled"Requlremenis for 30 Clay Power'for Testing"have-been fuldiled and the premise is ready for compliance,inspection. 4. All request for an,a tbansion l-yond 30 days.must be:rmde in wrYdng to theSuliding.OfFfcial,staftg the reasorr fbr thp rgque L Power may be mmmo%hTrom the site ardor a,Stop WiVoric order Issued 4T the l nal'Inspe(ton has not been-approved tal)f n 30-days. A fee of$300.60 well be te*reci to Mt the Stop work Drder, WE MERES'Y RELEw AND AGREE TO HOLD.mkmrisp,sT.Lucm couN Y,Amp THEM EmPLoYEES FROM ALL LIABHILX B AND-.CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OF-NATURE WH:X H, MAY ARSE NQW OR,IN-niE FUTURE OUT OF Tl-O'Z WsACTIQN; INCLUDT.k AN'Y aAMAc3E-Wt4, •'K --MAY B�INCUR bWE TO'M iE IDISOpN OId 0 �Ci'►t.PO R M i*-EVE T OF'l/Wi:A-a0tj OF TM AGRW 0 NER, kl'UR9 DATE CONTRACTOR '. DATE ELECTRICAL CON'fRAGTOR SIGNiATLTE DATE'