HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementP[Rnnrr # � wsue ante PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SCRVICES Building & Code Compliance. i-vi-sie EC EIVE® BUILDING PERMIT - -- SUB-coNTtZnCt•o)tAGMENIEN' DEC 1 Y 2b:9 5T: 1-tali@ (c?ufity{ pe_fmlr�lllg CI-eGfriL CbnJ, (A atW - have agreed In be - (Conipany Name/Individual Nam the �G�CX'n'e Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO HOMES, LLC. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) l'or the project located at 12-lQ `4 U Con L-Q-L—D_ -_I'f (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID N) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursunnt to the riling ofit Chang¢ ol'Sub-contractur notice. ('OI �R'1'1' (:R.it'I'IPI(',l'1'It)R Rtt1111F:R Slate of Fluridu, County of The ford uing histruawntt was slened before ntc thls? 9d�f i r ++ rrsuunlly known _Zur has producrd a Print Nanic-kNutory Public fte+'�,ed 11111il7,[tlh SI•A\II' Rebecca Dima GOmmrssi0n # GG0�21 Expires, January 91 Bonded 8tn1 WNW (DUNI1' C1,101FICA'I'ION RUNIIIER State of Florida. Cumlty of The furegning Instrument was •IZLIC91 before me this a�)— day (it _lliJlt;/ t-t��.20js,fly \ �• i40INVO who is persuunll) I:uun It -Xnr has produced a ns idenliliealloSTAMP signature of \unary Ihtblic Print Rome fir )ut wy naim, SITYAHTBROIARO:Fln]d %! ,y Z'• Hotiry Public •State ofCommission a OO 26My Comm. Expires Ott 1Bonded through National Not PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES �f' I Building & Code Compliance h4i o ECEIVED -- - — BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMEN7 DF!:, I 5T, WOO C,ouiltyr Permitting RIDGEyW��G AY PLUMBING have agreed to be P CompanymetIndividual Name) the Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO HOMES, LLC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 2-(9LALQ L (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID 1�) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Changtr-of Sub -contractor notice. William State CBC051145 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County or St Lucie The foregoing iInatrument was signed lbefore me thls, a of G it , 20_, by W 1 4 V1-)GY?/.!i who is personally known X ar bss produced o STAMP ��• 1 Commission i GG9628�1 = �cpltes: danuatY Notary t Bonded trN Paton Revised 11/162016 rrr,utltss SlJ ONTXOZAN R Sl ATURE (Qualifier). GREGC PRINT NAME 19-15354 State CFC0577 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Slate or Florida, County of FLORIDA The foregoing inslrument.was signed before me tht�$ day'or Q& , 20 f I by GREGORY-KOZAN who is personally known X or has produced a as Idenlification. STAMP Sig Lure or Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public KATHLrF. '.Hal =�; �;. ".ota'yPULI;c-WteC'-lond. —' .l, Ccr� n E-"ut•! aun •7 ???2 snded t^�o,.gri .luz w"Y he Sarr Assn PERMIT #, f I ISSUE DATE k PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Cade ComplianceF ED :COUNTYBUILDING PERMITpE���^r+°.asUu•cON'CttAC't'OR AattECMt: ST. Lucie Cc�uncy, ��rr?�ifikirl4 41 have agreed to he (Con peny N-clindivl ul Nam) the 1Sub-contractor For GRBK GNO HOMES, LLC. crypu or'rm e) (Primary Contractor) For the project legated at 2� yl P ��i I K-r --•. (Protect Street Addmas or PropottY.Tax ID 11) It is understood m9t, if there is tiny change of status ro8arding our.ptu'tleipntitm with the above:nnentioned r praicct, the 41cling and Code Rogulation Division of St. Lucie Cuunly will be-advlsed pursuant to the filing ofat ChogO of Sub -contractor notice. ` OL C t,Yl'Y GK111Yt ICI' ItIN Ntllt{Ulill Simi, nrignilda, o,unty lira. e. •,. �n The raregolna Inrlrontent %VA1 Piscird before m thl9 Z gg tiny nr '� �Cl who If perauttally 4Puitm Zr hni prmlueed a till .r.: N't'ItACI't7lt�fliiYA'1'tlI ; IQlIl111tlrr) 11aINTNAME, f 5tw-C, 0,4te SI !V su <, QLINTY CRIVIVICA•I MN NUh1tIY1t State at I+lorlda, Cmisly.orU91A, - WE& The raregaft 16trumrnl Win egtncd Wife lae thla 21 day or tvhu Is prnuuully huunva,2or Ims pradnted it us ldtlltltiee don, YI'AA11' Slpucture of Nohu•y Puh11c Vidgl'r -L C/Pr Print Name orNutury Pph1k, ,,, , Rebecca Dima 087ti ;4`�'bu��'^ Cotnsnissionu GGg6��t WIRT Revised II(iGl1tl16 ~; ... Banded N .wrAAII' ,PHt VICTORIA L CL.OS 1 I , My OpMMl88tON fr4G010644 1 % j liYPIREt{ Fatimari 07, 2021 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE �) 77 t o`tr 11 the PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Codee-Compliapce Division Ov -� vidual Nam BUILDING I'1:RMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGRE E M CN'1' RECEIVED DFC 1 1�7.9 BT, Lode titan y, f�eFfnl -tiny -_ have agreed to be Sub -contractor for GRBK GHO HOMES, LLC. (Primary Contractor) For the project located at —2u q Lo coy)I Ve.V, 1)r (Project Street Address or Properly Tax ID k) It is understood that, if there is any change of stales regarding our participation with the above Mentioned project, the Buildii and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucic County will be advised pursuant to the tiling ofa Change ,'Sub -contractor notice. (''01 .I',' (TUTIFICATIm sumlii{1t Stmtc ur Florida, Comity or=—sdct�U t" The foregoing Insiruutem was signed berore tie tits �$ d of ._._�a/L ,'a i� by ,t.l if 11 r, )i:1 ':. t-�,-� L•e,.� who Is persuually huuuu -Zur Imo prudurrd a _ as idci~ t I STAMP %fl;untur aflnf:u••' bl' i i� 11rhn Nuiuc 41\ulm. Public Re�B tG a �'�,�' eottded thN Revised I1A 201(i S('Ii•CON"T ACIi cr) F ItI� r i.1An•. .ACC 3z ?3Z 3 COIIN'I'1' ('I•:It'1'll°1s5t,•t•IOX \V\titEll Stale urflarida, Cnumy drR � \ Tli�ee fjo�rephigIm nstrumeu iris signed before e il& Zs�., tia%, of If Lie{W(In .—.U—' 20 1 f, ly��� Who Is prrsunmlly Imown _nrFeed n as i et li tcnlimu. .' Vprint al ► 1 l Nnmr orNola y hehlic ;y"!S C1iRISTINE M KOSAKOWSKI I' COMMISSION k G0001803 ?,ortiy' EXPIRES June 13, 2020 Id07)37D-01G7 t'IorhlnkaW 3arvlca.uxa PERMIT fl ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building &. Code Compliance Divisic n RECEIVEDra t iLv 'r:"t • 9,112C BUILDING PERMIT DEC SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEiNIE• NT I ST. Lucie County, Permitting %l �/2 GC /,� /� cl/��✓�Q� have agreed to be (Cnpan>• Name/Individual Name) the Sub -contractor for (Type oll'rade) ��+,n1 ��dd (Primary Contractor) // ff For the project located at �� `-� U Wn I _V1 br (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID uu) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the riling of a Change of S,ub-contractor notice. ;WNW State of Plorida. County af.L i-k C QQW The furegoing Instrument was Slatted before 'me thi.. V day or a 4L . 20,6 by w'1 ! 1 / 4 M -& yidl`e/ who is personull known ✓ or Ims produced a as ide ui�eatien. STA\lP A k�6 � s•— alebap4G�'�021 ass �N �acS Itavised 11/161_016 sun• �-rR:\crottsta�ATuaE'(Qanrfier) PRINT NAME cou\ rY CE101FICATION NCAIaER State of Florida, County ar fy tUG: ems. The foregoing instrument was signed before me tltisZ' day of . zo19, by C -e J 3y?, -1 -ej-4 who Is pe"onally known _or has produced n v ti as Id nen a !7 W—?> - 2—v� L/ �� t_/,�. - to St xalu \oro tary �sbl c !� a I'nnt Nnmc of \e,c. hl� Zilalvuj Com �S januaH o'No z. = EX4 tied �N